Good Morning~💕

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Morning soon came, lighting back up the kingdom as small rays of sunshine shone through the windows presented in the Throne Room. One ray of sunshine decided to shine directly over Ida's face, making her whimper softly.

She opens her eyes only to close them again as she yawns, stretching a bit. Once she looks down at you to find you still sleeping, she gently moves you off of her hair as she gets up, quietly walking out of the room to go check on her sister.

You gently stir, realizing the woman was gone, but you were too tired to move so you decide a few more minutes of sleep wouldn't hurt. You nuzzle up to the flowers, slightly shivering as soft footsteps echo into the room.

You didn't know who it was nor do you really care at the moment. Half asleep, the person takes you into their arms, laying down with you as you notice a bunch of fluffy hair too. Was it Olivia? She isn't really a sleeping in person. But, you may be wrong.

You softly groan as you nuzzle your face against their chest. You inhale softly their scent, realizing it was a male. Hm? That's weird. Maybe it was Sparrow.

Your mind wonders back to dozing off as you feel safe in his arms.

“Why are you in here?...” He demands, a deep growl rumbling up his throat from deep in the pits of his stomach. You softly gasp as you whimper, blushing heavily as you realize it was Enoch.

You open your eyes to find his face inches from yours as you stare at him in terror. What was he going to do to you?

Kill you?

Rape you?

You didn't know.

Enoch scoffs, huffing out his contained air as it softly brushes your face, he closes his eyes as he's to tired to deal with you right now.

“Just... Sleep. Don't stare neither. That's creepy.” He mumbles lazily, his anger gone. He closes his eyes, going fast to sleep.

The quietness was enough to send anyone to sleep, along with the soft singing of the birds, the cool soft breeze that blew through the room. Who wouldn't fall asleep? It was the Queens royal throne room, after all. Only royalty can be in such place.

Pretty soon the twins came in awareness fills the room. Ada was holding what seems to look like a pie. The sent threw you off though, it wasn't apple pie... No, not chocolate, neither... You nearly drool.

Chocolate pie sounds soooooooo good right now, you thought.
((Sorry if you don't lol))

“Ah, we see your awake now. Good morning child.” Ada greets you happily.

You look up a bit startled, fear in your eyes as Enoch clung to you like a teddy bear. He was too strong to wiggle your way out of.

“M-Morning!” You squeak.

Both twins stop in their mid stride as they spot Enoch sleeping and clinging to you.
“Oh, I see you have met our great grandson, Enoch.” Ada says while giggling two.

Ida laughs softly at the site as well, she turns to take the pie from Ada and signals her to get Enoch.

Ada goes over to you and Enoch, kneeling down. “Sorry, you must excuse him, for he is a cuddle bug.” She tells you with a warm smile. She then pokes him.

“Enoch dear, you have to go to your bed. She's not Bobo. You have to let go now, we need to talk with her for a moment.”

A deep growl rumbles from the pits of his stomach. He opens, one eye as it was white again, but it flickers back to that shiny gold as he gets up, biting down on the back of your shirt, picking you up that way as he ran out the room with you.

You squeal out in fear, scared as you sway from the running, slightly squirming.

“H-Help?!” You whimper.

Enoch runs down the hall on all fours, soon getting up to his feet as he holds you, throwing you on his bed as he stares at you. His breathing was quick as he climbs in the bed with you, laying on you, claiming you without you realizing it.

He was growling at nothing, trembling gently. You stare up at him confused and flustered by his behavior. He looks down at you and you become more red. You gulp and quiver, whimpering softly. He scoffs and looks away, a soft blush crossing his face.

Wait— why is he blushing?

Both twins were deeply shocked by his actions. Never before have they seen Enoch act that way. They slowly turn to look at each other, mouthing the same thing.

“The hell just happened?”

“Well, shit—” Ida says, being the first one to bolt out the Throne Room and to chase after Enoch. Ada sets the pie down in the Throne chair, soon chasing after Ida.

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