Chapter 1

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It took everything in him to hold his ground, to not move his head forward the few inches that remained between his lips and Goten's. If only Chichi had known how right she was when she had scolded them for falling asleep next to each other on the couch a few weeks ago... The memory of her tirade wasn't necessarily what held him back, even though the look on her face spoke volumes about how accepting she would be about such a... "situation". No, that wasn't what stopped him, he didn't really care about Chichi's temper tantrums. He did, however, care about what Goten thought, and that was enough to make him pull back, pretending to be adjusting in his sleep, turning on his other side just like the younger half-Saiyan beside him had a few moments ago. Trunks sighed and tried to relax his body, not wanting to wake his sleeping friend.

"Just enjoy what you've got," he told himself as he closed his eyes again, "don't push too far too fast, relax. Relax and take nice even breaths; just focus on his warmth next to you, his arm flung over you, and his breath on your neck..." Admittedly, if they had fallen asleep in the same position now that they had been in when Chichi scolded them, Goten's face would have been mere inches away from his currently hardening cock, but that was beside the point. Before Trunks could realize that laying there getting a hard-on while his best friend spooned him probably wasn't the greatest idea in the world, Goten woke up. Trunks froze, his whole body tensing when he felt Goten wake, then he cursed himself for the involuntary reaction. The slow, almost feline stretch that Goten gave was a purely Son trait, genetic or something...

"What's up?" Goten lazed, his eyes only half focused in the bright afternoon light.

Trunks sat up, not sure what to say, but thinking that if he could just feign needing to use the restroom nonchalantly enough, that might be his way out of this mortifying situation.

"Just gotta take a wiz..." he half muttered/mumbled, stretching a bit as he stood with his back still to Goten, and then ambled over to the bathroom. Once he closed the door behind him, he looked down to evaluate the situation. Getting caught like that had taken quite a bit of steam out of his appendage's new found pass-time. He decided to splash his face with some cold water just in case. He was hoping he was in the clear as long as he didn't go back out with any signs left of what had happened.

Goten may not have looked it, but he was very much paying attention to how Trunks reacted to his question. Even half asleep he felt Trunks' mind in conflict, and the way he had jerked back from him as he woke. They still fell asleep next to each other sometimes after a hard training session, waking up a tangle of blanket and limbs - Trunks moved around a lot in his sleep. "A growing boy needs his rest" is what his mom used to say when they were little... Although in the last few years, his mom had been getting on them about needing to "act their age" and "not wrestle on the floor like a pair of wild dogs". Goten stared at the ceiling while thinking about how he always slept better when he was close to Trunks, listened to the sound of running water coming from the bathroom, and stretched once again for good measure.

The last time they had passed out on the couch at his house, they had been playing video games for like, 14 hrs straight without really realizing it. His mom had been particularly enraged, working herself into a tizzy yelling at them. It seemed like her temper was getting worse and worse over the years, and her tirade ended with her screeching that they were lazy good for nothings just like his father, and throwing an X box controller so hard that it broke on the carpet. Dad had walked in on the last part of that one, and sent them outside before getting into it with her. He tried not to let any of the boys see them argue when it was really bad. Unfortunately though, with their half-Saiyan hearing, being outside didn't make much difference. It was after that particular incident that Goten noticed a dejected feeling settling around Trunks. He had tried to cheer his friend up by suggesting a swim, but the mood still lingered for the rest of that day.

Now Goten could feel that Trunks' "mood" was back - he was hiding something. He hadn't wanted to talk about it the other day, but if this was going to become a regular occurrence, he might just have to do a little pushing. Goten had always been better at using the link between them, he figured it was because his fathers' blood had that strain of precognition in it. Both his father and Gohan had dreams that had predicted the future, usually when something horrible was going to threaten the Earth, but they hadn't known to pay any attention to it at the time. They had warned him about it just in case, but he'd never experienced it himself.

He also knew that his father could read people's hearts like Gohan could solve advanced trig. He thought his talents must lay more in that direction since he could always tell what Trunks was feeling when they were little kids. After Majiin Buu and the fusion, it had gotten even stronger; to the point where their thoughts/feelings had interrupted each others' until they learned to control it. It took them a while to realize that the connection was getting stronger and stronger with each fusion. After all these years of practice, they no longer invaded each others' awareness on accident, but being in close proximity made the link more easily accessed/active. At this point, if they actually touched skin to skin it was like they were telepathic, able to have entire conversations without even opening their mouths, sometimes even "seeing" each others thoughts. Trunks should have known better than to think that he could have kept Goten from knowing something was wrong. But what could possibly be going on that Trunks didn't want him to know about? They normally shared everything. He sat up with a "huff", his brow furrowing, and waited for Trunks to come out of the bathroom. Out of respect, he wouldn't read his friends' mind without any warning, but at this point he wasn't above forcing him to talk. Besides, he would be able to tell if Trunks was lying to him anyway.

When Trunks came out of the bathroom, Goten was sitting up in bed, staring as him with an intense look that could have come straight from the Prince-of-all-Saiyan's face. Crap. Sometimes it wasn't a good thing that Vegeta had been such a strong influence in Goten's life, like right now for instance. He knew that look meant he wasn't getting away.

"Spill it Trunks. I know somethings been up with you for a while now, so what's going on?"

Trunks sighed. He could try saying something banal like "I don't know what you mean" and then run from the room, but Goten would just be insulted by that... He walked over to the edge of the bed and sat down, at first just looking at the floor, but then bringing his gaze up to meet Goten's.

"I don't really know how to say this..." he started, and then trailed off. He ran his hands over his face & up through his hair, pulling on it slightly as he smoothed it back away from his face. A sigh he hadn't really intended escaped his lips, and he lowered his gaze again.

Goten felt Trunks getting more and more agitated, clamming up a few times while trying to find the right words. He decided to try brushing his friends' mind, not intruding, just asking... "Would it be easier like this?" he mentally floated out across the link between them. Trunks' head bolted upright, and a barrier slammed between them with such force that Goten actually winced when it caused him pain. He just sat there for a moment, almost dumbstruck, staring with wide eyes and rubbing the side of his head.

"I'm so sorry Goten, I didn't mean to do that!" Trunks voice had a pleading tone to it that he hadn't heard before.

Goten just blinked at him; a tight, pulling feeling was all of a sudden twisting inside his chest.

"I just panicked, you know? I, I don't even know what I did, it just, happened... anyway you really don't want to be inside my mind when we talk about this" Trunks said.

That actually calmed him down a little. So they were still going to talk about it after all, even after Trunks inadvertently put up that barrier thing?... He wasn't sure what the hell was going on, but he hadn't know Trunks could even put up a wall like that, ... it freaked him out, as well as gave him a bit of a headache.

Trunks tried again, "It's just, it's just difficult to know how to start - I, I don't want to freak you out Goten."

"Ok," Goten said, wondering if based on that last statement, Trunks could still feel him, even though he was effectively cut off from Trunks.

Trunks closed his eyes and sighed again, rubbing his forehead. Screw it, after everything they had been through together, this shouldn't be that big a deal, right? Maybe? He hoped not, but... crap, there was only one way to find out, and it was going to be damn uncomfortable, so he might as well get it over with. Trunks opened his eyes, looked in to Gotens', and reached over to take his hand. Goten raised an eyebrow and slightly tilted his head to the side, not upset, just waiting.

"Goten, has your Dad talked to you yet about the Saiyan mating cycle?"

That was not what he had expected to come out of Trunks' mouth right now. He didn't really know what hehad expected, but it was not that...

"Mating cycle?" said Goten, slightly perplexed, "He gave me 'The Talk' about sex, if that's what you mean..." For some reason his Dad had thought that you were supposed to have that specific talk on the very first day of becoming a teenager. Since his 13th birthday had been kind of a hectic day, he ended up getting pulled aside by Goku in the middle of a birthday party that had run over-long, his Dad trying to tell him about the birds and the bees in between opening presents and eating cake... Awkward.

"Well, yeah, that's part of it, but, uh, did he, ... did he mention the bonding?" said Trunks, stuttering.

"No, what's bonding? What does it have to do with sex?" Goten was starting to feel less anxious and more curious about something to do with their Saiyan heritage, especially since Trunks cheeks were flushing a beautiful shade of red.

"It has everything to do with it, Goten... He didn't say anything about the connection that's formed when Saiyan chooses a mate?"

"No." Goten shook his head. He was starting to get the feeling that his, and maybe even his Dad's education was a bit lacking.

"Tell me what you mean" he said to Trunks.

"Well, uh, all Saiyans, even males, have a mating cycle that takes affect once they... um, mature, and from the sound of it, it makes them pretty much devolve into horny animals when it hits, but it should only happen to us once every three years here, since Vegeta-sai's orbit was a lot longer than our Earths." Trunks paused for a second, then continued on.

"The bond part doesn't just happen from screwing though, only when a Saiyan 'claims' a specific mate for his chosen can he bond with them, actually forging a connection between their souls. It's a pretty serious thing according to my Dad, if one dies, so does the other, and there's no way to undo it once it's done."

"What do you mean by 'claims', Trunks?" asked Goten, "you say it like it's in quotations... It's different than just having sex, then?"

"Um, yeah, the claiming is... well, more, primal - it's usually the two Saiyans sinking teeth into each other till they bleed, merging their minds and bodies together while they are having sex at the same time."

Goten wasn't sure why, but when Trunks said that, a rush of heat swept over him from head to toe. Apparently Trunks could still feel him through their link after all, because his eyes widened and he blushed the other 9 shades of red. Holy Crap. Their link... Their link was sounding a lot like this bond... In fact, it would make sense if the fusion had substituted the 'merging' of body & mind that Trunks was talking about... A small noise that could have been a squeak escaped him.

"I know, I know!" groaned Trunks, putting his head in is hands. After a moment had passed, he straightened up, looking directly at Goten again, ""I just didn't know what to do, even before my Dad told me all this, I was already having a hard time still thinking of us a only friends. I, I want more Goten, but I didn't want to scare you or freak you out." Trunks was talking faster, "My Dad mentioned that there wouldn't really be a way to tell how much of these instincts would come through to us half-breeds. Our human heritage may mellow out the effects of some of it. Apparently having your tail or not makes a difference in the intensity of the cycle too," Trunks was cut off from the ramble he had fallen into by Goten leaning forward across the bed and gently pressing his lips to his.

He wasn't really sure what he was doing, or why the heat that had welled up in him wouldn't leave, but Goten wanted to explore this, wanted to see what Trunks would do as he leaned in closer to him. Trunks didn't seem to notice the movement toward him at first, but he sure as hell did when he brushed his lips onto his. No one could have not noticed the inferno that opened up between them. The barrier between their minds shattered like a pane of glass hit with a ki blast. Goten saw the incident that had happened earlier through his friends' mind, smiling to himself as all that heat washed over his friend as well.

"You're..., you're please with yourself, aren't you?" Trunks said, pulling back with an astonished look on his face.

"Well, if I had known how hard up you were for me earlier, I'd have tried kissing you sooner" Goten said, deciding to go with this flirtatious feeling. The look of shock on Trunks' face was priceless. He would have to see if he could get his face to make that expression again. Trunks, seeing the playful look in his best friends' eyes, and feeling the confirmation in his mind through their link, decided it was okay to try for a more thorough make out session, and pulled Goten closer to him, until he was sitting in his lap.

Lips gave way this time, to tongues and even a little bit of teeth as Goten opened himself to Trunks. His tongue was caressing and firm, Trunks' warmth filling his mouth to the brim. The feel of Trunks melding into his mouth, and his hand holding him firmly at his back made Goten want to sigh with contentment. He raised a hand and ran it through Trunks' hair, trailing his fingers tentatively along the skin behind his ear, and then down to cup the side of his jaw. He noticed that Trunks invasion of his mouth became less focused for a moment, and figured he must like it.

"Oh, Kami, yes...I do" Goten heard echoing through his head in return, "I like your hands anywhere on me" the thought continued. Goten smiled through the kiss, moving his hands down Trunks' chest, pausing to slip them under his shirt, and then heading back up, running his fingers gently over the smooth skin until it brought a moan from Trunks lips. The kiss grew in intensity, and Goten felt Trunks' hands slip under his clothes as well. Trunks was usually more of a take-charge kind of guy, but he seemed to be letting Goten set the pace for this little escapade. Goten could feel that Trunks was still hesitant, not knowing how much Goten really wanted from him... He wasn't sure if Goten really understood what they would be getting into, given his lack of education on earlier subjects... Goten sensed this, and decided to push into Trunks' mind a little to find out, and when he saw a flash of just what exactly Trunks wanted, he jerked back a bit from his new found make-out partner. Trunks stopped his hands, though he still had them on him. He didn't say anything at first, waiting for Goten to make some sort of comment, but after a few moments of just sitting there like that, he sighed and pulled his hands away.

"I'm sorry Goten, I ... I'm sorry" he said, knowing it had been too much too soon, and that it was in all likely-hood now over. Goten still hadn't moved, he was just sitting there staring and blinking every few seconds. He looked up and furrowed his brow, his gaze directed at Trunks. When Trunks couldn't find the words to continue, Goten's looked back down, lost in his own thoughts.

"Trunks, Goten!" Mrs. Briefs called out as she walked down the hall, "Oh, there you two are! I just finished laying out an afternoon snack for you dears, come and get it before Vegeta finds it!" She smiled with that sing-song-y lilt in her voice that only his grandmother had. Trunks was just starting to prepare himself to deal with a moody, unresponsive Goten for the rest of the afternoon, while trying to think of a way to cover over the reason for it to anybody else, when Goten bounded up off the bed, gave Trunks a wink, and said "Race ya!" as he bolted out the door. Trunks was left standing there, mouth hanging open, but there was no way for him to press the issue right now with his grandmother around and his Dad lurking. He would have to wait until they were alone again to figure out what was really going on here.

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