Chapter 9

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Bulma walked over to her son and smacked him upside the head. She didn't put any force into it, she knew she could never physically hurt him, it was just her own little way of letting him know he was an idiot. Trunks' eyes were a little wider than usual when he looked up at her, seeing her raised eyebrow and her hands on her hips. She didn't launch into a tirade though, she just gave a huff/sigh and rolled her eyes. Then she pointed at Goten while still looking Trunks in the eye, and said,

"Fifteen." Like it obviously meant more than what the word normally did... Trunks ducked his head a little and shuffled his feet, not sure if she wanted a response to that or what... She shook her head and sighed again, then went over to Goten, giving him a hug, and said loudly,

"Well, I'd say welcome to the family kiddo, but with everything we've all been through together, it seems kind of anti-climatic." Yamucha walked over to them as well, elbowing Gohan in the ribs.

"So, you got a boyfriend too or what Gohan?" he joked. Gohan blushed and stammered a bit.

"No, no, nothing serious" he managed to get out. Trunks looked at him with an overly squinty-eyed smirk.

"Well, I wonder what Nathaniel's brother would have to say about that" he joked.

"That was just a date Trunks, Eddie and I are not together" Gohan said seriously.

"Oh, ok..." Trunks trailed off, a little embarrassed.

"All joking aside boys, I'd like to take you down to the lab to run a few tests, see if we can figure out what's going on here" said Bulma. Goten nodded, and Gohan and Trunks each put a hand on his shoulder. Bulma turned and put her hand on Gohan's arm.

"I'd actually like to take a look at you and your Dad too, Gohan, this, actually, could be something that's genetic..." she said questioningly, "and we might as well do both of you two at the same time - no telling when your Dad will be back" she winked. Everyone groaned.

"Can you believe it, Goku and Vegeta?" said Kurillin like he had a bad taste in his mouth.

"They are the last two of their kind Kurillin, it's actually natural for them to be drawn to each other" said Piccolo from the back - no one had really noticed when he arrived with all the startling revelations flying back and forth.

"So you're ok with it?" Kurillin asked, surprised.

"First off, it's not my business to be ok with or not, but yes, I am. Secondly, I think you're forgetting that my entire race is male, so it doesn't exactly 'shock' me like it does you earthlings" he said with a grin.

"It's not the male thing," Kurillin shot back, "It's the Vegeta part of it that I can't wrap my mind around."

"So don't," said Gohan, "either get over it, or don't."

"Oh fine, whatever" Kurillin responded in a mumble.

"Hey bro, none of us get on your case for marrying an android, and lets face it, if there's anyone who can pull of the whole, 'I'm a bored asshole who's infinitely better than all of you' thing as well as Vegeta, it's your wife - no offense." Yamucha joked with him, edging slightly behind Gohan towards the end of his sentence... Gohan laughed as Kurillin blushed and finally conceded. 18 just rolled her eyes at them, and didn't say a word.

"So, how far along are you Goten, do you have any idea?" Bulma said as she escorted them across the lawn.

"Um, about a day I guess..." he said hesitantly.

"A day?" she said a little more loudly than the situation called for, "One day? How can you even tell, that's not possible!" she continued.

"I can feel it, inside me - Trunks can too - probably anyone who can sense ki would be able to if they concentrated" Goten explained.

"Oh, ok" Bulma said with a little shock in her voice. She started mumbling as she opened to door to the med bay, something about "friggin' Saiyans" with a few shakes of her head.

"Ok, Goten, hop up here and take off your shirt - I want to draw some blood and then do an ultra sound, maybe a few other things based on the results" she commanded. She also took blood from Gohan and Trunks as well, explaining that Trunks would be her control to compare the other half-Saiyans to. Almost immediately after drawing Goten's blood, his stomach gave a large rumble.

"What?" he said, "I only got two helpings in before the questions started flying..." Trunks went back to get him thirds, and said goodbye to everyone as they took off. He noticed the stack of papers left behind on one of the tables, and stopped to incinerated it, then went back to his mate.

"Look Trunks, that's our baby" Goten said softly, pointing to an indistinguishable spot on the screen... Trunks handed him the food, and stared at the spot intently, unable to discern anything particularly baby-like at this point, but humoring the awe in his mates' voice. Goten's whole abdomen was covered in goo, and Bulma was still concentrating on the screen.

"Yeah, that general area honey" she said, and she removed the wand.

"I know this is going to be a bit embarrassing, but I'm going to need you to remove your pants and underwear as well." Goten blushed around a mouthful of Bar-Be Q'd chicken.

"Why?" asked Trunks for him.

"Well, it seems that Goten does in fact have a uterus, but I'm going to need a different angle to tell if he has anything that could be considered a 'birth canal' for the baby to come out of as well" she said matter-of-factly.

"Oh..." was all Trunks said, blushing himself.

"It's ok, could you grab me a napkin so I can get this over with?" said Goten. Trunks got an evil look in his eye; glanced at his mother, whose back was to him at the moment, and winked at Goten.

"Oh crap, what did I say?" thought Goten as Trunks leaned over him with a grin. He was holding the plate of chicken and blinking when Trunks reached down and undid the button of his jeans. Goten smiled, and kicked him in the chest hard enough to make him smack into the wall on the other side of the room. Bulma heard the noise of it and whirled around, seeing Gohan laughing hysterically in his chair as Trunks rubbed his chest.

"Ow! What did you do that for!" Trunks scowled.

"Are you kidding me, Trunks?" Goten scowled, "Guess!" Gohan had pity on him and handed him a wad of paper towels to clean off with, so he could take off his own pants. Trunks did a fake pout, and Gohan gave him a stern look.

"Come on Trunks, let's wait outside" he said, pulling him out the door.

"Alright, alright" he said, giving Goten a quick peck on the cheek as he left.

"Save it" said Gohan, dragging him by the arm. When they were down the hallway he rounded on him.

"What the hell was that?"

"It's called 'flirting' - you should try it sometime" Trunks said.

"You should be more sensitive to Goten's comfort level." That brought a raised eyebrow, and Trunks crossed his arms over his chest.

"I'm the one who's bound to him, Gohan, I know exactly what he's feeling, where 'the line' is, and trust me, for Goten, we weren't anywhere near it." Gohan just scowled at him.

"Whatever. Even if you guys don't care, I doubt your mom wants to have to deal with him getting a hard-on before she has to examine him."

"Mom's not a prude like you and my Dad. Besides, when you think about it, it'd be pretty much impossible for him not to have one by the time she's done, even if he didn't start off that way" Trunks smirked.

"And you're ok with this?" Gohan said disbelievingly.

"As ok as I need to be, it has to be done" he replied.

"You two are nuts" Gohan sighed.

"I'm sorry Gohan, did you not see the get-up that Goten picked out for the party? He'll be fine, trust me - he likes the attention." After a few minutes, they heard laughter coming from down the hall. Goten was cleaned up, pants buckled, and pulling his shirt on as they came back in.

"So how'd it go?" Gohan asked. Goten got his shirt pulled down, and caught Bulma's eye at the same moment she glanced at him, and they both started laughing again. Bulma spoke first.

"Well, I found what I was looking for, though I'm sure we'll need to run everything by Vegeta to see if he knows any details on how a Saiyan pregnancy progresses. But I'd say everything inside looks fully/properly developed, there shouldn't be any concerns on that front." Trunks and Gohan both breathed a sigh of relief, and Trunks hugged Goten tightly.

"What was all the laughing about?" Gohan dared to venture. Goten broke into a big grin, but Bulma shoo'd them all out before he could say.

"I'm going to start the blood work right away, you guys can go upstairs to gossip, I need to focus now" she said laughing.

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Review, review.. All i need is just a review..

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