SPECIAL NOTES (and rant)

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It's been fricking months since I published here lmao. Anyway thanks for 3K readers. I appreciate it a lot :)

But sadly, I no longer in this fandom. The only reason, 25% reason, I stay is one particular ship. And why I 75% leave from this fandom? These days I realize that the fandom is slightly toxic, especially SOME people forced me to do things and like "I like this ship and you should like it and make me content." No. You do it by yourself. Feed yourself with the content you make by yourself. 

Second, I can't stand with very stubborn children. I know this show main viewers are children between 7-14 years old, but guys you can't just forced anyone or everyone to believing and stan whatever you said, like facts or theories. I do like making theories and what-if scenario (yeh let's talk about it), but they way they said it sometimes like "It was canon" like dude, stop. Even Sir Anas once said "never believe facts from random social media account if they didn't have source that convincing enough." 

And third, I no longer enjoy the fandom anymore because of 2 reason above. I'm sorry I can't provide you the sequel I promised you. Real life sucks.

But, have this very short one-shot. Take place 4 years after ENOUGH. And pardon for grammar error, I'm not native speaker.

4 years later

"-the report end here, Sir."

He put down the tablet and smiling. "Thank you, Omar. I appreciate it."

"Your welcome, Sir."

"And one more. Can you arrange a meeting with my friends? On the new cafe near the harbor. People say their chocolate latte is really good."

"As you wish, Sir. Is there anything else?"

"Nah. Just that."

"Alright, Sir. Have a good day."

"You too."

The video conference is ended. He stand up and walking into balcony. A yellow ball-like robot flying towards him.

"Good afternoon, BoBoiBoy!"

"Jeez, stop calling me that."

"Well, you said you hate your name so-"

BoBoiBoy smiling while hugging his robot friends. "Shut up, it was years ago."

"Okay, okay," says Ochobot. "So, how's the job?"

"Fucked up?"


"I'm 22, I can say whatever I want now, I'm legal!"

Ochobot rolled his eyes. "Whatever. Being ambassador assistant must be hard, eh. Imagine being in the same rank like you father."

"Stop talking about it," BoBoiBoy replied with joking. "Anyway wanna come? I've made invitation for small reunion in the cafe near the harbor."

"Are you sure you wanna meet them?"

"Why not? I haven't tell them about my condition since that incident. I know it's gonna be fucked up but they deserve how am I now."

"Acceptable. So, when?"

"Tonight, maybe?"

"Okay, I can make a plan if you uncomfortable with crowds-"

"It's perfectly fine, Ochobot."

"As you wish."


"Okay. Let me just taking some rest to recharge."


Ochobot was about to leave but BoBoiBoy call him.


"Thank you for here. By my side for years, seeing the worst time of me, and-"

"No need, I'm your friend, and you also my rescuers. I owe you with my life."

And that put bright smile in BoBoiBoy face.

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