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Heavy rain flushed Rintis Island, as if the sky was crying.

Lightning thundered, as if the sky was screaming.

Rintis Island became quiet. And not because of rain.

Rintis Island is in mourning.

[ Chapter +Spin Off ]
BoBoiBoy is belong to Monsta Studio. Battle Scars (Reprise) is belong to Paradise Fears.

Warning: mild-spoiler and angst. Might be contain another cliffhanger.

Note: This chapter is contain a small spoiler. DO NOT COMMENT ANYTHING ABOUT IT OR, SADLY, I WILL DELETE YOU COMMENT AND REPORT YOU. And I am deadly serious about it. Never messed up with a fan who already swore to protect the fandom from any spoiler. Thank you.

A helicopter landed on the helipad of Rintis Island Hospital. A man and a woman stepped out of the helicopter and immediately ran into the building. The Man's and woman's clothes were soaking wet, but they didn't care. They must meet their son.

Rafaizan. Boboiboy. 

"Sir, Ma'am-"

A nurse approached the couple with a panicked face.

"Where is she?!" Boboiboy's father held the nurse's shoulder, he panicked even more. He did not want to lose his only son.

"In the surgery room," said the nurse. "The wound is big, deep enough-"

His wife covered her mouth. Tears welled up. An embassy guard escorted and took her to a quiet place. His father let go of his grip and looked at the floor. Without realizing it, tears fell. Boboiboy's father, Amato, a Malaysian Ambassador who is famous for being very strict with his coworkers, cried in front of many people.

Both his wife and him, they were not ready to let Boboiboy leave forever.


This is the story of a dreamer, a soldier,
With the weight of the world upon his shoulders,
Whose got a little room to grow,
Better days are near,
Hope is so much stronger than fear,



The four of them watched Boboiboy's body collapse. Blood pooled around his body. Probe and Adu Du were shocked and ran away. They don't really care about Adu Du's escape. They immediately approached Boboiboy and pressed the wound so that there was not too much blood coming out. They tried to keep Boboiboy conscious until help arrived.

"Fang !? How much longer !?" Yaya panics. The scarf she usually wore was off and she used it to wrap Boboiboy's stomach.

"F-five minutes!"

Gopal helped by turning a few leaves into cloth and Ying slowed the time in Boboiboy's wound. Yaya prayed endlessly, for the safety of Boboiboy.

Suddenly the sky became dark. Black clouds come and cover them from the sun. The thunderous sound came soon after and water, slowly, descended from the sky. The rain got heavier and help came one minute after the rain fell. The paramedics took Boboiboy's body to the hospital.

The ambulance finally left the beach. And the four of them were stunned, thinking that their vacation which should be fun had changed completely. Ochobot arrived shortly after. He was about to ask, but he saw a pool of blood. Ochobot automatically scanned it and immediately knew that it was Boboiboy's.

Boboiboy's blood.

Ochobot immediately fell into the sand beach. He was unable to fly. He was weak, as if the battery was drained.

Like the sky, Yaya cried and Fang hugged her. Gopal tries not to cry, but fails.

"How do we tell Tok Aba ?," Ying murmured.


Don't stop, march on


Dark. He could not feel pain.

But he heard a voice.

"Do not give up."

But I'm tired.

After all I did, everything, it's enough.

Just, let me rest. Please.


Baby, remember when we learned how to fly,
Play make believe, we were young and had time on our side
Were stuck on the ground, got lost can't be found,
Remember that your still alive


The surgery finished 6 hours later. The doctor came out of the surgery room while nodding slowly at the nurse. Boboiboy's father and his wife came, now wearing new dry clothes. The doctor approached them and said that the surgery was successful. Boboiboy's bed, and Boboiboy who was in a coma, came out shortly afterwards. The nurse immediately took him to the ICCU treatment room.

"We managed to close the wound, but he suffered severe internal bleeding. I don't know if he can survive."

"He must survive," his father said.

"Where's my grandson."

Tok Aba came with four of Boboiboy's new friends. Boboiboy's father was surprised by the arrival of Tok Aba.  He then takes Tok Aba to a quiet place, to explain everything.


Keep marching on


Two months passed.

Boboiboy's condition goes up and down. Boboiboy's pulse had weakened and nurses had to use a heart shock device to raise his pulse. It was a time when everyone cried, not ready to let go.

Let me rest.

Is it enough? After all I did-


Day after day they passed by visiting Boboiboy. They always come with something. Flowers. Books. Even Boboiboy's favorite food. Boboiboy's father was willing to take leave for almost three months, for the sake of a boy whom he rarely met.

He regretted why he rarely made time for his family.

His father was always by Boboiboy's side. Wiping Boboiboy's dark brown hair, while singing a song.

That morning, when his father was singing to Boboiboy, Yaya arrived. He brought a bouquet of white calla-lily flowers. Yaya said good morning to Boboiboy's father, then put the bouquet on the table.

Since they met two months ago, Yaya, and the others, and Boboiboy's father have become close. They often exchange stories. 

Yaya and Boboiboy's father are now talking about Boboiboy who had cornered other school delegates because of their cheating. Boboiboy's father holds his son's hand when he tells a story.

I am tired.

This is all enough.

"No, this is not enough."

"Your break is over, Boboiboy."


August - September 2019


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