Chapter 5

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Khanna mansion
Living room

Bebe - Neil have returned back yesterday still he didn't came here. What he is doing since yesterday ?

Neil - Rectifying my family's mistakes. ( sternly )

Entire Khanna family looked towards the main door where Neil was standing with a stern look on his face.

Neil came inside the house and all the family members were confused about the reason behind his anger.

Bebe - Tillu....

Neil shows his palm indicating her to stop.

Neil - Just one question, why you all kept me away from Avni ? ( sternly )

All became numb after listening his question and this was enough for boiling Neil's blood.

Neil - I want my answer. ( yelled on top of his voice )

Shweta - Neil... actually .... ( stammering ) .... you don't know what that family did with us.... we...

Neil - Did Avni harmed you in any way ?

No answer

Neil - Did she harmed you in any way ? ( shouted )

Aakash - Neil, you don't know how Mehta family betrayed us ... I mean ...

( I don't want to add Prakash's  character here cos he is one of my  favourite character and the only character who supported Avni all the times. So, here Aakash Khanna is Neil's dad.)

Neil - Okay, her family betrayed you in terms of business but Avni wasn't your business partner. Right ? Why you guys punished her for her family's deeds ? She was suffering all these years but you all didn't allowed me to contact her. Why ? ( bloodshot red eyes ).

Bebe - Neil, we don't want any relationship between you and Avni. That's it. ( sternly )

Neil - And I don't any relationship with the people who are associated with Avni's sufferings. ( sternly )

Shweta - Neil what are you saying ? For that mad girl you will fight with your family ?

Neil - Don't mom. ( screamed )

Shweta trembled in fear after visualising her son's anger.

Neil - I won't listen my wife's insult. So, keep your words carefully. ( anger )

Khanna family was shocked will be an understatement.

Shweta - What you said, your wife ? ( unbelievably )

Neil - Yes, I married her yesterday. Now, she is my wife.

Bebe - How can you marry her Neil ? ( yells at him )

Neil - She is my childhood love and I don't want anyone's permission for marrying my love. ( sternly )

Shweta - Listen Neil, we won't accept her as our daughter in law. ( shouts at him )

Neil - I am not asking you, I am telling you that Avni is my wife.

Bebe - Neil, that girl won't come in our house.

Aakash - Today you have to make a decision, you have to choose between your family and Avni.

Neil - Undoubtedly, I will choose my Avni.

Shweta - You will leave us for that girl who have lost her senses as well. ( unbelievably ).

Neil - You guys are having proper senses still you didn't used your senses, you didn't used your sense of humanity when Avni needed someone's support and here you are talking about her senses. ( sarcastically )

Shweta - Neil.... ( yells )

Neil - She didn't know how to backstab anyone, she have a pure heart unlike you. So, I would love to spend my entire life with my wife.

Bebe - Neil, you are doing very wrong.

Neil - This is the best decision of my life. I should take a leave now cos it is our final meeting until and unless you  all plot something against my wife. Remember one thing, if you all will try to harm Avni then you have to face my worst side.

Shweta - So you are ready to break all your ties with us just because of that girl whose family is a traitor.

Neil - There is no difference between you all and Mehta family. If they are traitors then you aren't less. Even you also betrayed your own son, what about that ?

Aakash - Neil, you will suffer in future.

Neil - I won't, don't worry about me.

He was about to go but stopped and faced his family members who were standing there burning in rage.

Neil - Don't dare to harm my wife. I am warning you all. ( sternly )

Saying this he left the mansion with blazing anger engulfed within him.


AN industries

The screeching sound of cars were enough for pondering vigilance in each and every employee's mind working there at their respective posts that the boss is here. AN industries is one of the leading industry in India and credit goes to its boss who have worked day and night for taking his business to a higher level.

He came out of the car with a pride in his heart and the most unadulterated smile plastered on his face after glancing the board inscribed with "AN industries".

The man is none other than Neil Khanna, the owner of AN industries which is very close to his heart, not only because it is something that he achieved independently without his dad's support but the inspiration which provoked him to work hard have became the first alphabet of the name given to his hardwork.

He walked inside and everyone greeted him, some girls were drooling over him while some people were watching him with pride as they consider him as their inspiration.

The man whose inspiration lies in his wifey have become inspiration of many youngsters who are striving for success.

As soon as he went inside his cabin, his smile automatically widened after looking a wide pic hanging on the front wall. It was avneil's childhood pic. He moved ahead and caressed their pic hoping that someday everything will be fine. His Avu will live her life as she used to do and he will wait for that day.

He sat on his chair and started doing his work.

After sometime, he thought to give a call to Avni as it's been 4 hours since he is away from her.


Avneil's flat

Avni was playing with Aahana while maid was doing household works.

Maid - Avni mam, do you want something to eat ? ( smiles )

Avni nods negatively while the maid continues her work.

Avni - Aahana, I am missing Neilu. ( pouts )

Suddenly the landline rang and the maid picked up the receiver and gave it to Avni. Avni smiles after listening Neil's voice.

Neil - Hey wifey, what are you doing ?

Avni - I am playing with Aahana and I am missing you badly. ( pouts )

Neil - I am missing you more. ( smiles )

Avni - No, I am missing you more. ( angry pout )

Neil - Okay baba. Listen, have your lunch properly. Okay ?

Avni - Okay. ( nodding like a child )

Neil - How is Aahana ?

Avni - She is good and she is also missing you.

Neil - Don't worry, I will comeback very soon.

Avni - And bring chocolates for me and gift for Aahana.  ( excited )

Neil - Okay done. Bye, take care.

Avni - Bye.

Call ends.


Their missing phase continued and the time eventually skipped. It was evening and it's the time for maid's departure.

Maid - Avni mam, I am leaving now.

Avni - When Neilu will come ? ( pouts )

Maid - He is on the way. He will reach within 1 hour. ( smiles )

Avni - Wow !! ( excitedly ). Aahana Neilu will come very soon. I am very excited. ( clapping her hands )

The maid left the house while on the other side Neil was stuck in traffic.

Neil - ( in mind ) I hope this traffic will be cleared soon. Don't know why but I am getting some negative vibes. I want to reach Avni as soon as possible. I should call her once.

As soon as he pulled his mobile out of his pocket, he groaned in frustration.

Neil - Shit !! I forgot to charge it and on top of that I forgot my power bank in the office. ( frustrated )


It was an hour since maid left from there and Avni was alone in the flat.

Avni was playing with Aahana and was waiting for Neil.

Avni - Aahana you know, Neilu will bring gifts for you. ( excitedly )

She dressed her in the small woollen  clothes.

Avni - Today's weather is cool so you will be feeling cold. See, Neilu have brought such an amazing dress for you. ( smiling )

She cradled her doll in her arms and was caressing its face and hairs tenderly.

Avni - Aahana where is Neilu ? When he will come ? ( tapping finger on her chin )

She heard door bell and became happy.

Avni - Aahana, Neilu is here.... ( clapping her hands )

She placed Aahana on the bed and kept cushions beside her.

She ran towards the door and opened it  with a bright smile plastered on her face.

As soon as she opened the door and saw the person's face, her eyes widened and in horror and she started shivering in fear.

The person closed the door and .....


Here it ends, do drop your views.

Much love
Thanks ❤

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