Freeze Your Brain ~ JD crap post

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Pairing: None

Summary: Being a 7-Eleven employee and meeting Jason Dean

Warnings: none, there is no point in this

Writing this for no reason and because I'm sleep deprived and am a huge MTN

Y/N's pov

I stood at the small register of the 7-Eleven I worked at. Counting money, and honestly just losing interest in the world.

That's when a senior boy in all black walked in the front door. He just walked around, glancing at everything. When he finally spotted the Slurpee machine his eyes lit up.

He rushed towards it and grabbed a medium size. He took the cup and filled it with every flavor in the machine. When he was finished filling it, he came up to the register.

I asked him for the money and he handed it to me. I passed him his change and he flashed me a smile. He grabbed his Slurpee and took a giant slurp of it.

He laughed and walked out of the store, continuing to slurp the drink on his way out. What a strange boy. Oh well.

Okay that was literal crap, but fun to write I guess

~ Natalie Soot

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