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Graphic made by me(I'm honestly like kinda in love with myself rn, like I'm so proud)


~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ means a time skip

Pairing: tasm!Peter Parker x fem!reader

Summary: In his world, Peter lost you, when he gets pulled through the multiverse, however, he finds you again, maybe this time, he can save you.


Also, this text and dialogue won't be 100% accurate for convenience for me and, because I don't have the patience to go back and fix it according to the transcript.

"Ned, do that again." You prompted, motioning to his hands.

Ned nodded. "I just wish we could see him" he declared, causing a small circle to appear before him, closing quickly after.

"I wish we could see Peter Parker."

The portal opened again, expanding larger than it had before. Through the portal, was an alleyway, a figure standing there.

"Is that him?" MJ asked, peering through the glowing gold gateway. "It has to be. Peter!" Ned started yelling.

The two called for him. A feeling bugged you, that didn't look like your Peter. As the mysterious person stepped through the portal, the feeling was clear.

That was not your Peter. He pulled off his mask quickly to reveal that he was in fact, someone completely different. Yet the feeling of familiarity hung in the air.

He looked older, brown hair messy because of the mask. Chocolate brown eyes filled with confusion.

The man looked around at the three of you. When his eyes stopped on you, a look of guilt and pain sparked in them momentarily, leaving his eyes almost immediately afterward.

"Y/N?" He spoke, his voice faltering, unsure.

"How do you know my name?" You asked warily. He cleared his throat. "I'm Peter. Peter Parker. I'm your best—there's a version of you back home." He clarified.

"You're Peter Parker?" MJ cut in. "That's not possible."

"I'm Spider-Man. In my world. But then yesterday, I was just here." He answered

MJ and Ned pulled away to have a conversation. You just glanced at Peter again. His eyes locked with yours. "So there's a version of me in your world?" You asked him.

"Y-yeah. But, we're not talking anymore." He answered.

You gave him a small sympathetic smile, trying to understand what he was feeling.

When MJ and Ned returned to the conversations MJ threw a piece of bread at Peter.

"What was that for?" He exclaimed. "To see if you have the tingle thing." She explained, grabbing another piece of bread.

"I have the tingle thing, just not for bread. Please don't throw that at me." He added, watching her raise her arm.

You had spaced out, trying to figure out why this man claiming to be a version of your best friend from another reality was here. How did he know you? When you were pulled back into reality, the man was stuck to the ceiling with one hand.

"This is plenty." He said. Giving MJ a pointed look.

"No, it's not. Crawl around." She shot back.

"I'm not gonna crawl around."

"Do it."


"Yes, crawl around."

As the bickering continued, Ned's Lola began speaking to him in Tagalog.

Ned turned to Peter, who was stuck to the ceiling.

"My Lola was asking if you could get the cobweb in the corner. Y'know, since you're up there."

The man sighed. "Sure." He placed his mask in his mouth and used his hands and feet to crawl across the ceiling, grabbing the web.

He jumped down. "Are we go-" he removed his mask from his mouth. "Are we good?"

MJ narrowed her eyes but nodded. "For now."

You made eye contact with him once again, his eyes softened and the look of pain returned. As well as the familiarity you had experienced earlier. What was happening?


So now there were 3 Peter Parker's. Your Peter, the first alternate Peter to appear, and another, older Peter who had arrived moments later.

All three Peter's, along with MJ, Ned, and yourself stood atop Midtown. The two new Peter's trying to comfort your Peter.

He argued with them. They didn't understand how he was feeling. They hadn't lost Aunt May.

The older Peter spoke first. "My Uncle Ben was killed. It was my fault."

Your Peter faltered. The other Peter hesitated but spoke, at last, his voice wavering.

"I lost...I lost Y/...I lost my best friend. She could've been my MJ. I loved her, but I didn't tell her. And then...and then I couldn't save her. I'm never gonna be able to forgive myself for that."

"But I carried on. Tried to....tried to keep going. Tried to keep being the friendly neighborhood Spider-Man. Because I know it's what she would have wanted. I just wanted to tell her how much I loved her."

He finally looked away from Peter, his eyes darting over to you so quickly you almost didn't catch it. Almost.

The feeling. The familiarity. The feeling that you had known him. That he knew you. And the look in his brown eyes. The look of pain. It returned. You closed your eyes, trying to comprehend the situation. Opening them when Peter went on.

"But at some point, I just...I stopped pulling my punches. I got rageful. I got bitter. I just don't want you to end up me."

He finished, glancing once more at you. This time you had been watching your Peter too closely to see it.

The older Peter continued about Uncle Ben. You could feel the grief radiating off of the three men. You felt it all.


All three Peter's stood in the lab, each one working on a separate antidote.

The first alternate Peter was wearing a lab coat, working on a remedy. He was looking at your Peter and MJ every so often.

You rolled over to him on the chair you were sitting in. "Young love. Gross right?" You joked.

He chuckled. "Look, I'm sorry about what happened to your MJ, I'm sure she's very proud of you." You comforted, a small smile forming.

Peter smiled back, his filled with more sadness than happiness. "Yeah. She truly was an amazing person."

"Y/N we need your help over here!" MJ called. "Okay! Sorry, Peter, I got to go." You told him, before dashing off.

As soon as you were out of earshot the older Peter spoke. "So you and Y/N huh?"

Lab-coat Peter nodded solemnly. "I couldn't save her in my world, but in this world, she's still here. Still alive and exactly how she was."

"If I can't protect her in my world I have to protect her here." He finished.

You rolled back over to the other Peter's and saw the look of frustration on lab-coat Peter's face.

"Peter!" Ned called, causing all three to look up.

"We're all named Peter..."

"Peter Peter."

Still the same.

"Peter Parker?"

"We're all called Peter Par...."

Ned sighed in defeat. "The computer!"

Your Peter jumped up from his seat.

"Okay, I think I'm ready." He declared. "Me too." Lab-coat Peter agreed. Older Peter nodded.


All three Peter's stood somewhere on the Statue of Liberty, waiting for the villains while you, MJ, and Ned stood inside the school lab.

Ned tried desperately to close the portal, yet wasn't succeeding. "Ned, have you ever done this before?" You asked him.

He shook his head, still attempting to seal the glowing passageway. You were oblivious to the fact that fighting had already started around you.

"Okay. Ned. Deep breath." You instructed. "We all believe in you."

He nodded. Trying once more to close the portal, sparks flew, but nothing happened.

You pulled away, glancing at the fighting that you'd only just noticed. You glanced out at the bright lights from Electro, the turning sand, and you heard the low growl of Doctor Connors.

You saw each Peter swinging about, masks pulled over their faces, making it almost impossible to tell who was who.

As everyone zipped about, Doctor Connors seemed to be forgotten. As the three Spider-Men swung through and around the famous statue, Connors took notice of the open portal.

Prying himself out of the metal he was trapped underneath, he began scaling the scaffolding. When you finally noticed him it was too late, he was running at the portal, your Peter close on his tail(ahaha, I love and hate myself sm).

He ran through the portal, chasing you about until you, Ned, and MJ had run out. Now atop the statues scaffolding, you glanced around.

Ned tried opening another portal out of there, only for Dr. Strange to step through the one he had finally opened. MJ and Ned pleaded for Strange to not end this whole thing.

Strange argued with them, eventually stepping forward and stealing the magical box from your Peter. He raised his hand, preparing to lower it and send everyone home.

But before his hand made contact with the box, Green Goblin swept in, causing things to go flying. Strange held the box tightly, not losing his hold.

However, your Peter realized a little too late that Goblin had landed one of his bombs in the box, and soon, an explosion erupted, causing the scaffolding you, MJ, and Ned were standing on to collapse, sending the three of you to begin descending.

Your Peter saw MJ falling and dove for her. As long as your friend was safe it didn't matter if you made it. But he was quickly pulled out of the air by Green Goblin.


You saw Strange's cape sweep in to save Ned, but MJ and yourself were still falling. You saw 'Peter 3'—as you had heard him called—run to the bottom of the scaffolding, and watched as he caught MJ, saving her from hitting the floor.

Though you couldn't hear anything, you could sense the relief, but also pain, in his mind. You braced yourself to touch the ground and heard the strangled cry of your friends and the Peter who had just helped your best friend.

You knew the ground was close and closed your eyes in anticipation, but you never felt your body hit the hard surface. You opened your eyes to see the oldest Peter, holding you securely in his arms.

He set you on the ground and you were immediately pulled into the arms of Peter 3. The Peter who had already lost you once.

He looked you in the eyes. Checked your body for injuries, and pulled you back into a hug.

"I thought you were going to die. I thought I'd lost you again. I can't lose you again." He whispered, voice tense and nervous. Tears began streaming down your face.

"Hey, you're okay. I'm right here Y/N. It's okay." Peter comforted, choking on his words. "I love you so much Y/N. It's okay."

You paused, looking up at him. "I said that out loud didn't I?" He muttered. You nodded, a small smile finding its way onto your face.

"I've only known you for a few hours, but it feels like I've known you forever. I love you too, Peter." You admitted.

You were snapped back into reality as the oldest Peter let out a hurt grunt and the Peter in your arms snapped back up, rushing to help your Peter.

After Norman had been cured, you ran over to the oldest Peter and the Peter who'd apparently taken your heart.

"Are you two okay?" You asked, gesturing to the stab wound. The oldest Peter shrugged it off. "I've been stabbed before, this is nothing." You chuckled, nodding and giving him a gentle hug.

Your Peter ran back. "Everyone is going to forget me, so I'm here to say goodbye." He explained, hugging his alternate counterparts.

He then turned to you. "Thanks for being a sort of mentor Y/N." He hugged you as well, then turned away and left.

You turned to the other Peters. "I guess this is goodbye." You sadly stated. Oldest Peter nodded. "It's been nice knowing you." He said, stepping away.

"I don't want to say goodbye." Peter 3 admitted in a whisper. "Me either." You muttered, touching your nose to his.

He pulled you in for a hug. "Try to visit?" You asked. "Can't promise anything." He replied.

"Goodbye, Peter."


It had been months since the incident with the Statue of Liberty, and you couldn't entirely understand what had happened.

You just knew that for some reason, the kids you were looking after, MJ and Ned, were helping Spider-Man, and you got roped into it.

It seemed like there was something big that was missing. But it was hard to tell if that was the case, or you were just going insane.

As you pulled a bowl of popcorn to the couch and popped a movie into the DVD player, a sparkling gold circle formed next to the TV.

A man stepped through it, standing in a jacket, a navy blue t-shirt, jeans, and simple shoes, and began looking around. For some reason, his face seemed familiar, and his name seemed to be on the tip of your tongue.

"Who the hell are you! And what are you doing in my house?"

The man glanced at you. "I'm Peter Parker. And I have a lot of explaining to do."


I hope you enjoyed! That took too long. And it isn't as good as I hoped, but oh well

~ Natalie Soot

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