Funeral and new Family

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It was a very dark cloudy day as the Alavrez family dressed in black as today was a funeral for a family member. That member being Enrique Alvarez. A great older brother to striker, an excellent student at beacon and a great huntsman. Edward look to see the guest who came for Enrique's funeral. There was of course Ozpin being an old friend to Edward and Silvia, glynda, General Ironwood, And Winter. Even Enrique's team came to make a toast to their fallen teammate.  Striker looking at his brothers grave not paying attention to the adults but kept echo in his pocket to hide him From Ironwood and winter as small echo was shaking a bit trying not blow his cover and revealed himself to Ironwood and Winter.

Ozpin: I'm sorry for your lost old friend
Edward: thanks for coming Ozpin it's pretty hard on us especially for Striker

Edward looked at his son and had guilt on his face to see him so down after losing someone he looked up to. Winter then walk to Striker, crouching to his level as she looked at Enrique's tombstone.

Winter: how are you feeling?

Hearing no response winter knew that Striker was very silent, refusing to talk as he kept his head lowered with the shadow of his hair covering his eyes as tears were rolling down his face. He never experience of losing a family member all of this was new to him. Edward looking back at the adults cause he had something to say.

Edward: listen there's something you all should know and I don't want Striker to know.
Glynda: What is it?
Edward: I don't think Enrique's dead.

With that said it shocked the adults

Ironwood: What do you mean?
Edward: i went back to the gave where striker saw the last of him and I went to recover his body but when I entered I saw nothing but a trail of blood leading deep into the cave.
Ozpin: Then what happen?
Edward: Ghidorah happened.

The were shocked once again the last time they heard of Ghidorah was back in Godzilla's Final war. When he made the retreat since he was too weak to finish the fight and he disappeared along with the rest of the Space and evil Kaiju.

Ozpin: why did Ghidorah return?
Edward: Enrique found out about the truth.
Ironwood: we need to do something about this if Ghidorahs back the-
Edward: Ironwood I don't want to start another War I was done with it I gave the humans their chance of what they wanted, their peace with the kaiju and you all received no kaiju destruction the last centuries. I don't need your army to make people in fear of Ghidorah's return.
Glynda: well what are you gonna do?
Edward: I'm gonna find Ghidorah....and I'll finish him for good.
Silvia: Edward don't you at least need some back up.
Edward: I never heard anything from Anguris And Rodan not even the other kaiju. I can do this myself.
Ozpin: well I do know someone who can accompany you for your journey.
Edward: Thanks Ozpin.

They proceed to end the funeral as they each departed to go back to their homes but as the Alvarez family was leaving Edward knew someone was watching them he looked at the mountain behind them and saw someone in yellow standing above the  mountain looking down at them Smirking as Edward Growled. The person turned around and opens a portal which he steps inside as he is now walking through the halls of a old castle not before holding his side and leaned on the wall and the pain of using his powers were affecting him.

And the pain was gone he proceeded to continue walking as he entered a room were he sees Enrique looking at his arm as it was healed completely.

Ghidorah: how are you feeling son?
Enrique: strong actually, at first I thought I was just gonna be one arm for the rest of my life if it wasn't for that healing factor.
Ghidorah: there's more to our species than meets the eye. Follow me son it's time to find out who you are.

Enrique Standing up from his bed and he began to walk and follow his father as they passed through the halls of the kingdom looking at different portraits of his family, to one that Enrique found interesting.

(A/N I dont own that art it belongs to captaintaco2345 he's and awesome wattpad author and artist i recomend you see his stories if youre a fan of godzilla and art plus his art is what inspired me for some of my drawings)

Enrique: Father who are those people?
Ghidorah: Those people were my friend, the other invasive species
Enrique: where are they know?

Ghidorah Didn't respond as he continue his way down the hall as Enrique go and followed his father. After that, they entered a room where in front was a throne and next to it was someone who had a bone-like black and white exoskeleton, red eyes with a skeletal face and spike on the top of his head. He even has two small half-skulls on his shoulders and a long Black forked tail. To Enrique he looked like a grimm but he's much more than you think.

Ghidorah: Son meet your Grandfather.

Enrique became shocked once again this Person In front of him taller than him and his father is his Grandfather.

???: It's nice to meet you Grandson you may call me Keizer, I before you and your father was The Golden King as well and now after your father its your turn now.

Keizer pointed to the throne which Enrique looked at it and stepped forward and looked at it in all it's glory and looked at his 'family' which they both nodded and Enrique proceed to sit down and felt something inside him burst. he quickly stood from the throne and fell to his knees as Ghidorah and Keizer rushed to his aid and as his Enrique looked up Ghidorah and Keizer looked in shocked as half of Enrique's face changed. One of His eyes white sclera turned full black as his iris was glowing yellow gold and had no pupil and half his skin was tuning dark grey.

Enrique: wha- What was that?! What's happening to me?!
Ghidorah: It appears that your turning into your true form, but don't worry son Once we'll start your Training you'll be able to become the person you're meant to be lets go son your training begins.


All alone in his room Striker sat alone on the edge of his bed not moving echo was there on his shoulder looking at the person who saved him all down he wanted to do something to cheer him up. Echo decides to fly around the room and look for something and came across something using his telekinetic powers he lifted the object and brought it to Striker who heard the noise of something that landed in front of him and looked and saw the box Enrique Sent to him from atlas. He got off the bed and opened it to see the spare atlas bots parts. An idea sparked in striker head as he ran to his computer and was typing some codes and some skills, like engineering combat experience making it the same intelligence as Striker's as now the last thing to do was give it a name he wrote 'Enrique' and was gonna submit but stopped. He look at a photo on his desk it was of him and Enrique and looking back at he name he knew that nothing can't replace his brother. A machine can't replace someone in your family. But they can become part of it that's why striker added that this bot....this person should be who they wanted to be, who striker wanted to be a companion, a friend, someone to be there like his brother he deleted the name 'Enrique' and gave it a new one.


To be continue.......

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