Chapter Forty Two

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"You... y-y-you're dead." Starscream stuttered as he shook his head and stepped back more.

"Am I?" He asked as he raised an eyebrow but otherwise didn't move. He watched the man as he shakily aimed the gun at him again.

"H-How?" Starscream stuttered as he shook and tried to steady his hand. "You died. The officer shot and killed you." He said shakily.

"Did he kill me?" He asked as he slowly stood up. "Did you actually see me die?" He growled lowly.

"N-no." He replied nervously and watched as the man walked over to him.

The mafia leader pulled the gun out of his hand then pressed it against the cowardly man's head. Starscream squeezed his eyes shut and whimpered then begged him not to kill him. Megatron cocked the gun and narrowed his eyes.

"Bang." He seethed and the man yelped in surprise. He growled lowly and gripped the gun tightly.

"Why my father didn't kill you I'll never know." Megatron said and Starscream blinked in surprise. He looked at Megatron only to see Blitzwing with a dead serious expression.

"W-What?" Starscream stammered and stared at him. "B-but M-Megatron-"

"Was a hallucination. I drugged you after I tackled you." Blitzwing said seriously and took the clip out of the gun then tossed it.

"B... but then-"

"I look enough like my father to fool you, obviously." He sneered and looked to the doorway. Chief Burns and his team walked in then grabbed Starscream.

"You may have gone a little too far." Burns said as he looked at Blitzwing. The man didn't respond and shrugged slightly. His expression became blank and he looked out the window.

"I'll be back. I need to stop Shockwave now." He muttered and turned to leave.

"Wait! What about Steeljaw?" Starscream asked as he furrowed his brow and tried to get free. He wanted the other brat taken down.

"What about him?" He shrugged and looked at the man. "Bumblebee can take care of it." He grinned and disappeared down the hall.

"Don't let Blitzwing exit the building." Chief Burns said seriously as he looked at a few officers. They nodded slowly and quickly took off to follow.

Though they didn't catch up to him in time and he left to go fight anyone in the gang. Chief Burns had the others take Starscream into custody and take him outside to the cars. He told a few others to try and help Bumblebee.


Ratchet slowly opened his eyes and found himself sitting in a chair. He looked around slowly and saw Optimus beside him. He furrowed his brow and remembered what happened. The doctor shook his head and gripped his hair as he fought the pain of the past. Another doctor came over and held out a cup to him.

"Here." He said and Ratchet stared at it as he took it in his hands. It smelled foul and he blinked in surprise.

"What is this?" He scoffed and glared at him. The other man raised an eyebrow and looked at him as if he had just grown another arm.

"It's beer." He said in a matter of fact tone as he scoffed a little. "Haven't you ever had it?" Ratchet's face fell and became unreadable as he stared at the accursed liquid.

"Come on man, it'll take the pain away. What harm can one do?" The man asked as he shrugged.

Ratchet didn't respond as the scar on his arm started to throb while the memory played in his head. He stared blankly at nothing in particular as he subconsciously traced the arm. Given to him by his father who he trusted even though-

"He'll be fine." A voice cut his thoughts off and a hand went over the top of the cup. Optimus gently took it and handed it back to the man.

"I'm going to report you for having this in the hospital." He said seriously and the man took the cup then glared.

"Do you think you're some sort of cop?" He scoffed and Optimus gave him a look that confirmed his accusation. The man paled a little and quickly walked off. Optimus glanced at his friend then gently set a hand on his shoulder.

"Will you be alright old friend?" He asked gently and Ratchet nodded absentmindedly.

"Optimus... what do I do?" He asked and looked at him. "How do I tell them?" He whispered quietly. His friend didn't respond for a while and sighed shakily.

"I don't know the answer to that." He admitted and sighed shakily. The doctor nodded slowly and looked at the floor as he thought. He narrowed his eyes and clenched his fists then stood.

"I won't let this pass me by." He said seriously and looked at him. "Thank you." He mumbled and smiled a little before walking off.

Optimus blinked a couple times in confusion. For what? He didn't remember doing anything to help. He furrowed his brow and stood then slowly wandered off somewhere.

Ratchet walked towards the room he knew his ex-wife was in. He hesitated at the door and saw she was awake. Knockout was sitting next to her as he told her about her injuries. Piper sat by them both as she listened so she could help. How long had he been out?

The old doctor watched them intently and smiled a little as he saw the resemblance in his daughter. The older woman looked at him and her smile faded.

"What are you doing here?" She growled lowly and the other two looked at him.

"I work here, Jennifer." He said seriously and furrowed his brow.

"Well you can just go work somewhere else." She spat and clenched her fists tightly. Piper looked at him then at her mother.

"Wait... do you... know each other?" She asked hesitantly. Knockout had the same question but kept it to himself.

"Unfortunately." Jennifer growled and glared darkly at him. "That man used to be my husband until he neglected me." She said coldly.

"What?" He asked in disbelief and blinked in surprise. This was news to him and he couldn't think of a good comeback. He was still slightly overwhelmed with finding everything out.

"Wait wait wait." Piper cut in before her mother could say anything. "Are you telling me... that... Ratchet is... my father?" She asked hesitantly. Knockout looked between the two and felt as if he was suddenly in a soap opera.

"Yes unfortunately." Jennifer scoffed as she rolled her eyes. "You would have figured it out eventually." She muttered bitterly. Pipers eyes widened as she stared at the doctor. He was her father? Her real father?


Optimus came to his senses as he walked down the hall towards his sons room. He stopped by the door and smiled slightly as he watched. Brooke was sitting by his side sleeping again as Smokescreen stared at her. He was fiddling with her hair and seemed to just have woken up. The old cop slowly walked in and Smokescreen looked at him.

"Hey dad..." he rasped quietly and smiled the best he could. His father returned the smile and sat by his side. He looked at his son and gently set a hand on his head.

"How are you doing?" He asked and noticed Brooke stirring. Smokescreen just smiled and closed his eyes.

"Better... ready to... work... and fight... cons." He whispered and coughed a little then winced.

"We can talk about that later." Optimus said as he smiled sadly. Brooke stretched and inhaled deeply as she finally woke up.

"Hey... beautiful..." Smokescreen rasped and looked at her. She smiled tiredly and sat up as she stretched again.

"Hey Smokey. I see you finally woke up sleepy head." She smiled and gripped his hand. He chuckled softly then coughed a little as he winced.

"Easy there Smokey." She whispered and kissed his forehead. He sighed painfully and held her hand as tightly as he could.

A nurse came in to check on him and he just nodded tiredly to her questions. Optimus watched her intently then stared off into space. He heard his son make a pained distressed noise and snapped back into reality. Brooke looked at the young officer as he shifted uncomfortably and a look of concern crossed his face. He looked at his father as tears filled his eyes.

"Dad..." he said. "I can't feel my legs..." he whispered as tears fell down his face. Optimus stared at him then looked at Brooke as her eyes widened in surprise. This wasn't happening.


Rodimus ran into the chaos with anger burning in his heart. He punched everyone that wasn't wearing a uniform or running for their lives. He had seen Shockwave and Starscream fight then the later ran off. Rodimus struggled to get through the crowd to attack the man.

Despite what he said at the hospital he still wanted revenge. His heart burned for it and the image of his father stayed in his mind.

He finally managed to get to the building and ran inside. He ran down the hall and heard chief Burns talking about Blitzwing. He passed the man in the hallway and stopped suddenly. He stared at him and wondered if he should give chase.

Though Starscream cried out and protested making the man snap out of his thoughts. Rodimus ran down the hall and saw the cops going out the back door. He sped up as the door opened and they led the man down the stairs.

The young man yelled angrily and tackled Starscream making him shriek in surprise. The two fell to the ground and Rodimus started to punch the con repeatedly. He grit his teeth as tears of rage and pain fell down his face. Starscream yelled and called for help from anyone. Chase and Chief Burns pulled the enraged man off the con.

"That's enough." Burns said as he pulled him away. "That's enough!" He shouted as Rodimus struggled.

"Listen. Listen to me!" The cop yelled as Chase kept the man's arms down so he didn't struggle and hurt anyone. Rodimus stopped struggling and panted heavily as he looked at him.

"Just calm down." The chief said gently and gripped his shoulders. "Beating him up won't do you any good." He explained. Rodimus shook his head then hung it as he clenched his fists.

"He... he..." the young man struggled to say. "I thought justice would be enough..." he rasped and looked at Starscream. "But it's not." He seethed angrily through gritted teeth.

"Yes it is... now just calm down." He said and walked off. Chase kept Rodimus there as the chief went to make sure the criminal got into the car.

The old cop furrowed his brow as he felt tired. He rubbed his face and looked back at Chase. He felt a pain and gripped his chest as he frowned deeply. He gasped and grunted before he fell to his knees then to the cold cement.

"Chief Burns!" Chase yelled and ran to his side. The older cop was unconscious and the other officers quickly gathered. "Call an ambulance!" Chase cried as Rodimus knelt by his side. The two looked at each other with concern then at the chief.

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