Chapter Four

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A few days later Bumblebee went back and got the medication. He went home and stared at the bottle then read every single word a thousand times. He hesitated and shook his head then set them in his drawer. He didn't want to do it even though he felt he should. He sighed shakily and went to bed.

That night his nightmares were worse and he screamed as he tried to wake. He thrashed around and tried to fight the pain he felt. Bulkhead ran into the room and gripped his shoulders.

"Bumblebee!" He yelled and held him down as he writhed. "Wake up Bee!" He shouted and smacked him. His brother blinked in surprise and stared at him as he panted heavily.

"It's okay." He muttered and slowly let him go. His little brother hugged him tightly as he shook, sweat poured down his face and he panted quietly.

"I... can hardly... sleep... anymore." He said tiredly and looked at him. Bulkhead nodded slowly and sat on the bed. He hugged him tightly and sighed quietly.

"What did the doctors say?" He asked quietly and set his chin on his head. He felt he had somehow filled the gap of their parents. He wasn't exactly sure how he felt about that.

"He... uh... gave me some medicine." Bumblebee mumbled tiredly.

Bulkhead furrowed his brow with confusion. Already? Didn't he need to see the doctor more before that? He didnt know, and figured the doctor knew what was wrong with him already. They did say he was the best.

"Have you... taken any?" He asked quietly and looked at him. Bumblebee grunted quietly and shook his head slowly. His brother realized he was falling asleep again.

"Bee.... you should really take them." He said seriously and rubbed his back. "It'll help you stay asleep." He muttered. The young man sighed forcefully and slowly sat up. He grabbed his pills and took the proper amount. He put them back and sat by his brother again.

"I'm... so tired..." he mumbled and swayed a little. Bulkhead smiled sadly and hugged him again.

"Go to sleep little brother... it'll be okay." He muttered and stared at the wall blankly. He hated that his brother was struggling with so much.

He seemed to have PTSD and a few things would trigger him. He was proud of him though, for being able to work hard and live a normal life. He sighed forcefully and looked at him as he slept. He smiled slightly and gently laid him down before walking out of the room.

A few days went by and they found that he didn't have as many nightmares. They seemedto have disappeared all together. Bumblebee was happier and constantly thanked his siblings for their help.

One day he went to go visit a friend who they hadn't seen in a while. He smiled as he went over and knocked on the door. There wasn't an answer and he knocked a few more times. He frowned and saw one of the neighbors.

"Excuse me. Have you seen Ratchet?" He asked quietly. The woman furrowed her brow and huffed.

"I haven't seen him in a few days and he won't answer the door." She muttered bitterly. Bumblebee blinked a couple times then nodded once and left to look for him at the hospital.

He got to the medical facility and asked around for the old doctor. The woman at the desk frowned and looked through her systems. She shook her head then continued looking. June walked by and stopped suddenly when she saw him.

"I'll take care of this Chris." She said seriously and led Bumblebee down the hallway.

"Mrs Darby what's going on?" He asked quietly. She shook her head and fought back tears.

"Ratchet has fallen ill." She whispered quietly. "You know how stubborn he is and he wouldn't stop working. A few days ago he started coughing.... then collapsed." She muttered. Bumblebee blinked in surprise and stopped suddenly as he stared at the floor.

"Do... they know... what's wrong?" He whispered quietly and looked at her. She nodded slowly and went into the room.

Ratchet was laying in bed wheezing weakly and had an oxygen mask. He was hooked up to a few machines and was extremely pale. June walked over and gently brushed some hair out of his face. He slowly opened his eyes and smiled weakly then noticed Bee.

"Uncle Ratchet." The young man said and walked over to him. He gently gripped his hand and sat by him. "Why didn't you say something? Or tell us you were sick?" He asked as tears filled his eyes. He couldn't lose his uncle. He just couldn't.

"You... have other... things to... worry about..." he rasped weakly and coughed a little. He winced in pain and clutched his chest as he coughed violently. He calmed down and started shaking.

"Save your strength." June whispered quietly and looked at Bumblebee. "He has... bacterial pneumonia." She said and held his other hand. "It's... dangerous for his age and some of the doctors don't know if he'll make it." She muttered.

"I'm.... not old..." Ratchet managed to muttered bitterly. June sighed forcefully and gently kissed his forehead.

"I'm not in the mood to argue with you about that today." She whispered and he gave her a look. Bumblebee smiled slightly and gripped his hand.

"You have to fight this... please. I'll let the others know... you don't..." he bit his lip and hung his head as he fought back tears. "You don't have to go through this on your own." He muttered and looked at him. Ratchet stared at him and wheezed weakly then smiled a little.

"I can't... ask you... to worry about-"

"Dang it Ratchet." Bumblebee said as he glared at him. "When are you going to learn we're your family?" He asked.

"Bumblebee.... I'm not... really-" He stopped suddenly and stared at him blankly for a moment. He sighed shakily and simply nodded slowly. The young man smiled a little and gently set a hand on his shoulder.

"You stubborn old man." He joked as he smiled slightly. Ratchet glared at him and weakly tried to whack him.

"I'm not... old." He growled and gave him a nasty look. Bumblebee chuckled quietly and gently kissed his forehead.

"I love you Uncle." He muttered and left to tell the others. He smiled sadly as he walked out of the hospital and called his siblings. They were surprised to hear he was ill and said they'd be right over.

Bumblebee sighed forcefully and walked across the street to get something to eat. He sat at a table by the window and simply watched people. He rubbed his face tiredly then stopped suddenly. He stared across the street and paled as he saw some he knew.


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