Chapter Nine

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Bumblebee stared at him blankly and fought back tears. He remembered what Megatron had said about him seeing people he killed. Or died because of his stupidity. He didn't care and hugged him tightly as tears fell down his face.

"Is... this real...?" He asked quietly as he squeezed his eyes shut. He didn't care if it was or not. Optimus sighed forcefully and shook his head slowly. He pulled back and looked at him for a moment.

"No... you're still hallucinating." He muttered. Bumblebee sighed forcefully and closed his eyes as tears fell.

"I can't do this anymore... I can't live this way...." he mumbled and hung his head. "I'm such a disappointment." He muttered.

"No." Optimus whispered quietly and hugged him tightly. "You're not... just lost and hurting." He said, Bumblebee nodded and held on to him.

"I don't know what to do..." he rasped quietly and let go after a moment. "I'm always tired now... I'm questioning everything... I haven't been able to sleep or go to work for two weeks now..." he mumbled and swayed a little. Optimus gently gripped his shoulders and looked at him for a moment.

"You need to focus." He said seriously and furrowed his brow. "Use the skills I taught you. When did these hallucinations start? What causes or triggers them?" He asked seriously. Bumblebee shook his head as he blinked tiredly.

"I... I don't know..." he mumbled as he swayed horribly. "I can't think.... I'm so tired..." he rasped weakly.

"Bumblebee this is going to kill you if you can't stop it." He said seriously. "You have to figure this out. Think." He muttered.

"I... I'm..." Bumblebee nodded tiredly and his eyes rolled to the back of his head as he passed out.

"Poison Bumblebee.... it's a poison." He said as his voice faded into the air. The street and buildings turned into a forest as his hallucination ended.

Bulkhead ran through the dark woods as he tried to find his brother. Things were just getting worse. He had gone to see the doctor and they spoke for awhile. Once they got home he went to get Miko from school. It took longer than he thought. When he got back Bumblebee was gone and the back door was open. He shook his head as he fought back the possibilities of what might have happened to him. He stopped suddenly when he saw him and ran to his side.

"Bumblebee." He said as he gently tapped his cheek to wake him. "Bee!" He shouted when he didn't get a response. His brother grunted weakly but didn't respond otherwise.

"Come on little brother, please wake up." He begged as tears filled his eyes and he shook him gently. "Come on Bee... I can't lose you too..." he whispered quietly. After a moment he slowly opened his eyes and looked at him as he wheezed weakly.

"Bulk.... head..." he rasped quietly and tried to smile. "I... saw... dad..." he mumbled. His brother nodded slowly as he choked back a sob and carefully helped him sit up.

"Bee... what happened?" He asked quietly and watched him. He was so pale.

"I.... don't know..." he rasped weakly and coughed a little. "I... don't... know..." he mumbled and passed out again. Bulkhead narrowed his eyes and carefully picked him up. He took him to the hospital and called his siblings.

Bulkhead stood by the window as he glared darkly out it. Smokescreen and Arcee spoke quietly on what might have happened. The oldest remained silent as he thought about it. He put the pieces together and clenched his fists tightly. He looked at the others and glared darkly.

"Watch him." He muttered and went to the door before pausing. "Call me if... he doesn't make it." He said and stormed off. He ran through the hall and went outside to his car. He called a friend and didn't care if they got in trouble. Someone hurt his brother and he was going to pay.

"Heya Bulk... uh... nows not a good time I'm sorta in the middle of something..." Wheeljack muttered and grunted. "Hey watch it! I'll get to punching your face in! Just hold on!" He yelled.

"Wheeljack I need your help with something." He said seriously as he drove, ignoring the fact that his friend was in the middle of a fight.

"Bulk I'm a little busy-"

"Someone tried to kill Bumblebee!" He yelled angrily as he fought back more tears. The other line was quiet for a while and he heard someone get punched.

"On my way." He said seriously and hung up. Bulkhead nodded once and drove to the building. They were going to have a little talk with Dr Scalpel.

Bulkhead sat in the car and ran his hands through his hair. He was trying to calm down and not over react. He had called to set up an appointment to meet the man. He wanted to try and be civil. He heard a motorcycle and looked up as Wheeljack screeched to a halt by him. He got out as his friend pulled off his helmet.

"Okay who's car do I need to blow up?" He growled angrily as he glared darkly.

"Calm down Jackie..." he mumbled as he leaned against his car. "I actually have a plan for once." He said seriously.

"You're going to just talk to him, aren't you?" He muttered then sighed forcefully. "Why am I here then?" He asked.

"In case I need backup." Bulkhead muttered and walked into the building. Wheeljack furrowed his brow in confusion but didn't argue.

He followed him inside and they went to the waiting room. Wheeljack kept glancing at the receptionist as if he knew her. He wasn't exactly sure how though. She just seemed so fimailar. He shook his head as the nurse showed them into the office. The two sat down and watched the doctor write something. The room was silent for a while and Bulkhead clenched his fists tightly.

"Your brother hasn't improved, has he?" Dr Scalpel asked as he looked at them finally.

"No he hasn't." Bulkhead muttered as he tried to remain calm. "We had to take him to the hospital earlier today. I don't know what happened." He said seriously.

The man nodded slowly as he wrote something down. This made Bulkhead angrier. His little brother wasn't an experiment for drug testing.

"I have some medication that should help this-" He was cut off suddenly as Bulkhead lunged at him. The bigger man grabbed him, and shoved him against the wall as he glared darkly.

"Wow there." Wheeljack said as he jumped to his feet and walked over. "I thought you were going to be civil?" He asked as he raised an eyebrow.

"You almost killed my brother." Bulkhead seethed angrily through gritted teeth. "Our family has lost enough already. And I'm going to end any threat that comes to harm them." He growled angrily. The doctor stared at him and paled a little.

"You're over reacting." Scalpel said seriously but started to sweat. "I am simply a doctor and doing my job." He muttered and looked at the oddly calm man by him. Wheeljack shrugged and played with his pocket knife.

"Bulkhead doesn't over react." The man mumbled as he played with the weapon.

"If you ever touch any of them again... I'll kill you." Bulkhead seethed angrily and shoved him against the wall roughly. The man just blinked in surprise but didn't respond.

"Understand!" He yelled angrily and shoved him harder. He winced in pain then nodded slowly.

"Y-Yes." He stuttered and Bulkhead shoved him to the ground. Wheeljack watched his friend walk off for a moment.

"I ain't done." Wheeljack said and smirked mischievously. He grabbed a pair of handcuffs and cuffed him to the desk. He called the police station and cleared his throat. Bulkhead looked at him and furrowed his brow.

"Halp! The crazy doctor won't let me blow things up!" He shouted. "Somebody save me from this madness!" He said dramatically and the doctor looked at him like he was crazy.

"I don't-! Oh hey Magnus." He said as he smiled slightly. "Nah just trying to get your attention... No this isn't a prank call.... Why you-" Bulkhead took the phone and spoke to the officer. Wheeljack looked at the doctor and smirked as he crouched by his side.

"Oooh you're in trouble now." He sneered and flicked his forehead. A dead serious look crossed his face as he stared at the doctor.

"If you hurt anyone else from this family... you'll have me to deal with." He said darkly and glared.

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