Chapter One

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The street was dark and eerily quiet as he ran to the building. He pushed passed a thick crowd as he tried to get to the man. The crowd wouldn't move no matter how much he yelled at them. He started to cry as the man disappeared into the building. He shoved passed people as they grabbed hold of him. He yelled and begged them to let go as tears fell down his face. He had to get the man out of there. He had to.

The people clawed at him and scratched him as he fought. He heard a beep and the building blew up sending everyone flying. He cried out as he hit the cement and watched as the flames consumed the building. His eyes widened in shock as another explosion made the building crumple to the ground. People ran passed him and screamed in terror as the building fell and crushed everything in its pass. He screamed as tears of rage and pain fell. He shielded his face as the flames threatened to engulf him. Once it calmed he stood up and looked around frantically. He stared in horror of what happened and his emotions overwhelmed him.

 He had promised to protect them, and he did even to the extent of his life.

"Dad!" He screamed as he sat up and panted heavily. Bumblebee looked around his room as sweat poured down his face. He shakily rubbed his head and choked back a sob. The door opened and Smokescreen yawned as he rubbed his face tiredly.

"Bee?" He asked as he walked in and sat on his bed. "You okay?" He muttered. His brother shook his head slowly.

"Just.... just a dream... of..." he trailed off and looked at the floor. Smokescreen watched him quietly and gently set a hand on his shoulder.

They all had dreams about that night, but he seemed to have it more often. The three boys still lived in the house their father had bought. They couldn't seem to let the place go, nor wanted to. It was all they had left of their father it seemed. They decided when they got married they would leave. But until then they wanted to stay together. They needed each other after all. The only new addition to their family was a girl named Miko. Bulkhead had adopted her and she didn't mind the living situation.

"Bee.... maybe you should get... something for your dreams." Smokescreen muttered as he rubbed his back gently. His brother shook his head slowly and watched him.

"No... I don't think that's a good idea." He mumbled and looked at the time. At least it was time to get up. "Sometimes I feel... it's dad talking to me..." he said and got up.

"You do know how crazy that sounds, right?" His brother said as he narrowed his eyes. "I think... what happened effected you more than us. I don't know how or why, but you should get something for it." He said seriously.

"Like what? See a psychiatrist because I dream about my dead parents?" He asked as he glared back. "I'm fine Smokey." He muttered and walked out of the room.

"No... I don't think you are." He mumbled and walked off to get ready for the day.

Bulkhead was making breakfast and listening to Miko as she talked about what she wanted to do today. The girl was now fifteen and surprisingly she wasn't that difficult. According to Bulkhead. He looked up as his brothers walked in and frowned as Smokescreen pestered Bee.

"They're not hallucinations." Bumblebee mumbled as he glared at him.

"I'm just worried about you." Smokescreen said as he frowned and sat at the table.

"What's this about now?" Bulkhead asked as he watched them. Bumblebee huffed angrily and walked out the back door.

"He had a dream about that night again." Smokescreen muttered and rubbed his face tiredly. "He told me yesterday he had... a dream while he was awake." He mumbled.

"Isn't that called a hallucination?" Miko asked as she looked at him.

"Thats what I said!" Smokescreen yelled as he threw his hands in the air. They were silent for a few minutes as they stared at him.

"I think we need a vacation." Bulkhead muttered and rubbed his face tiredly. Mikos eyes widened and she grinned happily.

"Yes!" She cheered and ran to her room. "No school!" She yelled and Smokescreen laughed quietly.

"I didn't mean right now." He said as he looked to where she went. "Don't you have a test today?" He asked as he raised an eyebrow.

"Um.... possibly." She muttered and poked her head out from around the corner. Bulkhead folded his arms and gave her a look.

"Miko." He said warningly and she rolled her eyes before disappearing. Smokescreen smiled slightly and looked at him.

"You sure you can handle being a dad?" He asked only to get a nasty look from his brother.

"You need to stop it." He growled and went to answer the door as someone knocked on it. He opened the door and a little boy ran in and tackled Smokescreen.

"Well hello to you too." Bulkhead muttered as Arcee walked in with her little girl.

"Hey guys." She sighed quietly and watched her son Orion wrestle with her brother. Bulkhead closed the door as she walked in then sat on the couch.

"How are you guys doing?" He asked as he went back to cooking.

"Good. Just tired. Peregrine is having a hard time staying asleep at night." She muttered as she stroked the little girls hair.

"Do you know why?" He asked as he walked over and sat by her.

"She keeps saying there's monsters under her bed or in the closet." She said as she rolled her eyes. The four year old was almost asleep in her mother's arms.

"What are you planning on doing about that?" He chuckled quietly. She scoffed and looked at him as she smirked.

"I'm making Cliff fix the problem because he's the one that let her watch Monsters Inc." She said and her brothers laughed. Peregrine jumped and looked around then got down. She frowned and looked at her uncle.

"Bee?" She asked quietly and sucked her thumb as she held her blanket.

"Uncle Bee is outside. Smokescreen made him mad again." Bulkhead muttered as he looked at his brother.

"I did not!" He snapped and glared at him. "I simply told him to get help." He muttered.

"Ya I'd be made too. After I beat you up." Arcee muttered and folded her arms. Peregrine didn't find what the adults said interesting and went out the back door.

"Okay but seriously." Smokescreen said as he sat up and held Orion in his arms. "It's been almost nine years since the explosion. Nine years. You'd think he'd be over it by now." He muttered.

"Smokey... people deal with things differently... and sometimes don't get over it." She said quietly.

"Plus.... you have to remember Bee practically watched both our parents die." Bulkhead pointed out. "He was traumatized by that experience and had a constant reminder." He said seriously. They were silent for a few minutes as they thought about it.

"Maybe.... we should get him... some sort of help." Arcee mumbled. "He's had nightmares about each situation. I know when they still happen to him." She said quietly. The oldest brother shook his head and stared at the floor.

"No... he's living a normal life. We can't do that to him." He mumbled and she set a hand on his shoulder.

"Bulkhead... we all know it'll make his life easier." She whispered. Smokescreen nodded slowly and smiled sadly.

"It should be a mutual decision. Maybe I can see what's out there while you decide." He said. Bulkhead thought for a few minutes on what his father would do about this.

"Don't do anything until I decide." He said seriously and they nodded slowly in agreement.

Bumblebee sat on the steps to the back porch as he stared at the fields. He thought long and hard about his dreams and hallucinations. Though he didn't like to call them that. He heard the door open then close but he didn't bother looking. A moment later he felt two little arms wrap around his neck.

"Hewwo uncw Bee." The small girl said as she rested her head against his back. He smiled slightly and looked over his shoulder.

"Hey Peri." He muttered and pulled her over his shoulder then set her in his lap. She sat there quietly and leaned against him as she watched the birds. He smiled slightly and hugged her tightly as he set his chin on her head. She set her blanket over her and sucked her thumb.

"You shouldn't do that little Peri." He mumbled and gently took her hand out of her mouth.

"Yummy." She said as she looked up at him and smiled brightly. He chuckled quietly and gently rubbed her head.

"I'd keep you if Arcee wouldn't kill me." He muttered.

"I heard that." Arcee smirked as she came and sat by him. "And I wouldn't kill you... just maim." She said. Peregrine looked at her with confusion on what that was. Bumblebee chuckled quietly and let go for a moment. Peregrine sat there for a few minutes then went inside to find her brother.

"So.... Smokescreen says you're having a hard time sleeping." She muttered as she looked at him.

"Ah he thinks I'm crazy...." he mumbled as he smiled slightly. She watched him quietly and wasn't sure how to tell him about what they talked about. She suddenly felt bad and hugged him gently.

"No one thinks you're crazy Bee." She whispered quietly. He stared at her blankly for a moment as the gesture surprised him. He furrowed his brow and hugged her back.

What did they talk about?

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