Chapter Thirteen

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A few weeks went by and Strongarm was getting better at knowing what to do. She still tried to follow the book and would quote it at times. This annoyed the crap out of Jazz but he didn't say anything. As long as she wasn't putting the team in danger, he figured he could deal with it.

One day they got a call to the park, that was dedicated to those who died on that fateful day. There was a disturbance of the peace, and the person was causing a problem for others. The three officers arrived at the scene and looked around. They saw a young man listening to music as he skateboarded around the area. He glared at people and knocked them over as he passed. Jazz and Bumblebee looked at each other and sighed quietly. Strongarm glared darkly and clenched her fists tightly.

"This is disrespectful to all who come here for peace." She said seriously and looked at the other two.

"He's just a kid Strongarm... go easy on him." Bumblebee mumbled and looked at the young man. "I know him and... he's struggling." He muttered.

"We're all struggling." She said seriously and took off to try and catch him.

Jazz sighed forcefully and shook his head. He went off to talk to the people and help them. Bumblebee watched quietly and went to the marble wall that held the names of everyone that died. He spoke with the people who were upset and eventually calmed them. He glanced at the stone and froze. There on the wall was his father's name.

He smiled sadly and hesitantly set his fingers against it. He furrowed his brow as he noticed a name that seemed oddly fimailar. He had seen it before but he didn't know where. The cop crouched down and ran a finger along the name. It bothered him that he couldn't remember who it was.

"Sir I caught the punk." Strongarm said seriously as she saluted. Bumblebee looked at her and stood up as he furrowed his brow. The young man had a bloody lip, cuts and bruises. Strongarm was a little beat up as well.

"Um... what happened?" He asked as he walked over. The punk was in handcuffs and glared at him.

"Your idiot rookie ran into me." He growled angrily and glared at the ground.

"I didn't run into you!" She retorted. "You just didn't stop." She said seriously.

"You jumped in the middle of the road! I didn't have time to swerve!" He shouted back and the two growled at each other.

"Knock it off!" Bumblebee yelled angrily and they looked at him. They were quiet for a while as he stared them down.

"Now... Sideswipe you know this is a place where you need to be respectful to the other citizens." He said seriously and watched him carefully.

"Exactly!" Strongarm glared darkly. "This is a place where people come to mourn or remember their loved ones. Those who passed away during-"

"You don't think I know that?!" Sideswipe yelled angrily and looked at her.

Bumblebee noticed how upset he was, and how upset the others were becoming. He quietly led them to the cars so the others could be in peace. Bumblebee motioned for Strongarm to open the back seat door. He had Sideswipe sit down and watched him quietly.

"You are hereby under arrest for-" Strongarm was interrupted by the punk.

"Does she ever stop talking?" He scoffed and rolled his eyes as he smirked. She glared darkly and clenched her fists.

"Take it easy you two." Bumblebee said seriously as he gave them looks. They were quiet again for a few minutes. Strongarm cleared her throat and pulled out a note book to read his rights.

"According to page 230 paragraph 56, you have-"

"Can you shut her up?!" Sideswipe yelled angrily as tears filled his eyes. Bumblebee glared back at her then stared at him. He watched him for a moment before hesitantly placing a hand on his shoulder.

"Sideswipe... why are you even here?" He asked quietly and watched him carefully. The punk looked at him and glared then hung his head.

"Do.... you know... what today is?" He rasped. Bumblebee furrowed his brow and looked at Strongarm.

"I don't understand-"

"Do you know what today is?!" He yelled and the two fell silent. He was angry and it was slowly mounting.

Bumblebee thought long and hard about what day it was. Why was it so special to him? It wasn't like it... his eyes widened a little and he remembered something.

"Sideswipe... I..." he trailed off as he thought about what to say. The punk looked at him and blinked back tears.

"It's.... our... birthday." He whispered quietly as a tear fell down his face.

"Who's?" Strongarm asked and furrowed her brow. Bumblebee sighed shakily and set a hand on her shoulder.

"Him and his twins.... his brothers name was-"

"Sunstreaker..." he rasped quietly and buried his face in his hands. They were quiet for a few minutes and watched him.

"Oh....." Strongarm whispered quietly as she realized why he was there. Sideswipe narrowed his eyes and stood up then walked to the plaque.

"You can't just-" Bumblebee set a hand on her shoulder to silence her. He followed and stood by him as he stared at the wall. Bumblebee knew why he recognized that name. He remembered what happened as well that day.

"He wanted to see..." Sideswipe mumbled as he remembered and stared at his brothers name. "He wanted to watch the cops take down the mafia. The Decepticons. After you came to the school... it excited him. He just wanted to see the action..." he muttered and looked at him. "Do you know why?" He asked.

"No..." The cop mumbled and stared at him. This was odd behavior for the young man and Bumblebee knew it. Yet he knew what it was like to lose a loved one. He couldn't imagine the pain and yet at the same time did.

"He wanted to take down the mafia and prove he was the best. Better than anyone else." He said as he smiled slightly and a tear fell down his face. "We got close.... hid in the alleyways.... we were so close...." he trailed off as he remembered.


"Come on Sides don't be such a big baby." Sunstreaker said as he rolled his eyes and peered around the corner. The cops were moving away from the building for some reason.

"Don't call me that... Sunny." He sneered and his brother glared at him. He was about to say something when they heard the explosion. They ducked into hiding and his brother grinned happily. Sideswipe hugged his arm tightly as he squeezed his eyes shut.

"Okay we saw them take down the mafia. Can we go home now?" He asked shakily and looked at the sky. Smoke filled the air and people were yelling. It felt like a nightmare or horror story to him.

"Sideswipe you have to be brave like me." He said seriously and made him let go. "Now come on let's go!" He yelled and ran into the street. He looked back at him and smiled brightly. That's when the second explosion hit.

The gas lines that erupted creating a bigger fire ball. Sideswipe hid again in the alley as the ground shook and it became extremely hot. He heard a cry that was cut short as buildings crumbled. Once everything was settled he looked around and saw a beam had fallen by him. It was keeping some of the rubble up from crushing him. His eyes widened and he quickly got out of the way then looked around. The young boy stood in the middle of the road as he looked around slightly dazed. His mind slowly focused and he gasped.

"Sunstreaker!!" He shouted and looked around frantically. He saw his brothers hand under some rubble. He screamed as his heart broke and ran to save him. But it was too late.

Some cops ran over and picked him up then carried him to a safe zone. He yelled angrily and hit them as he cried out for his brother. His heart broke more and he just broke down as he sobbed uncontrollably.


Bumblebee hesitantly set a hand on his shoulder to snap him out of the memory that he was lost in. Sideswipe jumped a little and looked at him. He furrowed his brow then glared darkly as he shrugged him off.

"I only get this way on my... our birthday... I'm not normally emotional." He mumbled. They were quiet again and let him repay his respects. After a while they moved away to get him back to the car.

"Come on... we'll take you home." Bumblebee mumbled and looked over at Jazz as he walked towards them. He just nodded slowly and let them.

Once at the house, his father and little brother came out. They hugged him tightly as Bumblebee uncuffed him.

"I'm really sorry about... that Bee." His father muttered as he hugged his troubled son.

"Don't worry about it Denny." He said as he smiled a little and watched them. "Just take care of him and Russell." He said then nodded once and walked away. Once back in the car Strongarm furrowed her brow and looked back at him.

"Why... didn't we take him in sir?" She asked quietly. Bumblebee and Jazz looked at each other and smiled a little.

"You have to understand the individual and why they are doing what they do." Bumblebee said seriously.

"Some people.... just need to talk." Jazz mumbled and looked at her. She nodded slowly and stared out the window.

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