Chapter Thirty Two

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The sky darkened as the storm followed the rescue team. Heatwave stood on the sidewalk as he stared blankly at the ground. He let the ran fall as he became more numb. All he could see was the blood and rain mixing on the concrete. Boulder walked over and set a hand on his shoulder.

"We're going into the woods to look for the children. They aren't in the house and Orion called his parents. He said they're in the woods and hiding." He muttered.

"We need to get to the house then..." the firefighter said as he stared blankly at the ground.

"Heatwave... we've been at the house for an hour..." Boulder said seriously. The other man furrowed his brow and looked at the said house.

He stared blankly as he felt the rain fall down his face. He didn't respond as he just stared at the house. He watched as Chase walked over to them. The two men looked at the firefighter then led him inside out of the rain. Arcee and Cliffjumper were talking to Bumblebee about what to do. Heatwave furrowed his brow and felt a hand on his shoulder.

"I know it's hard when you lose one of your teammates, but you can't let yourself get lost." Chief Burns said as he looked at the others. Heatwave hadn't noticed that the other two were already outside. He furrowed his brow and looked at his chief. Was he really that out of it?

"I... I'm not trying to..." he mumbled and tried to focus. Chief Burns gripped both his shoulders and stood in front of him.

"I need you right now Heatwave. I need you to help me find this criminal and find these children." He said seriously. The firefighter could see the pain in the man's eyes. He could see that he was trying to be strong when it was hard. He furrowed his brow and stood taller.

"You can count on me sir." He said as he forced himself out of it. Chief Burns smiled sadly and nodded slowly.

"Then let's get these children home." He muttered and the other man nodded once. They went outside and started searching for the children.


Hardshell growled angrily as he continued to look for the brats. He had to finish them off now and to make things worse, it was raining. He glared darkly and continued walking around. He wondered if he should head back to the house. Maybe they were already back there. He stopped suddenly and listened as he heard someone calling for the children. It was hard to hear but it was there between the rain. He disappeared into the shadows and continued his search out of sight. He looked towards a cliff side and smiled wickedly as he saw a cave.

Orion was so tired and wanted to go home. He wanted to go to sleep but he was the only one awake. The sound of someone trying to climb the cliff filled his ears. He listened for a moment and he smiled brightly. It had to be his parents. He got up and went to the corner of the turn in the cave and peered around. His eyes widened in surprise and fear. It wasn't his parents. He moved away and hugged himself as he shook with fear. What could they do?

He heard footsteps approaching and he slowly backed away to the other two. Peregrine slowly woke up and looked at him. She saw the fear in his eyes and she whimpered fearfully. Orion sat by her and hugged her tightly as he carefully put a hand over her mouth. He shook his head slowly telling her to remain quiet. Jack woke up and furrowed his brow as he looked at them. He was about to say something when he heard the person coming. He forced himself up and moved to the children. He would protect them until his dying breath.

He moved so he was in front of them and winced as he tried to be a bigger target. He sat up as straight as he could and puffed out his chest. He narrowed his eyes and clenched his fists tightly. A few minutes went by, but it felt like an eternity, the person turned the corner and stopped as he saw them. Their eyes widened in surprise and fear as the man stared at them.

"You." Jack rasped weakly and the man crouched by them. "Soundwave?" He asked in confusion. The man smiled ever so slightly and Peregrine hugged him tightly.

"How did you know we were here?" Jack asked weakly and winced in pain. He grunted and fell to the side. Soundwave caught him and carefully lowered him to the ground. Orion watched him intently and hugged the silent man.

"Please don't leave us. A man is trying to kill us and we don't know if we can go home yet." The boy said as tears filled his eyes. Soundwave narrowed his eyes and nodded slowly in understanding.

He looked at the teen and could tell he was trying to fix his wound. He thought for a few minutes then took off his jacket. He took some clean moss and used his jacket to tie it on. He then stood up and walked to the entrance.

"Wait." Orion whispered and ran over to him. "Are you going to get my mom and dad?" He asked as he looked at him. Soundwave stared at the boy then hesitantly nodded. The boy gripped his sisters hand and led her to the man.

"Take her with you.... please." He whispered and gave him a pleading expression. Soundwave knelt down on one knee and gently gripped the boys shoulders. He stared at him and could see the trust he had.

He nodded slowly and Peregrine climbed on his back. Soundwave then got up and headed out of the cave. He scanned the area and made sure no one was around. He then started to climb down the cliff side. Peri held on to him tightly and buried her face in him as she sobbed a little.

"It's alright..." Soundwave whispered and she whimpered quietly. She didn't know the man could talk and was slightly surprised. He slipped a little on the wet rocks and gripped the cliff tightly.

He panted as his heart beat faster, and he eventually made it down. He then held the girl in front of him and tried to shield her from the rain. He looked around again then started walking towards the house.

A few minutes later he heard them calling for the children. He smiled a little then hesitated as he listened. He found that he was surprisingly afraid to go near them. He narrowed his eyes and continued forward. He soon came out to a clearing and stopped suddenly as he stared at his brother. The whole group stared at him in surprise and glanced at the shivering child in his arms.

"Soundwave?" His brother muttered and blinked in surprise.

Bumblebees hand flew to his gun and he gripped it in warning. The silent man stepped back nervously, remembering his last encounter with them. Chief Burns set a hand on the young cops arm and shook his head. Bee furrowed his brow but did as he was told and slowly relaxed.

"Peregrine!" Arcee yelled and ran over with Cliffjumper. Soundwave held the child out to them, then stepped back when they took her. Peri hugged her mother tightly and sobbed uncontrollably as Cliff put his jacket over her.

"Where are the others?" The father asked with worry. He stepped closer to Soundwave and narrowed his eyes. "Where's my son?" He asked a mixture of fear and desperation in his voice. Soundwave stepped back again and looked behind him towards the direction of the cliff.

Heatwave walked over and stared at his brother. He hadn't been able to really talk to him or anything. He kept disappearing. Soundwave watched them then motioned for them to follow. He then took off without another word. Bumblebee ran after him while Cliffjumper followed. Heatwave narrowed his eyes and went after the three men, while the others led Arcee to the house.

Soundwave led them to the cave and started to climb up the cliff. Heatwave blinked in surprise as his brother slipped a few times, but kept going. He looked at the other two and furrowed his brow with confusion. They tried to climb but weren't able to because of the slick rocks. A moment later Soundwave came back to the mouth of the cave and started back down. Orion clung to his back and looked around. He saw his father and his eyes widened in surprise.

"Dad!" He shouted and jumped into his arms when they were close enough. Cliffjumper held his son close and comforted him as the boy sobbed. He kissed his little head and just held on to him for dear life as he sobbed with him. He had felt so helpless and feared the worst when they were looking. Soundwave smiled a little and headed back up the cliff.

"Where are you going?" Bumblebee asked with confusion. The man of course didn't respond and went inside.

It took a little more time but he came back and climbed down with Jack. The teen was exhausted and held on the best he could. The two men carefully took the teen from him and gently set him down.

"Jack?" Bumblebee asked as he furrowed his brow and looked him over. The teen grunted and looked at him then winced in pain.

"Are... they... alright?" He rasped and looked towards Cliffjumper.

"Yes... they're alright. Let's get you home Jack." He said gently and Heatwave helped lift him. Soundwave walked after them as they headed back to the house.

He narrowed his eyes and glanced around, he felt as if they were being watched. He knew Hardshell was still out there somewhere.

They got closer to the house and stopped suddenly when they heard a gun cock. Hardshell stepped out of the shadows and stood right in front of them.

"I thank you for finding them for me, Soundwave." He said as he smiled wickedly. The silent man narrowed his eyes and clenched his fists tightly.

"You." Cliffjumper seethed angrily through gritted teeth. "I'm going to kill you for harming my children." He growled threateningly.

"Careful there. You don't want to scar your son for life, not to mention the cop will be a witness." He sneered and motioned for them to move. Cliffjumper hugged his son closer but none of them moved. The man growled lowly and shot at them but didn't hit anyone.

"Move!" He shouted and Orion whimpered fearfully as he clung to his father. They glared darkly and refused to do as he said.

"Fine." He growled lowly and cocked his gun. "I'll just end you now." He sneered as he smiled wickedly. They heard a loud thud behind him and saw what looked like a shovel head.

His eyes suddenly widened in surprise and he grunted. They frowned in confusion as he fell to his knees and then on the ground. They looked behind him to see Arcee with a dark expression.

"Never touch my family again." She said as she dropped the shovel she had used to hit him.

"Mom!" Orion screamed and she looked at him as her expression became soft.

"Baby." She said and hugged him tightly as she kissed his head repeatedly. Cliffjumper carefully led them to the house. Soundwave helped his brother carry Jack as Bumblebee cuffed Hardshell.

"Never mess with a mother." Heatwave said as he smirked a little.

"Never mess with Arcee." Bumblebee corrected and gave him a fearful look. Soundwave chuckled which surprised the officer and he smiled a little. Maybe the con wasn't that bad. Maybe he really was on his side now.


Andi tried to calm down as she listened to the man wander around looking for them. She could hear nurses scream in terror and run away. Optimus looked around then grunted quietly as he gripped his head. She bit her lip and quickly texted her brother.

'Steve I need you to get here NOW.' She waited for a few minutes then he answered.

'What's going on?' She quickly responded as she heard Blitzwing laugh maniacally.

'Just get here!' She peered around the corner but didn't see anything. She gripped Optimus' hand and led him out of the room.

They made their way down the dark hallway as a few remaining lights flickered. They were half way down the hall when they heard metal scraping along the stone walls.

"With our backs to the wall, the darkness will fall." He sang in a sinister tone. Andi shivered at the sounds and slowly looked around as they went forward. Optimus furrowed his brow as he tried to see in the dark.

"We never quite thought, we could lose it all. Ready. Aim. Fire." He grinned darkly as he watched them. He made a gun with his fingers and squeezed an eye shut. "Bang!" He shouted and Andi couldn't help but scream in fear, making the crazed man laugh.

Optimus gripped her hand and ran as he led her down the hallway. He didn't know where exactly to go but he knew they had to get out. He ignored the crazed man as he continued to laugh and sing. Andi realized they were running blindly.

They didn't know where exactly to go but knew they couldn't stop. They turned a corner and she panted quietly as they caught their breath. She knelt down and removed the ankle bracelet on the man's leg. The tracker every patient had. Optimus kept watch and listened as the man got closer.

"How come I've never seen your face around here? I know every single face around here." He spat as he drug the metal pipe along the wall.

"Andi... we need to go..." Optimus whispered quietly and gently helped her stand. She nodded and they took off.

"A man on a mission, changing the vision." He stopped suddenly and bent down at the corner. He picked up the tracker and smiled darkly. "I was never welcome here..." he grinned wickedly.

The two continued to run to the exit. Andi knew they were close, they had to be. She stopped herself from cheering when she saw the exit sign. She rammed into the door and the two darted out. They just kept running and didn't look back. Steve was parked across the street and she yelled at him to start the car. Optimus didn't question anything and got in then watched the facility as they sped off. Blitzwing stood at the door and narrowed his eyes.

"We don't have the choice to stay... we'd rather die than do it your way." Blitzwing growled threateningly as he glared darkly at the car. "You're next little nurse." He spat and clenched his fists tightly.


Strongarm walked down the street as she followed her team. She sighed quietly as she listened to Sideswipe and Grimlock argue about something. Fixit just smiled slightly as he wheeled after them. After Windblade and her brothers had escaped, they went to the police station to get help. Strongarm and the others had left to go see if they could find the missing men. Though it was clear Sideswipe was bored out of his mind.

"Come on guys. We haven't seen anything important to the mission." He wined. "Let's just head back and go do something." He muttered.

"No." She said seriously and glared darkly. "We have to find something... anything to help us find the others." She whispered and stared at the ground. She stopped in front of an alleyway and sighed forcefully.

"You seem... less strict. What's going on?" Sideswipe asked. "Not that I care." He said quickly. She looked at him then furrowed her brow. She was about to say something when a hand covered her mouth and another arm pinned her to her captor.

"Strongarm!" Sideswipe yelled as his eyes widened in surprise. The other two stared in shock.

"Nobody move. Or the little lady gets it." The man sneered as he smiled mischievously. She glared darkly and elbowed him in the gut. He grunted and quickly let go when she elbowed him again.

"You idiot!" She screamed and punched him in the shoulder.

"Ow! Dang it! Hey stop!" He shouted as she hit him again. The other three weren't exactly sure what to do.

"I should have you arrested for assaulting an officer!" She yelled angrily and he grabbed her fist as she went to strike him again.

"Calm down woman." He said as he smiled slightly and rolled his eyes. She was a stuttering mess as she tried to think of something to say.

"So... who is this?" Sideswipe asked as he folded his arms. He narrowed his eyes at the newcomer and growled a little.

"Someone's jealous." Fixit said as he coughed to hide the obvious. Sideswipe glared at him as Grimlock chuckled quietly.

"Oh this... this is nobody." She pouted and folded her arms.

"Ouch. That really hurt... right here." He said as he pouted cutely and set a hand on his heart.

"I'm her brother." He grinned and they looked at her. "The names Rodimus." He said as he mock saluted and smiled more. Strongarm sighed forcefully and pinched the bridge of her nose.

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