Chapter Twenty Five

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Soundwave stood in the shadows as he watched the building burn. He furrowed his brow and waited patiently for them to come out. Though only Steeljaw came out of the burning building.

He looked up towards the top as the fire raged on. His expression became unreadable as he mentally heard the children screaming. He shuddered and furrowed his brow as he clenched his fists tightly. This suddenly felt wrong.

He ran towards the building and stopped in front of the burning doors. He narrowed his eyes and ran to the back. He didn't know what he was going to do but had to do something. He got to the back and heard banging on the door. His eyes widened in surprise and fear. He grunted as he pushed against the big dumpster blocking the door. He could hear the smaller children crying and he squeezed his eyes shut. If he failed their cries would haunt him forever.

He grunted quietly and pushed the heavy metal with everything he had. It thankfully moved and he stared at the chain on the door. Steeljaw didn't want anyone to get out. He narrowed his eyes and quickly pulled it off. He yanked the door open and the children stared at him in surprise. He picked up Orion and motioned for them to follow. They didn't argue and ran after him as he turned a few corners.

"No wait!" Jack yelled making them all stop. Soundwave looked at him and furrowed his brow.

"We have to save Fixit. He's still in there!" He said urgently. Soundwave stared at the building then gave the boy to the Miko. Without a word he ran back into the burning building. The others stared in surprise and stayed where he left them.

Soundwave shook his head in disbelief as he ran up the stairs. He couldn't believe he was doing this. But if Heatwave could, so could he. The fire blocked the rest of the way upstairs. The man grabbed an ax for emergencies and chopped down the door. He panted quietly as he ran to the other staircase.

He made it to the office and chopped the hinges off the door. He ran inside and looked around for a moment. Fixit was laying on the floor by his wheelchair as he coughed weakly. He was losing consciousness. Soundwave set the ax down and put the man on his back. He stared at the ax for a brief moment then ran out again as he grabbed it.

He could hear the sirens of the police and firefighters. He had to hurry before they got stuck inside. He went back the way he came and listened to the man cough. He stopped suddenly as he saw the fire in the stairwell. He looked around and realized he was trapped. What was he thinking?

He narrowed his eyes and made sure he had a hold of the man. He sighed forcefully and ran through. He leaped over the flames, he felt them lick his pants and burn him. The man stumbled as he landed, but caught himself from falling. He continued running and winced a little. Once outside he went to the kids and fell to his knees as he panted heavily.

Jack carefully pulled Fixit off and leaned him against the wall as the man coughed violently. Soundwave panted heavily as he set his hands on the ground. Why did he do that? Piper hugged him tightly and he stiffened. He wasn't used to this at all.

"Thank you." She whispered quietly and looked towards the sound of the sirens. He stared blankly and glanced towards the building. He stood up and looked at each of them. He motioned for them to stay then took off.

He got to an alley by the building and stared at the cop cars. He furrowed his brow and wondered how to get them to follow. They were panicked and trying to stop the flames. The chief was yelling angrily as he sobbed silently. The woman was crying into her husband while the soldier stared blankly. They all thought the children were dead.

He bit his lip and slowly stepped out of hiding. He slowly walked towards them as his heart beat faster. He froze when he saw his brother again and didn't know what to do. Heatwave turned and blinked in surprise as he stared at his little brother.

"S... Soundwave?" He asked in disbelief as he stared. The others were too distracted to notice. Strongarm looked at him and her eyes widened. She remembered him from the file of criminals they were trying to catch.

"Freeze!" She yelled and aimed at him. Soundwave jumped and looked at her then noticed Knockout staring at him in surprise. Soundwave looked between them and stepped back. Three people had seen him. Shockwave was going to kill him for blowing his cover.

He stared at his brother again then turned and took off running towards the kids. Strongarm yelled at him to stop again but he didn't. She glared and fired at him as he turned the corner. Heatwaves eyes widened in surprise and he pushed her arm down.

"What are you doing?!" He yelled angrily and glared at her.

"My job. He's a criminal and he's getting away." She said seriously before running after him. Heatwave growled lowly and followed with the young doctor.

Soundwave grunted as he got hit and grit his teeth. He gripped his shoulder and stumbled into the wall. He heard her call him a criminal and his expression became blank. He ran to the kids and they stared at him in surprise.

"Are you okay?" Cody asked as his eyes widened in surprise. He nodded once and peaked around the corner again. The man looked vaguely fimailar to him now.

They heard someone yelling and looked around the corner. They were surprised to see a cop, a firefighter and a medic. They smiled brightly and looked to the man that saved them. But he was gone.

The three newcomers were surprised to see the children and helped them. Piper hugged Knockout tightly and buried her face in his neck. Heatwave carefully picked up Fixit and carried him to the ambulance. Strongarm ushered the others out to get help. Their families cried happily as they held them close.

Jack stayed behind and looked down the alleyway. He furrowed his brow and crouched down. He stared at some blood on the ground where the man had been. He glanced around and furrowed his brow more. The sound of footsteps interrupted his thoughts.

"Did you find any evidence of the criminal?" Strongarm asked. She ran over as the teen stood up. He discreetly covered the blood stain and shook his head.

"No. I didn't find anything." He muttered and glanced at her. She glared at the alleyway and ran down it to find him. Jack felt bad for lying to a cop, but he didn't want the man to get hurt again. He didn't know why.

Soundwave grit his teeth as he leaned against the wall and clutched his shoulder. He was trying so hard not to cry out in pain. He panted heavily and winced as he felt the wound. He bit on a rag from his pocket and pulled out a pocket knife. The bullet was still inside and he had to get it out. He slid to the floor and hung his head a little. He couldn't do this on his own.

He pulled the rag out and pressed it against the wound. He held the knife in his other hand and gripped it tightly. He had to get somewhere safe. The sound of footsteps echoed off the buildings. His eyes widened in surprise and he scanned the area. He was sitting by a dumpster and it was the best cover he had.

He tried to slow his panicked breathing and stop the shock. He stayed hidden and listened to the person run off. He grunted quietly and closed his eyes for a moment. He was so tired...

"Soundwave?" Someone asked in disbelief. He slowly opened his eyes and stiffened as he stared at the man. He backed up into the wall only to wince in pain.

"Calm down little brother." Heatwave said seriously and gently gripped his good shoulder. Soundwave stared at him as he panted quietly. He hated being afraid of his brothers, but he was now. Heatwave glanced at the knife in his brothers hand and watched him look around frantically.

"It's just me Sounders." He said gently and sat by him, using the knick name he had when they were little. Soundwave tensed and moved away the best he could. He furrowed his brow and noticed bruises on his little brothers face and neck.

"Is... is Shockwave hurting you?" He asked seriously and narrowed his eyes. Soundwave looked at the ground but didn't say anything. He nodded ever so slightly but didn't look at him. Heatwave growled lowly then looked at his bleeding shoulder.

"You need a doctor." He said and reached for his radio. Soundwaves hand shot out and grabbed his arm. He shook his head and motioned to his injury.

"I... don't need... more injuries..." he rasped quietly and looked away. He broke his code again. Heatwave stared at him blankly for a moment. Soundwave gripped his brothers shoulder and grunted as he used it to help himself stand. Heatwave helped him and steadied him.

"Don't run off again... please." He muttered and followed him. "I haven't seen you in nine years." He said. Soundwave stopped suddenly and hung his head as he gripped his injured arm. He looked back at him then continued to walk away.

"Don't go back Soundwave..." he whispered quietly and furrowed his brow. He had to go after him and took off running. He turned the corner but his brother was gone. How did he always get away so fast?

The silent man made his way to the hideout. He gripped his arm with one hand as the other gripped the knife. He was so tired and want to sleep. He got to where his brother was and burst through the doors. Shockwave looked at him and seemed disappointed.

"You failed in remaining hidden." He muttered. His brother blinked a couple times in surprise. No concern whatsoever came from him. He didn't respond and painfully held the knife out to him. Silently asking for his help. Shockwave stared at him blankly then turned his back to him.

"I'm not going to help you this time." He said seriously. "You got into this mess, you can get out of it." He mumbled. Soundwave stared at him blankly for a moment then turned and walked out.

He went to the small medical area and looked around. He sighed forcefully and tried to pour medical alcohol on his wound. It stun like crazy and he cried out in pain as he squeezed his eyes shut. He dropped the bottle and gripped his arm as he rocked slowly. He waited for the pain to subside then shakily gripped a surgical knife.

The bullet was in the back of his shoulder, not where he could see. He yelled angrily and threw the knife. He hugged himself and rocked slowly as he fought the pain. He wouldn't be able to get it out but he had to try. He gripped another knife and tried to get it out. He ended up cutting himself more and winced. His body couldn't take any more and he blacked out, falling to the floor with a thud.

A few days later Knockout was at his apartment with Piper. She had come over to talk to him about a few things. She was making dinner with him and he laughed happily. He hugged her gently from behind and growled playfully as he bit her neck. She squealed in surprise and giggled. She tried to push him away and laughed again.

He stopped suddenly as they heard a knock on the door. He furrowed his brow and opened it. Soundwave was gripping the wall for support as he panted heavily. He gave him a pleading look and fell forward. The young medic grunted as he caught him and led him to a chair.

Pipers eyes widened in surprise and she closed the door. She ran to get some things to help them. Soundwave gripped his arm and looked at the other man. He was in a lot of pain and his arm was going numb. Knockout tore the man's shirt so he could access the wound. It was infected and looked like he had tried to get it out. The medic shook his head and got to work. Piper came back and gave him what he needed, she then gave Soundwave something for the pain. Knockout told her to leave the room for a moment to get something. He knew Soundwave wouldn't talk if she was nearby.

"You better break your stupid code and answer my questions." He said seriously as he worked on getting the bullet out. "Why didn't you come to me sooner?" He asked as he furrowed his brow. He was quiet for a few minutes then winced but tried to hold still.

"I... can... normally get help from Shockwave..." he barely said and looked at his hands.

"Why didn't he help you this time?" He asked quietly and narrowed his eyes. The other man shook his head slowly. He didn't know.

"I'd ask why you didn't go to a hospital but I already know that answer." He said seriously and pulled the bullet out. Soundwave couldn't help it and cried out in pain. He panted quietly and held his arm as he hung his head a little.

"T... T-Thank... yo-ou..." he rasped shakily and started to get up. Knockout carefully sat him back down and wrapped the wound.

"You're not going anywhere at the moment." He said seriously. "You need to rest for a few days." He muttered. The other man shook his head and tried to get up again.

He took a step then collapsed to the floor. Piper shrieked in surprise as she came back in. Soundwave stared at nothing in particular for a moment. He was so tired and sore.

He heard them talking but didn't register what they were saying. His vision blurred and he blacked out again.


Yes yes I know... "Three chapters in one week?!?"

Well... when you have inspiration and it keeps coming you gotta write it.

But don't worry I'm sure this will be the chapter for a few months. XD

P.S. this might seem like a filler chapter... but it isn't.

Love ya's!!

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