Chapter 14 - A Way Forward

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Shannon's eyes were wide and panicked as she took in her surroundings. Aidan tottered over to her.

"Mama... Mama..."

She blinked, frozen. "Is that child calling me his mother?" Her gaze swept over us.

"I'm not sure what's happened, darling, but yes, Aidan is our son. You are his mother," Loki told her cautiously, a hand still outstretched towards her.

Aidan raised his arms and Shannon lifted him, letting the boy snuggle into her hair as he laid his head on his mother's shoulder. Her chest rose and fell in rapid breaths as she braced Aidan. Frigga rose from her seat, approached and laid a gentle hand on her.

"Come, Shannon. Let's go sit and see if we can figure out what's happened, shall we? You seem to have suddenly lost your memory. Can you recall anything?"

Together with Loki and Elatha, she guided Shannon and Aidan to a set of couches in the corner. Maeve joined them, crouching down beside Shannon. None of us spoke as we watched them for several minutes.

Thor turned, masking his concern with a tight smile, yet a slight frown still marred his expression. "Mother will figure it out." He clapped me on my shoulder, looked back towards the corner, then met my gaze again.

"Yes." Odin also looked back to the corner, then turned to us with only the slightest furrow to his brow. "Frigga will solve whatever has happened. Have a seat, Manannan. Let's discuss our missing Valkyrie." He gestured to the well-padded leaf-patterned couch across from him. Baldur and Isis sat on a loveseat perpendicular to the couches.

Reluctantly, I sat, trying to swallow my anxiety. First Mist, now Shannon? What in the first shell was going on?

"We've never made any demon deals that I'm aware of," Thor said, dragging a chair over to sit with us. "How do we make one to get to Muspelheim?"

Odin fisted his hand. "Asgard has a treaty with the demons, made one hundred and fifty-four millennia ago by my great grandfather, Kor, to give care of Midgard to us and in exchange, they would limit their presence on the planet and not prey on our people. We agreed we'd stay away from their home planet and they'd stay away from ours. It was the best deal we could make, given neither side was winning the war between us. They are powerful and ruthless foes. I've dealt with them rarely, but Loki has handled any interactions in the last millennium."

In unison, both Thor's and Baldur's eyes widened. Yet somehow, I wasn't surprised. Loki's earlier comment had indicated a familiarity with Nabu and Apkallu dragons.

Baldur shook his head, frowning. "I knew of the treaty and war, but I'm shocked you'd send Loki when, in my time, you insisted on handling it yourself."

Thor chuckled. "Brother, you need to stop seeing Loki and me as the boys you knew when you died. We've fought in two wars with the Sidhe since then, and won both times, in large part because of Loki's brilliant strategies and power. They don't call him Asgard's Black Prince for nothing. I completely understand why Father sent Loki in his stead. There are very few beings in the Nine Realms and beyond that can best our little brother one-on-one."

I couldn't help but recall Loki's injuries only a month ago. He wasn't invincible. How'd the damn Shen dragon brothers gotten the better of him? Had he been protecting Shannon and Elatha? I glanced towards the corner where Shannon was crying, Loki and Elatha surrounding her, rubbing her back as Frigga spoke.

Baldur's frown deepened. "But surely, you, Thor—"

Thor shook his head. "No. Absolutely not. I know my strengths and they are considerable, but I can't match Loki in raw power."

Odin shifted forward in his seat, gripping Thor's and Baldur's arms. "It's not that either of you aren't good diplomats, but Thor is correct. Loki is Asgard's strongest mage and most powerful warrior. Between his mastery of seidhr, telepathy, and teleportation, I knew the demons wouldn't be able to hurt him if the negotiation went awry. They eat their enemies." He looked back over his shoulder at the sound of sobs. "But I won't task him with this, not when something has happened to Shannon. They've been through so much already."

The sorrow in his expression, matched with that of Baldur and Thor, had me wondering what had happened during the quest to get Baldur out of Helheim and break the curse on little Aidan. They'd been successful, but clearly, it had come at an emotional cost.

"We cannot afford to break the treaty. Using the bifrost is not an option. They'd see it as a breach and as much as I'll do what I can for Mist, I won't start a war Asgard can't win," Odin continued.

His words didn't shock me. I'd had my own encounters with the damn demons. Fucking Pazuzu, Prince of the Aerial Kingdoms. Even just picturing the dark-haired, olive-skinned, handsome, consort-stealing bastard had my teeth gritted, jaw tightening. His fucking perfect black bespoke suits. It pissed me off every single time I saw him in the mortal news and gossip sites, jaunting about like he was a regular mortal billionaire. The humans had no idea they welcomed the very devil into their midst, the original Dark Angel. How he managed to hide his vicious predatory nature behind those beady black eyes of his, I didn't know.

"So it's as Mother said. We need a demon deal to get there," Thor said. "We need some kind of leverage, and I'm not trading bodies for Mist."

"No, she wouldn't want that," Kara agreed, speaking up for the first time. "But what about some auroch? We could hunt a few on Jotunheim, then trade those, perhaps?"

"Maybe," Thor said, rubbing his head.

I wracked my brain, trying to come up with alternatives. My few encounters with Pazuzu had been on Tír na nÓg. The mists didn't seem to stop the demons from using their portals and I'd confronted him, punching him when my consort... I pushed the thought away. She'd made her choice, and it had cost Inanna her life. Aine refused to speak her mother's name, but I didn't blame my daughter. Inanna had chosen to abandon us both. Still, I'd barely moved him. Damn dragon had a rock jaw, and that amused smirk had made me want to try to hit him again, even if it was fruitless.

Yet, he'd sought me out to tell me when she'd died and his sorrow had seemed real. She'd been more than a toy to him. Would he help me find and recover Mist? Did he have any control over Nabu?

"I might have a way. Maybe. I'm not sure," I told them. "We should try to contact Nabu."

"You said Triton was aware of Nabu. Can he put us in contact with him?" Thor asked.

Kara snorted. "Triton loves his deals, according to Mist. I can't believe that worthless immortal is her father. If it wasn't for Mist's abilities, I'd swear Arachne had gotten pregnant by some other male." One eyebrow raised, she narrowed her gaze on me with speculation.

I put up my hands. "Hey, don't look at me! I can't stand Arachne. Even when Triton used to work with me to protect the seas, I avoided her. She's vindictive and horrible. I can't figure out how Mist came from two such self-absorbed immortals." The thought of Mist being my daughter had eels churning in my belly, even though I knew it wasn't possible. Unlike the Unseelie, incest disgusted me. Yet another reason I loathed the Winter Realm.

Kara nodded reluctantly, a little grin appearing. "Okay, fair. I'll give you that. Mist avoids her parents as much as possible until they guilt her into visiting."

"Those two gave up their Asgardian citizenship and rights to use the bifrost hundreds of years ago. I won't ever be claiming them again, but I certainly don't judge Mist by their actions," added Odin. "Thor, go with Manannan to see if you can get to Muspelheim, but be very careful what you agree to if you make a deal. I won't be able to get you out of it. We just got Baldur back. I don't want to lose another son."

"Absolutely, Father."

"I'd like to go as well, All-Father," added Kara.

Odin smiled and patted her on the shoulder. "Of course."

"Thank you, All-Father," I told him, bowing.

"No, thank you, Manannan. Asgard appreciates the role you played in bringing Baldur back to us and freeing Aidan from that curse," Odin said. "If you can retrieve Mist as well, I'll be even further in your debt."

I shook my head. "There is no debt between us, All-Father. I would have helped regardless. Shannon is a sea goddess and Elatha is like a son to me." I glanced over to the corner where Shannon's expression was no longer tear-drenched, but still held fear and confusion. "I hope it doesn't take long to find out what's wrong with Shannon's memories."

Odin clasped my arm, power prickling my skin. "We'll figure it out. You are always welcome at our table, Manannan."

"Thank you." I smiled, and he released me.

"Let's hunt down some demons," Thor said with a wink and attempt to look innocent when Odin sighed heavily.

Kara grinned. "Don't worry, All-Father. Manannan and I will ensure Thor doesn't cause an inter-realm incident or end up as a demon snack."

Baldur smirked. "What is it with younger siblings these days? Always causing trouble."

Thor snorted.

"Seriously though, do be careful, Brother. I still have a lot of catching up to do with you," Balder added, clapping Thor on the back.

Thor smiled. "Indeed. Shall we?" he asked, turning to Kara and me.

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