Chapter 22 - Let's Make A Deal

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Although only ten days by the Asgardian calendar, it took fifty on Litaui to finally arrange a meeting with Nabu. We'd been told to meet him this evening at the Four Winds Towers in Istanbul, the head office location of Dark Drake Endowments.

Yet, as the bifrost deposited Thor, Kara, and me in an empty patch of grass in Freedom Park, across the road from our destination, I couldn't help but wonder at the towers' name. It was too much of a coincidence. I'd wager that fucker, that barnacle-crusted Prince Pazuzu, owned these damned buildings.

"I investigated our location. These towers are owned by some billionaire and Dark Drake leases most, if not all, of the south tower," Kara said, stepping out to cross the road.

"Let me guess—the billionare is Paz Deabru?" I asked, curling my lip. Too much to hope I'd been wrong.

Kara frowned. "Yes, how did you know?"

I wiped my hand over my face and sighed. "It's an alias for one of the demon princes of Muspelheim, the Dark Angel of the Four Winds, Prince of the Aerial Kingdoms. I won't say his actual name since his powers are tied to air and wind. Like Heimdall, this prince hears if you say his name. Call it three times out loud and it grants him the ability to read your mind." And like a fool, I'd shouted it, cursing his name when Inanna had left me for him. That I'd given him such a power over me... a chill crept up my back.

Thor scowled as he led us down the path between the towers, aiming for the farthest one. "I remember. I brushed up on the information we have in the archives and I recall that one. It's fine to use his alias, though?"

"Yes, as far as I'm aware. And it isn't a power that Nabu shares, so his name is safe," I answered.

Ordinarily, I'd have enjoyed the walk through the well-manicured green space, listening to the fountains burble, but not this evening. Not with Mist missing for six weeks. And definitely not with the upcoming meeting

"Wow, they really aren't hiding, are they?" Kara said.

A little smile chased away Thor's frown and he shrugged as he pulled open the massive glass door to the south tower. "Well, it's not like Loki or I haven't been playing amusing fictional versions of ourselves in movies over the last fifteen years. We can't exactly point any fingers."

Kara laughed and punched him in the shoulder. "Very true." She entered, striding across silver and white tile of the expansive lobby with its multi-tonal grey walls and silver accents. A large three-dimensional emblem, two serpentine dragons crawling down to meet with a globe in the centre, the representation of Dark Drake Endowments, took up the large wall in front of a reception desk.

My jaw clenched. How could they laugh and joke right now? It was almost like they didn't realize we were about to meet with one of the more dangerous predators not just on the planet, but across the nine realms. They were too used to being the strongest realm around. Even with Odin's warnings... with mine. Was I making a mistake by bringing them with me?

Before I could think better of it, five men in black suits approached, all of them in the six and a half foot range. Short black hair, swarthy skin, and powerfully built, they had tattoos climbing their necks from the edge of their black on black shirt and jackets. Weapons harnesses and guns were visible under their jackets and it made me wonder at their use of modern technology.

My gaze swept the large space and took in the similarly large, armed male sitting as the receptionist at the desk. And the others stationed at the bank of elevators. Were they all demons in disguise? They looked and smelled human, but something about them had the hair rising at my nape. Mortal weapons would have a hard time taking us down if this went badly. The demons likely knew that. They would have accounted for that. Were those actually black powder guns or something else? Something disguised as human-made?

Was this a trap for the Asgardians?

Thor opened his mouth and I caught his forearm, giving him a slight shake of my head. He closed his mouth and frowned at the men as they halted in front of us.

"Manannan Mac Lir to see Nabu. We have an appointment," I told them. I didn't want Thor announcing who he and Kara were if I could help it. I should have come alone and not risked giving the demons more Asgardian hostages.

The lead male narrowed his dark, almost black eyes and tilted his head. "Welcome to Dark Drake Endowments, Sea God. Prince Thor, Goddess Artemis, welcome. Please follow me."

Shells. The demons were far better informed than I'd hoped. Despite the twist in my stomach, I nodded, then looked sideways at my companions. Both Thor and Kara had slight scowls, their lips compressed into thin lines, but they also inclined their heads and didn't correct him on the current use of Kara's name.

The male led us to the elevators, with two of the guards walking beside us and two behind us. My senses on high alert, I hated having them behind me but Thor and Kara were also poised, moving on the balls of their feet. As we entered the elevator, the tension rose. No one spoke as the male swiped a card and chose the top floor.

The elevator shot up, matching my pulse as I waited for any sign of treachery. The air was almost thick. My muscles vibrated... waiting.

A sudden stop had me shifting to catch my balance, then the steel doors whooshed open in a silent expulsion of air and tension.

The male stepped out. "This way, please." A small smirk on his face had my teeth gritted. The fucker had known we expected them to pull something. He was enjoying this.

He led us down a hallway to a double set of black doors. With a double knock, he opened them and ushered us into a massive office that held a fireplace in one granite stone wall, a set of couches and armchairs, several black bookcases filled with various objects and books, a bar counter with stools, and a large mahogany desk. Leaning against the desk was an olive-skinned male in a dark grey bespoke suit, a lighter grey shirt and dark grey tie. Taller than our escort of guards, he was at least seven feet tall and clearly muscular, but not bulky.

"Thank you, Basmu. That's all for now," the male said in a smooth, deep voice as he waved away our guards. The five of them left, closing the doors behind them. Nabu, because it had to be him, stood away from the desk and smiled. A neatly trimmed black goatee surrounded that closed-mouth smile and pugilist's nose. Dark predatory eyes assessed us.

"Please, have a seat." He indicated the couches as he walked over to the bar. "Would you care for a scotch? Or something else?"

My fists clenched and I was about to snarl when Kara's hand on my arm had me biting back my reply.

"Yes, thank you," she agreed. Her tone was polite and the warning in her eyes had both Thor and I attempting to rein in our fury.

Slowly, I drew in a breath, held it, then released it, trying to rid myself of the tension singing through my muscles. Kara led us to a black leather couch, sitting between Thor and I, as Nabu returned with four tumblers of scotch, setting them on the glass and steel table between us. He sank into the couch across from us, crossing his calf over his knee and taking a sip of his scotch while eying us.

None of us picked up the glasses of alcohol.

Nabu smirked, eyes glinting. "If I wanted to kill you, I certainly wouldn't waste my favourite scotch to do so. You would never have made it to my office."

Although the slightly mocking tone had my back stiffening, I knew he wasn't wrong. I reached forward, took the scotch and sipped. A smoky wood and hint of nutty sweetness met my tongue and sipped again. Kara and Thor also picked up their glasses.

"So what brings an Elven sea god and two Asgardians to my door?" Nabu asked, looking at each of us in turn.

"We'd like passage to and from Muspelheim," Thor said.

Nabu blinked twice, then frowned. "Why?"

"I'm aware we can't travel to Muspelheim without permission. We do not want to break the long-held treaty between us," Thor said.

Nabu uncrossed his leg and leaned forward. "Why do you want to travel to Muspelheim?" His voice had deepened, a hint of threat in the low rumble. His eyes had narrowed in suspicion.

"We are looking for a missing Asgardian who we believe may have been accidentally transported to Muspelheim," Thor explained.

Accidentally. I kept my snort internal. Nabu likely knew who we were talking about and I seriously doubted there was anything accidental about it. Still, Thor was playing the diplomatic game well.

Nabu's eyebrows rose for a few seconds, then he returned to his previous relaxed posture and recrossed his leg. "There is nothing in the treaty preventing me from offering you a deal to cross to and from Muspelheim."

"What are the terms?" Kara asked.

Nabu smiled at her, even as something about his expression had the hair rising on the back of my neck. "The same as they are for everyone, my beautiful goddess. A five year work contract on Muspelheim."

She leaned forward. "What kind of work?"

Was Kara considering this? No way. Thor wouldn't trade her for Mist. She knew that. Or was she just trying to get more information?

Nabu's smile widened, white teeth appearing fully human yet not hiding the predator in his eyes. "Sex or combat."

"You'd force me to prostitute myself?" Kara asked, glaring at him.

"No, not at all. It is simply a choice of where to work. You would be the one to choose. Either the fertility temples where you'd agree to accommodate one patron a day for the term of your contract, or combat as a member of the palace guard or warrior for arena battles. Although, as a warrior in the arena, you run the risk of not surviving the full term of the contract as most battles are to the death." He sipped his scotch, relaxed and clearly in his element. Nabu knew he held the upper hand, damn it.

"Five years is too long. What about a trade of goods instead?" Thor asked.

Nabu shook his head and waved it off with his glass. "You have no goods that we require or can't already obtain ourselves."

We were at an impasse. There was no way we could go to Muspelheim for five years without knowing for certain Mist was there. Nor would Thor agree to that even if we were sure. His mortal wife would be dead in the fifty years that would pass here on Litaui. She'd never know what had happened to him or what left his two kids fatherless.

Still, perhaps one of us?

"Five years is too long. What can we offer for a shorter time?" Thor asked.

Nabu smiled, a cold glitter in his eyes. "Five years is the term. There is no negotiation."

"The Prince of the Aerial Kingdoms owes me. He knows he does. If you can't offer them a better deal"—I indicated Thor and Kara beside me—"then perhaps discuss my passage with him to see if I can go to Muspelheim without the five-year term requirement."

Nabu's eyes narrowed, pinning me in place, then he slowly inclined his head. "I will discuss it with him."

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