Chapter 31 - Why is HE here?

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What the fuck was he doing here? It wasn't enough that I'd had to tolerate him on Alfheim and Midgard, now the asshole followed me to Muspelheim? The nerve of him, telling me to stop. I wanted to snort and roll my eyes as he claimed I wouldn't fuck someone in front of others.

Bloody hypocrite.

Hadn't we done exactly that when Shannon and Elatha were preparing for their public consummation ceremony? The air had practically roiled with sexual tension as they'd worked through their nerves at performing in front of an audience. But it hadn't been just Shannon's influence as a sex goddess, or her mother, Maeve's sex goddess powers.

No, Manannan and I had been circling each other since we'd met, seeking his help to locate Shannon after the Wild Hunt had kidnapped her. Even seeing the way the Atlantean Queen had handled him, revealing the obvious history of their fornication, I'd still kissed him in front of Loki when we'd parted to find Shannon on the Winter Realm's shore.

And the night before Shannon and Elatha's ceremony, we'd dove at each other. I hadn't cared an iota about the others in the room when Manannan had fucked me up against the wall, proving the sea god knew exactly how to move those hips and long, thick cock. His hands and lips had lit me up from the inside, setting my blood to boiling. I'd had the bruises on my back and ass to prove his stamina and skill had been more than sufficient.

By Yggdrasil's sturdy trunk, the fucker didn't know me at all if he thought I had any reservations about nudity or public sex after growing up the way I had. Not that he'd bothered to ask me about my childhood or my life as a Valkyrie. No, he'd been too busy fucking me, then fucking me over.

I ground down on Pazuzu's cocks, meeting each of his thrusts with little panting moans as he drilled deeper and deeper, piercing my cervix. By the Nine, the sensation was incredible. Not the painful banging I'd experienced with others. No, his clever prehensile cock managed to coax it open, rubbing delicious nerves and thrusting into my womb to make way for the volume of jizz his primary cock released. And through it all, the knot of his tail pressed wickedly against my nerves, heightening every movement as everything tightened and coiled.

Unable to hold back, the tension burst, sending tingling ripples of climax through my trembling muscles as I writhed against Pazuzu.

Hearing him taunt Manannan, the fucking Sea God who'd lusted after me but not enough to keep his promises of fidelity, heightened my pleasure. I hoped the bastard had a major case of blue balls as I orgasmed again from Pazuzu's exquisite fucking.

"Admit it," Pazuzu taunted. "It's not like you can hide your arousal."

I couldn't believe my ears. Had Pazuzu heard my thoughts? My eyes flew to his.

"He's practically vibrating, he's so close to losing it, kitten," Pazuzu murmured to me.

Manannan was all but losing his shit, watching Pazuzu fuck me. Me... the female he'd betrayed to enjoy a quick afternoon fuck at a nearby Atlantean outpost.

"Set her free, Pazuzu. Give her back to me," Manannan snarled.

I almost spit, his claim was so ridiculous. Yet Pazuzu's eyes narrowed and darkened, black seidhr swirling dangerously around us. Pressing against him, I nipped his lip, drawing his focus back to me, to our bodies rising and falling in sync, to the trembling pressure building between us.

He chuckled, taunting Manannan again, and I squeezed him as the wave rose to blast up my spine, shaking me with the force of the climax. Through the thundering in my ears, I heard Pazuzu roar, then the pulse of warmth filling me as my abdomen grew, stretching to hold the volume he released in a series of hot gushes.

I grinned. Pazuzu was doing his best to plant a child within me, and part of me didn't mind playing the astronomically long odds. A wide-splayed hand moved to caress the bulge of his seed within me as he smiled down at me.

"You do love to fill me to bursting, my lord," I teased. I laid my head on his shoulder, knowing we'd be bound together for the next hour or so as his body attempted to keep his cum inside me to do its work. Yet as soon as we parted, it would flow from me, coating my sex and legs in an erotic but messy statement of his possession that never failed to arouse me again.

"Yes, yes I do."

With a careful rocking motion, he eased his tail from my ass, and I cried out, my body again rippling with climax.

"Fuck. I'm going to be thinking about that a lot," Nabu exhaled and swiped a hand over his mouth.

"So glad we provided new inspiration for you, Nabu. Thinking about it is fine. Touch her once without my permission and not in a life-threatening situation, and you will lose your hand, best friend or not," Pazuzu growled.

"She doesn't belong here, Pazuzu. She doesn't belong to you. Let her go," Manannan demanded, interrupting their banter with his obnoxiously deep voice that absolutely did not tickle my senses.

My spine stiffened. "You have no fucking say over me, Manannan. Stop giving orders," I snarled, twisting to glare at him in so much as I could while still impaled on Pazuzu's cocks.

Pazuzu's hands continued to caress my back, gentle with his touch in complete opposite to the lethal roar he released. It rose the hair on the back of my neck and my ears rang with the echoing sound as he snarled, "You have two weeks here as a guest, Manannan. After that, you either accept a work contract in my palace or seek one elsewhere. I gave you passage here, but you'll have to work to get passage back. Fisk, find a set of rooms for the Sea God. I want him out of my sight before he upsets Mist further and I kill him for the insult to her."

Manannan's lips pressed together as he crossed his thick arms over his muscled chest and glared.

Fisk bobbed his brightly plumed head and motioned to two scorpion demon guards. "Right away, my Prince."

With a little salute, Nabu opened a portal and left as the guards pushed Manannan toward the door. Although he resisted for a moment, he left after tossing another glare at Pazuzu and me.

Was he judging me? Him? The same elf that had a different female in every port was judging me? My fists clenched, the desire to plant one in his face swamping me. Sanctimonious bastard.

"Kitten, you're growling. Would you like me to have him brought back so you can pummel him?" Pazuzu arched a dark eyebrow, lips quirked in a small smile. Yet his eyes were questioning as he peered into mine.

Was I that easy to read? "No, better I don't see him right now," I replied through gritted teeth.

"How do you know Manannan Mac Lir?" Pazuzu asked, continuing to rub his hands over my back like he was soothing feathers I didn't have.

"One of my best friends recently discovered she was an elf, not human as she'd been brought up to believe. When her immortal genes were awakened, she found she had sea goddess powers. Manannan helped her, then joined the search for her when she was taken by the Unseelie's Wild Hunt, and he aided her in reuniting with her true parents, not the adoptive human who'd raised her," I told him while still being vague enough to not reveal any Asgardian secrets. I'd not give Pazuzu any ammunition against my people.

He cocked his head, frowning slightly. "How did you become best friends with an elf? I thought relations between Asgard and the elves were strained after the two wars your races have fought in recent times?"

"She's soul bound to an Asgardian." I wrinkled my nose, thinking of the Unseelie. "And relations are strained between the Unseelie and Asgard, but we have no quarrel with the Seelie."

Pazuzu's dark eyes regarded me. "Very true. There are some significant differences between the Winter and Summer realms in their beliefs, rituals, and energy. That some of the Unseelie share such depraved beliefs with Lamashtu is... distasteful. I'm surprised Asgard hasn't killed the more vile Unseelie yet."

I sighed, looking over his shoulder. "You're not wrong. We had two of the worst in our dungeon last year but didn't kill them due to the treaty. We should have. Then they wouldn't have been able to break out and continue their disgusting practices." It still burned that Crom and Llew had escaped and we didn't know how they'd left Asgard, or how Nemain and Badb had gotten there in the first place to free them.

Pazuzu sighed. "Yes, treaties. The bane of practicality. Better to eat your enemies than allow them to live to attack you again."

A surprised snort escaped me. "Nope. No offence, my lord, but that's gross."

He grinned. "Says the tiny kitten. I'm a dragon, love. Top of the food chain."

"Still, do rinse your mouth before you kiss Anna or me afterward. That copper stink is a wee bit off-putting to our fragile female senses."

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