Chapter 33 - What's Going On?

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Gods, he's good at that.

Limp with satiation, I relaxed as Pazuzu held my panting, sweaty, seed-soaked body. Every time seemed more amazing than the last. Never would I have imagined I'd love being impaled with both his cocks within my pussy. That he'd actually fit. But after seeing how wild it made him and the erotic vision when he'd been stuffed inside Mist, I'd yearned for the same. It didn't matter that we'd had to work up to it over several days, or that I hadn't attempted to take his tail yet.

After that first intense experience, I craved the savage stretch, the fullness, the way he left me swollen and euphoric with his cum afterward. Not every day. Gods, he was still a lot to handle, and each time, I felt it for hours afterward in an achy indescribable throbbing. Yet even though his primary cock was larger than Kusarikku's, who'd left me bruised for days, somehow, I could take both of Pazuzu's at once. It was almost like I'd gotten better at it, not bruising... or at least, any bruising disappeared much faster, healing within an hour or two.

And oh my gods, so worth it. Damn. I orgasmed more intensely every time he did. And the pleasure, the satiated sensation and endorphins lasted longer, too. Perhaps because his cum stayed inside longer. Instead of spraying out when he climaxed, it slowly dripped from my sex in an erotic flow over hours.

So thrilling and primal.

A giggle burbled within me. Maybe I'd become addicted to him. After all, he was insatiable even though his heat ended almost a week ago. I was amazed Mist and I ever made it out of bed. Not that he needed a bed.

"What's so amusing, little one?" he murmured, gliding fingers over my dewy skin.

As if he didn't know, but I liked that he asked and didn't always read my mind. "Just musing over the various inventive ways you find to fuck Mist and I senseless, then leave us covered in your seed."

He chuckled. "I'll admit to enjoying the sight. It satisfies the basic, animalistic nature within me."

"Mmm... well, it has me feeling sleepy. I'm going to take a nap while you join Mist for your daily sparring session. I know she"—a yawn caught me mid-word—"enjoys it."

"I wore you out?"

He slowly withdrew from my body and I shivered, another climatic aftershock rippling over my nerves.

"No, just super relaxed."

Pazuzu smiled and kissed me as my eyes closed. "Rest well, little Anna."


I must have fallen asleep and not felt him leave the bed, because when I woke, the spot beside me was cold. I stretched, luxuriating in the soft sheets against my naked body. Gods, I was getting so spoiled. I'd never been one for lazing in bed or afternoon naps, but more often than not this week, I'd found myself needing more rest. But then, given the way we had sex multiple times a day, I was probably using more energy than ever. These last two weeks had been the absolute best of my life so far.

For the most part, I'd enjoyed the temple with the camaraderie and the sex... so much sex. Being free to try pretty much whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted, with partners who were excited and appreciative had been eye-opening. I hadn't realized how sheltered my life had been until I'd arrived here.

Never mind the whole other planets and aliens thing. That was shocking, yet it had always made sense to me that there must be other intelligent beings in the universe. Learning about the different cultures was fascinating. I giggled. Poor Mist. I constantly bombarded her with questions and she teased me about my rampant curiosity.

In more ways than one.

I'd never considered I might enjoy being with a woman, but I did. Or at least, I did with Mist. Any time I'd been on the verge of feeling overwhelmed with Pazuzu's massive aura, dominance, and insatiable nature, she was there to blunt it, to give me the opportunity to catch my breath. Gods, she was amazing—sexy, strong, fiercely independent, yet willing to submit to Pazuzu in a wholly feminine way. I admired everything about her... including her curvaceous but strong body and how she tasted like watermelon on my tongue.

Maybe I'd get my lazy butt out of bed and watch them spar. They were so beautiful together and when Pazuzu frequently left to deal with princely duties afterward, I'd taken to joining Mist in the shower. I stretched again, a yawn cracking my jaw, then threw back the covers and stood.

A churning sensation had me pausing, swallowing as saliva pooled in my mouth.

My stomach settled after a few slow breaths and I rubbed my belly. Weird. I'd felt fine earlier. I shrugged and strode to the wardrobe to take a black shift from a hanger. After dragging it over my head to cover my body, I padded out onto the patio and over to the ledge that looked down on the large dirt area they used. I sat on the bench Pazuzu had placed for me so I could enjoy watching them.

Faster than I could follow with my eyes, they spun and dodged. As quick as a foot would lash out with a kick, the other would throw up an arm block. The glint of swords caught my eye in a blur of motion between them and I held my breath. As skilled as they were, my heart pounded, afraid one of them would get injured or worse.

When they broke apart, Mist laughing and Pazuzu smiling, I exhaled. The violence of immortals was not something I'd gotten used to. It shook me every time. I'd seen the harpies kill and eat a patron who'd gotten out of line at the temple and that was nauseating, but it had been so much worse when Pazuzu had done so. I tried not to think of it whenever I joined Pazuzu in the throne room, but it was hard to hold the memory at bay. My stomach churned every time I entered the space—I put a hand to my belly again—or even just thought about it.

A male entered the training area and Mist stopped smiling. Ugh. It was that damned elf, the sea god. Although he'd been pleasant enough to me, I hated him on principle because of the way he upset Mist. Every time she saw him, she tensed, with a pinched look around her eyes. She hadn't told me, but I was sure he'd hurt her. A bad breakup, was my guess, as Pazuzu got very possessive whenever Manannan Mac Lir was around.

Not that I blamed Pazuzu. I was possessive, too. Mist was ours and Manannan could just... just... fuck off. He watched her constantly and it was clear he wanted her. I stood, fists clenching. The urge to go down there, to kiss her and show that interloper that Mist was ours, was a fire in my blood and I strode towards the stairs.

As I started down, Pazuzu pinned Mist against the nearby wall, fucking her. I laughed at Manannan's expression, then covered my mouth to smother the sound.

Yet he didn't leave. He met Mist's challenging gaze, a muscle ticking in his jaw. Even from here, I heard his words, "Asgard needs you, Mist."

Ugh. Could he not take a hint and see he wasn't wanted?

Seriously. Read the room, dude.

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