Chapter 46 - Full Circle

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A spark lit within my chest, catching fire as her words sank into me. Pressure built, grew, and expanded until my roar erupted from my throat and shook the cavern. My beautiful little mate, my fragile little human, my Anna was pregnant.

Slowly, carefully, my trembling fingers lowered to press against her abdomen, the home of our child, nestled inside her. Tears welled in her eyes as the cautious hope expanded on her face and her smile widened.

I lowered my head to take her lips again, cradling her soft body to me. "Yes, Anna," I growled after our mouths parted. Nuzzling her neck, I drew her scent in, tasting it with senses deeper than physical. The same instincts that had first told me she could be my mate now confirmed her pregnancy with the richness in her already luscious notes. "Yes, I am very pleased my little mate."

"Congratulations, both of you, but we should get her to your palace healers," Mist interjected, bringing our gore-soaked surroundings back to mind.

With a glance down at Anna's bandaged arm, I nodded then stepped back and shifted into my dragon, beckoning with a talon. "On you get, all three of you. Once we are out of Lamashtu's fortress, I'll be able to open a gate." Protecting her with a cushion of air, I lifted Anna to my back and chuckled at her squeak of surprise.

Mist stepped up through the air as easily as if an invisible staircase rose to my back and settled behind Anna, wrapping an arm around her. A puff of air blew out my nostrils as I held back my amusment. That Valkyrie really had hidden her skills, not that I blamed her. It wasn't like Asgard and Muspelheim were on good terms... although I had no quarrel with the Asgardians.

Manannan joined Anna and Mist on my back and I held them in place as I launched myself from the filth of my enemy's stronghold. As we swooped down the tunnel and out into the stormy ash-laden air, I considered the precarious relationship we had with the Asgardians... a relationship I'd put in jeopardy by keeping Mist here. Greedy dragon that I was, I was reluctant to let her go. Still... she'd made her choice by not accepting my mating bite. I needed to respect that. The idea didn't sting quite as much as it had previously. Mist would never truly be happy here with Anna and I. Not long term, anyway.

A flick of seidhr opened a portal to my palace and I flew through and into clear skies. I brought us down and into the throne room, landing lightly to let my fragile passengers slide to the black flagstones before I resumed my human form.

"Fetch the healer," I barked, lifting Anna into my arms and settling her in my lap on my throne.

"Right away, my prince," answered a wolf demon guard with a bow, then he turned and raced out.

"While we wait, I think it is past time to clear up some things." I looked between Mist and Manannan and couldn't hold back my smirk as Mist met my gaze with narrowed eyes. She crossed her arms, cocking one hip. Blood-spattered she might be, but it certainly didn't detract from her fierce beauty. Attitude swirled around her.

Manannan glanced between us with a careful blankness to his expression, yet his thoughts gave him away. He was desperate and hopeful, but trying to hide it. Yes, this was something I should have done earlier if I hadn't been such a selfish bastard wanting to keep Mist to myself for as long as possible.

"Mist, according to you, Manannan cheated on you," I said, watching Manannan's head jerk back at the accusation.

"Yes," she snarled.

"But you didn't see him. Just overheard him discussing it, is that right?" I asked as Manannan's shook his head, brows drawing up. "What exactly did you overhear?"

Mist scowled, then asked, "What is the point of this, my lord?"

I smiled and gestured to her. "Indulge me, gorgeous Valkyrie."

"Fine. He was talking with Elada about fucking an Atlantean outpost commander they'd just returned from when Shannon and I were training with Scota on her island."

Manannan's mouth opened and I held up a hand to halt time. "Do you remember the exact conversation?"

"Of course I remember," Mist snarled, then turned a scathing sneer toward Manannan. "Elada asked if Manannan enjoyed fucking the station commander. Manannan told him to stop being crude and that if he'd pull his head out of his ass, he'd attract more females, too."

I pursed my lips and nodded, taking in Manannan's wince. Yeah, I could understand why those words would come across as damning. Although I hadn't seen Manannan in several thousand years, I'd kept tabs on him. His reputation had grown as a connoisseur of females. No doubt Mist was aware of his reputation.

Holding Manannan's gaze, I asked, "Did you cheat on Mist after swearing fidelity to her?"

Without hesitation he shook his head. "No, absolutely not. I've not broken my word to her. She holds my heart."

Mist scoffed and I held my hand up to forestall her as I continued to pin him in place. "How do you explain your conversation that she overheard?"

Manannan gave a disgusted snort. "Elada is a spoiled male who resents his own lack of a relationship yet can't stop himself from being offensive to every female around him. The Atlantean commander expressed her interest and I declined, telling her I was taken. Elatha took his brother, Elada, to gather travel supplies and I met with the commander to discuss the health of some local species of fish that were declining in population for reasons that weren't clear." Manannan turned to meet Mist's glare. "When we met up again to return to Scota's island, Elada was his usual offensive self, making assumptions, and the commander stormed off in disgust. That is what the conversation was about."

His memories of the event had rolled through his thoughts as he explained, verifying his words, although Mist didn't look convinced. Still, I knew he hadn't betrayed her. "Mist, you know I can read the minds of those who say my name three times, right?"

She turned back to me, searching my face.

"His memories confirm what he just told us," I told her. "He hasn't broken his word to you."

Tears filled her eyes, her hand flying up to cover her mouth to muffle the keening cry as she spun to face Manannan. Slowly, he approached her as if she was a feral wolf he was attempting to tame not sure whether or not he was going to lose the fingers outstretched towards her.

"I swear, Mist, I've been faithful to you. There's no one else for me. Just you," he murmured as he drew her into his arms. She resisted for a moment, then grabbed his head to pull him down for a kiss that even from here, was scorchingly hot.

"That is a good thing you've done for them, my lord," Anna said, keeping her voice low as we watched the explosive reunion between Mist and Manannan.

Taking her chin in my fingers, I kissed Anna lightly. "I'm glad you approve little one, but it means we are going to lose our Valkyrie."

"Can we visit them?" Anna asked.

"Perhaps," I said as I considered it. Raising my voice, I asked, "You have a choice, Mist. Do you want to stay here or go back to Earth with Manannan? After all, you saved my mate and I'd be a poor prince to not reward such loyal service by forcing the both of you to work a five-year contract."

Mist and Manannan broke apart, looking at each other for a moment before turning to face me. Even before she spoke, I knew what Mist's answer would be.

"I want to return to Earth with Manannan," she confirmed as she took his hand in hers.

I held Anna a little tighter and shoved down my disappointment. With a flick of my fingers, a red-rimmed portal formed behind Mist and Manannan. "If you change your mind, Mist, you always have a place here with Anna and I."

Beside me, Anna nodded.

A curl of my seidhr wrapped around Mist's wrist tattoo. "And if you need me for any reason, your wrist communication will be able to reach me."

Mist smiled, bowing deeply. "Thank you, my lord."

"Thank you, Pazuzu," Manannan added before they both stepped back through the shimmering portal and away from our sight. 

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