Chapter 7 : "Omkie!"

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"Gauri?" He called from his room as he heard the door open and shut. 

"No, it's your neighbor's ghost." Came her reply and he grinned before wearing a serious expression as he focused on the details of his painting in progress.

Gauri tied her hair up into a bun and left her keys on the side table. Getting rid of her shoes next, she made her way to the door of his room. She leaned against the door's frame watching him engrossed. Almost three weeks had gone by, and Gauri was still in the process of figuring out her friend and flatmate. He was just very different. At times, he was cheerful and made good company and at others he was like this brooding man who just existee on earth, keeping to himself as much as possible. Gauri wondered which one of the two was it today.

"I will go take a shower," Gauri declared when he didn't bother to physically show any form of acknowledgement to her presence. Not even the slight turn of head to see her. 

She had barely turned when she heard him say, "I didn't know ghosts do that too."

A smile drew on Gauri's lips. Cheerful man was on the menu today. "Don't worry, you'll know they eat food too later." Omkara chuckled at her response, still not bothering to look at her. With a smile she walked to her room. 

"So, how was your day?" Omkara asked as he served the gravy into two bowls. 

"Same usual. I am sick of the sight of cupcakes now. Never thought there would be a day when I would say this." Gauri spoke pushing clean plates towards him. He neatly placed the bowls filled with the corn gravy on each. She layed the the hot rotis into the plates. Each then picked a plate and walked out.

Omkara couldn't thank his stars enough that he now got Indian bread to eat. He was so sick of the rice, Chowmein and pasta. Gauri made it a point to make rotis or theplas for dinner and Omkara was truly grateful for it.

"There's this position, for a librarian at the college." Omkara announced referring to the college he worked at. "They're looking for someone who can organize and manage the library. Currently the library uses the old school approach of noting down stuff manually in registers. They are looking for a  person who can digitalize their process and the like. I just came to know today, that the position has been open for quite sometime now."

Gauri stared at him quizzically. "You want me to apply for it?" 

Omkara shrugged his shoulders in response taking another bite from his plate. Gauri thoughtfully chewed on her food. Taking a deep breath she looked at him squarely and spoke, "library means a lot of books. That's great. But it also means a lot of dust, spiders and other insects." She made a face.

Omkara was amused. "So you're likely to reject the idea of applying to this position because you are scared of the spiders and insects that might exist in the library?" 

Gauri made a face at his mocking tone. Earlier on, she didn't really like the way he mocked but with time she had gotten used to it. Didn't mean she didn't have to show her disapproval at his manner.

"Gauri, don't you see opportunity here? This may be an excellent project for you to take up. From making a database of all the books that are available to choosing the software, hardware and other things that you'd want. This is a solid project to even put on your resume. Just think of it beyond the insects and spiders that might be present to trouble you."

Gauri eyed him thoughtfully, letting his second attempt at a mockery go by. Silence fell as the two got busy eating while Gauri contemplated on Omkara's idea. Could she take up the responsibility? Maybe he was right, it would look good on her resume. 

"Will they take me?" She asked softly.

"I know the chief librarian, she is also an old English professor at the college. I can talk to her."

Gauri nodded and then looked at him hesitantly, "this won't screw up things for you in any way right?"

Omkara looked at her puzzled. "No, it wont. They are desperate for anyone with the skills, so my discounting is that you'll be hired right away."

"Hmmm, okay. I will come with you tomorrow!" She smiled. 

"Hmm, maybe day after. I think I should give Mrs. Carter a head up first."


"So, how was work?" He asked.

"It's actually much more fun that I thought." Gauri spoke smiling widely. "So many cute guys drop by." She said dreamily. "I already have two crushes! I mean most obviously come with their girlfriends but still." 

The corners of Omkara's eyes crinkled and his lips reflected the amusement. "Two, that's it?"

"So far yes. So this first guy, he always comes in sharp at like five thirty, places the same order. He has deep brown hair, always wears these formals. His name his Mathew. And the way he nods his head with a smile. Totally melts my heart. The other one is this college dude. Always flirts when he drops by. Generally, towards later evenings. But he has a girlfriend for whom he buys a new flavor of cupcake every other day. Such a lucky girl!"

Omkara chukled, "You have the time of your life, don't you?" 

"Totally, but standing most of the time sucks."

"Everything comes with it's own pros and cons." He smiled.

"You tell me, how was your day?"

"Same old, I guess. The kids are all hyped for the prom which is like a month away."

Gauri's eyes sparkled. "That's exciting!"

Omkara sat back in his chair and sighed, "Don't tell me ..."

"Of course prom is exciting! Everyone's dressed their best, laughing, dancing, enjoying and flirting. You know for my senior year prom night three guys had asked me."

Omkara's amusement flashed back. He leaned on the table with interest. "And how did you choose the one?"

"One of them was my secret crush, so I was sort of biased and went with him. It was a fun night." Gauri smiled going back to the night.

"And, you expect me to believe everything you tell me?"

Gauri's gaze snapped back to him. "What do you mean?"

"You're lying."

Gauri sat up straight, frowning. "Why do you think so?"

Omkara shrugged his shoulders, "guess!"

"Fine the three guy thing was actually not right. I asked three guys out. Out of which one was my crush. But he said yes. And I did go to the prom with him. Although it didn't last long cause I had a curfew that night. Three hours only."

Omkara chukled, picking up his now empty plate. Gauri followed him into the sink with hers. "How did you catch that lie? This time I tried not to give away."

Omkara smiled as he washed the plate he had used. "I don't know, there's something that doesn't fit, you know."

"Maybe you just have been around too many liars for too long." Gauri said smiling, "are you a secret cop or something?"

Omkara smiled, asking for the plate. She shook her head briefly declining his offer. He stepped away letting her take the spot. "You're right!" He mumbled before walking away. He had been around liars for too long. So long that he was suffocated.

"Listen, Omkie!"

Omkara turned around with his dark thick eyebrow arched. "Omkie?"

"It suits you." She said shrugging her shoulders as a matter of fact.

"What?" He asked.

"Coming for a walk?"

"Walk?" He questioned, this time both his eyebrows bumping up a bit. "I thought you said your feet ached after your shift."

Gauri ran her fingers to the back of her neck, "Ice cream maybe?"

"You want me to come." Omkara thought out loud.

"It's okay if you don't want to come." She said quickly with a reassuring smile. She'd prefer he came. She sort of wasn't comfortable with the idea of going out alone. She had never really been the one to stay out late. Besides the ice cream parlours nearby were all near liquor shops which attracted nasty men. 

"Well, if you buy me a coffee, I will."

"Cool, coffee is on me!" She smiled doing a mental dance. Her mouth salivating just at the thought of cold cocolate chip delight.

* * *

Omkara slipped into the cosy booth of Dandelion Gardenia cafe while Gauri slipped into the couch across the table. She finally had two jobs on her plate now. Old Mrs. Carter was more than happy to have a young enthusiastic Gauri as a librarian. 

Gauri's colleague came up to them and greeted them. "Hey Sam!" Gauri greeted him back.

"Boyfriend?" Sam asked looking at Omkara. 

"No, friend!" Gauri corrected with a smile. She turned to Omkara, "Meet Sam!"

"Hey!" Sam greeted Omkara with a blushing smile. Omkara smiled back out of formality while Gauri placed their order. 

Once Sam walked back towards the counter, Gauri leaned on the table whispering, "he's crushing on you!"

"Seriously?" Omkara almost whispered back.

"Yep, he's also into Mathews."

"Whose Mathews?" Omkara asked puzzled 

"The guy in formals who always orders the same thing and smiles with a brief nod while saying a thank you." Gauri tried ro remind him.

"Oh!" Omkara patted on the table with realization, "Your crush number one."

"Not bad!" Gauri remarked with a grin. 

Omkara smiled looking around.

"Thanks Omkie!" Gauri said earnestly looking at him.

"For?" He asked surprised.

"Pretty much everything!" She answered tossing a heartfelt smile at him.

He briefly nodded accepting her gratitude. "Treat is yours!"

"Most definitely"

"Are you getting any discount?" Omkara quipped.

Gauri rolled her eyes then looked at him with a smirk, "You might if you flirt with Sam."

"Sorry. Out of my league!" Omkara divulged.

Gauri broke into giggles and soon enough Omkara joined her.

Sorry to keep you guys waiting!

The comments on the previous chapter helped. Please keep commenting your thoughts and views that make me shape the story better. 

I hope I am able to update regularly and complete this book before the end of this year. 

Also, feel free to tag your friends.


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