Chapter 9 - Demons

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Gauri always found the idea of prom nights exciting. She looked at the mirror smiling away proudly. She had got an affordable dress that looked pretty on her. It was a matter of pride and a strange sense of liberation. She had always survived on her father's earnings. Some sixty days away from home and she was not only earning but taking care of herself just fine. She straightened the pendant that hung from the thin silver chain around her neck. It was an infinity symbol hanging down a heart outline. 

Gauri smiled and decided to head out before Omkara changed his mind while waiting for her. She gave one last look at her gown. It was a fairly simple piece but she had fallen for it at first sight when she had seen it hanging on the sales section. The grey colored dress was floaty waist down and had an embellished bodice that hugged her curves just right. The dress had a very modest v neck and even thought it had just straps and no sleeves it looked cute instead of sexy. One of the many reason why Gauri had an instant affection for the dress. Gauri smiled twirling a little. 

She stepped out of her room after taking her sling purse along. She looked up and was pleasantly surprised at the sight she saw. He was wearing a pitch black tux, his hair was neatly restrained in a man bun. He turned to look at her impatiently. His expression changed from irritation to awe and Gauri did a mental dance. "How do I look?" She asked with a knowing smile and then twirled around.

"Uh, you look nice. Like a miniature version of some barbie." He remarked chaffing her. His smile had slipped on and Gauri made a disappointed face.

"I am wearing heels!" She announced, raising her gown to reveal a two inch high block heel. 

"Good for you." He remarked with amusement. "Shall we get going? I am hungry."

"Of course, the food !" She rolled her eyes walking towards him.

Omkara smiled leading the way out. She looked pretty, as always. 

* * *

"Hey, I see Ryan there." Omkara said bringing the car to a halt at the side. 

"Are you not coming?" Gauri asked confused, turning to look at him.

"I am, now will you get moving?"

Gauri smiled, "Okay. See you inside."

"If I decide to come sure."

She turned around sharply, looking at him.

Omkara smiled, "kidding!"

Gauri shook her head disapprovingly.

Omkara sighed starting the engine to move ahead to take the car into the parking lot. He waited, his eyes on Gauri as she walked across the street. He smiled when she was by Ryan's side. He smiled and took her into a hug. He sighed driving ahead. 

Gauri seemed to like Ryan alot and Omkara could tell that he reciprocated the feelings. Omkara parked the car and sat thinking. Why did he feel that— that pinch?

He decided to avoid overthinking and headed towards the hall. He stopped outside in the ground when he saw a call from Shivaay. It would be pretty early in India, six in the morning perhaps. 

"Hey, Shivaay!" He said standing aside, watching tittering students all dressed up to please walk into hall.

"Hey, what's up?" Came his brother's voice.

"You tell me. Isn't it pretty early to be talking to me?"

He heard his brother chuckle. "Had an early morning today. US evening meetings. Thought of catching up with you. You don't bother calling so, someone has to right?"

Omkara smiled, "How's everyone?"

"Good." Came his crisp reply.

Omkara was tempted to ask more but he reminded himself that he had come so far away to keep away from there. 

"What's that sound? Are you with....girls?" His brother asked.

Omkara closed his eyes realizing that Shivaay had probably picked up the sound of the talkative group of girls who had just passed him and were now entering the hall.

"Are you still at your campus?"

"Uh, prom night." Omkara answered knowing that Shivaay's eyebrow had probably just gone up with amusement.

"Damn. I am jealous. Prom night is like a blessing for men. Beautiful ladies, good music and a dance floor. Splendid!"

Omkara's face contoured, "not you too! It's just a prom night."

"What do you mean by you too? Who else?"

Omkara closed his eyes, cursing himself for blunder. Shivaay obviously didn't know about Gauri. "I mean..  the students...they have been preparing for this night since like...  ever." Omkara covered up.

"Oh, come on. Its prom. You have some fun, okay? I am pretty sure a few ladies would be looking forward to get laid with you."

"Not interested." Omkara said dismissively.

"Why not? Listen Om, you need to be happy, enjoy and have fun. It will help you let loose. Being uptight all the time, doesn't do good."

Omkara grinned, "that coming from you is ---"

"Take it, because it's coming from me. Omkara, holding back too much, bottling it all up... is not right. It is catastrophic. I wish someone had told me this before."

Omkara's expression turned solemn. "You still blame yourself?"

"How can I not Om? Every time I see Anika's smile, I realise all the times I tried to snatch it away owing to my messed up issues."

Omkara exhaled sharply, "how do you deal with guilt?"

"I just....don't think about it."

Omkara blinked thoughtfully.

"Anyway ... let's forget about the past. I have a day ahead and you have a wonderful night ahead. Have fun Om. And will you... have one dance on my behalf too!"

"Just reminding you... I am a teacher here."

"All the more reason to have more than two dances, actually!" Shivaay laughed.

Omkara chukled heartily. "Have a nice day !"

"Wishing you a very, good, night!"

Omkara laughed ending the call.  He turned to find Gauri looking at him with big curious eyes. Her arms folded. "Do you have a secret girl friend or something?" 

Omkara's lips twisted into a smirk, "Damm it. You weren't supposed to know."

Gauri's doe shaped eyes widened a little more. "Really?"

Omkara couldn't hold back from pulling her cheeks. "You're cute. Let's go." He said walking past her.

Gauri pressed her fingers against her cheeks. "Oww, that hurts. But Omkie, you need to tell me who were you talking to." She said catching up with him scuttling along.

"Like you guessed, my secret girlfriend!" Omkara played along. 


He nodded looking at her. She eyed him, wondering if he was playing her or actually revealing a well held secret. She shook her head, "I thought you actually ditched coming here."

"Is that...Linda?" Omkara asked leaning sideways, speaking in a hushed tone.

"Oh yes. She looks soooooo pretty!" Gauri mumbled eyeing the gym teacher who looked like a model out of the monthly fashion magazine.

"Gorgeous!" Omkara murmured.

"Omkie, she's coming for you!" Gauri exclaimed in a hushed voice.

"No. No." He mumbled holding her hand. "Let's go..."

Gauri pulled her hand out of his hold. He looked at her baffled. "You said, she looks nice. She's coming to ask you, so why are you running?"

Omkara looked at her with discomfort. The woman approaching them looked like a walking temptation. Linda had actually asked Omkara out a few times before. But Omkara had politely made excuses. He was not looking to get involved. After the messed up suffocating relationship he had with Riddhma there was no way he was going to repeat that mistake.

"Hey, Om!" Linda greeted with a Christmas smile. She then greeted Gauri.

"You look so pretty!" Gauri complimented.

"Thanks, you look lovely too!" Linda returned the compliment.

"Excuse me," Gauri said politely walking away. Her eyes locked with Omkara's as he looked at her pleading to not leave him alone. She winked and disappeared into the excited crowd.

"The artist decides to look dapper today, eh? Dressed to kill?" Linda complimented.

Omkara smiled, "well!"

"Dance?" She asked with a smile, "it's okay if you have something to take care of today as well." She teased.

Omkara grinned, "come on!" He forwarded his hand like a perfect gentleman.

A slow number was playing. Throughout the dance, Linda kept caressing his arms and, his back. She had managed to ignite his lust. But Omkara knew better. He wasn't going to get trapped into that again. 


He did it once, falling for Riddhima's charms, he wouldn't do it again. He excused himself to the washroom. On purpose he made his way to he farthest washroom. He didn't want to be around people. He needed to be alone. Somehow the conversation with Shivaay had brought back the demons of his past into light again.

His eyes caught the door of one of the classroom open. It was an old classroom that was used to store up decorations and props. He made his way towards the door. He was momentarily stumped to see the sight before his eyes. 

It was as though the demons of his past were popping up one after the other mocking him, right on his face. Before him was a young lad fumbling with a syringe in hand. Omkara didn't have to think much as to what was happening before him. The boy was too lost to even realize that the door of the room had creaked and hear the footsteps. Omkara felt suffocated at the mere sight. Sweat beads forming on his head. He stared at the boy's fumbling hands, a blow of relatability hitting him hard.

 It was as though the demons from his past were jumping and calling out to him. Telling him that there was no use running away from the past. Because he couldn't escape it. The boy moved a little his face coming to light. Omkara's lips parted in surprise, that was Mason. A student of his own class, a wonderful artist. 

"Mason!" Omkara said after closing the door shut. The boy jumped up with gasp causing the syringe to slip out from his grip. The syringe rolled and stopped right before Omkara's shoe. He stared at it swallowing the lump that had formed in his throat. 

"Sirrrrr," Mason stuttered looking horrified. "I--I -- wasn't -- I swear I didn't--" the poor boy went on stammering, sweating profusely. Omkara stepped ahead, over the syringe and neared the spot where the boy sat. He noted the small packets of white powder that lay beside him. 

The boy began sobbing. "I--I -- this--"

Omkara felt a rush of empathy. "It's okay," he said softly sitting beside him. "It's okay." He repeated reassuringly putting a hand on his shoulder while his other hand reached out for the small packet of that devilish white powder. The demons never leave, they just hide in shadows waiting to jump out at the opportunity to trouble you again, and again.

I am really enjoying writing this one. I always wanted to explore Omkara's original character that we saw in the first hundred or two hundred episodes. I hope you are liking my take on him.

Would love to know your thoughts and views.


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