What To Do

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Their P.O.V

I sped down the hallway to get to the boss. My job would be toast if I never informed him of the recent events. The snap wasn't anything knew, in fact it often happened in their home hours. But this was the first time another of their age group had attempted to comfort them. It would be sweet if it wasn't for Squip's reaction. That kind of behaviour can only lead to trouble!

I caught my breath as I prepared to step into the office, the cold iron door adding to the ominous environment. My hand rested against the scanner as it made the click of the door opening. My other arm clutched the reports tightly.

My shoes sunk into the lush carpet and I brushed a strand of hair off my jacket. The figure at the desk was sitting in the chair cockily, no doubt making some phone call to the big shots that ran this branch. He was rather tall and while his legs would imply someone of a high amount of muscle,his arms didn't look like they could lift much more then a plate of spaghetti. It was his job to make sure we chose the most stable matches, it was mine to examine the behaviour of those in the matching pre marriage stage. Don't want to make any unintentional errors that can hurt the adolescents.

He shot me a glare and hung up the phone, "What is it now Joan? More kids requesting the after hours room keys then usual? They're all just horny teens, nothing special is going on!" he laughed obnoxiously. I held back a groan and rolled my eyes. He never would let the mistake of me taking the requests as a sign that kids have been exposed to a more sex driven culture. As a matchless woman who never desired a partner I had never paid attention to who had started to sleep with who. Their virginities dropping like flies. Of course there were the few who'd chosen to keep it all special but those were becoming rarer nowadays.

"Actually Mr. Icon it's match change case 1215. They seem to have undergone some interaction today that has left me worried." I explained. To which he just began laughing hysterically.

"Well lay it on me then! What did they talk about favorite bands, telling jokes no one understands except those two or something?" he asked sarcastically. Why was this guy even in charge?

I groaned and after rolling my eyes continued, "It seemed that subject 01010 also known as Squip broke down crying in the hallway. And subject 25866, or Jeremy went to comfort them To which 01010 responded positively. Or at least positive in a sense-"

"Just say what happened already! I'm a busy man!" he spun his pointer finger around in a circle.

"Well according to reports Squip seems to have, in the words of a few students who reported this to us 'Clung to Jeremy as if their life would end if they let go'." I said, regaining my composure. The fool actually went quiet, and his face darkened.

"This could be an issue, I'll need to have a meeting with the two. Separately of course, with the principal in the room to make them feel safer. Make the calls Joan." he shooed me away.

Those poor kids, they don't know what Icon has planned. I'm afraid I don't either.

Sorry for being so late summer is being summer and I'm procrastinating.

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