Chap.15:Me Jealous? Haha,Yes..

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*** how I felt ever since that inauspicious day in the office.
I kept praying and asking for forgiveness for what my eyes have seen.

I haven't been to work for a week now.
I did not care what the devil might do regards my sudden unjustified absence.
This will teach him a lesson to respect the existence of others.

'My dear self apologizes for not coming to work this week. Thank you.' was the content of the email I sent him via his work email.
I could not bother justifying myself.
I have put him under a fait accompli whether he likes it or not.
'I prayed he would fire me.'

I had another problem up my sleeve.
I tried so hard but failed to hide the fact that I work for the Devil from Lamees.
She was so adamant to know, she wanted to pay me visits at my work to show people that I do have friends, and that was very offending to say the least.
‚Why would people think I don't have friends?'
Until I finally gave in and told her to regret it right away.

It's been only mins since I have told her and I already regret it.
nearly 10 searching websites were opened, holding the same topic"The Devil"
Immanuel Petrov...
Immanuel Petrov personal life
Immanuel wealth ..
Though there was not much to know about him from the media. Information was limited.
It seems that he does not like his private life to be made public..

So here we were in my bedroom, having one of our small closed meetings..
We called Irina to come but apologized for having some work in her fashion agency.

Lamees was sitting in the carpeted floor with her back against the bed end, with legs crossed, holding my laptob on her lab ,while I was laying flat on my stomach on my bed, legs dancing in the air, with ny head on her shoulder.

She insisted she would know every single detail about my-Piece of cupcake- of a boss as she called him.
‚Poisonous, bitter cupcake indeed.'
She even shipped us together, It made me feel disgusted and repulsive..
little did she know of how much I despise him and abhor his abhorrent presence.

‚I would not think of him even if he were the last man on earth'

I haven't told her about our clashes or how miserable I am for working for him. Not that I don't trust her, quite the opposite. She's been a deep well for my secrets and a safe haven to turn to when I face my fears, ever since I've known her. She has been and still more than a friend, a loving, protective sister and a caring mother..
but I've worried her enough with my problems for a long time now.
And above all this, she may seem like a shy girl, but you won't like it when she  is pissed  off.
She would kick him where the sun doesn't shine had she known that.

„You do know you seem like a creepy stalker now, don't you?" I told her irritated of how much she was interested in him.

„Excuse me!I am not a stalker! I am a researcher and He happens to be a good subject ." She said shifting her glasses a little over her nose with her forefinger, smiling mischievously.
„Good subject my toe." I muttered spitefully.
„What did you say?" she questioned while still focusing her sight on the screen.
„ Nothing." I said sighing.

„Aren't you done yet? This is nothing short of weariness." I said fed up with this much of talk about him.

"Hey look, who's this stunning woman with him?" Lamees shouted, getting my attention .
I instinctively looked at the screen to feel my heart pounding in my chest erratically when I saw the shameless tanned woman who broke into his office and witnessed them in an immoral situation.
I cringed anew at the thought.
Flashes I prayed and prayed to be entirely erased from my mind resurfaced again.

The images seemed to be taken from in front of his company. She seemed to be chasing him while he did not care at all about her existence. She was dressed in a bright yellow dress that was too short to be worn even at home, it barely fits for Sofia size.
What did she leave for the imagination?!
I felt ashamed on her behalf.
‚How could she go out showing this much of skin?!'

I have never interfered with anyone or their appearance as I would not want for anyone to do this with me, but her immorality bothered me for some reason that I did not know.

Now that I look at the images it was confirmed that she was his girlfriend or even his fiancé perhaps.
"She looks wicked though." Said lamees with disdain.
'She IS wicked indeed.'

I raised from my place and shut the screen in irritation .
I did not want to see no more.
„Enough with him and his whereabouts." I said while I picked up the laptop and placed it on the nightstand.
Now I have to deal again with their images haunting me like a disturbing nightmare.
Only to hear lamees burst into vulpine laughter.

‚The girl has officially gone mad!' I looked at her with wide concerned eyes .
„What's so funny ?"I asked suspiciously.
„Yo-you a-are Jeal-jeal-„ she said between her laughs almost rolling on the ground.
„I am what? Jelly?!" I said in a try to figure out what she was getting at.
„Hahahha" she laughed even more clutching at her stomach.
I suppressed the urge to laugh at her crazy laughter.
„Oh my God! No silly. You are intelligibly jealous." she finally said to my utter shock.
„Whaat?!!" I could not believe that she said that.
‚I wish it was Jelly instead. That would be more sense!'

„Yes , you are definitely gone mad" I said folding my hands at my chest, shaking my head in disbelief.
„Deny all you want. I know you better than anyone." She said with a serious face, as her laughter faded away, wiping her tears.
„You are delusional if you believe so! I don't even like him!." I said with visible irritation. I was disappointed, I did not want to hurt her feelings, but how could she accuse me of something so absurd?!!
This false accusation affirmed that she doesn't know me that well.
‚I am incapable of Love to be jealous!
‚I can't give something I don't believe in.'

„Aha sure you don't „ she said as she winked at me and headed to the washroom to wash her face.
I did not want her to proceed with her not less than insane assumption, so I headed to the kitchen to make us a cup of coffee.
Thankfully she left moments later, leaving me alone with my thoughts.
‚I hate to be left alone with my thoughts.'

Since I gave myself a Work leave, I decided to take advantage of it by taking Sophia to the nearby park to play and get my mind somewhere else.
It's been a while since we've done something together.
We dressed up in casual simple dresses, though the weather was nice and sunny outside, we took warm coats with us in case it decided to rain suddenly.

***Sana' choice of dress. (Imagine it is more loose.)***

***Sofia's dress. Isn't it cute?'***

We invited Leah and Kristina to come with us at Sofia's request. Which I didn't mind. They seemed so sweet and lovable, I loved their company and so did Sofia. Especially with Kristina's proactive concern for our comfort when she invited us to lunch at her family's house. Speaking of which, most of them were really nice that day, including her mom, such a sweet caring lady. I was starting to miss them, to be honest.

Though Kristina apologized for not coming as she was busy, she sent Leah with her driver. I found it a nice gesture , I greatly appreciated that she trusted us enough to send her daughter with us alone.

They arrived in conjunction to our arrival. the car she came in has parked near the park. I felt pleased when I saw her and she hugged me warmly. Such a lively girl.

I sat on a swing for adults, swinging slowly, near their play area, watching them play and have fun happily, the sounds of their soft laughter made me feel at peace.
It's strange how children make us feel safe and secure, while we are the ones who should be providing that for them.
May God bless and protect all childs.

I brought a book with me to entertain myself while they were busy. I was in the middle of reading when I saw two men in black suits walking around the children's play area. I felt a little suspicious about them but didn't pay it much attention, though I kept watching them furtively out of the corner of my eye.

I had no idea what this feeling I had, as if something bad was going to happen. I remained on guard in case something bad happened, God forbid.
My instincts are rarely wrong.

Suddenly, before I realized what was happening, one of the men approached Sofia and Leah, and carried Leah with him while she was screaming and kicking her feet, and started speed walking with her towards a nearby black car. I immediately got up from my place, screaming loudly to alert the people there.
"PLEASE SOMEONE HELP! HE IS KIDNAPPING THE GIRL!!!" I screamed in pure panic while running after him, but he was faster than me, so I did the first thing that came to my mind..
I threw my high-heeled boots at him..


*** Hello there..
A surprise update!! I have no idea how I managed to write it this fast with the lack of motivation I had earlier..perhaps the fact I am really enjoying this story and excited to see where things are going..
So hope you enjoy it as much as I am or even hopefully more!🤍***

This chap. was 1670

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