Chap.6: They are back..

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She Felt a presence in her room watching her from the dark corner..
She felt her body hair shudder, pulling the blankets further to her chest.. she never was that scared ever since that day..

When suddenly a familiar voice she tried so hard to erase from her memories came from that corner making her tremble with fear ..
„Hello again, красивый"
€ красивый: Beautiful. €

‚Nooo, it can't be ‚
She tried to call for Irina or Lamees or even shout when the dark figure started approaching her slowly but nothing came out..Her throat felt dry.. eyes filled with boisterous panic..

Until he was right beside her.. She felt her heart stopped, her sound finally came out loud when his hand tried to reach out for her..
"Nooo, go away..don't touch me..pleease.." she shouted while shaking her head furiously and leaping further into the bed ..

„Hey, hey calm down sweetheart! It is just a dream."
She suddenly woke up to find herself in Irina's lap still in her bed, trying to calm her down with lamees standing beside her.
She could feel how terrified and worried they were.

‚It was just a nightmare, thank Allah'
„Hey sweetheart, are you okay??!" asked lamees concerned.
„Ah, umm, yes, yes I am fine. It was just a nightmare. I am sorry if I scared you." she said breathless trying to reassure them, while her heart was still thumping madly while still sweating..

„Oh my poor thing, you are shaking! what have you seen to make you this frightened??" Irina asked still worried as this never happened to her before, at least not since they met 2 years ago.

„It's really nothing. Some stupid dream. I will be fine." she faked smile not wanting to say any more.
„If you say so honey, we'll let you back to sleep"
Said lamees not wanting to push her more as they were about to leave the room.
„ Can you please stay with me? At least until I sleep." she said desperately.
I am afraid to stay alone..'

„Of course, honey. We will stay right here." Said Irina in a soothing voice.
„I will go check on Sofia and be back." said Lamees leaving the room.
„Thank you."

„I am worried about her." Said Irina while they were setting in the Sofa in Sana' room while she drifted back to sleep.
„ Me too. She only has these nightmares when something upsets her, or something bad happens." Lamees said concerned.
"I have noticed she was spiritless since she came back from her interview."Irina added remembering how sulky Sana' face was when she came home.

"Do you think something bad happened to her at work-God forbid-? Or o the way home?" Lamees said in a try to figure out this return of her nightmares.
"I wish I could know."
Irina said and sighed helplessly.

„ Could it be something from the past? She never talks about it! What has happened to her?!" She suddenly asked this question much to Lamees' surprise..
She noticed the change in Lamees demeanor at the last question.
"It is! Isn't it?!. And you know about it." She said more like confronted Lamees.

Lamees' shoulders slumped in sadness.
" I am not sure but most likely yes. Wish I could tell you but it is not my place to do so."
" I know. It just kills me that She never shares her misery with no one.. and builds these thick walls around herself."

Irina could see how much grief Lamees eyes held regarding this matter.
My poor Sana'.. what has happened to you?!! I wish you could open up your heart for me one day..
She inwardly hoped.


"Good morning, sunshine. Come on, rise and shine..Breakfast is ready."
She woke up at Irina's loud voice and Lamees' horrible singing from the kitchen.
She smiled and felt relieved. Their presence could brighten up any place and make it glow..
'I am grateful to have such amazing friends.'

She took a quick shower and headed to the small dining table adjacent to the kitchen.. to be blessed with the lovely aroma of the typical Palestinian breakfast of za'atar, fresh flat bread, hummus capped with olive oil, falafel,
creamy labneh, eggs, some green olives, chopped tomatoes and cucumber and tea with mint..

***I never get enough of these heavenly things!***

She was amazed at the delicious sight before her."Where did you guys find all these things?" Being in a western country, you don't expect to find these Arabic Delicacies easily.

"We have our ways." Irina said Arrogantly, making her laugh.
" Come on. Stop wasting time! I am starving."
Said Lamees eying the food greedily while licking her lips.
They both laughed at her rolling their eyes.
" Whoever sees you, thinks you never saw food in your life." Irina said Provocatively.
" Hey! Food must be always cherished." Lamees said scolding her.
"Ya , ya whatever. Let's say Bismillah and start munching."
€ Bismillah (Arabic: بسم الله) is a phrase in Arabic meaning "in the name of God" that occurs at the very start of the Qur'an and opens the Basmala. And is used at the beginning of any work. by saying Bismillah we invite and welcome blessings and the help of Allah (SWT) to make things easy and good.€

After breakfast we sat a little, chatting about random stuff. Until it was time for them to leave To mind their own business.
Sofia was still at kindergarten, which meant I was all alone with my thoughts.

I can't express enough how grateful I am to have them in my life..
'I never want to imagine what my life would be like if they weren't there.'
They took my mind temporarily away from the night's before nightmare..

'It felt so terrifyingly real..'
'HE felt real.!'
She shudders at the remembrance.

They come back every time I feel sorrowful or cry..
'Hence why I try so hard not to.'

'It is all because of HIM!. That Devil!.. He caused my misery to resurface.'
'I despise Him.I really do..'
'I urgently need to pray.. Nothing can make this pain go away except being in Allah's hands .'

After some time praying , crying my heart out and beseeching God, complaining to Him of my sadness, misery, weakness, and need for Him.. hoping that He would help me and relieve me of this pain that had bleeded my heart for years...
I felt a kind of psychological peace that accompanied me whenever I prayed and called upon God... as if God had answered me immediately. So I cried more because of the intensity of my love for him, as he never left me and always took care of me in my darkest times..

It was time to bring Sofia from kindergarten. I prepared myself wearing casual, a white open front Patched oversized Duster Cardigan, white high neck and dusty pink High Waist long Solid Pencil Skirt and headscarf.

****The cardigan is buttoned up so her body figure isn't shown out****

I decided to walk to the took me 30 mins . I love walking especially in rainy weather..
I was walking absent minded not paying attention to the road when I drifted off from the pedestrian walk to the street not hearing the angry horn of a not so far speeding car..

**** Third person POV****
Hearing the loud screech of wheels of an approaching car she turned back to see the car coming towards her as she realized she was walking in the middle of the street..
'Was I so distracted that I haven't noticed I stepped off the sidewalk?!'
She gasped freezing, covering her eyes with her hands as she thought it was too late to move as the car was almost about to hit her...

*** Hello again! Long time no see..
So, what do you think about this chapter??
My apologies for the my absence and the delay of update
To be honest I have no urge to write or do anything for that matter, with the horrible inhumane indescribable geno.cide being subjected against our brothers in strip..
In addition to the genocide , Famine has  spread as well!!..
Conditions are getting terribly bad💔
Please keep them in your prayers and never stop sharing and talking about them. ***

This chap. was 1345 words.

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