Chapter Two

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"No problem it's okay Farzaan. Just don't do it again. See what happened. By you wanting more, you lost everything. If you need anything rather ask. You know I would do anything to help you and Nasiha. So don't hesitate," Farhad Bhai Said.

So this bastard did this. I can't believe it I thought with tears dwelling up in my eyes. Holding back my emotions I knocked and went in to give Farhad bhai the documents not bothering to look at him. Leaving it I turned and walked out. I grabbed my belongings and walked out as tears rolled down my face. How could he...I thought he played with a women's character. That piece of shit.

"Zoya," I heard him call but I was too upset so I continued walking.

"Zoya," he said grabbing my hand turning me towards him but I did something that shocked both me and him. I slapped him so hard that my hand stung.

"How could you?" I asked as the tears rolled down my check.

"How could you play with a women's character? That too when you have your daughter? Didn't you think what if the same thing happened to her? And you stole from the same company!"

"You you..... I can't believe I fell in love with a womanizer and a thief. I wish I just wish I never loved you. I thought you were a good person and that you made some simple mistake but this. This is something I least expected."

"Zoya please lis...."

"Don't say my name from your dirty lying mouth. I don't ever want to see you or have anything to do with you ever again. We have no dealings at work and Nasiha is doing fine. Stay out of my way," I cried and ran away from there. The pain in my heart was too much how could he do that and that too, to Afreen.

I went home, ran straight to my room, and cried. I couldn't believe I loved him. He is a dog. Someone I wish I never met.  That night I stayed in my room and never came out. I just layed in bed thinking about him and why he did that.

Two months later.

I'm now waiting at the hospital as Afreen is in labour. She is having complications and it is scary as it's either her or the kids. I feel so sorry for Farhad Bhai. He has been stressed in these few months.

As for Farzaan, he tried talking but eventually gave up yet recently when I saw him, he looked stressed. He has dark circles under his eyes like he hasn't slept in days and he looks like he has dropped a lot of weight.

But I'm not going to stress myself.

We saw them roll one body out thinking it was Afreen yet it was another lady. They both had the same names confusing us. But Afreen survived so I met her then left for home as family members have to stay and she looks tired.

As I was walking I saw someone that looked like Farzaan enter a room so I wondered if I saw wrong making me go to that room and no my eyes didn't deceive me. It is him and Nasiha was on the hospital bed. Worry got to me making me go in and see her.

"What happened to her?" I asked as I went next to her bed.

"She was missing you a lot, every time I tried telling you but you didn't want to hear anything. Her condition worsened as I couldn't give her time due to office work. She was stressing a lot which caused her to fall ill. The doctors have given her some meds. She should be okay," he said in a broken voice as he held her hand.

Not being able to hold myself  I kissed her forehead as I caressed her head. I shouldn't have done this to her. She is so young and naive. It wasn't her fault. Why didn't I think about her? I'm such an idiot I thought.

Soon I saw her open her eyes. She looked tired.

"Hey, my angel. How are you feeling?" I asked with a smile.

"Aunty you came," she said with a smile as she hugged me tightly. Aunty, why did you leave me? You know I miss you...please don't leave me again. Please" She cried as she hugged me.

"I'm sorry my baby. I won't leave you again. Relax. Forgive your aunty?" I asked kissing her head.

She nodded as she layed her head on my chest.

Not long she fell off to sleep making me lay her back down.

I never said a word to Farzaan. Just sat with Nasiha and held her hands.

The doctor came to check up on her the next morning and said she is feeling better so we can take her home.

He told me to go home but Nasiha wasn't leaving me so we went to his house. As we drove in we saw people looking at us yet we ignored them and went in and as I layed Nasiha on the bed we heard the bell ring.

I'll check he said making me nod as I covered Nasiha and sat by her caressing her head when I heard the noise. Wondering what is going on I walked out and pulled Nasiha's door so she doesn't get disturbed.

Going down I saw the male and female neighbors shouting..

"Why does she come here?"

"Is she warming your bed or is she the mother of your child?"

"This isn't allowed here." they were shouting making me shocked.

Farzaan and I tried to make them understand but they weren't heeding.

They even called our parents here. Now I'm more scared as to what is going to happen.

Ammi came and held me while mine and Farzaan's dad were speaking to them.

"Well, we don't trust them. She used to be here day and night and we kept quiet. We don't want this. They will have to get married one of the elder men," said shocking me.

"No," I shook my head.

"What?" abbu shouted. "They are work colleagues and she was taking after his daughter."

"Yes, and how do we know this isn't their ill legitimate daughter. They will have to get married. Here and now they shouted," making tears roll down my eyes. I don't want to marry him but it seems like I didn't have a choice.

After pleading and begging we had no choice but to get married.

Ammi had an outfit bought and kept for me in case any functions come up. It was teal blue. I was dressed in that.

Everything happened so quickly. It was just the neighborhood people and immediate family. Nasiha was asleep and we didn't want her to stress so we left her.

3 hours later I'm sitting on the bed in his room with tears rolling down my face. I didn't want this.

I hurt my family. Why did this happen? I cried.

I was crying so much that I didn't hear him come in and sit on the bed until he wiped my tears.

"Zoya. Don't cry. You know you are innocent and so does Allah. What they say doesn't matter." He whispered.

"But but..."

"shhh, no buts. Stop crying. Today has been a tiring day. You can sleep here. I'll go into the guest room," he said making me nod.

I freshened up and went to sleep.

The next morning I woke up and was wondering where I am when I realized that I'm married now. Sighing I woke up and had a shower. Going down I made breakfast when Farzaan came into the kitchen.

"As salaamu wa alaikum," I greeted.

"Wa alaikum salaam." Did you sleep well?" he asked making me nod.

"I made toast and tea," I whispered.

"It's fine," he said taking a seat opposite me. It seems like we both were feeling awkward. Nasiha isn't aware of what happened. I wonder how will she react. And I don't even know about farzaans passed. Besides what he did. I'm still angry with him. But now he is my husband and I have to adjust with him yet I'm not sure if I will be able to give him the rights of a wife.

"I'll be going to work. You can stay in today. I'll inform Farhad Bhaijaan about what happened. Don't stress and think too much. If you want take Nasiha and go and visit your parents. Pack your belongings and come but I'll start looking for another place. He said making look at him with wide eyes.

"But Farzaan you just bought this place. It took a lot of your money and you are still paying off the loan."

"Yes I know Zoya but I can't stay where people judg and pick on a women's character. I'll manage something. Let's see. Trust me okay." He said making me nod.

I wonder what will happen now. Sighing I cleaned the house and went to check up on Nasiha. It seems like she just woke up.

"Zoya aunty. You came so early," she asked but had a cute smile on her face.

"How are you feeling now?" I asked as I sat next to her taking her hand into mine.

"Much better," she answered. Where is Abbu?

"He is gone to work. Would you like to go out with me today?"  I asked.

"Jee," She said with a smile.

"Come. I'll bath you then we can go?" I said making her nod.

The day went by fast. My parents trust me and said it wasn't my fault. They were happy to see Nasiha. They spent a lot of time with her. After lunch, we both left for home as I needed to cook something.

It was around 5 pm when he arrived. Nasiha was busy coloring in the dining room. I was just watching her. I didn't even tell her I married her father. I prefer it if she heard it from him.

Going to the door I opened it and greeted him then headed to the kitchen and made tea for us. I went and gave it to him and saw he was playing with Nasiha and they both had a smile on their face.

We both had our tea then he went to freshen up while I set the table.

"How do I communicate with him?" I find it so hard to even say anything after what happened.

"Zoya. Where are you lost?" he asked shaking me but I jerked back.

"Please don't touch me. I don't like it," I said. I could see the hurt on his face but chose to ignore it.

Nasiha then came in running. "Abbu, Zoya aunty see this drawing I made," she said

"Nasiha. Please don't run. What if you fell and got hurt? See how tired you become," he said as he held her and gave her a glass of water.

"Sorry abbu. I won't do it again."

"By the way  Nasiha. How would you feel if Zoya aunty is your Ammi," he asked making me look at him in shock.

"I would love it," she said with a big smile.

"Then you should start calling her Ammi," he said which made her come into my arms hugging me.

"Ammi," she called making me cry.

"Yes Ammi ki Jaan," I said kissing her cheek.

" I love you ammi."

"I love you too," I said as I held her close to me.

After our emotional session, we all had dinner then I got Nasiha ready for bed.

6 months later.

Time went by so fast. Nasiha is much better and she started school but we have informed all the teaches about her. We even moved houses and at least this one is for free.

Farhad Bhaijaan gave it to us and said they don't need any money as it's a gift. Farzaan has changed but I just can't bring myself to trust him.

I avoid him and give him the cold shoulder all the time. I know he feels hurt but he can't play with someone's dignity like that.

Now I just finished cooking and going to my room. I was about to close the door when Farzaan entered.

"What are you doing?" I shouted but he grabbed and pushed me against the door.

"Farzaan. Let me go, "I said struggling but he didn't listen. He just held me.

"Why are you treating me like this. Huh. It has been six months since our marriage and you can't even accept me. Why Zoya?" he shouted.

"Because I can't trust you, and I can't accept what you did," I responded.

"It was a mistake Zoya and I have changed I won't do anything to hurt you. I was stupid at that time. Please forgive me and give us a chance?" he pleaded

"Please leave I don't want to speak to you," I said turning my head to the other side.


"Farzaan, please. You played with a women's character. It's not a good thing to do. What if someone does that with Nasiha. Then how would you feel. I'm sorry but I don't think I'll be able to give you the rights as a wife. I'll fulfill my duties but other than that I can't. Please leave," I whispered.

He banged the wall behind me and left.

I don't know what to do. I still remember when he started I use to like him but never confessed to him. As time started going by I never gave him attention neither did he. Then when Nasiha fell sick and I used to come here often. We used to spend a lot of time together. When my like changed to love I didn't realize that. It hurts. Love hurts.

Sighing I went to have a bath and came out. I decided to skip supper and went to bed but couldn't sleep. Tears were rolling down my eyes.

I heard my room door open and close and the lights switched on.

"Zoya" I heard him call making me close my eyes to pretending to be asleep. I felt him close to me but I just stayed still. I felt him caress my cheek.

"I'm sorry Zoya I shouldn't have done that. I really regret it. I just wish you had it in you to forgive me. But I'll try my best to earn your forgiveness." I felt his lips on my head and he left.

I felt so hurt. Why did he have to do that?

While thinking I fell off to sleep.

The next morning.

The day went by normal. In the evening he came home and he looked very tired. I gave him a glass of water and before I left he stopped me.

"On Saturday we have to go to a business party. Bhaijaan said we should come." He said.

"What about Nasiha?" I asked.

"She will stay with his parents and the kids. I'm sure she would enjoy their company as she likes being there," he said making me nod.

The days went by really quickly. Farzaan didn't try to talk with me, he just kept his distance from me.

I'm am now getting dressed into a red saree. It's really beautiful. I wore it with dark red lipstick and made my hair straight which reached my waist. After I dressed up I went out, meeting with Farzaan.

He was busy on his phone and his back was towards me so it waited until he was done.

"I'm done," I called.

"Fina..... he was stopped what he was saying halfway. You look beautiful," he said.

"Thank you," I replied looking down.

"Let's go," he said making me nod. We left for the party and I was looking around. Damn this function was big.

We were seated and waited for everything to happen and it went really well.

I was sitting while Farzaan was talking to someone when I really needed to use the ladies. Tugging his jacket I called.

"I need to use the washroom."

"Okay, he said making me leave.

After doing what I had to do I was walking out when I felt someone hold my wrist and I was pushed against the wall with a hand  placed over my mouth.

"You looking so tempting," this man said making me feel disgusted. I tried pushing him but he was too strong for me. He had his hand around my waist pinching me as he was kissing my neck. I fought and fought and mumbled through what he was doing but he didn't stop. Next moment I felt him being pulled off me.

"You bastard. How dare you touch my wife?" Farzaan shouted making me sigh in relief.

"Farzaan," please stop I begged but he didn't. Lucky Farhad Bhaijaan and some others came and pulled him away.

"What happened?: ask Farhad Bhaijaan.

"He was touching my wife," Farzaan said.

"Farzaan. You should take Zoya home. I'll handle him." Bhaijaan said

"Stay away from my wife," he shouted taking me away.

As we walked it started pouring. He made me sit in the car and drove back home.

We entered the house drenched in water. I saw blood on his lip and knuckles making me worried so I went to get the first aid kit.

I took his hands and started cleaning them as tears dwelled in my eyes

Third pov.

Not being able to hold it back she stood up to leave when he caught her pulling her back into his arms.

"Leave," she whispered trying to push him but he didn't listen. He could see the love in her eyes and he needed to break it.

He placed a long kiss on her forehead making her grip his collar tight.

He lifted her into his arms carrying her into his bathroom. She didn't stop him. He undressed her then himself and entered the shower. She was still looking down. Slowly he started washing her hair and body and as he did that she placed her hands on his shoulders squeezing them. Moving his hand slowly around her waist pulling her closer making her touch his body.

She was looking so mesmerizing with the water all over her face and body that he placed a kiss on her neck making her throw her head back wanting more.

He attached her lips with wet kisses making her moan.

Not being able to control himself he closed the water taking a towel and dried both of them and carried her to the bedroom laying her on the bed. No one knew what was happening as they were too lost in the moment. He placed his lips on hers kissing her making her grab the pillows and sheet. As his lips moved to her jaw and then neck, she couldn't control it.  Letting go of the sheet she placed one hand in his hair and the other on his back.

He placed his lips once again on hers kissing her as his hand explode her body. He continued kissing and ravishing her whole body making her moan and close her eyes enjoying the feelings he was giving. Grabbing the blanket he hovered over her as he covered them both. Intertwining both her hands with his, he kissed her again as he claimed her making her his. That night he made love to her and she accepted it. No words were spoken, only the grunts and moans with the sobs and tears of joy.


Hey everyone. Another update.

So they became one. I know it's rushed but this is a really short story. Maybe one or two more chapters are left.

Please comment and tell me how it is.

Also please vote.

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