His Ego, Her Pride (Finale)

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This Finale consists of,

Last Part + Epilogue


(Not proofread)


Sitting on the bed leaning against the headboard she closed her eyes letting out a sigh. It's been days they declared their decision to divorce before their families.

Gupta family being guilty for forcing her before didn't probe her either and stood by her side. Though her decision to stay at Rathode Mansion hurt them but they supported her nevertheless.

Raizada family were already on her side more than their son despite knowing that this decision was more of Khushi's than Arnav's. Her brother and sister-in-law has been her pillar these days that she felt guilty every now and then for hurting the people who have become to mean so much to her. More like a family.

But despite all that one man's importance was above them all. Even above her own.

Gulping she touched her shaking fingers to her lips. It's been days they've had their first kiss(es). Khushi didn't know she had such a wild side to her until she felt his lips against hers.

All she knew or remembered was she wanted to explore further and further without particularly knowing why as the desires unfurling in the pit of her stomach kept her daze throughout.

She wanted to keep their lips sealed and joined with the need to never pull back from the ecstasy she was feeling that she never felt before.

If reality hasn't struck her hard she might as well have surrendered her whole to him that day itself.

Even the thought of it made her heart race as well as ache. Just a few kisses but the sheer longing it created inside of her the following days kept her awake at nights and made her breakdown several times.

This pain was nothing compared to anything she has ever experienced before. Nothing could match the intensity of this suffering of, dare she say, missing him terribly.

What has she gotten herself into? She didn't know that just the fear of losing him would wipe out all other traumas from her life and make her vulnerable enough to let go of her pride and ego to surrender to her own feelings this way.

Was this what he felt when she tried to commit suicide twice? No wonder it made him react so brooding and furiously.

A certain memory of about half a month ago choose that exact moment to come back to her. It was the day when she got to know he didn't force her family for their grand reception ceremony.

The guilt was too much to bear. He didn't shoot Samrat. He didn't blackmail her family either. And she always thought the worst of him judging him over his past mistakes despite his various pleading, several apologies and genuine quite intense redemption for his every single deed.

He has just arrived from the office and sat among everyone sitting in the living room loosening his tie.

"HP, coffee. Fast!" He called out before closing his eyes threw his head back leaning against it casually. A few minutes passed.


His eyes shot open as he heard her voice before they narrowed seeing that Khushi was placing his cup filled with a hot brimming coffee on the table in front of him.

Everyone's eyes brightened up and a smile lit up their faces as it was the first time Khushi made something exclusively for him after their marriage.

On the contrary to the family Arnav looked not even a bit happy. His face hardened. Seriousness took over his features.

He gripped her wrist when she turned to leave without looking at him. She turned to look at him and found him glaring at her with a certain glint. She averted her eyes. Khushi knew that look.

"What is it?" He asked more like gritted out. The smile slipped off everyone's faces.

"Your coffee." She stated simply.

"Why did you make it? I asked it from HP." He argued. He should have been happy but he was feeling rather restless and edgy.

"Because you have it everyday after coming from office don't you?" She replied solemnly.

"Who are you first of all tell me that?" He hissed out.

"Chote," Anjali reprimanded him tensed. They thought that the couple was moving forward but-

Conspicuous silence followed as Arnav shut Anjali up with a look.

"I am Khushi Kumari Gupta!"

"Right, Ms. Khushi Kumari Gupta!" He gritted out. "What are you here for? Care to elaborate?"

She frowned not understanding anything.

"In RM what are you?" He elaborated.

She tightened her jaws and looked away understanding what he wanted to hear from her. It raised his temper which he curbed down with great difficulty.

"If you have not accepted the relation you have with me, with this home then there is no point of doing this all. I won't accept half-heartedly given things. I want all of it. Everything. Not in pieces. Or by mercy or pity of someone." He burst out yet kept his tone even though his face looked furious.

This was the first time after marriage he got angry at her for just a minor thing. Otherwise he was so patient these days that she often wondered was he the same man who sent her to jail? That's why it stunned her more. For some reason it stung her too. Tears brimmed her eyes just when he turned his head to the other side flaring his nostrils.

"Chote, calm down. What's the big deal if she made coffee for you?"

"Nani, you don't understand. Please don't interfere. It's between me and her." He turned his head to look at her and stopped short seeing her blinking back the tears.

Cursing under his breath he tightened his hold on her wrist he was holding all along before looking over her shoulder to the family.

Air thickened with unbridled tension.

"No one is to disturb us until we are upstairs." He announced chilling them all before dragging a distraught Khushi along with him.

Once reaching the room he left her hand before closing the door behind. Turning to her he folded his arms and quirked his eyebrow at her. By now she has composed herself.

"What are you trying to do?" He asked with extreme calmness that choked her insides.

"I'm just doing my duty which I should." She didn't sound convincing at all.

"Khushi!" He warned her.

"Fine. I will be clear. I am doing it for Anjaliji and Nani ji." She lied to his face. "They are worried-" At least this was the truth.

"You'll do nothing for no one!" He was before her in a split second taking one long stride towards her. She gulped.

"Why not?"

"Firstly you took responsibility of setting up my cupboard, arranging my clothes for office everyday and I didn't say anything because I thought you-" He shook his head. His nose touched hers. She rasped.

"Now-now, NOW you're pushing my limits Khushi by taking each and every responsibility of me on you one by one."

"I told you I am doing it for-" She turned the side of her body facing his. He grabbed her elbow and pulled her back just enough till his nose touched the side of her head whilst his breath fanned on her ear.

She took a sharp intake of breath looking ahead trembling in his hold.

"Don't make me so used to you." He rasped.

"It's no big deal if I do a few chores of yours. Think of it as HP doing it only." She said simply. Damn her emotions and guilt. She should have behaved normally if she didn't want to poke the wounded lion. Now bear the consequences you emotional fool!

He wrapped his arm around her waist and yanked her around. She crashed to his chest with her forehead touching his chin. He inhaled a lung full of her and he was intoxicated like hell.

"I can't. It's not that simple." He whispered in a low throaty voice. His fingers at her back drew invisible patterns on her bare back. She clutched the front of his shirt into a bunch.

"Don't think about it too much. It's nothing. If you don't like me doing your work that's another thing." She whispered back.

"The problem is I like it way too much." He growled leaning a bit back to glare in her eyes fiercely. "Don't do anything for me until you're sure of your feelings." He reluctantly let her go.

She felt her eyes prickle as he turned his back to her.

"What do you want me to do? Don't you care for your family? They are worried for us. So is my family!" She wasn't wrong there.

"I don't care about anyone or anything else but you. I won't tolerate you doing anything against your wish. Got it?"

"You got me in RM against my wish. How about that?" She retorted.

"That's irrelevant." He countered. He did that to keep her alive. He'd tolerate her hate forever it she stays hale and healthy.

"How's that?" She probed.

"I don't want to argue with you Khushi. Drop it. And stop doing what you have been doing lately. Taking care of me and all. You just take care of yourself that would be enough."

"Why does it bother you this much?" She argued anyway.

"Because then I'd want more dammit." He snapped. "I'd expect more. The more you'd take care of me the more I'd want to make you mine. A day would come when I'd demand you from yourself." He inhaled sharply. "What would you do then?" He sighed trying to cool himself.

No matter what he doesn't want to lash out at her at all. Nor hurt her.

"I am an impatient and originally a selfish man Khushi. I've had bound my emotions, love and longing for you but it is hanging by a thin thread. One weak word or action from you and that thread would break in a snap and then I'd shower all of my love on you all at once. You won't be able to stop it just like no one could stop a tornado."

She stared at him with her breaths stuck in her throat.

"W-What?" She whispered looking somewhat frightened which he noticed very well.

"Exactly. So don't force yourself for anyone or anything until you start to accept what you feel for me actually." He finished and turned to leave.

"What would happen then?" She asked from behind. She was seriously pushing him way too much without any precautions not knowing it could make her end up in trouble only.

He stopped dead in his tracks. His heart skipped a beat or two before he whirled around, strode to her and said looking into her eyes too close to his stony ones.

"Don't you dare say something like that ever again until you mean it." He breathed on her face cupping her nape firmly.

"I asked you a question." Her voice was hoarse caught with emotions. Their breaths mingled with each other with the proximity.

Her lips trembled catching his attention. Her heart paced up. She closed her eyes breathing harshly. Air thickened with fiery desires.

He gradually leaned down in a daze with his heart pounding in his ears until their lips were almost touching.

His eyes shot open then. He stepped back with great difficulty. Her eyes shot open whilst she swallowed seeing him running his fingers in his hairs messing them up.

"See, that's what I am talking about. This is it." He growled. So loud that everyone sitting in the living room heard it.

"Don't make me demand my rights on you which I've already given up on our first night because you asked for it. Because if I did then I won't ask for permission Khushi and make you my wife in real." He chewed each word lowering his voice to a raspy one just for her ears.

"Oh you mean to say you'd force yourself on me to exercise your rights?" She called out again when he turned to leave. She didn't know why she was unnecessarily poking him again and again. She didn't know what she wanted him to say. Yet her mouth kept running unfiltered for a record.

"ENOUGH!" His voice boomed around in the mansion for the second time. Devyani stopped them all from going upstairs whilst they all stood worriedly in the living room.

Khushi flinched hurt.

"Do you love me?" He demanded answers removing distance between them again to raise her head to his threading his fingers in her hairs at the back of her head.

She blinked her eyes at him whilst moisture formed in them before she averted her eyes.

"See. You can't even accept your own feelings. So don't try and be selfless to sacrifice yourself for our families wishes. I don't care whether whole world stays sorrowful as long as you're happy."

One by one tears rolled down her eyes which softened him up. He loosened his grip on her and kissed the tip of her nose lightly.

"I love that girl more who fought me heads on despite everything. The girl who never backed down no matter what. Be that girl only and let me take care of the rest. Leave the worries of this world to me. You just do what makes you happy. Okay?"

She nodded misty eyed looking at him amazed as well as dumbfounded.

How can a person change so much? How can a monster transform into a human being right before her very eyes? That too not an ordinary one but a gentleman, an ideal type of man she has always dreamt and wished her life partner to be so. How can the beast of her nightmare and her Rajkumar be the same person?

Denying her feelings and being in denial for a while were her protective shields in which she thought she was safe. If she won't accept them she'd not be hurt. If he won't know about her vulnerability he won't be able to hurt her.

Months staying in that agony of denial she was truly exhausted and finally accepted it the day she made the decision to leave Shantivan. At least she has stopped lying to herself that she has fallen madly for the same man twice.

For a while that love was fogged with hate and disappointment and the fear of the man she loved turning into a murderer but now she was free of the clutches of all the misunderstanding and contempt as well.

She didn't know accepting her feelings would be this liberating. Now without any excuse she can miss him, remember their moments together and spend the rest of her life the same way.

She thought she loved only her family unconditionally but she was proved wrong.

Unconditional love is what she feels for that Laad Governor that overlooking everyone's hurt including his and even her own she was ready to do anything so that he lives on. And she'd go on just knowing that he breathed in the same world she lives in.

She turned her head and her eyes met her own in the mirror of the dressing table. Soon the dawn would come and she was yet to sleep because of the absence of certain someone whom she hasn't seen or heard for days.

Feeling a headache coming she reached for the painkiller in the drawer and gulped it down with a glass of water. Half an hour later she was irritated with herself and taking a sleeping pill fell back on the pillow as the medicine effect kicked in and she went into a disturbed slumber.

Her dreams contained of her memories of him only that wiped out the furrowed lines from her forehead in her sleep.

He has sprawled on the bed haphazardly with his legs hanging down as he came back home after a really exhausting day and closed his eyes huffing out. Rubbing his temples he stayed the same way until he felt someone holding his ankle. His eyes shoot open.

He jerked at his place and grabbed her hand when she reached for his shoes.

Her head raised up to him in question.

"What the hell are you doing there? Get up!" He tried to pull her up but she ignored him and reached for his laces again when he rudely shrugged her hand and grabbing her arms pulled her forcibly to sit besides him.

"Don't you dare touch my shoes ever again." He growled extremely pissed.

"I know I have no rights--"

"I didn't mean that. It's just-" He swallowed clenching his jaws.

"It won't happen again. I'm sorry." She said and stood up when he grabbed her wrist and tugged at it to make her fall back on her place besides him.

"Khushi, you are taking it all wrong. Do whatever you want with our bedroom, my things. You can use anything without any hesitation except that just don't touch my shoes or do what you did right now from here on." He said calmly.

"Why not?"

"Because I don't like you bending before me dammit." He growled in a low voice and stormed to the bathroom while Khushi sat stock still until tears brimmed in her eyes and she couldn't help but feel anguish hitting her like waves.

Not because he shouted at her but for the way he gave her respect by just a few words. Despite his cold tone her heart warmed up healing her wounds majorly.

There was the time when this particular man himself did everything in his power to make her bend to him and now the same man could not tolerate her surrendering to anyone let alone him. Oh what an ironic twist of fate!

She woke up with a gasp. Him and his memories doesn't leave her even in her dreams. How'd she spend her whole life without him? She rubbed her forehead and noticed the time.

Sleeping pills has bestowed her a slumber of just two hours. Sun was up already. Now it was the time to get ready for the day and go to work.

As she came downstairs all ready hiding her dark circles with concealer and putting on her best smile she saw Anjali and Sameer in the living room.

Greeting them she took the single couch. They returned her greeting with a smile on their faces.

Living with Rathodes for days now made her accustomed to their daily routine as well which wasn't quite different from Raizadas.

They have their morning tea first before a scrumptious breakfast prepared mostly by their hired chef and sometimes by Anjali whenever she felt like cooking.

She was pleasantly surprised when she got to know recently that Anjaliji was a professional writer and she was quite famous among many using a penned named 'Esha' to endorse her stories on her very own popular blog which has become a brand in itself now and she earns quite a hefty sum every month independently but she never showed her face publicly for she respected her privacy more.

Only Sameer, Sanjana(Anji-Sami's daughter) and Arnav knew about this identity of hers till now. Arnav has hired the trusted manager for her who handled the finance or advertisement whatsoever of her work while Sameer has made her private office in Rathode Mansion in itself where Anjali wrote her books and managed her blog herself.

Khushi was overwhelmed and felt special for being introduced to the world of her sister-in-law which she only opened to the most important people in her life. Sending her the link of her blog Anjali has said kindly,

"Maybe that crap I've written might distract you from what you're going through,"

"Crap? Are you kidding me, woman? You have twenty million followers and thousands of sponsors. Nobody becomes that crazy for something that isn't worth. Choti, trust me. Her books would make you forget everything. I guarantee you!" Sameer has winked.

Khushi has smiled genuinely at the duo. The understanding, the comfort level between them was outstanding. Their communication happened mostly through their eyes. Their arguments with each other consisted of teasing banters and underline flirting. They were the perfect example of a healthy couple and marriage. She prayed everyday to her best friend for their happiness and togetherness forever and ever.

Pregnancy has added extra glow to Anjali's face. She looked younger and prettier. In orde to assuage some of her guilt for worrying her in this condition Khushi took it upon herself to satisfy every craving Anjali had by making it by her own hands. Soon the sister-in-law became addicted to her Bhabhi's cooking.

Sameer made a mock jealous face when Khushi demanded in fact gave Anjali a free ticket to disturb her any time if she craved anything. It made Anjali grin excitedly as she bobbed her head like a kid as if she was offered her favorite candy making the brother-sister duo smile at her in adoration.

Khushi hasn't opened the blog link yet for she thought it'd be unfair to Anjali's hardwork if she went through it casually when she has so much in her mind just to distract herself. Talented Anjali Singh Rathode deserved better. She would read it when she would be able to get some semblance and control over her uncontrolled feelings of love and despair coupled with dire longing.

After breakfast Khushi and Sameer bid Anjali goodbye before settling in his car. He himself drop her off and pick her up ever since she shifted with him.

As much as he was worried for ArShi a part of him was happy as well for having his sister around, living with him. It was his long lost dream which has been fulfilled now even though he know why Khushi accepted him as her brother.

Never in his wildest dreams had he thought that Arnav would became the medium of his reunion with his(Sameer's) sister. That foolish dumbest man doesn't even know why in actual Khushi suddenly left him and wants divorce. That why didn't she go to Gupta house but preferred shifting with her brother. But Sameer knew.

She has shifted to Rathode Mansion because it's at walking distance from Raizada Mansion. Not only that, Anjali is Arnav's sister. So it goes without saying that he'd visit his sister occasionally and might as well give Khushi the opportunity to have a glimpse of him every now and then even after their separation.

Sameer was amazed at the intensity of her feelings for Arnav that she let go of all the grudges, past, every trauma and faults of everyone including the said man's just for him.

Once Arnav has let go of his past, ego, arrogance and has shed every facade when he realized his love for her too.

At this point it was impossible to decipher who loved the other more. Or whose suffering were more agonizing at present.

Khushi looked at him in question when he stopped the car at the side of the road looking serious.

"I have been meaning to tell you. I talked with Arnav. Don't panic. I didn't tell him that you asked for it. I tried to make him give up the case but he seems adamant. I am sorry I wasn't able to meet your expectation."

Khushi's eyes widened in fright.

"But Bhai, if he wasn't listening you should have just ordered him. It's his life at stake. It's not a trivial matter." Her insides shivered with terror.

She was so sure Bhai would be able to get through him anyhow. How could her perfect plan to keep him safe fail this terribly? How dare that Laad Governor put himself deliberately in danger?

"I tried to make him understand but trust me he is like a raging bull these days ever since you asked for divorce and he accepted to give it to you. He doesn't care about anything else anymore. This separation has disrupted all of his rationality." Sameer kept looking ahead while letting out the words avoiding looking at his heartbroken sister.

Mixing some truths with some half baked lies were his only option now to make this work. It was the truth Arnav was behaving unhinged without her but it was a lie he wasn't able to get through him regarding the matter she has requested him for.

Khushi was speechless as every function in her body seemed to have stopped working.

"I've a suggestion though." He said looking at her stiff form from the corner of his eyes and felt bad for doing this to her but she didn't leave him any other choice. This is the only way now to alleviate her fears. By making her face them firsthand.

"Tell me. I'd do everything." She cried out finding her voice coming from under a cliff.

"Why don't you talk him out of it? No, listen. Don't refuse right away. Hear me out first. I know you think you're the reason he got involved with those dangerous people. That you're inauspicious--" He felt angry even uttering that word for his sister but for her he gulped down his rage and continued.

"--for him. I am not asking you to reconcile or anything with him. I'm just suggesting you to make him see some sense. You're divorcing him anyway. Having one last conversation with him for his own good won't do any harm would it?"

"He won't listen to me," She croaked looking down.

Sameer's jaws dropped at her words. He felt like banging his head at the steering wheel.

Is she kidding him? Doesn't she herself know her husband's intensity of feelings for her? He huffed inwardly. If he wasn't so concerned for her state of mind he'd have hit the back of her head like a big brother to utter such nonsense. For being so bullheaded.

He resisted the temptation to scold her well.

"Actually, I've a perfect excuse for you to go see him without giving away anything." Sameer changed his tactic instead.

He grabbed the brown envelope from the backseat and extended it to her.

"What is it?" She asked holding it.

"The petition for your mutual divorce," He announced and saw her face turning white. She looked at it as if it was some kind of poisonous snake ready to wrap itself around her neck, suck her blood dry before injecting its venom into her skin eventually sucking out her life and soul.

"You both need to sign it first before submitting it in the court. Use this as an excuse and go see him," Sameer said seriously before covering his slip up by saying,

"I mean go see to it he doesn't make any wrong choices in his heartbroken state. Make him agree to give up that suicide mission," Sameer urged.

The word 'suicide mission' was enough to jolt Khushi as she took the envelope from him making up her mind. Bhai was right.

Trying won't harm for it was the matter of her Laad Governor's life. She could make an exception. She could suppress her fears, inhibitions and emotions for a little while for him and meet him to make sure he'd steer clear of dangers without putting his life at risk for her.

Seeing the determination in her eyes Sameer sighed inwardly for finally getting to her.

He has set the stage by giving it his all. Now it's up to Arnav and Khushi of whether they'd use this final opportunity to sort out either of their insecurities and misunderstandings or they'd let their stubborn natures get in the way to further damage it all to make their relationship finally reach to the point of no return.


In the afternoon taking the half leave from her workplace she grabbed her bag which contained the envelope of her devastation as well and headed to the known destination with a resolve set in her mind.

Getting down the cab she breathed in and out standing in front of a familiar building.

Yes she could do this. Yes, she can. It shouldn't be that hard.

Remember Khushi this is about him. Keep your emotions to yourself.

After a good prep talk to herself she entered in AR clutching the strip of her handbag hanging from her shoulder. Though she managed to keep her face poker but from inside she was a nervous mess.

What if he refused to see her? What if he is too angry to listen to her? She shook her head. She has promised herself she would give it try no matter what. She steeled herself again.

She was told he hasn't come to office today. His meetings were postponed and those which couldn't be avoided Aman was handling them. First wave of some foreign feeling hit her right then.

She called Shantivan. He wasn't there either. She called Rathode Mansion. No luck there as well.

Another wave awfully stronger than the first one of downright worry hit her as she dialled Aman who didn't pick up her various calls piquing her concern. He was apparently out for an outdoor meeting.

She brushed off the requests of various employees that if she wants they would open ASR's cabin for her.

She tried Arnav's number and her mind turned totally numb when she found out his phone was switched off.

Did the couple had a fight or something? The employees looked at each other confused. No wonder ASR has been erupting like a volcano the last few days.

But as time passed by anxiety of Khushi contagiously hit AR employees too.

Rational thoughts left Khushi's mind sooner as she lost her cool and yelled at the receptionist to get Aman on phone or his whereabouts as soon as possible chilling everyone too.

In milliseconds she transformed into a terrifying version of ASR herself.

"WHERE IS THIS SECURITY HEAD? WHY DOESN'T ANYONE KNOW WHERE AMAN IS HAVING THE FREAKING MEETING? ARE YOU GUYS FOR REAL?" She ran her fingers in her hairs spitting fire at them all. They all were now terrified. What if they lost their jobs?

In order to calm her down canteen's manager Manju who has been her good friend once suggested for her to drink water and sit down for a bit.

Khushi felt her mind bursting with nothing but the terror and terror and just terror that she heard nothing and marched to the security room.


She breathed harshly. Just then the security head Raman came running in and saw the level of panic created all around his department and in the middle of it all was Khushi Singh Raizada. The lady boss.

He has been briefly told what was happening. He has just gone to have his medicines. How did everything turn upside down in his few minutes of absence?

"Mam, please relax. They're work-"

"I'll relax when I'd see MY HUSBAND safe and sound Infront of me!" She snapped with her face red and eyes bloodshot.

The head of the security put his finger on his lips asking everyone to work quietly without any question and do as she told. He could see Mrs. Raizada was terrified for some reason.

Khushi was breathing hard now leaning against the wall dialing his number again and again despite knowing it was switched off. Aman was still unreachable. Her vision blurred as she felt her head paining.

The level of anxiety and panic has peaked to a dangerous degree in her making her see black dots in front of her eyes which she blinked furiously to clear.

Threading her fingers in her hairs she slid down to the floor with her phone clutched in her hand barely hanging on the edge of her sanity.

If she wasn't so worried she would have tried calling her brother or RM or anyone else who would at least help her see some sense or perhaps calm her down a bit. If only Akash and Manohar hadn't been out of town then they'd have offered her some help.

But the problem was that nothing but the torment and the terror of losing him fogged all other rational thoughts in her mind.

She didn't know for how long she sat there not paying heed to the workers requesting her to sit on the couch or a chair or drink water but she kept sitting there stubbornly dialing Arnav and Aman alternatively.

"Boss," Raman's PA handed him the result. Seeing which he felt like hitting his own head against the wall.

"Mam, ASR's last location is found." Raman said to which he saw how she sprang up to stand and asked frantically, "WHERE?"

"At AR's topfloor. His penthouse. But that was his location of about 8 hours ago. Means he was there at the crack of the dawn. We don't know if he still--"

Khushi turned to leave when this next information added up to her temper. The lift to ASR penthouse was private and only ASR and Aman had the card key to access it.

"THEN GET ME AMAN ON THE LINE BY ANY MEANS!" She erupted again like a wounded lioness making them all flinch. Without any word they started to reach Aman then.

Meanwhile a frantic Khushi went to Aman's cabin and turned it upside down to search the key. As if he'd leave it lying there for anyone to find!

She groaned as her heart clenched harder and stomach twisted. Her head was now buzzing with splitting pain. Her throat hurt with all the yelling yet she wasn't stopping. Her wrath fell on security team then who would sure be traumatized by this day forever their life.

Before they could trace Aman's location Khushi's cell rang and with a cry of relief she picked it up for it was from Aman who was just about to apologize for his cell was on silent mode because of the meeting when her wrath engulfed the poor Friday man of ASR too.

She demanded to know the place of Arnav's penthouse key.

'It is in the locker below my desk,' he said. 'What's the code?' She asked impatiently.

As he recited it she cut the call ignoring his frantic call of 'Mam, mam, Bhabhi! Is everything-' ran back to his cabin and found his secret locker at the place he told and opening it rummaged through it and finding the said key slammed it shut before running back out only to stop short whilst her heart skipped several beats and breathing came out in spurts.

The key slipped from her trembling hand as she bit back a sob. Anxiety and relief both combined, twisted and turned her insides making her vision blur and ears buzz.

Not only her but also whole office turned silent with their breaths stuck in their throats as they saw the reason of the havoc that has descended over AR for the last two hours coming downstairs unaware of everything that happened due to his absence, nowhere looking sophisticated like he did everyday.

"Arnav-" Khushi's gasp made his head shot up as his hand stilled in his tousled hairs in which he has run his fingers multiple times.

There stood Arnav Singh Raizada dressed in his casual black shirt and blue trousers with his messy hairs and even messier presentation he has ever shown in public let alone to his employees staring dumbstruck at the woman of his musing standing at the other end of the hall staring right back at him with tears in her eyes.

"Khushi-" His eyes sparkled seeing her after days before misting up with anguish. His heart thudded violently in his ribcage after what felt like forever. He gawked at her with his feet glued to the floor afraid if he moved she might disappear.

Is she okay? Was his first thought.

Does she even know how much he missed her?

Did she miss him too? Is that why she is here? Is that why she is crying? Is that why she looks like a mess? Or is she in some trouble?

Is she--

His thoughts came to a stand still as he was running towards her the next second terrified seeing her swaying on her steps and caught her right before she could hit the ground yelling out her name causing goosebumps to erupt on everyone's skin.

Holding her up against him patting her cheeks frantically, he looked up murderously at his workers.

"WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED HERE?" At last ASR's voice rang through the hall making the employees look at each other helplessly.

Uh uh. Not again!


She slowly opened her eyes and blinked rapidly. Even finding herself in a completely unknown surrounding she just laid there and stared at the ceiling blankly.

Unconsciously she raised her right arm up to her forehead and found a bandaid at the back of her hand. Her eyes then registered the iron-stand beside the bed over which empty drips were hanged.

Her mind was empty. She couldn't think anything or even remember what was happening.

The voices in her head has stopped. It was so quite. She felt liberated for some reason. A certain calmness has washed over her senses.

She could feel her body heat has risen above normal and the lethargy spreading through her yet it didn't bother her. She didn't want to get up. It was as if she has woken up from the best sleep of her life ever that has washed off all of her negative energy.

She swallowed and felt her throat dry. The urge to drink water made her sit up slowly and spotting the jug right beside the bed on the table she reached for it and filling the glass gulped down exactly two glasses that made her feel much better.

Rubbing her throat she looked around still in daze. The place doesn't seem like some hospital room but someone's bedroom and quite luxurious might as well she add.

Pushing away the blanket she turned her legs to the floor and winced as she accidentally hit her foot at the iron stand.

A low squeal escaped her then not because of pain but the flood of memories that struck her like a flash of lightning almost blinding her.

Her empty eyes turned frantic in search of certain someone, her hands trembled and her lips formed his name as hazel orbs misted up.

Last thing she remembered was him running to her with that horror-struck look on his face before everything went dark behind her eyes.

Was that a dream? Was he not real?

Is he still missing?

Just the thought was enough to suck off her breaths as the medicines that has been injected to her to keep her calm turned useless for those moments as she made a run for the outside and a quiet cry escaped her as she found a familiar back of the person standing right there in the living room with a phone stuck to his ear to which he was listening while letting out curses every other second.

It was him. She wasn't dreaming. He was safe. She hasn't lost him. He was still breathing. He was alive. He wasn't missing. He was right here.

The voices in her head kept repeating to calm her down as she stood in the middle of the glass doors shaking badly. Then she saw him turning as if he sensed some presence.

As soon as his eyes met hers the relief she saw in those oceans was unmistakable. He passed her one of his rare smiles before cutting the call saying,

"She is up. I'll talk to you later."

Placing the cradle back on the case he started walking towards her. Her heart ran a marathon at every step he was taking towards her.

She gulped and gasped whilst she found herself carried up in his arms no sooner than that.

"I'm glad you're awake but you need to rest still. You're running a fever." He placed her on the bed gently before covering her with the duvet.

"You really gave me a fright back there." He sat beside her and touched the back of his hand over her forehead. Temperature was still high but at least she wasn't burning up like before. Medicines were working.

"I don't get it how could you mess yourself up this much just in a few days without me?"

"What did you think that now that I'm not around to pester you to eat healthy you'd slack off? I'm sure this fever is the result of those unhygienic items you must have had from those street food stalls,"

"What should I do with you now? Glue you with me to make sure you're safe?" He quirked his eyebrow.

She sniffled. The hell she went through in those two hours without having any news of him was like living her worst nightmares in real. And him scolding her sitting beside her talking to her was like a wishful dream coming true.

"Hey, would you call someone I want to meet?" He said suddenly.

"W-Who?" Curiosity got the better of her forcing her to break her silence. She blinked back the moisture.

"Some Khushi Kumari Gupta I used to know. She has been missing for quite a while." He said seriously.

"Why do you want to meet her?" She asked hoarsely. Her throat ached.

"To get through someone. Only she can help me now."

Warmth spread thought her despite knowing that he was probing her deliberately.

"Arnav Singh Raizada is going to ask help from someone else?" Her lips subconsciously quirked up as she played along.

"Of course. Can't I?" He challenged.

"For what do you want help let's hear that out first?"

"To get to know SankaDevi better."

A snort left her involuntarily. She couldn't help it.

"What is it you're trying to do?" She asked trying to control her laughter.

"Already succeeded." He said satisfied with his eyes dancing with joy seeing her smile and hearing her laugh.

"Did you see that? Khushi Kumari Gupta is of great help to me. I should employ her for a certain SankaDevi."

"What if she doesn't want to work with you? You're a horrible boss!" She said with mischievous dancing in her eyes without her notice. But he saw it all.

"We can negotiate. I'm pretty good at that. And this is undoubtedly the biggest deal of my life. I'd give it my all. What say? Would she agree to meet me?" He asked expectantly.

"I don't know. I'm not sure." She shrugged before she yawned leisurely and her eyelids started drooping. His heart skipped a beat or two for sure.

"Where are we?" She mumbled barely above a whisper.

"AR penthouse," He said quietly.

"Oh," She said drowsily. His Adam's apple bobbed.

She kept her eyes on him until she couldn't keep them open anymore completely missing how the teasing, calm look on his face got replaced by the pained one as he gazed at his hand which she has been subconsciously holding all along tightly as if she was afraid if she let go he'd disappear.

"I'm so sorry," He whispered leaning to press his lips to forehead.

Standing before the wall length glass mirrors of his penthouse overlooking the Delhi city he has had his hands shoved in his pants pockets apparently gazing at the mesmerizing sight of the city basked in lights in the darkness of the night.

It presented a fascinating picture of something akin to the thousands stars been shimmering on earth.

The soothing view might have calmed him down a bit if only he was paying attention to it. His mind was elsewhere. Particularly to the centre of his universe. To the woman who was right now sleeping in the bedroom to be precise.

Words could not do justice to the hell he has been through without her time and time again even before she forgave him.

After forgiving him and building up his hopes high unknowingly which he brewed up for starting over with her for months, she has had suddenly asked for divorce. That was the most cruelest thing she has ever done to him. It was his biggest punishment. Him retaliating to it was natural.

If only her tears, their kisses and her anguish hasn't weakened him he'd never agreed for it. Never. But she used her biggest weapon against him. Herself. And she used it well rendering him totally unarmed and helpless. Eventually empty handed.

The continuous rejection from her has had become the norm for him and he took it because he knew he deserved it nonetheless but after basking in her care and concern for a bit his parched self was dreaming for their future already.

She has literally made him fly in the sky high to finally throw him to the deepest pit onto the ground mercilessly by successfully splashing a bucket of cold water over his head to wake him up and pull him back to reality.

He has lived in that very reality for the last days they have been apart after he agreed to give her freedom and cage himself in a world of loneliness for life. That very same bitter reality kept him unfocussed and oblivious to everything around.

He turned into a robot who worked, ate and slept only to wake up sobbing not long after with her name on his lips in their deserted cold bedroom deprived of her. Only to repeat the cycle over and over again everyday.

Upon that the dreams he have been having lately consisted of his wistful wishes he has gathered in his mind and heart in the last few months. Of their future. Of their family. Of them living happily with their children.

Oh the agony it made him feel after he would wake up was indescribable.

Akash, Aman and Manohar didn't poke him much either and only tried to do the damage control whenever his wrath fell on his employees owing to his flaring temper getting out of hand these days.

Devyani, Manorama and Anjali made sure he had his food and medicines on time.

After his conversation with Sameer, Arnav stopped meeting or talking to him grudgingly.

Logically he should have read the hints his brother-in-law dropped here and there for him in his every word he said to him but only if his mind would have been in his control.

That dumb organ along with his stupid, stupid heart kept reminding and poking him continuously of only two things. Her absence. And his great loss.

He deliberately kept away from her. Rathode Mansion was like a second home to him where he used to go at least twice a week. Now it became a forbidden territory for him where he was sure if he stepped foot in then the suffering would double him over and the sheer longing of her might make him lose control if he got even a glimpse of her.

The fog of the pain was too much to bear. He willingly let it linger inside of him trying hard to cope up with the urge to burn everything in the world --- his world --- where she wasn't present.

Until she appeared again in front of him in the office to give him another brutal reality check. That very day when he was already feeling more restless than ever.

Some of his wistful dreams has started turning into nightmares for him keeping him up most of the nights. He was missing her more than ever that day.

Afraid that he'd barge to Rathode Mansion to force her to come back to him, he resisted the overbearing temptation and drove to AR instead at the crack of the dawn.

Unlocking the entrance with his card he entered and saw that the security guard was nodding off leisurely making him shake his head.

For a record he felt the urge to shake him up and let out all of his frustration on him but decided against it.

Entering in through the front door he went straight up to his penthouse. Sprawling on the couch he grabbed a cushion and buried his face into it until his shoulders started shaking whilst his control snapped and his whole body ached with her memories.

Another hour passed but he just laid there wallowing in his anguish until he couldn't cry anymore.

Once his sobs subsided he just laid there staring at nothing in particular and a whimper left him as memories swam before his eyes like a panorama increasing his despair.

"Stop it. Enough!" He cried out running his fingers through his hairs and rubbed his swollen eyes.

Getting up vengefully he went straight to the bathroom and took a cold shower to numb his senses. At this moment even the cold weather seemed to have no effect on him as he was too into his pain to care about anything else.

He wanted some reprieve. Anything to block out his chain of thoughts. Anything to stop him from missing her terribly. Anything to make him resist the urge to go see her.

He didn't know how much time passed until he came to a decision that finally stopped the torturing voices in his head and the memories behind his eyes. Decision that,

He would just go have a glimpse of her. He'd make an excuse and just appease his longing. That might make him function properly for another few days.

Nodding his head approving his thoughts he finally got out of the hibernation as some calm descended on him clearing a bit of his mind as well.

With just the thought of seeing her a new kind of strong vigor washed through him. While thinking of an excuse to appear in front of her he was coming downstairs with a sprint in his steps after coming out of his private lift unaware of the stillness in the air that followed his sudden appearance in the hall of his office downstairs.


He heard and his world tilted around its axis as his head shot up hearing the voice he was dying to hear and looking at the woman he was barely breathing without.

Her one glimpse was enough to clear his mind off the fog and pain settled within him wiping out all the anguish he went through without her.

As calm descended on him and his mind started working again with just her mere presence he remarked she looked as much messed up as he was.

But what was she doing here and why was she crying? His heart pinched seeing the precious pearls falling from her eyes. If he wasn't wrong in reading her he could swear he saw that she looked relieved seeing him. Happy even?


He should have rushed to her and took her in his arms to never let go but a disturbing thought made his feet glued to the floor.

What if she was a figment of his imagination? What if he touched her and she disappeared? What if this is just one of his dreams?

Swallowing past a lump he just gawked at her. Even if this was a dream which was sort of a nightmare as well for him for her teary eyes poked him in his chest he would just bask in her presence even if he'd wake up with a searing headache whilst the end of every nightmare would haunt him the rest of the day for she always took her sweet revenge in each of his dreams in her own cruel ways before letting him get up with her name on his lips.

Voices in his head cleared once again and his legs acted on its own accord as he saw her swaying.

Dammit even if it was a dream he'd not let her fall. He'd catch her. He'd not let even her imagination get hurt. Were his thoughts while running to her and as soon as he grabbed her waist, whirled her up against him he knew in an instant that it wasn't a dream or any hallucination.

Cursing himself in his mind for not keeping tabs on her his raging eyes shoot up to his employees the most of them were now standing up staring at them with mixture of relief, worry and shock which soon transformed into terror as the lion roared demanding answers while trying frantically to wake the woman in his arms to open her eyes.

It was the second time that day the panic was created in the whole office all over again as the sickening worry for her made him unhinged as sprinkling water on her face didn't work, his pleading didn't work, his shouting didn't work either.

"ASR, doctor has been informed. He is on the way," One of them said as he kept trying to wake her up. The rational thoughts leaving his mind altogether.

In that chaos Aman entered the AR causing the employees to heav a sigh of relief for he quickly took charge of the situation and made the frantic ASR see some sense that on his advise the boss carried his unconscious wife and took her up to his penthouse.

No sooner than that the doctor arrived and checked on her.

"She fainted due to shock. She isn't waking up because of tiredness I presume. Seeing the signs it's clear she hasn't been resting properly. ASR, is she in some kind of stress again? This is the same condition I found her in about four months ago from which she suddenly recovered fully. I have no clear answer to 'why is it again relapsing?' I'd suggest her psychiatrist to evaluate her too before coming to a conclusion." Doctor was saying while Arnav's heart clawed knowing what condition he was talking about.

Of the time she fainted seeing him in jail and remained ill until he came back to her. His absence made her dysfunctional while his presence made her recover miraculously in less than two days.

As the doctor left with Aman he stared at her pale face and fragile body cursing himself again and again for being so absorbed in his pain to overlook hers.

"Don't worry, sweetheart. Now that I am here I will make it alright. I will never leave you again. Never. Doesn't matter how much you push me away I will always find a reason to stay by your side."

After promising her that how could he bloody let this happen? How much of an idiot he has had been. He knew something was up with her but a few cutting words of her and her demand of divorce sent his freaking ASR brain to a fucking holiday for days!

Not anymore. Not anymore. ENOUGH WAS ENOUGH. ASR roared within him as he gazed at her whilst his jaws clenched as his eyes landed on her hand pierced with cannula attached to the drips.

Glaring at her sleeping form he stood up exhaling as he discarded every single negative thought out of his mind and the first thing he did after coming out of the bedroom was call Aman to order him to find out what happened in the office before Khushi fainted with every single freaking detail along with the CCTV footage.

His order was met within minutes owing to his efficient personal assistant.

After Aman briefed him everything that happened not leaving anything out he felt his stomach twisting with knots. Anguish hitting him hard.

And as he witnessed the footage seeing her berserk state to reach to him knives drove through his chest. His eyes glinted dangerously. His face hardened.

He felt rage not only towards himself but also at his brother-in-law for not taking good care of her and not informing him about her state.

He must have known and still kept him in dark? How dare he!

His wrath then fell on Sameer as he called him and bashed him with all kinds of colorful cursing not letting him speak even a word in his defense. Not even replying to him when he asked worriedly whether Khushi was fine or not and dropped the call yelling,


Slamming the phone shut he took the intercom and gave another set of orders to Aman. One of which included to not let anyone pass through his private floor let alone enter even if it's his family whatsoever.

Lashing out at Sameer and doing what he deemed right he fell back against the couch. Throwing his head back he closed his eyes rubbing his temples. He needed to calm down or he might lash out at her as well once she would wake up.

The happening in this office, her condition, her blinding concern for him made one thing pretty clear to him that she was as deep into him as he was.

Then the question arises of why? Why she was torturing herself and him both by this painful separation? Why was she adamant on divorce? If she was this miserable without him then why doesn't she give him a chance?

Why the distance now? Why not before? Why she waited for long four months until making this conclusion?

As his sharp brain started working he let his mind work through to realize since when she started behaving stranger than usual?

It struck him then.

Ever since her abrupt visit to AR several days ago with her bloodshot eyes and messed up stance demanding to have a talk with him. But she said nothing despite his probing.

It all started then!

He cursed himself for not digging it further. If he has had made her talk then maybe, maybe they'd not have been living in this vicious circle of pain and longing.

After that he has felt her being on edge around him. Thinking that it was her resilience and her guards up to not give into her feelings he has given her space.

He didn't let himself be delusional even when she practically waited for him all night when he has had an outdoor meeting and came home late. Oh how she made his heart skip beats by her demand to know where he was and why was he late?

It should have given him warning signals as she never behaved that way before him but instead the warm fuzzy feeling it made him feel kept his logical mind dazed enough to not read between the lines.

"I'm an idiot. I'M A FLIPPING IDIOT!" He growled to himself.

The incident in the office today leading to her condition was an eye-opener for him. It all made sense if he thought it in this perspective that whatever that nagged her and kept her miserable was related to him only.

'Good morning tubelight!' ASR's mind took that exact second to poke him making him clench his jaws.

Now the question arises again of why?

Why does she want to leave when she was this much scared of losing him? Why stay away when she could alleviate her fears by just being with him?

Seeing him safe and sound in front of her would have sufficed to feed her fears and keep them at bay then why she wasn't with him?

Why was she asking divorce? Why when she has literally let her REAL emotions out in front of the whole AR? Why was she keeping distance when she wasn't afraid of her feelings towards him anymore?

Why dammit? WHY?

How that splitting fear of losing him has got to her at the first place?

How dammit? HOW?

How when he never ever made her feel that he'd ever leave her side?

Only she could answer that. And he would make sure she WILL this time no matter what. If she shrugged him off then she would find ASR in front of her to force it out of her by hook or by crook.

Softness be damned. It was the matter of her life and health now!

Soon his rage transformed into worry all over again when she didn't wake up till night. Evaluation with her psychiatrist was done by the doctor himself as the duo then together decided her treatment plan filling Arnav about the same.

Doctor has already visited her twice to change the injectables and despite his assurance that she was only catching up to her lost sleep for all other evaluation has come clear and he need not worry but Arnav's anxiety level made him bash the doctor well who only looked at him poker faced and sighed.

ASR couldn't understand how the doctor can stay so calm in this moment of crisis when he was literally suffocating here with his maddening worry?

Can't he see his world collapsing around him? His systems disrupted? His agony doubling him over?

'Stupid, heartless, the dumbster medicine practitioner!'

His family doctor looked at him with his jaws dropped finally showing some emotion as Arnav unknowingly said the last words out loud.

Aman standing behind them looked to the other side to snort. Don't laugh. Don't laugh. ASR would kill you Aman. Don't laugh. He pursed his lips.

ASR may not believe the doctor but Aman's mind was still fully functioning and he knew if Dr. Malhotra said that Khushi Bhabhi was fine then she would be fine.

Now that the worry of Bhabhi's recovery which also nagged him before was over the predicament of Dr. Malhotra got to him and he looked on amused at the ever so confident and controlled man ASR losing his cool yet again.

As Aman escorted the doctor out of AR he finally took the liberty to chuckle and shake his head.

His relief was short lived as he came face to face with Sameer Rathode who was standing in front of him with his eyes spitting fire.

Shit he is in deep trouble!

After ignoring his calls for several times he has finally picked it up and apologized sweetly for not picking up for he was in back to back meetings.

Heeding to ASR order he lied to Sameer Sir that ASR left with Khushi Bhabhi to the hospital once she fainted and that's all he knew.

Seems like Sameer Rathode has used his sources to finally trace the exact location of ASR. With the couple's phones already switched off it must have been one hell of a task. Poor man!


"Is she okay? What did the doctor say? Speak up dammit!" Placing his one arm over his neck he demanded furiously.

"She is fine Sir. Doctor just visited her again. There is nothing to worry now. She is sleeping. ASR is taking good care of her." Aman parroted knowing he was trapped now.

If ASR didn't kill him this Rathode would. Either way he was doomed. Humph!

When Khushi hasn't come home even when he came back from office Sameer was under the impression that maybe their much awaited conversation kept them occupied or maybe, maybe they might have reconciled.

Anjali's wide smile as he told her that Khushi was with Arnav and his speculation of their reconciliation made him feel somewhat better himself too despite some nagging feeling at the back of his mind.

But after Arnav's volcano erupted on him on the phone call just an hour later proved all his theories wrong. Chaos followed in his mind.

Not being able to share his worry with his wife was another drawback that lead to his outburst on Aman for he himself ignited the hope for ArShi reunion in Anjali's heart and now breaking it all over again in her pregnant state rendering her to sudden shock might turn out disastrous.

So putting on his best calm face telling her about some urgent work he has left Anjali in the care of Devyani and Manorama before heading out.

Now finally getting some news about his sister after combing through all the hospitals for hours and lashing out at a certain manager, made his anger calm down a bit.

"Tell me everything that happened here!" Sameer released Aman who coughed a bit before gulping rubbing his throat.

His one glare and he told him everything at the end of which Aman Mathur felt like going to a cliff and just simply jumping off to end this misery as after that Sameer demanded to go to penthouse to see his sister and ASR had strictly told him no one was allowed there no matter who he was.

On the other hand Sameer was mentally cursing in his mind for he himself cut his foot with the hammer by urging Khushi to meet Arnav and talk to him personally.

If he hadn't then his sister wouldn't have gone through the hell she went through today. Upon that this Mathur refused to let him pass the access card even when his fist met that PA's jaws twice.

"SAMEER RATHODE! GET A GRIP WOULD YOU?" Aman finally exploded grabbing the said man through his collars.

"Bhabhi is fine. ASR is with her. You and I both know they need each other the most right now. So let them be!"

As he saw the madness somewhat dissipating from the man's face Aman let out a sigh of relief when he turned to leave looking thoughtful.

"W-Wha--Wha---Whoa--What?" Aman took hurried steps back as Sameer traced his way back to him charging to him suddenly stopping a feet away from him making him gulp.

"You'll keep me updated and dare you ignore my calls ever again. Understood?" Sameer pointed a finger at him with warning clear in his stance and Aman Mathur found himself bobbing his head like a kid with eyes wide and mouth gaped open.

With one last glare at him Sameer stormed off.

"I need a doctor now!" Aman whined once he was alone whilst he released the breaths he didn't know he was holding and stood with his one hand held over his chest dramatically with his eyes narrowed and lips almost pouted at being caught off guard such brutally.

His aching jaw made its presence very well known as he held it next hissing. He definitely needed a doctor and first aid both. He thought again.

"I've handled ASR pretty well till now. Handling an overprotective brother shouldn't be problem now, would it be?" He scratched the back of his head while heading back inside.

'Yes you need a doctor Aman. And a shrink at that to be precise!'

"Shut up!" Aman yelled to silence the ridiculous voice in his head.


In the morning he woke up with a start and found himself sitting on the floor cushion with his head resting on the bed. He ran his fingers in his hairs and rubbed his eyes as he gazed at her who was still sleeping.

"How long would you punish me dammit? Enough of your torture. Get up already." He gritted out while shifting to the bed and as he touched his hand to her cheek he flinched with his eyes widening.

"What the?" He growled.

Why is she burning in the fever now? She wasn't like this yesterday.

Quickly calling up the doctor to come over he went to grab a bowl of chilled water and washclothe to lower her fever down until the doctor arrives.

Changing the washclothe on her forehead he placed another. Another piece of cloth he pressed against her neck. One each on either of her hands.

As he repeated the therapy several times he started getting more worried as it nowhere toned down the temperature.

By then the doctor arrived and as he checked her with his calm demeanor Arnav started to lose his patience as much.

He should have just taken her to the hospital right away instead of waiting. Damn him!

"Forget it I'm taking her to the hosp-"

"Arnav calm down!" This time Dr. Malhotra said sternly. He understands his concern but he was really getting overboard now.

"Listen to me carefully and get it drilled into your head. She is running a fever only because of lack of sleep, exhaustion and stress. To be on the safer side I've taken her blood samples and would wait for the results if something else is wrong. I've attached the necessary medicines. I'd be checking up on her in a couple of hours. Till then just be by her side." He paused for a second.

"An ill patient needs calm and healthy environment to recover and your anxiety would only make the matter worse. Did I make myself clear?" Dr. Malhotra finished hoping it all got into the thick man's head.

"Why isn't she waking up? I'm practically shouting here and she isn't even flinching." He growled glaring at the middle aged man earnestly.

This man would never change. Thought his family doctor.

"She is just catching up on her sleep. That's all. The more relaxed sleep she would have the more early her fever would go down." Explaining him solemnly nonetheless he took his leave while Arnav sat by her side as the doctor's words rang in his head in his wake.

Relaxed sleep, he said. He remembered how quickly she recovered when she slept in his arms when he came out of jail.

So he walked to the other side of the bed and climbing up laid beside her on the same pillow not leaving any space.

Careful not to press her hand in which the cannula was inserted attached to the drip he slid his one arm under her head until he had it placed comfortably on her right shoulder before he wrapped his other arm around her waist with his nose touching the side of her hairs.

She was lying on her back while he was fully turned to her side. Gently stroking her hairs he felt his eyes misting up with the sheer anguish of the moment.

This moment was beautiful as well as hesrtwrenching for it made him remember their wedding night when he has watched her from the distance lying beside her on the bed painfully aware of how he had to have call the doctor to inject some nutrition into her system. It felt like another lifetime even though it has only been one year.

That was the first and the only time they had shared the bed together over the year and today this moment was the second.

At that time she was on hunger strike because she didn't want to be with him. Now she was in this condition because she couldn't be without him. Irony wasn't lost on him.

"I'm yours already. If you love me this much then grab onto me. Why are you doing this to yourself?" He stroke her cheeks and his eyes widened at what happened next.

He was flipped on his back suddenly as she turned in her sleep before placing her IV attached hand over his heart and she settled her head on his chest let out a satisfied sigh before her breathing became relaxed again.

He has literally stopped breathing the moment she moved and gasped only when she stopped moving. Gazing down at her face lying on his chest looking ever so peaceful and relaxed he finally believed what the doctor said. She was only catching up her sleep.

His lips curved into a smile seeing her one leg sprawled over his. His technique was working. Madam was relaxing more.

With that pleasant thought warming his insides he pressed his lips to the crown of her head strengthening his hold around her, he also closed his eyes eventually falling into the most refreshing slumber ever---

Where dreams consisting of her, him, their little world together resided. Where there was no pain, no separation and no anguish either but only and only genuine, pure love surrounding them cocooning them in its warmth and protecting them from every darkness.


Exactly two hours later doctor was back and he was surprised not only with Arnav's calmness but also amazed at how Khushi's face which was pale as ever when he last saw her has started gaining color.

Fever though was still there but it was toning down gradually like he presumed it would.

Informing Arnav of the good progress of her recovery Dr. Malhotra removed the cannula from her hand telling ASR that she might wake up soon and when she did he should be informed for he would pay another visit for final evaluation. Then he'd prescribe some oral medication if needed.

A comparatively patient Arnav nodded his head and even thanked the doctor surprising the man who left then thanking his stars for he came out of treating ASR's wife, alive and breathing. What an achievement!

Arnav adjusted the blanket on her and kissed her forehead feeling energetic like never before.

He has held her in his arms to make her recover faster and in return she healed him too unknowingly by washing off all the dark aura around him including his rage and impatience. Two hours of sleep in her arms did wonders to him.

He took the shower, changed his clothes, had his meal and medicines before peaking into the room. Still sleeping. He shook his head.

"Stubborn even in sleep!" He muttered.

The shrill ring of his cellphone made him reach to it and grab it. Finally the cell was charged and on. Seeing the number not showing he picked it up hurriedly having an idea who it could be.

He heaved a sigh of relief as he heard that it was his PI agent on the other side as he expected. But he rarely contacted him on his personal number.

Upon Arnav's inquiry of where the hell had he been missing to which he replied that he had to go undercover to hide the files and he had to discard his all other modes of communication except for this one which he was planning to discard soon after talking to him.

"I called you the other day. But without saying anything you cut the call. Just now I've got a chance to contact you. You have had enough time to think. What have you thought about my suggestion? Are you up for it?"

Arnav's raised his eyebrow confused. Last time they conversed it ended with them discussing about the location of meeting where he was supposed to handover the evidences to ASR. Nowhere he said any suggestion or something. And Arnav doesn't remember cutting his call ever in the middle like he was proclaiming.

With his eyes slightly widening he asked the question that arose in his mind.

"When was the last time you called me, Manav? And repeat everything word to word you said to me!" He ordered.

Despite his strange demand Manav told the date, time and the day of the call like a bomb it exploded in Arnav's head for it was the same day and around the same time Khushi barged into AR several days ago looking like a mess with her bloodshot eyes demanding to have a talk with him.

"So what do you say? Should I reach Samrat myself or you'd?"

Arnav swallowed past a lump and blinked back the moisture as his heart was hurting badly for finally solving the big puzzle. By himself.

"Send the evidences to Samrat anonymously. Help him in background for this case secretly. This time there should be no mistskes!" ASR spoke without any turbulence showing in his voice.

"Copied that."

Cutting the call Arnav leaned against the wall and ran his hands over his face frustrated.

She knows! She knows! She knows he went after Samrat's culprits!

He was the reason of her state. If only he had let her continue hating him, if only he wasn't desperate for her love and approval she wouldn't have been this devastated and conflicted.

Her behaviour now made sense now. Those people were dangerous like hell. They didn't care even for a second after killing an innocent teenager, ruining so many lives, shooting Samrat and even attempted to murder the influential man like ASR then why wouldn't they do it again? What was stopping them? Nothing!

The fiasco of his near escape to death and his imprisonment has already been traumatic enough for Khushi. Imagine her condition now she knows that the threat over his head was still lingering.

But a question still remains. Why was she adamant on leaving him when she was this scared for him day and night?

He thought hard remembering every single moment with her down to every twitch of her muscle to every expression in her eyes to her every word and action until it dawned on him and he gasped hard as he came to an absolute realization.


With the realization came the anger too.


Now as he thought of it he also remembered his conversation with Sameer. As he turned it over in his brain he clenchrd his jaws realizing that he knows.

That asshole knew all along and still he kept it hidden from him. Not only her sorry state but also her biggest fears that were eating her up from inside out.

In anger he threw his phone against the wall and huffed in annoyance.

ASR made a blasting comeback as he reached for the landline and dialed furiously.

Then he had the most ugly conversation or rather say fight with his brother-in-law as both bashed the other to their heart's content with abuses and cusses that made either of them boil raging them up further.


He earned a good lashing from Sameer on the other side for her condition too.


Anjali sitting beside him who has been listening to the one sided conversation that revealed so much to her of the recent happening to the present situation stared amused at her husband as normally he wouldn't lose his temper this easily but seems like ASR has been rubbing too much on him lately.

Upon that the two 'kids' keep competing in their own weird ways for Khushi's love and attention.

Anjali listened leaning against the headboard with her amusement only rising as it transported her back to the days when the duo used to thrash and bash each other when Sameer proposed Anjali for marriage. Years ago!

Oh how worked up Arnav was and how much tough time he gave Sameer before opening up to him had another historical background story.

No wonder Sameer was now returning the favor manifolds though unknowingly but he was. Roles were now reversed. But what hasn't changed over the years were their iconic way of fighting with each other like siblings over their siblings.

Anjali looked at her husband wide eyed not believing what she just heard him say to her brother. Sameer's gaze met his wife's for a second and he looked at her sheepishly.

She snorted before she saw the smoke coming out of his ears as he heard what was said on the other side of the phone before his eyes suddenly brightened up and reached to hug her abruptly.

Arnav on the other hand wasn't stopping either he was letting out all of his anger on his beloved Jijaji adding up words after words of multiple cusses until his breath hitched as he felt the familiar presence behind him and his heart did a somersault realizing immediately who it was. His voice got lost somewhere as he felt his eyes prickling.

Swallowing hard he slowly turned around and saw her standing in the middle of the door. Their eyes met and he felt the relief like never before wash over him seeing her up and about. On her feet finally. With those addicting hazel orbs staring right at him.

He passed her one of his rare smiles before cutting the call curtly saying,

"She is up. I'll talk to you later." Placing the cradle back he turned his gaze back to hers with a tender look in his eyes basking in her every feature.

Having no idea that she has slept for 30 hours straight she stood there gazing at him with those innocent eyes pinching his heart.

He was aware of her shivering body and the hint of panic still clear in her eyes. She must have come out to check on him only.

Now knowing everything about her inner demons, insecurities and sheer terror of losing him he knew he has to handle her carefully. And he will.

With that promise in his mind he reached her and without taking his eyes off her swept her off the ground effortlessly.

"I'm glad you're awake but you need to rest still. You're running a fever."

First thing first.

She needed to heal physically before he could put the balm over her emotional pain.


She opened her eyes and yawned. Suddenly she shot up to sit registering the unfamiliar place. Last time she woke up she was in his penthouse. How long did she sleep again? Where was she now?

Maybe he shifted her to another room only? She thought but as her ears perked up at the sharp noise goosebumps erupted on her skin.

It isn't what she is thinking it is. Is it?

Locking her feet into the sandals she came out of the room and the sound only notched a pitch higher.

Her eyes almost popped out of its sockets as she saw the view outside through the windows in the corridor confirming her doubts.

What the!

She continued walking until she climbed the stairs to reach the top and gasped looking ahead.

With her eyes wide with wonder she turned around in circle mesmerized with the view. Peace like never before washed over her.

As she walked over to the edge and held the railings she closed her eyes and inhaled the refreshing air.

It was unbelievable!

She was right now standing at the deck of a yacht overlooking the miles and miles of only water surrounding her from all sides. In the middle of nowhere?

Despite being at an unknown place with no one around she didn't feel even a bit scared or anxious. On the contrary she felt relaxed.

The sound of the waves was so soothing to hear and comforted her as well as made her feel refreshed like never before.

Even the chilly air around didn't dampen down the calm descending on her.

A shiver ran down her spine as a gush of cold wind suddenly hit her. Rubbing her arms she hugged herself and just continued to look at the addicting view not feeling like going inside yet.

She didn't turn even when she felt a thick shawl being draped around her from behind. The familiar cologne and the sense of security she felt was enough for her to know who was the person.

She swallowed hard as he made her face him and adjusted the shawl to cover her properly.

Next he made her wear the double shaded blue color crochet hat over her head to cover her ears from the cold.

She blinked her eyes and felt the moisture prickling her eyes when he held her wrists one by one and made her wear the black woollen gloves quietly with his eyes fixed only at the task in hand.

Once done he finally raised his eyes to meet hers. He frowned suddenly and cupped her cheeks rubbing his thumbs over her skin. That's when she felt how cold her face was and how warm his hands felt against her skin.

It made her recall something she has read somewhere long ago. She has laughed then though finding it utterly ridiculous. It said,

The person whose hands remain warm even in the coldest weather is the most faithful.

Maybe there is some truth to that. Maybe. Otherwise how could his hands radiate warmth in this weather with him just wearing a thin long coat while she was still shivering even with all that he made her wear?

It could be the weakness of the fever she was having that she couldn't withstand the cold. Or he could have had some defect in his system that has made him immune to the cold for if the theory is to be believed then that means she was unfaithful considering she could feel her hands turning colder every passing second despite having worn the gloves.

What the actual f--

She couldn't believe what the hell was she thinking but all thoughts soon puffed into foam and flew out of her mind.

A satisfied sigh escaped her when he pulled her in his embrace and the heat emanating from his body relieved all the coldness. All over her body.

She slid her arms around his waist under his coat and the warmth it made her feel made her close her eyes and nuzzle her cheek against his chest.

She felt his warm lips on her forehead and his arms coiled around her cocooning her in the warmest place ever on the face of this planet.

"You're so hot," She said pertaining to her thoughts.

The rumble of his laughter she felt against her cheek made her eyes open with a snap. Her jaws dropped and a gasp escaped her as she realized what she uttered.

"I didn't mean it that way," She stuttered badly and heard another chuckle leaving him.

"Don't laugh!" She swatted his back with her fist without raising her head to look at him. Now she was feeling hot. Great. Just great.

She bit her lip and holding the edge of his shirt on either sides under the coat she started hitting her forehead softly to his front to reprimand herself for her slip of tongue.

"You're so adorable." She heard him say chuckling.

"Stop it!" She whined with her face hidden in his chest. In reply she felt his arms tightening around her and his lips pressing to her head.

"Just so you know. That was the best compliment I've ever received in my life,"

"I wouldn't mind getting more of that in future." His teasing tone only made her cheeks more red.

"You're mean!" She retorted.

"That's a known fact!" He countered and she felt the underline amusement in his tone very well.

"You are...You are... You're a Laad Governor!"

It made him burst out laughing.

She finally looked up annoyed only to witness the most beautiful sight ever. Mesmerized she kept staring until his brown oceans full of humor met hers.

His carefree laughter tranformed into even more hypnotizing genuine smile on his lips making her heart to thump furiously against her chest. He has the most pure smile ever like those newborn babies who haven't been touched by the atrocities of the world whatsoever.

He touched his forehead with hers and pecked her nose. The urge to keep this kind of laughter, smile and carefree attitude intact in his life made her eyes moisten.

"I'm your Laad Governor. Just yours!" He breathed out the words nuzzling his nose with hers.

"I'm nothing without you!" He rasped with his eyes misting up. She inhaled sharply. Anguish doubled over within her.

"Don't leave me. Please don't go." He murmured against her lips.

At that she pulled back reluctantly and turned around. He clenched his jaws but didn't say anything nor pushed her more.

"Where is this place?" She asked with her face turned forward.

"We're in Mumbai." He stated solemnly.

She gasped. Her eyes widened. Her jaws dropped. How the hell could she sleep through it all?

She couldn't believe it. He must have carried her around to bring her here. Firstly out of AR, to the car, to the airport, to only he knew how much places he passed through while she slept like a log throughout.

Her cheeks warmed up as a beautiful hue of red adorned her cheeks that made him stare at her mesmerized.

"W-Who else is here?"

"Apart from the necessary staff only us," He replied patiently.

"Is this yours?" She asked with a huff. Looking unsure. The insane kind of richness this man possessed made her uncomfortable suddenly.

"Ours!" He smirked.

There the uncomfortable feeling vanished in her as soon as it came as she gazed into his eyes looking so adoringly in hers as if she was his whole damn world. Her stomach knotted.

Now that she has seen him safe and sound she needed to have the talk for which she went to his office before that catastrophe followed wiping every other thought out of her mind. Till now.

She mentally kicked herself for she recalled that she forgot her bag somewhere in AR during that chaos.

"Have you seen my handbag?" She asked him hopefully.

"It's there in the cabin you woke up in." He said as he observed her every action and expression keenly.

She doesn't even know that he has unraveled everything already. If she has a plan then he has his masterstroke ready to counter it as well.

Bring it on wifey! He thought as he saw her going back only to come back a few minutes later with a brown envelope in her hands.

As she extended it to him swallowing past a lump without meeting his eyes he grabbed it and threw it at the centre table placed on the other side that was surrounded with chairs.

Khushi frowned. She hasn't even said anything and he was already angry?

"I came to AR for-"

"Oh," He looked at the watch. "I came to inform you that brunch would be ready soon. Let's go eat before it turns cold." He said and before she could open her mouth to protest he held her wrist and pulled her inside.

Inside he shoved her inside the washroom and handing her the necessary things asked her to freshen up till the food comes. She resisted the urge to smack his face at his audacity to order her around.

Curbing the urge to go all KKG at him she slammed the door shut on his face showing her pissed off mood. He only smiled in her wake shaking his head.

"Bhai would be worried seeing me gone without a notice," She reasoned as he made her sit on the chair in front of the dining table in a beautiful cabin outlooking the fascinating seaview.

Sitting beside her he ignored her obvious attempt to escape him.

"He knows you're with me. In fact everyone does." Arnav shrugged and grabbing the dishes filled her plate before filling his own.

"Eat or I'll feed you." He raised his eyebrows and said solemnly. But she clearly saw the warning in his eyes.

She exhaled and started eating slowly. The delicious food tugged at her tastebuds fanning her appetite. She found herself damn hungry soon after.

So he didn't have to ask her the second time as she took another serving then another making him look at her amused as well as relieved seeing her enjoying the food like she always did.

As she finished he filled the glass with juice and placed it in front of her asking her to finish it too. When she looked ready to protest he narrowed his eyes at her.

She huffed and drank the juice before thumping the glass back on the table vengefully now returning his glare. He pursed his lips to swallow the chortle.

"Now can we talk?" She turned to him once the table was cleared by the staff before they were alone again.

"How about the tour of the yacht?" He deliberately tested her patience.

"Mr. Raizada!" She gritted out.

"Arnav!" He retorted. "I prefer Arnav,"

"Listen to me!" She said sternly.

"You know my name sound so sexy coming from you," He winked keeping the conversation on his own track.

Despite herself she felt her cheeks turning pink. The audacity of this man!

She exhaled and tried again.

"That envelope--"

"I missed you," He said suddenly rendering her speechless as she stared at him agape.

Looking at his intense eyes full of emotions she averted her eyes when she felt the moisture filling them up.

"W-When are you taking me back?" She asked looking ahead trying to keep herself from breaking down.

"How about never?" He said and her head whipped to him.

"Why are you doing this?" She asked helplessly. "You said you'd let me go," She cried out losing it.

Arnav avoided looking at her. It were her tears only that has forced him to take that stupid decision but now he won't let even herself to change his mind. So if he won't look he won't fall weak.

"If you want to have a mutual divorce then cooperate with me Khushi Kumari Gupta otherwise contested divorce minimum takes two years to sanction."

Her eyes widened in horror. What does he mean by that?

"Are you backing off your words again?" She snapped.

"I didn't say that."

"Then what about that comment of contested divorce?" Her heart thumped vigorously in her chest.

"It means if I didn't sign the mutual divorce petition then there is a long procedure that we would have to go through. Even then it isn't guaranteed that you'd get what you want in the long run."

"Are you threatening me?" She narrowed her eyes.

"It's only fair isn't it? Considering how you blackmailed me using your tears to make me agree." He countered firmly.

"I didn't use you!" She retorted.

"I don't believe you!" He hissed.

"What do you want from me?" She asked angrily feeling trapped.

"Now we're talking!" He smirked devilishly.

She spitted fire at him. She couldn't believe that this same man could make her feel all kinds of warm fuzzy feelings and at the same time make her want to gauge out his eyes and scratch the infuriating smirk off his face too.

He would make her feel terrified of losing him and then in another moment would make her want to throw him off this very same yacht too at the same time.


Without her knowledge Arnav was successfully rising the real Khushi Kumari Gupta to the surface step by step and he was watching his plan working successfully inwardly pumping a fist in air satisfied seeing the look of retaliation visible on her face.

"I'd give you a tour around first. Follow me," He stood and stretched leisurely.

Khushi clenched her jaws at his calm demeanor as if it was their normal routine to be out in his boat to relax around like they were the real couple. As if!

He marched out and she had to follow grudgingly.

Stupid infuriating Laad Governor!

Doesn't even know that she was doing it all for him only!

That she was only washing off the stain in his life. Her!

If he kept her beside him he'd be in danger. Can't he understand that simple thing?

How would he? Did you tell him? A logical voice in her head reasoned.

How would I? He wouldn't even let me speak!

Stubborn Rakshas!

Arrogant fool!

Irritating mule!



As she muttered incoherent words to herself walking behind him which though he couldn't understand but heard it nonetheless. Another nature of her had made a comeback. Of her habit to talk to herself unmindful of anyone around!

His heart fluttered as he caught the hint of something akin to 'Rakshas' and 'Laad Governor' leaving her mouth making him grin widely.

When her confidence over herself would return fully she would discard the stupid notions in her mind by herself without him having to talk her out of it.

He stopped abruptly and his grin turned into a half-smile as he felt her hitting her head at his back as expected.

Giving her a thorough visit to every corner of the luxurious yacht that often made her jaws drop and eyes widen as if she was viewing the eighth wonder of the world. Her adorable expressions were a treat to watch for him. Her twinkling eyes taking in the surrounding were so satisfying for his aching heart.

At last he brought her back to the top at the other side of the deck where seven seater couches were arranged with a round table in the middle. Sitting royally he patted to the space beside him.

She folded her arms against her chest and kept standing stubbornly.

"Khushi, what do you want for alimony?" He asked casually.

"Alimony?" For a moment she was blank not understanding anything.

"I mean you must have thought of something. If a legally married couple divorce then not only their lives but also their personal assets gets divided among them equally."

Her jaws clenched angrily as it dawned on her. How dare he?

"I don't want anything from you!" She hissed out. He bit back a smile.

"No need to get so worked up. It's a preliminary procedure for the divorce. Don't tell me you don't even know the basics of its court proceedings." He deliberately mocked her.

She was shooting daggers at him now pursing her lips to stop herself from cursing him out loud.

"If I refused I don't have to receive anything from you!" She gained back her composure.

That was a good one. He would give her that. He didn't expect her to overtake him this soon and retaliate this sooner.

"What if I add it as one of the conditions in legal papers? That if you didn't agree to receive at least half of my property you wouldn't be getting divorce either?" He was a businessman afterall and has gone through various lawsuits. He knows enough of the court procedures to trap her in his web.

"That would eventually turn the case into a contested one either way. My bad," He shook his head giving her a pitying look.

"You won't do that." She said furiously.

"Try me!"

"You said you aren't backing off your decision!"

"I'm not. I'm ready to give whatever you are asking me. Even if it's divorce but my dear wifey. What can I do when I'm feeling obliged?"

"We aren't a real husband and wife anyway. You're not obliged to do anything." She said pissed falling on the couch across him holding it from either side leaning forward with wrath clear on her face.

"Come on it might not meant anything to you but this relationship is my life." His eyes bore hole into hers.

Her heart clawed. She averted her eyes swallowing past a lump.

"It's only fair I give up as much along with this relation. How about I transfer AR in your name?"

"WHAT?" She shrieked whipping her head to him in shock.

"Oh it isn't enough? How about I add all of my savings till now to it too? Would that be enough?"

"I don't need your money. I said I don't want you to give me anything. I DON'T WANT IT." She bellowed.

"It still isn't enough?" He said as if she didn't say anything.

"How about I give you my life as the alimony? Would that suffice?" The nerves at his temples and neck were throbbing dangerously as he looked insanely at her.

She stared bewildered and speechless.

"What if it's a clause? What if you don't even have to ask for divorce at the first place? How about I turn you into a widow myself?"

Her heart dropped to the pit of her stomach. Her eyes turn wide into horror. Bile rose up to her throat.

"Wouldn't that be wonderful? You'd be spared of attending any court session as well." He said looking dead serious.

Trembling badly she opened and closed her mouth like a fish as the terror bounced back in her. She was asking for separation for him only. Her resolve shook and crumbled within her like a house of cards as the thought of him harming himself suffocated her insides.

"Y-You d-don't m-mean i-it d-do y-you?" Big fat tears formed in her eyes.

He looked away clenching his jaws as his stomach flipped painfully and heart hurt absolutely. Damn her tears!

"Why do you care whether I mean it or not? You are leaving me anyways!" The play turned real in moments. For him too as his hurt and anger took over him totally.

"I don't want anything bad for you," She croaked helplessly.

What if he did something stupid after their divorce? She shuddered visibly.

She has realized long ago he'd do anything for her. She was just denying accepting it before. But now even that denial was over. She has no doubt on his love anymore.

She also knew she'd be safest with him. She knew he'd protect her with all of him. He'd never hurt her again.

But what if he hurt himself? What would she do then? What about all the suffering she was enduring to keep him safe? Wouldn't that be for nothing?

"Promise me you'd do nothing stupid." She demanded gathering herself to make him see some sense. The madness in his eyes was frightening her more.

He scoffed.

"Giving you the divorce is my very last promise to you. No more of that." He said sternly increasing her restlessness.

"Oh yeah I just recalled you gave me some envelope. I remember leaving it on the table on the other side of the deck. Let me get that." He stood up and started walking ahead.

His jaws dropped as someone passed by him so quickly like a flash that he couldn't move for a second and before he could reach it she did and picking up the envelope tossed it to the water breathing hard.

He quirked his eyebrow as his anger and hurt vanished in an instant and amusement followed at her unexpected action. She doesn't know that he knew what that envelope contained. It brimmed him with joy. Immense joy!

Wow. He didn't know his own threat to his life would make all her insecurities go. He just said that in rage and anguish. He has no such thing in his mind for he wants a lifetime with her not throw it away by taking any stupid decision to harm himself. He was crazy but not to that extent yet.

He was sure it would be a long journey ahead to bring the confident Khushi Kumari Gupta back but she proved him wrong yet again making him amazed as well as proud of her.

He was ready to wait another year if it took that. He was ready to even divorce her if that would alleviate her fears for the time being.

He was even ready for temporary separation as well if only it'd make her see sense. But what he wasn't ready for is her hurting despite him giving her what she wants. And it has made him bring her here to sort it out once and for all. With no chance of her finding any route to escape.

He has sworn to himself to stay in the middle of this ocean for as long as it took to get through her. But what he didn't know is that she was sailing on the same boat metaphorically as well.

She was also ready to do everything to make sure he is safe. And healthy. Alive. And breathing. Content and peaceful as well. Even giving up her fears!

His joy was short lived though as she reached him and said,

"How about we become friends?" She extended her hand looking expectantly at him with a small smile on her lips boiling his insides with burning rage.

All of his assumption of getting through her puffed into bubbles.

And the credit of being the most unpredictable stubborn being on earth goes to his SankaDevi!

"Friends?" ASR gritted out. "Oh sure why not. Friends with benefits, no?" He said sarcastically.

"What? No." She colored up flustered at his remark.

"I mean like REAL friends. Who share everything with each other. Comfort each other. Be there in the time of need. We don't have to be completely broken apart after separation. We can be cordial to each other. If we have any negative thoughts ever in our minds we'd share it too with the other before acting on it, huh?"

Before asking him to sign the petition which might make him angry she needed to be assured he'd be safe. Even from his inner demons.

He would have laughed out loud at her obvious attempt of coverup of her concern for him but he was too furious at her suggestion to be amused.

Two can play this game though. The devil within him smirked evilly.

"If you say so," He shrugged and holding her glove cladded hand in his bare ones shook it twice.

She looked visibly relieved thinking she got to him. They'd separate but she'd keep getting news of his safety as well. If he felt anything wrong he'd share it with her too. Her inauspicious self won't harm him even after separation.

Back to square one. He knew he was back to square one. All thanks to her. He was proven wrong yet again. Hard. It was hard to an insane level. His threat of suicide made her only delay the divorce talks but not give up entirely. Her insecurities laid bare and so did her concern. Dammit!

Treading carefully to dampen her inhibitions was his plan to eventually knock them out of her mind. He lost the track of his plan in this particular moment and throwing cautions to wind gripped her hand tightly when she tried to pull back and yanking her closer crashed her to his chest before cupping her nape firmly smashed his lips to hers swallowing her gasp of surprise into his mouth.

She stilled with her eyes widening. He ravished her mouth passionately sending waves of shivers down her spine. Her heart thumped vigorously until she could hear it in her ears. Heat shot through her.

Sanity left her mind totally in that moment as his brush of lips got aggressive as he demanded entrance pulling her flush against him.

She parted her lips subconsciously and he shoved his tongue in her mouth and explored ardently. She moaned audibly in approval. His other hand sprawled at her waist rubbed up and down her back making her feel almost dizzy with need and passion.

She trailed her fingers on his front up to his shoulders to finally lock them at his nape tilting her head started marching his intensity and passion equally. His hand on her waist slid through the cardigan and further in through the slit of her shirt and as his bare fingers came in contact with her skin she gasped, her eyes shot open and her lips stilled over his. He half-smiled victoriously.

"What's wrong?" He murmured brushing his lips with hers.

What the hell was she doing? And what the hell was he doing? She is supposed to make him see sense. To leave him. Make him give up. She has to talk about divorce and asking him to stay away from dangerous pursuits.

But what was she doing? She was kissing him madly just moments after agreeing to be friends with him. But wait, it was him who pulled her in first. She huffed opening her mouth and a gasp escaped her as he deepened the kiss some more taking the charge.

She was flabbergasted as she registered his hand inside her shirt was now gliding up leaving burning hot trails in its wake.

This needs to stop. Stop it. Stop it. Her mind screamed. She can't give in. He would not let her go then.

But her heart overpowered all other thoughts as she heard him rasp, "Khushi," with so much love, need and adoration that her knees almost gave away. Noticing that he pulled her up against him bearing her whole weight on him.

After what felt like forever he released her lips and both gasped to bring their breathing back to normal.

"Why are you doing this to me? We promised to be friends!" She thrashed his chest as the haziness of the kiss subsided and she pushed him away.

"I told you no more promises. Divorce was my last one!" He spat.

In that moment she saw the man before her transforming into ASR in front of her eyes. The REAL ASR!

"You are stupid. I'm not. Be friends with you? Never gonna happen. You tell me which friend feel this kind of passion with the other like the way we feel for each other? And don't deny." He showed her his hand as she tried to say something.

"I know you love me. You don't have to say it out loud for me to know. It's as clear as water. By the way. You know what. Forget about playing a fool in front of you. Let me enlighten you that I know. I KNOW WHY YOU ASKED FOR DIVORCE. If you're going to leave me for those stupid foolish reasons then THIS is what you'd get from me." He pointed to her swollen lips.

"You think you're protecting me from getting hurt by removing yourself from my life? Nah woman, you're literally pushing me to worst kind of hell ever by your own hands,"

"You think your presence would harm me? What about your absence that you're so ready to 'bless' me with that'd kill me eventually like a slow poison? Either way I'm going to die anyway. So don't you dare say that you're doing this for me because that'd be pure WHITE LIE!" His voice only noticed higher with his every word. So did the fire in his eyes. His face turned red and eyes bloodshot with the sudden onslaught of emotions.

"And what was that you're inauspicious? ARE YOU SERIOUSLY KIDDING ME? If there is anyone ill-omen here then that's me only. I ruined your life from the moment I met you. It's the other way around you dumbhead. I'm bad for you. I don't deserve you!" He bellowed.

"But you know what I don't care about selflessness and letting go anymore. I'm going to be selfish and I'm NEVER EVER going to let you leave me at all. And if your presence which you think might kill me eventually then so be it. I'D HAPPILY GAMBLE MY SOUL TO SPEND A FEW MOMENTS WITH YOU!"

He reduced the distance between them and standing nose to hers growled out loud shaking her hard clutching her upper arms.


Tears were continuously flowing from her eyes as she stared at him dumbfounded and this time he didn't wipe them. Neither he became weak nor comforted her but instead the ASR kept glaring at her with fire in his eyes.

"It is good you threw away the divorce papers yourself. Otherwise I was going to burn them into ashes myself!" He gritted out before pushing her away stormed off furiously.

In his wake her legs gave away as she fell on her knees and cried harder throwing her face into her hands feeling too many emotions all at once as his every word echoed back into her ears and rang in her head again and again like an alarm burning her with sheer agony.

Just as he wanted like a nail his words started drilling into her head by every passing moment making her cry some more.

She didn't know for how long she sat there until she felt him coming back to crouch down in front of her. She didn't look up even then. Kept staring at the ground blankly. Her tears has dried up by now. But the blotches of the moisture laid bare on her cheeks. So did her swollen eyes.

It was when he caressed her cheeks with the back of his hand wiping her tears did she lift up her head.

"Crying your pain out," He said quietly. "Did it help?" He asked brushing the corner of her eyes.

"Come on," He helped her up and made her sit on the couch and knelt down in front of her holding her hand quietly. As if gathering the courage to speak his mind.

"I'm sorry I hurt you," She cried out. "It wasn't my intention," She rubbed her nose.

He looked up seriously at her rubbing a soothing pattern at the back of her hand with his thumb. There was nothing she should apologize for. But he didn't say it out loud. Not yet.

"You know what hurts me the most?" He cupped the sides of her neck bringing her face closer to his.

She shook her head silently with her misty eyes.

"The way you hurt yourself. It drives me crazy,"

"The way you belittle yourself. It makes me want to kill myself,"

"The way you lose yourself in grief. It makes me want to lit the whole damn world into ashes,"

"You hurt me only when you hurt yourself. There is no other way you can wound me as much,"

Khushi barely held herself from breaking down at his heartfelt words. Her heart fluttered and clenched simultaneously. Tears rolled down her cheeks. His eyes weren't dry either.

"And there is absolutely no reason for you to feel sorry. You have done nothing wrong. You're just broken. Because of me. And in that state of yours some shitty people got hold of your fragile mind and are playing with it. Which you've let them because you have yourself forgotten who Khushi Kumari Gupta really is." He let out every word earnestly hoping it would be impactful enough to reach out to her. He desperately hoped.

She listened with her heart in her mouth as if his words were hypnotizing her creating a spell all around her. He held her hands in both of his not taking his eyes off her.

"In my opinion, if you're your real self when that woman spit out that nonsense and pushed you then THE KHUSHI would have showed her, her place without even lifting a finger. KHUSHI'S words have the impact to render anyone speechless. Even the mighty Arnav Singh Raizada. Then what chance does that Anika Shergill stands before THE ONE AND ONLY ICONIC JALEBI KUMARI GUPTA?" He raised his eyebrow teasingly.

Khushi snorted as she gradually let her tense muscle loose.

"You know the real KKG did make her appearance every now and then. It was the EPIC SankaDevi who has barged in AR, crashed my meeting and demanded to have the talk with me because she knew that was the right thing to do. To bash the person responsible for the blunder not lose yourself alone with the pain. She did everything right until the point the broken version of her took control and forced her to keep her silence. If KKG has stayed just a few minutes more and has confided in me, has had told me where my mistake lied then I'd have surely corrected it right there and then removing the reason of all her worries from the root itself."

"Jiju kept saying to me that if I wanted to start over with you, I'd have to forgive myself too. Your forgiveness might remove some of the guilt but to make it leave me totally I'd have to work harder. I did. I was trying hard. You helped me there too in the last four months. But it all bounced back when I realized why are you actually adamant for divorce. How can I ever forgive myself fully when you're this broken because of me only?" He choked.

She blinked back the tears as her face contorted in pain at his heartrending confession unknotting various knots in her mind. Fresh tears rolled down her cheeks.

"So please help me again will you? If I mean this much to you, if you love me this much then please bring back the ever so confident Khushi Kumari Gupta who didn't need anyone's approval. Who never let anyone tarnish her self-respect no matter who is standing against her. Who knows clearly by herself that who she really is. She who always knew how to fight for her rights. Who knew what she wanted and she never hesitsted to say it out loud unmindful of any damn person's opinion." He pleaded with tears rolling down his eyes twisting knives in her gut before a sob broke out of her lips too as he dropped his head on her lap and sobbed out,

"Please bring my Khushi back. Please? I miss her a lot. I miss her so very much!"

Placing her head over his with her cheek touching his' she cried along with him as certain painful knots unraveled within her gradually but absolutely.

The fog started dissipating. The voices in her head numbed into silence. And all she heard eventually was the rapid loud beats of her heart in her ears and a familiar giddy feeling made its presence known too. Purely because he was near. And she finally felt free.

As soon as the realization dawned on her she felt herself crying yet again nuzzling her cheek against his stubbled one leisurely. This time but her tears were of joy and liberation.

"What do you think Khushi Kumari Gupta would do finding herself in the middle of the ocean?" She mumbled after a while with her voice hoarse with all the breakdown.

Even after letting out all their sorrows in the form of tears they both didn't move or straightened up even after their sobs subsided. She has asked him the question in the same position.

Maybe he felt the change in the aura around her or there was something in her voice that tugged at him that he leaned back to finally look at her and he was left stunned seeing the sunny smile on her lips and the most beautiful expression on her face.

There was familiar mischievous dancing in her eyes that made his heart race and eyes brighten up with joy realising what it meant. A teary smile formed on his face too.

"She'd have slapped me?"

She twitched her mouth shaking her head.

"No? She'd have called me some weird names?" His smile widened as she negated that attempt of his too with that adorable nod of her head rolling her eyes.

"It's not that difficult. Come on. Try again!" She urged mischievously.

It only made his vision blur with more tears. She wiped his eyes cupping his cheeks.

"Hello I called you to guess. Not to cry!"

"I can't think straight right now. You tell me. You make me meet HER yourself,"

She thought for a moment before shrugging her shoulders saying, "Okay!"

"So are you ready to finally get introduced to Khushi Kumari Gupta?" She challenged him leaning closer to his face.

"More than ever!" He grinned nuzzling his nose with hers before he was forced to lean back with a jolt and flinched before pressing his ears with his hands as she screamed her lungs out that her voice traveled all across the ocean even dampening the sound of the waves for a record.

It was so loud that his crew also came running up to the deck scared that something had happened only to get traumatized as they covered their ears to save their hearing too controlling their laughter.

Seeing Arnav's head gesture they left as quietly as they came with their hands still covering their ears.

Obviously how could he not guess it?

The first thing Khushi Kumari Gupta would have done after finding out that she was kidnapped by someone and taken to the middle of the ocean with no escape she'd have yelled out loud dramatically with her signature epic expressions of horror successfully scaring the living daylights out of all the creatures in and of the water and has burst the culprit's ears with her traumatizing screams, loud enough for him to have no other option but to fall into the ocean himself to save some of his hearing ability if not all.

Poor Arnav he could only endure. Neither could he run away nor jump into the water for he was chained by heart.

As he heard and saw her stopping he slowly removed his palms off his ears only to place them back when she opened her mouth again causing his eyes to widen in horror.

Khushi who was only teasing him pursed her lips mischievously before throwing her head back laughed hard earning a mock glare from him that only fanned her amusement.

He shook his head at her as his eyes danced with mirth too and joined her in laughter no sooner than that whilst they both reached for the other at the same time with their laughters turning into wide joyful smiles and their arms holding onto each other securely, their heads resting on either's shoulders and their hearts beating in a sync. Finally!


Sameer and Anjali were having their dinner in Shantivan. Everyone were having it quietly as a certain gloom surrounded the air. The silence was prickling too.

It has been more than a week that Arnav Khushi were gone to Mumbai and still there was no news of them. Worry for them kept everyone on toes these days. Not being able to contact them either was another drawback.

Devyani was sitting on the headchair, on her right were sitting Anjali, Sameer and Akash. On her left Manorama and Manohar.

A ping on Anjali's phone made her casually look at it before she hurriedly grabbed it and opened the message.

Everyone jumped at their places abruptly as she stood up letting out a joyful scream almost toppling over the chair behind her.

Sameer held his one arm behind to make sure she doesn't hurt herself before he stood and took a peek at her phone to know what made her so happy.

A grin appeared on his face too as the couple hugged each other squealing with joy.

Anjali's phone was then passed around the table and suddenly the gloom dissipated and silence was replaced with happy screams and congratulating hugs with everyone's eyes full of colors and wishes for the blissful future for the couple who finally found happiness after passing many tribulations and came out as the winner TOGETHER against all odds.

Anjali and Sameer couldn't stop looking at the beautiful pictures Khushi sent her.

In the first one, Khushi was casually leaning on Arnav's shoulder with her one arm coiled around his waist smiling mirthfully whilst he was busy staring at her while she was taking the selfie.

In another, he was hugging her from the back resting his chin on her shoulder whilst they were both grinning at the camera with happiness and bliss radiating from their faces.

More so the caption below it warmed their hearts more than ever as well as it made them laugh so hard.

Di, ❤️

Sorry for taking so much time to call you this😘

This is my first step to compensate for that. You'd be the first one to know the biggest news before everyone 💞

Remaining compensation would be for the rest of our lives. 🤗

P.S. After an hour I'd send it to the rest of our families 😉

P.P.S. Your Chote is my hostage for life now 😂

And he is hell scared! 🤣

Wish him all the very best 😏

What Khushi didn't realize that the news was so big and such a big deal for everyone that Anjali would barely be able to hold her joy or even make an attempt to hide it. Even before the hour passed Guptas were called and informed of the couple's reunion.

Many happy tears were shed, enthusiastic hugged were shared, laughters reverberated in the air as if some big festival was being held here. Well it actually was like a festival for them without a doubt anyway.

Even a mini celebration was done with delicious sweets, tea and scrumptious snacks. The real celebration would be held upon the couple's return, they excitedly decided.

In midst all two of the lot kept stealing glances at each other shyly unknown to everyone.

She passed the plate of chips to him and almost jumped as his hand brushed hers accidentally in the process. They looked around the dining table scared as if anyone noticed but the commotion was too loud and everyone were too a absorbed in their conversation. They sighed in relief.

"Thank you Payal ji," He said looking into her eyes pushing his glasses up to his nose before giving the plate back to her.

"You're welcome, Akash ji." She said lowering her eyes bashfully placing the plate back on the table.

"Congratulations. It's such a miraculous joy that they are together now, isn't it Payal ji?" He smiled wide.

"Congratulations to you too. Yes it very much is, Akash ji!" She smiled back nodding her head.


What neither Anjali nor Khushi knew, In fact even the man himself Sameer Rathode didn't know either that right after Khushi messaged Anjali, Arnav has sent a one liner text to him as his own compensation to his irritating yet beloved brother-in-law nonetheless that read,

You're officially a Saala ;)

But unfortunately Sameer read it quite late for he has forgotten his phone at home. Nevertheless when he did it left him in splits.

Damn that asshole. Still acting arrogant! Sameer thought grinning anyway despite cursing him in his mind shaking his head as he opened the next message that was from Khushi.

The first one contained the same pictures she sent Anjali which he watched with a wide smile before he pressed play on the next which was the voice message while sitting on the bed.

"Bhai, you're the best. I am sorry for all the troubles I caused you. I'm sorry for taking so much time to accept you.

And thank you so so so so very much for not giving up on me ever despite it all. I'm so lucky to have you.

I guess you're my best friend's reward for all the pain she gave me in the name of my blood relations whether it was by my father's betrayal or by taking away my mother away from me too brutally. I finally understand that. You are a true blessing for me.

I'm in a very good place right now. All thanks to your efforts and unconditional love. Without ever judging me you stood by my side for as long as I can remember.

You brought me out of the dark hole I was slowly digging for myself and was burying myself in it as well without knowing. I'd have been completely buried in it by now if you haven't called Arnav to marry me that day. You knew before anyone that only he can heal me and patch me up and you're right.

He has not only healed me but also made me feel confident and sure of myself more than ever. He has brought me back from that cliff where I've thrown myself off and since then I was continuously falling and falling with my demise feeling so close to me. He has brought me back from death itself. Literally.

And it wouldn't have been possible if you weren't there with me, with us, every step of the way. (Her voice has turned hoarse by now as she paused a bit to sniffle)

I always felt low-key jealous of Arnav relationship with Di you know. Now I can flaunt you around, proudly! I've a big brother too and dare I say the overprotective one at that. Oh I'm so so excited. So expect nothing but only pranks and teasing from your little sister. You officially have a sibling now and you're doomed dude! (She laughed)"

Wiping his tears a totally overwhelmed Sameer chuckled at the end.

As the audio finished a new text message popped up on the screen from her only that made him look back at the screen and his eyes filled up with happy tears yet again. It read,

P.S. I love you, Bhai 🤗





A month later,

Khushi pursed her lips to stop herself from chuckling as she sat beside her totally pissed off husband as they waited for someone at a table close to the windows in a quiet corner of a cafe.

His whining attitude made her want to kiss him senseless for he was looking so adorable making those faces. But unfortunately they're in public. She can't. Not right now at least. She half-smiled at her own thoughts going astray.

"Don't you dare laugh!" He narrowed his eyes at her seeing her barely holding back her laughter.

"You SankaDevi, if you made fun of me I'd make you pay for it," He brought his face closer to hers and warned huskily.

She touched her fingertip to his forehead to shove him back to his place twitching her mouth.

"You Laad Governor, Oh I'm so scared!" She rolled her eyes nonchalantly.

"This is heights of insult. Calling us to meet only to be late yourself. Such an unprofessional idiot," He muttered under his breath which Khushi heard and burst out laughing earning a glare from him which only fanned her chortling.

"He has informed he'd be few minutes late. Why are you getting so worked up?" She asked blinking her eyes at him innocently even though she knew why but teasing him was so much fun. It was her favorite stress buster. Now jalebis comes second. LOL!

He folded his arms against his chest and turned his head to the other side like a sulking kid making her heart flutter and eyes shine with unadulterated love for him.

He is such a child!

And he is so jealous!

According to him if Samrat Shergill wanted to meet them then the said man should have called and asked Arnav not reach out to Khushi for that. Period.

She knew he wasn't insecure or anything. Nor that he lacks any trust on her. It was just that he was yet to come to terms with the trauma it made him feel when he he heard the news of her wedding that night and saw her ready to become someone else's bride. That was such a close call.

He almost lost her to another man and the name 'Samrat Shergill' bring back those haunting memories for him. It would take time to leave him absolutely.

They both were working hard to heal each other to the best of their abilities in midst living every second of their life to the fullest simultaneously.
Samrat arrived and sitting across the round table after greeting them with a smile said,

"I'm sorry for being late."

"At least you know some manners dimwit," Arnav muttered under his breath. His new habit he caught and recently developed from his crazy wife the highness queen KKG herself was talking to yourself and muttering under your breath unmindful of anyone around.

ASR has become as much a SankaDev as his KASR!

A soft kick under the table made him realize that his wife has heard him and was also aware of his angry stares he was throwing Samrat's way who was looking at Arnav amused least bit scared.

Schooling his expressions ASR inwardly huffed as they ordered their beverages and some light snacks before an awkward silence followed which Khushi broke by politely asking about his health and his family.

After a friendly chat with her in which Arnav was a mere spectator Samrat's gaze finally settled on ASR as he took the initiative to thaw the ice for he could understand his thoughts being a man himself.

He'd have reacted the same way if he'd meet the man his beloved wife almost got married to. It was no joke!

He started with thanking him first of all for coming to meet him before expressing his gratitude for his help in the background that made the reopening of his high profile case possible again.

That if he hasn't sent the concrete evidences secretly then the hope for those victims and their families which Samrat showed them when he started this case would have crashed and the culprits would still be lurking around ruining more innocent lives and dumbing the evidences and killing and shooting to cover their tracks over and over again as well.

Arnav's expressions softened itself as he heard his genuine gratitude.

Khushi looked proudly at her husband as he reciprocated it by thanking Samrat in return for clearing his name after coming out of the coma. To which Shergill smiled back in response.

It all was going so well when suddenly some mischievous rose in Samrat that made him say,

"I am not saying that 'You have taken care of my bride so very well and now I am back to take what's mine' Nah."

Khushi's jaws dropped and she suddenly felt scared. Not for anyone else but Samrat for the guy was literally asking for his death. This time for real.

She could see it was his attempt to tease the ASR but boy he didn't know the disaster it would land him in by poking the possessive monster.

Arnav's expressions changed in milliseconds before hardening to dangerous level. His eyes squinted in rage as his fist clenched and it looked ready to meet the man's jaw when he felt a hand pressing on his thigh under the table bringing some sanity back to his mind as he clenched his jaw and looked at his wife who pleaded with her eyes to be cool.

'The man doesn't mean any harm. He is just teasing you.' Her eyes which he read clearly made him calmer and release his tense muscles and jaws.

Samrat saw the exchange and was amazed at the level of their connection and their undeniable chemistry with each other. It made goosebump rise on his skin.

He got to know the couple's history when he woke up from the coma about six months ago. Oh how heartbroken he was then. His family helped him a lot especially his father in that phase.

Though initially he was adamant he could fix it and bring her back in his life for the man who had a shotgun marriage with his fiancé has come in between them accidentally and he stands no chance against him in the long run for no one could love Khushi more than him until he used his sources for his personal gain for the first time and digged ASR and Khushi's history.

He was sane enough to finally come to a realization no sooner than that it wasn't Arnav who came in between him and Khushi but rather it was he himself who have momentarily come in between the estranged couple to play cupid unknowingly.

That very same realization was his first step towards moving on. He wouldn't say he was totally over it but he surely was getting there.

Receiving the evidences suddenly in his office by no name on the heavy box he got made him investigate as a lawyer not knowing things made him restless. And as he found out who helped him he was dumbfounded and grateful at the same time.

That was one more step to his moving on as he felt the respect and admiration for the infamous ASR who was portrayed as an arrogant, ruthless and shrewd businessman by the media.

Upon that when his father told him about the mistreatment his mother gave Khushi when he was in coma it made him drown in guilt and he finally mustered the courage to see the couple and have the most awaited conversation between them to finally let go of the past once and for all to give the much needed closure to all three of them.

"Don't get me wrong. I am here only to wish you both well and apologize to Khushi for my mother's behavior sincerely and thank you for what you did for me by investigating the people who shot me."

"I didn't do it for you!" Arnav said shrugging.

"I know. I could see the reason." He smiled knowingly. "But nevertheless you helped me big time and today if I've won the case it's only because of you."

Arnav and Khushi's eyes widened. They didn't know that information.

"Yes I have come to meet you both first right after the court's final verdict that was today. Those assholes are behind bars and their gang wiped out clean from the city. I thought it's only fair I tell this to you personally because it wouldn't have been possible without you both," Samrat said seriously but with a soft look on his face.

"Congratulations!" Arnav extended his hand towards him over the table much to Samrat's surprise and Khushi's glee as they shook hands finally thawing all the ice and dissipating all the awkwardness.

"Thank you!" Samrat said as they both leaned back on their seats feeling light than ever.

Maybe it was the start of some friendship of sorts. Who knows?

After Arnav, Khushi congratulated him with a wide smile to which Samrat grinned accepting it wholeheartedly before their order finally arrived which they ate or drank in midst the light conversation about random things.

Major milestone was that Arnav passed a smile or two, his rare genuine ones in between while talking to Samrat making Khushi's heart thump loudly in her ears for having such an amazing man as her life partner.

Oh she so wanted to kiss him madly for the way he took it like a true man (obviously with little bit of her help) and has come out of his major trauma of that wedding day as a winner.

As soon as they were back in the car Arnav let out his famous catchphrase flabbergasted as his beloved wife shifted to his lap suddenly and did what she so wanted to do so badly back there.

Kiss him madly!

Chuckling at her urgency and aggressiveness he didn't take long to reciprocate it with double the fervor making her gasp stunned into his mouth that made his lips to quirk in smirk satisfied for returning the favor.

Oh he just loves her wild side which only come out exclusively for him. Was reserved solely Just for him!

There in the parking lot with him sitting on the driving seat and her straddling him on his lap they ravished each other mouth to their heart's content before coming up for air gasping.

"I want you!" She reached for his shirt buttons breathing hard.

"So do I but baby your back would hurt later on. Let's us go home first," He rasped threading his fingers in her hairs while cupping her cheeks brushing his lips with hers tenderly.

Even if he was highly turned on as well he refused to put his need before hers.

"I don't care. I want you. Right now. Right here!" She growled demanding it. In fact ordering him with her doe shaped hazel orbs matching the intensity in his brown pairs of oceans.



5 months later,

Arnav was having a very serious meeting in the conference room with his finance team while they all were sitting round the table with ASR at the head chair.

Everybody were so engrossed. Listening to ASR, adding their suggestion in between which either got approved or disapproved by their boss. Noting the points. Making the report in midst when suddenly they heard the loud music blasting from a phone leaving everyone's jaws dropped and even more dumbfounded for the cellphone that was screaming out was the ASR's himself.

"What the!" Arnav blurted out as the initial music subsided and the actual song started.

Shagna di raat raat

Sajna ji hot hot

Shagna di raat raat, sajna ji hot hot

Naina vichon sajna de laai javan shot vot

Main balkhavan

Hath na avan

Main balkhavan

Hath na avan

Yaar mere tau bachna!

Everyone turn their heads to the other side as ASR glared at his phone which he was sure he put on a silent mode before coming to the meeting while Aman and Akash who were also present in the meeting burst into splits who very well knew who could dare mess with ASR's phone fearlessly and to this level.

Shutting it off Arnav put it on the silent mode this time making sure he did it well. He should have known she would retaliate anyway because of their recent argument but he just wasn't smart enough to know his wife's next move.

Glaring at Aman and Akash who has fanned everyone's amusement giving them courage to laugh in front of him turning the atmosphere hilarious in milliseconds but no sooner than that his one word was enough to silence their laughters as he ordered them to get back to the meeting when his eyes widened again for his phone rang the second time with the voice louder than before.

Mai nagin naagin, naagin naagin

Naagin dance nachna

Mai nagin naagin, naagin naagin

Nagin dance nachna

Dammit she put it on the silent mode too!

"You all just wait here!" ASR left snatching his phone from the table after cutting the call again pissed before storming out.

In his wake a roar of laughter reverberated in the conference room.


His voice boomed around the office as he stood at the top of the stairs looking dangerously at the woman who has by now stopped in the middle of the hall downstairs.

His employees shuddered nonetheless with ASR roar while Khushi who had all the plan to sneak out quietly shut her eyes sheepishly but smirked anyway with mirth visible in her eyes.

There were times when employees has seen Arnav torture Khushi and now the roles were reversed. Difference was that, Arnav's tortures were hurtful initially while Khushi's were now entertaining, laughable and enjoyable that often kept the atmosphere of AR lively with their banters whenever KASR visited AR.

In fact now employees would secretly wish for more often visits of Khushi Kumari Gupta Singh Raizada, for when she came the workload didn't seem that difficult to cover considering how she filled the office's serious atmosphere to fun and laughters in moments.

Just like right now. They were now curious as to which prank she pulled on ASR today to make the man explode.

They didn't have to wait long to know as Khushi turned around to face him with a poker face and when ASR was just two steps away pressed the button with her hands holding her phone at her back and then the whole office heard.

Nose pin ke lashkaare

Earring te chamkaare

Meri nose pin ke lashkaare

Earring ke chamkaare

Tere utte pai gaye

Te dil vil tera lai gaye,

Plan hai mera

Mahi tera

Plan hai mera

Mahi tera

Picha naiyon chaddna

"What the!" ASR was bewildered. Why wasn't the call getting cut? Was his phone broke? Or it was the part of her prank too?

Main nagin naagin, naagin naagin

Nagin dance nachna!

Suppressed laughters filled the hall as the workers hid behind their desks and burst into splits secretly enjoying ASR predicament while the mastermind behind it was slowly tracing her steps back to leave unnoticed until his head shot up and he reached for her only to grab air as she dashed away letting out a squeal.

Pee k do do ghut ve

Aa floor pe maar foot ve

Nach le with me sohneya

Chal seat se ab uth ve

Mann le kehna

Main das' Lena

Peeche nayi oo hatna!

"Cut the call dammit. What did you do to my phone?" ASR chased her around his in midst the laughter riot his employees went in to.

Main naagin naagin naagin naagin naagin dance nachna!

AR office has witnessed various up and downs of the couple. Their Love-hate story started here.

It witnessed their worst phases to their various breakdowns to their heartbreaks to eventually witness their undying, unconditional love for each other that finally led to this day. Today!

There were times when this same office has witnessed Arnav's attempts to make Khushi Kumari Gupta bend to him to make her helpless and now it was witnessing to the shocking transformation where the same Khushi had the great ASR wrapped around her little finger.

One look from her and ASR would immediately transform into Arnav right there in milliseconds stunning the people around her.

Like right now as he caught her finally and grabbing her cellphone opened his mouth to scold her when words failed him as she reached over and pecked his lips making him numb that he even forgot that what was he mad about at the first place.

He held her arm and pulled her along with him to bring her to his cabin before pinning her to the door. He even forgot he left a meeting halfway too.

He forgot everything else to be precise. But her. Just her occupied his mind as he captured her lips shutting her up knowing what would she say.

"It's just for the weekend," She cupped his cheeks pulling back for a second.

"No!" He said sternly closing her lips again.

"Why can't I stay there you Laad Governor?" She rasped coming up for air.

"Because I said so!" He shrugged burying his face into her neck with not an inch of distance between their bodies. She moaned as he bit her neck but still tried to keep the arguement alive.

"And who are you to tell me that?"

Oh god. His lips feels like heaven on her skin!

Khushi focus!

"Your husband, obviously!" He gave her duh expressions meeting her eyes reaching to the zipper of her dress urgently.

She slapped his hand and placing her hand on her hips glared at him narrowing her eyes.

He rolled his eyes. And busied himself to pepper kisses to her adorable angry red face before swooping down for another toe curling kiss in which she reciprocated and bit him on his lips to punish him for being so hotheaded and possessive.

"That's my maternal home."

"So? I am not stopping you from meeting them. I just want you home in the evening. That's all,"

She protested grabbing his collars into a bunch flaring her nostrils gritting her teeth. It made his mind reel to a totally different track seeing her aggressiveness.

It reminded him of their several passionate nights and all kinds of places they have made love simply just because they couldn't keep their hands off each other.

It has often left them in embarrassing situations as well in front of their families.

Well embarrassing for only those moments before one or the other family member would find them making out a few days later at another odd place nonetheless leaving them scandalous.

Younger generation only teased them about it but the real horror happened when one day Devyani found them kissing each other madly in front of the temple.

Oh the poor woman almost fainted whilst the platter of prayer fell from her hands breaking the couple apart. Nani wasn't able to look in couple's eyes without blushing for days.

Logically it should have been ArShi who should have been shy but the couple were never embarrassed or hesitated for showing their love for each other whether in or out of their bedroom.

Even if it was more than an year of their wedding but their marriage was never normal before and after sorting out their differences they were officially in their honeymoon phase now and they're loving every bit of it.

Even after months of their reconciliation their passion for each other was only flaring up. The igniting fire within them is never fully satiated and every time their eyes meet they'd want each other more and more only.

Upon that their teasing banters, illogical amusing arguements and Khushi's pranks on Arnav every other day with Arnav paying her back in his own wicked ways kept the atmosphere of Shantivan lively as well as happy and refreshing.

Their relationship was something unique as well as epic. It was beyond anyone's understanding except for the couple's themselves. It has many layers to be precise.

One moment they'd tease the hell out of each other, the other they'd fight like cat and dogs,

In the times of need they'd be the most understanding and supportive of the each other effortlessly being a genuine couple,

In the other they'd argue over silly things and refuse to budge or listen to the other,

At times they'd stare at each other so passionately and so wantonly that'd make people around them uncomfortable and often yell at them to go get a room,

In another they'd be whispering something to each other sitting midst the family before bursting out laughing pumping their fists to each other like best friend's amusing everyone of what was so funny?

The growth this couple showed in a few months was tremendous. All thanks to ArShi's mutual efforts.

Anyone who didn't know their history could never tell from their faces always radiating joy and only love and respect for each other that once these same two people went thought hell and back to get here,

That they lost each other again and again before finally coming together defeating all heartrending twists of fate to make their own destiny. Their own world.

They were thoroughly exploring each other in his office where he was bent over her naked form in his own natural bare state himself he was busy teasing her skin with his teeth and lips leaving her in a moaning mess. She pulled him in for a kiss grabbing his nape towards her.

He has renovated his cabin a month ago to replace the glass walls with an imported one which blocked anyone from seeing anything inside his office even if blinds aren't drawn but also turned it into sound proof for once they almost got caught when they're making out in his cabin when Arnav fortunately saw the worker from the corner of his eyes busy with boxes in his hands coming up his office.

There, Aman and Akash were sure that ASR even though he said he'd be back to meeting he won't come. So has wrapped it up themselves before coming out of the conference room stretching up after a really tiring meeting which only got a little light by that phone call before turning serious again.

Coming downstairs to grab a drink or some snacks to their way to cafe Akash and Aman heard the workers gushing over the recent happening. Aman and Akash chortled hearing what happened downstairs.

Their eyebrows shot up higher when they're informed that ASR and KASR are locked in his cabin for the last one and half an hour. Looking at each other knowingly the duo smirked and walked into the cafe to appease their hunger.

A different kind of hunger as compared to the never satiated cravings of a certain power couple. LOL!

Back in ASR cabin, after the long session of intense love making the couple were now dressing up with Khushi trying to make him understand that it's only going to be for two days. She'd be back home before he knew it.

Arnav didn't budge as he buttoned up his blazer now back in his Armani suit while she struggled with her dress zipper.

He helped her zip up before dropping the kiss on the back of her head inhaling a lungful of her scent holding her shoulders from behind closing his eyes in bliss.

She was his own personal heaven of peace and tranquility.

Forget two days he can't survive a second without her. It only had been tough enough coming to the office every day without her for she has had her job otherwise he'd tagged her along to AR too and made her stick to him like a glue even if people called him obsessed or insane whatsoever he wouldn't have cared.

Literally she has two maternal homes. Gupta house and Rathode Mansion. If she kept alternating in between to spend time every weekend with either of them then when will she have the time to--

"Why? Why, you fool? Why such a restriction? Why can't I spend the weekend with them? WHAT will you lose if I go?" She shrieked exasperated when lovingly asking him didn't work she went all KKG on him now pissed.

"Because I love you. And I will miss you dammit!" He snapped as well.

For few moments she stared at him agape. Her cheeks warmed up. Until he added,

"You want to visit your family you can go everyday I won't say anything as long as I am in office but when I come back I want you in RM in front of my eyes. Did you get it?" ASR overpowered him.

"I am going to stay there for the weekend and you can't stop me." She gave it back to him without getting scared looking into his eyes fiercely.

Sometimes he just get over her nerves. Like right now. His stubbornness mostly rubs on her too and then it becomes impossible to make either of them negotiate or see sense.

"Try me, sweetheart." Obstinacy showed on his face too. He caressed her cheek before pressing his lips to her forehead.

"How about we tour Ireland next? This weekend?" He tried to bribe her. "It'd be a mini honeymoon!"

Her jaws dropped. As much as she was tempted to go see new places with him but she resisted the urge with great effort.

"Laad Governor we had had our three mini honeymoons and two major ones already ever since we came back from Mumbai. I think I've had seen almost half the world in these months and the number of places we have toured around in the last five months are uncountable!" She said placing her hand on her hips frowning at him adorably.

"You forgot to add, love. You loved every second of it," He smirked smugly.

"Oh yes I did!" She said without thinking to which he chuckled victoriously. She glared at him. It only made him grin widely.

"That's not the point here. I mean to say we can go some other time. I want to spend some time with Amma, Babuji, Jiji and Buaji for just a weekend. I miss them," As she said quietly at the end he cursed under his breath for making her sad before an idea lit up his brain.

"Invite them to RM then. They can spend the weekend with us." He choose the middle ground embracing her kissing her head.

She pushed him away and narrowed her eyes at him. Her anger coming back with force.

"You know they'd never agree to stay two days at their in-laws no matter how much they love us. There are some traditions in which they would never compromise!" She teared up now. He rushed to hug her rubbing her back.

"Okay. Fine. I'd invite them to Rathode Mansion then. Sameer Jiju has been accepted as a son already in Gupta household. He won't refuse when Jiju would ask him. Ab theek hai? (Will that be alright?)"

"No. No. NO. I want to stay with Babuji in Laxmi Nagar. I'd go there only!" She burst out crying throwing her face into her hands making him bewildered as well as guilty.

KKG wouldn't become this emotional so easily. In fact she would fight him heads on until he would budge. What changed now?

"Okay. Okay. Okay. Shh Khushi. I'll take you there right away. How about we go right now? I'll drop you. I'm sorry I argued. Please stop crying?"

She shrugged his hands off her and yelled out,

"I'm going to go myself and I'm never coming back, you Laad Governor!" She sniffled loudly rubbing her nose with her sleeve yelling at him before marching out leaving a horrified Arnav behind.

What just happened here?

He stood with his jaws dropped for a second before running out to follow her.

Then AR employees saw along with Aman, Manohar and Akash that a sobbing Khushi walked out of office with an equally worried Arnav behind wondering what they fought about again?

Akash, Manohar and Aman who knew them well enough by now were least worried for they knew the duo could not stay mad at each other for long. They'd be back to being KKG and ASR in less than two hours.

While the gloom surrounded AR employees who shipped the couple and were in fact their crazy fans. Their hearts wished for the couple to stay together forever. So it was bound to make them worry.

What if something went wrong? What if they would never see them around playing pranks and getting angry? AR would become so depressing. What if the past's ASR came back who was heartless to a frightening degree?

If KKG left ASR he'd never be the same again. For she was the reason he has become a human. Working with him has become easy and less terrifying. What if those days come back again?

As the terror went to their hearts they shuddered visibly shaking their heads before they all hurriedly joined their hands up and closing their eyes prayed for the couple to reconcile as soon as possible and even offered bribes if their wish got fulfilled much to the amusement of Akash, Aman and Manohar who literally heard those prayers being said out loud.

Here, Everyone was under the impression that KASR has become Arnav's weakness but only ASR knew that was downright wrong.

She was his biggest strength. She doesn't make him weak but more confident, more relaxed and less brooding. She balanced his dark side with her light one while he balanced her crazy chatterbox persona and all the time enthusiastic energy with his calm one. They were literal definition of soulmates.

Finally they were!

And Hamesha they will be!

Until their last breaths!


Maine usse apne haathon se pakar rakha tha,

Aur usne apni rooh se,

Aur waqt ne humein apni dori se baandh diya!

~ Arnav Singh Raizada (IPKKND)


Phew! Finally it's done and I'm satisfied with how it turned out.

I hope it made you feel a myriad of emotions as much as I felt while writing it.

What a tremendous journey had it be to write this emotional rollercoaster and as a writer it feels fulfilling to pen it down and complete the story just as I've imagined it.

1. How was the ending by the way?

2. What was your most favorite part of the finale?

3. How was the epilogue?

4. How was the whole story?

5. Your favourite scenes and dialogues overall?

I've really put my best efforts to put this finale up here. I hope you guys would reward my hardwork by not forgetting to leave your precious VOTES and COMMENTS 😘

Waiting eagerly for your feedback😍

Bidding a heartfelt goodbye from HEHP officially ❤️

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