His Ego, Her Pride (Part 8)

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I am back with it's update and I know I am late. Personal and professional lives tangled and I couldn't write a word in the last few months. I won't bore you guys with much details. Just know that I was waiting for my comeback here as much as you guys were.

Thank you for everyone who waited patiently and impatiently as well. I have read all of your comments and frustration in the last few days I have started writing back and I am sorry from the bottom of my heart for keeping you wait. Trust me I wouldn't have taken this long if it was in my hands. 

Now that I am back I'd try to be as much regular as possible. Kindly bear with me :)

Now coming to this story. This update is quite long. About 20K+ words to compensate for my absence. I hope it'd be worth the wait.

Without much ado, here we go!

(Not Proofread)


"Will my death bring peace to you?" He whispered in a low agonizing voice. His head hurt with splitting pain. His ears buzzed with his heartbeats slowing down.

"Yes. I'd be most happy to see your dead face!" She bellowed grabbing his collars shaking him hard before dropping her head on his chest only wailed out loud making him cry along with her. His face depicted sheer helplessness and pain.

She has said many hurtful things to him till now in her pain, in anguish but today she absolutely killed him with her words. His whole being bled while his heart clawed painfully as if someone was squeezing it tight in his chest. Upon that she choose to stab him more by sobbing with her head right over his heart. Oh the agony doubled within him.

"I need to go somewhere," He said breathlessly moving away from her. She fell on her knees as he walked away.

Opening the door he stopped for a moment with his back to her touching his face to the wooden pane before stormed off without looking back as her cries cut deep through his already bleeding heart.

"Chote," Anjali called out to him as he hurriedly descended the stairs and ran past them to the exit. Everyone noticed his red face and swollen eyes, him ruined. Upon that Khushi's cries still reverberated in the mansion increasing their despair.

"Nani, what will happen to these two?" Anjali croaked to which she heard only silence as no one knew it's answer.

"Isn't that my Choti's voice? Why Arnav left like that? Was he crying?"

Anjali whirled around to find her husband Sameer entering the living room with knitted brows.

He has stayed out in the garden throughout the function as he knew his presence hurt his sister.

After seeing off the guests he was coming back inside when an urgent call kept him out for half an hour before he came in. He has been filled in by Anjali about what happened inside during the ritual and how Arnav handled the whole situation.

His brother-in-law(Arnav) cum friend was proving his decision right of giving his sister's(Khushi) responsibility in his hands every passing moment.

He mentally noted to thank Arnav when he saw him barging outside, walking past him, hopping in the car and driving off despite his various calls. He ran inside to get to know the matter.

"They fought again," Anjali cried out.

"Akash go after Arnav," Sameer said silently to which Akash nodded and ran out. Knowing that Akash will take care of Arnav, he turned to the opposite direction.

Anjali caught his hand when he made a run to the stairs.

"Let her cry it out. It would help her heal." She whispered rubbing his arm.

"How can I leave her alone in this condition? Can't you hear how painfully she is wailing out?" He gritted out containing his own tears inside. He has held himself back during the function but hearing her cry like that he could not hold himself back anymore.

"Seeing you will only make her cry more." Anjali stated as a matter of fact.

"Even then I'd at least give her a shoulder to cry on." He choked.

"Sameer, try to understand. Your presence will only make it worse." She tried again.

"She is my sister!" He exclaimed. "I'd never do anything that will hurt her." He growled pissed.

"Until she herself asks to meet you, you shouldn't approach her." Anjali said sternly.

"Why not?" He bellowed.

"Because she tried to take her life again yesterday because of the past--your father--y-you. Chote barely saved her." She burst out turning everyone dumbstruck.

"W-What?" Sameer staggered back dumbfounded. A lump got stuck in his throat as he looked at his wife with all the pain gathered in his eyes.

"She is okay, isn't she? Anjali tell me?" He croaked bending his head to touch her shoulder.

She rubbed his back biting back a sob.

"She is alright physically. She will be fine wholly, too. Hopefully soon. Just pray for her. For them." She whispered turning her face to peck his temple.


Screaming his lungs out, breaking things, cursing out loud in the confines of his penthouse did nothing to ease the burden off his chest. At last defeated he did the only thing which occurred to him, which the great Arnav Singh Raizada rarely did.


He cried falling on his knees with his face buried into his hands. Sobs turned into hiccups as he sat there with her words echoing from every corner of the living room he was sitting in the middle of broken things presenting the picture of his shattered self.

"I hate you. I hate you. I hate you. I wish you disappear. I wish I never have to see you ever again!"



"I wish you go far away from me and I never have to hear you say that you love me. I wish you die!"



"Will my death bring peace to you?" He whispered in a low agonizing voice.

"Yes. I'd be most happy to see your dead face!" She bellowed.

Groaning out loud in agony he covered his ears in anguish pursing his lips as tears dried on his cheeks yet the fire inside him only rose up in flames until he opened his bloodshot eyes and clenched his jaws whilst the chocolate brown orbs showed sheer determination.

Of what?

Only time will tell!

Sniffling he stood up breathing heavily before taking out his cellphone.

"Aman, you didn't update me about the work I gave you. Get it done soon before my patience snaps!" He growled.


Feeling at the edge the Raizada family released a breath when the heart wrenching cries of Khushi stopped followed by conspicuous silence.

"I will go check on her now," Anjali stood up.

Sameer rubbed his forehead. The look on his face told her that he was conflicted whether to stay put or throw cautions to wind and be there for his sister anyhow. At last reasoning and concern won and his shoulders sagged. Anjali saw it all before turning to the direction of the stairs.

On Devyani's instructions she took fresh juice and fruits with her for Khushi as crying this much must have drained her out of her energy.

But the sight that greeted her once she entered ArShi's room made her frown. Khushi was all freshened up, probably she took a shower too she guessed seeing her drenched hairs with few drops trickling down her hairs tendrils. There was no trace of the breakdown they all heard with their own ears.

"Are you going somewhere?"

"Hmm," Khushi said absentmindedly while hanging her embroidered bag on her shoulder.

"At this time?" Anjali said worriedly. "If you need something just say so. There are plenty of helpe-"

"I can help myself. Thank you." Khushi cut her with a flat tone nonchalantly.

"Let Chote come. He will take you wherever you want to go." Anjali felt panic build up in her sensing some thick tension in the air around Khushi.

What if she tried something to hurt herself again?

What will she answer to her Chote and Sameer?

"Can I come with you?" She tried her last resort.

Khushi stopped at the door step and turned to look at her with a frown before shrugging.

"If you want to,"

"I'd love to." Anjali said hurriedly and placing the tray on the bedside table she followed Khushi out.

At least she will not be alone!

"How do you know?" Anjali said surprised as Khushi reached and opened the backdoor. Clearly she didn't want to face anyone or let them know that she was going outside.

Anjali shuddered thinking that what if she hasn't come on time then in this fragile, emotional condition Khushi would have gone somewhere alone and who knows what would she have done? Chote would have gone insane with worry along with everyone including Sameer.

Khushi didn't reply and walked outside followed by Anjali.

"Khushi, where are we going? Tell me? I am getting worried here." Anjali asked as they kept walking on the side of the road leaving Shantivan far behind.

"Nowhere." Khushi whispered but Anjali heard it in the silence of the night. "I just wanted to walk in fresh air."

That made Anjali fume in anger.

"Are you out of your mind? If I hadn't come you'd have wandered alone outside at this time of the night!" She exclaimed stopping her with her hand on her elbow.

"Yes I'd have." She removed her hand off her elbow and continued walking.

Anjali's jaws dropped open. Both of them are crazy. Her Chote and his wife, now too. Perfect match!

"Khushi, you know I can't walk much with this limp. Have some mercy on me and let's go home." Anjali tried guilt-tripping her.

"Home?" Khushi whispered to herself as her eyes watered.

"Yes, home. Your home. Shantivan." Anjali said softly.

"That's not my home!" Khushi stopped and turned to her aghast.

All of Anjali's anger vanished and her heart went out to her seeing her holding her cries putting up the strong persona.

"Dear, denying it won't change the truth." She said calmly. "And the truth is. You are Khushi Singh Raizada now. Arnav Singh Raizada's wife. The sooner you'll accept this fact the better it will be for you and your sanity. Denial will only make it worse, sweetheart." Anjali cupped her cheeks.

Khushi blinked back the tears.

"I am his so-called wife on papers I know. But I won't be for long," She said smiling sadly remembering the words she uttered on his face which cut through her own soul making her bleed from within.

"What do you mean?" Anjali asked removing her hands off her face to gauge her reaction.

"He will divorce me," Khushi said so nonchalantly but Anjali felt her own heart gripping into a fist.

"He would never. He loves you, crazily!" Anjali reasoned.

"After what I said to him today, if he is the famous ASR which the world proclaim him to be, he'd not waste a moment more to leave me. I know him. His ego is much greater than his so-called love. He will let me go!" She chuckled dryly.

Anjali paled in dread. What if Khushi was right? But in the next second she shook her head. She knows her Chote. He would never do that when he has brought heaven and earth together to make Khushi his!

Before she could retort they whirled around hearing a familiar voice,

"What are you both doing here? At this time?"

In her conflict Anjali hasn't the heard the car screeching to a halt on the side of the road right beside them coming from the opposite side of the road.

"We were walking." Anjali stuttered before clearing her throat while Khushi started walking away the moment she saw him coming out of the car seeing which he clenched his jaws.

"Di, wait for me in the car." Giving her the car keys he followed Khushi with his jaws set straight.

Swallowing, Anjali obeyed praying in her mind that Khushi's assumption doesn't turn into reality.

"Where do you think you are going?" He whirled her around to face him grabbing her elbow.

"Leave me!" She wriggled.

"I know that's what you want. But, but, it's not that easy getting rid of Arnav Singh Raizada, my dear." His eyes screamed defiance as he held her petite form in the confines of his arms.

Chocolate brown orbs looked nothing like that torn man who broke down not so long ago in his penthouse remembering her harsh words and suffering.

"If you have even a little bit of self-respect then you'd start making our divorce papers first thing in the morning. I am sure you don't want to live with a woman who wants you dead. Do you?" She scoffed adding fuel to the fire.

Something flickered behind his eyes for a moment before it was gone replacing by a hard look. An evil smirk formed on his lips making her dumbfounded as she couldn't decipher what was going on in his mind.

"It was a nice try. You really got me there for some time." He said solemnly before bending close to her ear making her shudder and protest against him.

"Tell you what. If I died I'd not go alone. I'd take you with me because neither can I live nor die without you!" He nuzzled his nose against her ear whilst she let out a harsh breath stilled on her place as it seemed that her plan backfired on her itself.

"Let me go!" She growled punching his chest while he dragged her with him and after making her sit in the passenger seat buckled her up. When she tried to remove the seatbelt to escape he cupped her chin leaning closer to her face.

Anjali's eyes widened who witnessed it sitting on the backseat.

"Chote!" She reprimanded him seeing his rough hold on Khushi.

He didn't even look at her let alone acknowledge her tone.

"Stay put!" Two words said in extreme madness made Khushi retreat in herself whilst she shrugged off his hands and looked ahead out of the windshield.

Moving back he stood holding her side of the door taking deep breaths before wiping the corner of his eye where a lone tear was stuck.

Banging the door shut causing both the women to jump on their seats he walked around the car to sit on the driving seat before starting the engine.

"Di, you go. We have to go somewhere." He said looking at the rear view mirror reaching Shantivan.

Anjali asked him through her eyes to which he sighed.

"Di, please." He added. "Can't I take my wife for a long drive? What's the big fuss?"

Despite not wanting to leave them alone when they were too shaken and broken from inside out she knew she had to because no one else could help them bridge the gap between them except for themselves.

Once she climbed out and entered into the gates she heard the car zooming off. Her heart weighed heavier as she entered inside the living room.

"Anjali bitiya, didn't you go upstairs to Khushi? How come you are coming from outside?"

Anjali closed her eyes and taking a deep breath narrated them everything before the silence followed.

"Where do you think he took her?" Sameer asked feeling apprehensive.

"I don't know." She whispered.


"Where are we going?" She shrieked pissed when he kept driving without any destination for an hour.

"I don't know." He replied calmly. "You tell me. Do you want to go somewhere?" He asked as if they were normal couple who came out on a long drive.

"Yes. I do." She gritted out.

"Where?" He asked glancing at her once before turning his head back to the road as looking at her hurts his heart so hard that he could barely breathe.

"Anywhere. Away from you!" She knew how to push his wrong buttons. She managed to burst his nonchalance and calmness in moments that he put his foot on brakes and placed his arm in front of her to protect her from hitting herself on the dashboard. She swallowed hard seeing that.

"Why, Khushi? Why?" He asked looking at her painfully. She pursed her lips but didn't dare look at him.

"I get it. I am the reason of almost everything that happened to you. All of the pain you endured came from me but did I ask anything from you ever since we married?"

"Didn't you?" She snapped cutting him.

"No. I didn't." He shook his head looking earnestly at her. "All I wanted and still want is for you to stay besides me even if you kill me every day with your hate and distrust." He croaked.

"You want me to burn myself along with you?" She retorted.

"I want you to burn me into ashes!" He countered.

"Mr. Raizada, it can't go on like this. I am telling you." She exclaimed.

"Why can't you understand this simple thing that I don't want anything from you? I don't even want you to acknowledge me. Consider me your roommate who comes and goes at a specific time, shares your room where either of us would mind our own business. I'd not even talk to you if that's what you want. Just, just .. promise me one thing." He swallowed past a lump.

She scoffed as he came to the point at the end.

"I knew it. You do want something from me even if you keep saying that you don't." She taunted. He sighed heavily.

"If you promised me that you'd keep healthy eating habits, look after yourself and won't try to harm yourself, I'd stay out of your way but mind you Khushi if you tried to harm even a single strand of hair on your head then I myself don't know what I'd do." His eyes took a dark turn as he finished.

"Why are you hell bent on asking me the same thing over and over again? I don't need your so-called concern. I am fine by myself however I am."

"You are NOT fine. A person who tries to jump from the tenth floor thinking that it'd end her suffering is definitely not fine. A person who put up a show in front of people to degrade herself is absolutely not well. And a person who starve herself to hurt someone else, for sure, isn't in her sane mind."

He started off calmly but as he spoke further his tone notched higher as anger and anguish doubled up within him as he remembered each and every moment where he went crazy with the thought of losing her which he almost did.

"FINE THEN. Consider me insane and get me signed up for mental asylum. At least that would get me away from you!" She had an answer to everything and that too which burst his mind and sanity.

"What is this eagerness to get away from me Khushi? What are you afraid of so much? Now don't tell me you are scared of me because that will be absolute shit." He gritted out at the end.

"I am waiting for an answer, Khushi." He asked looking at the side of her face.

"I promise I'd neither starve myself nor try to kill myself only if you'd let me go." Now when she spoke he wished she hadn't.

"Not happening," He hissed out. "Can't you see? Only you can calm the storm inside of me? Only you can keep me sane!" He reasoned.

"Don't expect anything from me, either then." She brought them back to square one by a few words causing a raging fire to build within him.

"Fine. Okay." He nodded his head defiantly. "Let's continue to burn each other by being stubborn. Trust me you'd find my resolve much more shackling than your own!" He said sternly.

"Don't think I can't leave you if you won't." She growled turning her head to him looking into his eyes. His eyes prickled at the resolve in her eyes.

"I can go to court and demand divorce myself." Her eyes showed determination that shook his insides.

His face lost colors for a second before he composed himself.

"Oh really? What reason would you give in the court? That I beat you up, cheat on you with other women, don't love you?" He said sarcastically.

"I'd tell the truth. How you conspired to send me to jail!"

"They'd believe you huh?"

"I have a criminal record of theft. I stayed in jail for three weeks, remember?" She reminded him.

"Forget about it Khushi. That record had been wiped out the day you got out of the jail." He dropped the bomb on her head.

"Excuse me?" She blinked her eyes in shock. "How?"

"Do you really need to ask that?" He said meaningfully.

She chuckled dryly.

"Of course. You must have used your evil brain to get it wiped off the same way you used it to send me in prison."

"However I did it doesn't matter, Khushi. You can't give a provable reason to court nor would I give you any to get divorced from me." He was blunt.

"Why? WHY?" She cried out this time feeling trapped. "Why do you want to be with me so much?"

"Because I love you dammit!" He growled punching his fist on the steering wheel. She flinched.

"I CAN'T BREATH WITHOUT YOU. WHY CAN'T YOU GET IT?" He shouted his lungs out with his face turning red. Her eyes moistened whilst her heart churned.

"How many times do I have to shout it out to you?" He croaked looking at her pleadingly.

"You can't breathe without me and I can't take even a breath with you. Do you want me to suffocate to death?" She choked out.

His face contorted in pain and angst before he rubbed his hand on his forehead in sheer helplessness until something struck him slashing his insides. He knew what he is going to do would ruin him absolutely but he has to. For her sake.

"Before our abrupt marriage, you asked me to stay away, to give you five years. Now that we are married that doesn't count anymore. But this time I am asking you to give me five years, Khushi." He rasped.

She frowned.

"Let it be a deal. In these five years, I won't interfere in your life while you stay at Raizada Mansion however you want. Except for taking care of you I'd not bother you at all. We can be friends if you want-" He paused to swallowed past a lump. "--or if not I can be a stranger as well."

He exhaled to get more words out when it all became too much.

"You don't have to be the daughter-in-law of Raizadas, or Sameer's sister, or my wife either. Just be who you are. Khushi Kumari Gupta. And gain back what you lost. Your true self. During that span, you'd get to know me too. Count your pros and cons of being with Arnav Singh Raizada and then make a decision. I promise if five years from now, you still wanted me to divorce you I would." He felt his insides cut and bleed from head to toe as he said that and she went into deep thinking.

After what felt like eternity she opened her mouth to utter his punishment.

"Make it one year then we'd have a deal, Mr. Raizada!"

"Four!" He bargained.

"One!" She stayed firm.

"Three!" He tried again.

"One!" She gritted out.

"Two and a half!" He rasped.

"One!" She hissed out.

"Two?" He asked earnestly.

"One!" She said sternly.

"One and a half year, Khushi. Please?" He waited with bated breath.

"We have a deal then, Mr. Raizada!" She extended her hand towards him.

Swallowing hard he slipped his hand into hers and gripped it tightly before shaking it twice. Khushi gulped feeling his strong hold and quickly pulled back her hand and exhaled.

"Fine. Make a contract of 18 months." She said making him feel suffocated.

"I don't think-"

"You have broken all of our deals before so don't expect me to believe your empty words without any proofs." She wasn't wrong.

"Got it." He whispered helplessly.

He was ready to go to any length to bring her back to life. Even if it meant he have to make their marriage a contract one he would.


The following day, in the morning, family was gathered for breakfast on the dining table except for Anjali and Sameer who left to their home last night after Arshi came back to RM without any mishap.

Arnav and Khushi came downstairs all ready to go somewhere to which Devyani, Akash, Manorama and Manohar looked on pleasantly surprised when Arnav informed them they would be having breakfast outside or most probably spend the day out, too.

And seeing that Khushi was dressed as a newly wedded bride increased their stupor and confusion. On the other hand Arnav was no less behind. He was dressed to kill as well.

(Khushi's dress)

(Arnav's dress)

None of them expected the couple to behave this normally after the heavy showdown yesterday between them. Nevertheless they decided to not try to read between the lines and go with the flow. If the couple wanted to start afresh then they would encourage them.

"Akash you'd be able to manage AR without me for a day won't you?" Arnav ignored their stunned expressions and asked calmly.

"Of course, Bhai. Of course." Akash replied eagerly.

Manorama hiccupped when Arnav grabbed Khushi's hand and walked away with a smile on his lips. It were only Khushi's expressions which no one could decipher. Neither she resisted his touch nor argued with him.

"Hello hi bye-bye. Eee ka tha?(What was that?)" Manorama commented.

"Maybe they came to a truce." Devyani said feeling relieved with the thought.

"I hope so," Manohar said thoughtfully.

"I will inform Di and Jiju about this progress. They would be happy too." Akash enthusiastically took out his cellphone and dialed his sister.

"Di, you won't believe what happened just now-"


"That was an unnecessary show-off!" Khushi shrugged off his hand once they were outside making him feel empty inside out.

"Didn't you see their faces yesterday night when we arrived home? It was obvious they heard us fight. I just wanted to relax them a bit. And also your family for you know they stay in contact with each other regarding the progress in our relation." Arnav reasoned.

"Why do you want to give them false hopes when this charade would end anyway after 18 months? And why the hell did you ask me to wear this dress? I feel like-"

"A newly wed don't you?" He smirked. She glared at him.

"Okay relax. First of all I am not giving them false hopes. I am just giving them a moment of respite from worrying for us all the time. Secondly, 18 months is a long time, Khushi. You never know what would happen in future." The quirk of his lips made her blood boil.

"Oh really?" She removed the distance between them and stood looking directly into his eyes.

"You look quite confident that you'd turn the tables huh Mr. Raizada? Are you forgetting that I won't be in your life after an year and a half?"

He swallowed past a lump looking into hazel orbs so close to his. The pink luscious lips beckoning him to touch and explore the forbidden territories. He tore his gaze away from her with great difficulty.

"Khushi, move back." He rasped with his eyes roaming everywhere but her.

Her eyes widened as his breath fanned over her face making her breathless and she stumbled back realizing their proximity.

"Let's go," She breathed.

He nodded rubbing the back of his neck in sheer agitation. This woman would be the death of him one day!

They must be the first couple on the face of the earth who were going to sign a wedding 'contract' dressed from head to toe as if they were going on a date while being deeply in love.

Were they?

In love?

"After we would sign the contract we would become strangers to each other even when we are in our room." He started feeling his chest tightening when the car was on the road with the deafening silence in between them. She didn't say anything in reply.

"But I've a request Khushi. It's not a compulsion. We'd do it only if you agree." He stuttered despite himself.

If AR employees saw him like this they would surely faint seeing the ever so shrewd ASR this vulnerable before an unarmed fragile girl. That too the infamous Khushi Kumari Gupta whom he once despised to the core.

"What is it?" She asked looking out of the window.

"Can we put our differences behind for the time being?" He asked earnestly.

Her head shot to him with a start.

"What do you mean?" Her eyebrows knitted in confusion.

"Can we be friends instead of strangers?" He urged hopefully.

"No!" She said sternly.

"Okay," He whispered dejected before stopping the car outside the court. He hopped out and running around came to her side. By the time she got the seatbelt off he was standing holding the door open for her. It only pissed her more.

"Stop it!" She grabbed the door from his hand in vengeance and banged it shut before opening it herself. Arnav's lips lifted up into a smile despite her rudeness. She is adorable anyway she behaves, were his thoughts.

As she came out of the car his phone rang. Gesturing her to go on he picked up the call. Khushi walked ahead without looking back when her steps faltered hearing his thunderous voice screaming,

"Just do as I said and don't lecture me about what should I do or shouldn't. Got it?" He huffed.

"Good!" He mellowed down as his eyes met Khushi's who was looking at him confused and somewhat guarded.

Cutting the call he took long strides before he was standing in front of her.

"AR couldn't be managed without me for even a day."

He commented with a nervous smile which despite of everything she caught on and realized that instant that he was lying. Probably hiding something from her or maybe.. maybe the topic was related to her.

As the thought struck her she shook her head for speculating nonsense.

How could she claim to have read his mind when she hates him? Doesn't she? Obviously she doesn't know him that much. SHE DOES NOT. She screamed in her mind.

She swallowed hard as they approached court. In about an hour they came out turning their lifetime marriage document to a contract wedding of 18 months.

A conspicuous silence followed during their drive back.

"What would you like to eat?" He asked taking a turn.

"Excuse me?" She gave him a long look as he questioned her as if they were out on a date.

"Don't be surprised. Didn't I tell the family that we would be spending the day out?"

"We are not." She said firmly.

"I have completed my end of the deal. Contract is in your hands," He pointed to the envelope in her lap. "Now it's your turn to show me that you'd keep your end of the promise." He said looking at the road before gazing at her from the corner of his eyes.

"I won't break my promise until you won't." She said curtly.

"Great then. Suggest some good place for the breakfast." He probed.

His eyes challenging her to abide by her words or else he would step back from his vow too.

She gritted her teeth and told him the place. Smiling widely he started the car and within few minutes they were outside a crowded small restaurant where people keep coming in and out with loud noises around. His SUV in the middle of it all got weird glances from the customers eating like there was no tomorrow.

"Don't tell me you will eat from here!" He growled turning his head to her direction in shock.

"What did you think? I'd like to eat in a seven star hotel like you do?" She scoffed and turned to open the door. He ground his teeth and turned on the child-lock. Her head whipped to him in disbelief.

"What's the meaning of this? Don't you want me to eat?"

"I don't know whether you are doing this to spite me or you are actually serious but for heaven's sake Khushi. Don't test my patience!" He yelled glaring at her angrily.

"What mistake did I do now, your highness?" She couldn't keep her voice low either. Sarcasm dripped from her tone. He exhaled.

"You are still in a recovery phase. You can't eat from this place. It's not healthy for you." He tried to explain her as calmly as he could inhaling a sharp intake of breath.

"Maybe you're forgetting something here Mr. Raizada. We have already signed a contract in which we are husband and wife only on papers and that too for just a few months span. You don't get to tell me what should I eat or not." She snapped.

"Before signing this contract I told you that I'd not bother you unless or until the matter is of your safety. THIS is me fulfilling that promise!" He retorted.

"Oh please!" She hissed out. "I can't pretend to be a billionaire's wife just because I accidentally became one. You know how much I hate you and this relation so don't get me started on that. If you want me to eat then I will eat what I like. Not what you'd order me to. Get that? Now open it."

Seeing the warning in her eyes that if he tried to force her she would go back to her old ways he shuddered and silently opened the lock. She hopped out without sparing him a glance whilst he dropped his head on the steering wheel in sheer helplessness.

He thought he has passed a crucial phase of their relation but now he realized he has never been so wrong. This woman knew very well how to turn his every victory into an ugly defeat where he feels his hands and feet both tied.

"Or maybe not," He whispered to himself as he casually looked outside the window and his gaze refused to return.

He saw her talking enthusiastically with the workers of the hotel. Obviously she must have visited this place often considering the way she was chatting with everyone cheerfully whilst they were as much excited to see her as she was.

Then he heard it. Her laugh. And his heart skipped a beat then two before it thundered in his ears and chest.

"I can kill to keep this smile intact on your face," He choked before composing himself parked the car at the side of the road before coming out to enter into the path she has started paving up for them. Not him but his heart gave him the pleasant signals that maybe, maybe things won't be that terrible anymore like they were for a while now.

Seeing a suited man entering their small restaurant every worker there rushed to his help. Khushi's smile dropped and so did his heart.

"How can we help you?"

"Umm I am here to have breakfast with her. I'd have what she would," He said before pointing to her at the end and walked to take the empty seat in front of her on the table she was sitting.

Pin drop silence followed his announcement.

"Oh so news was true. Khushi bitiya, you actually are married to this handsome man huh. Congratulations." The elderly man said affectionately with his eyes twinkling in happiness for her.

"No, chacha. He married me. I'd have never agreed otherwise. Waise kahan se ye apko handsome lagte hain? (By the way, from where does he look handsome?)" She scrunched her face which even made Arnav smile in amusement.

"Chal badmash!" He laughed it out. A roar of chortles followed before everyone continued their meal while Khushi looked anywhere but him even knowing that all of his attention was on her.

"Why do you like these crowded and noisy places?" He genuinely wanted to know.

"They silence the noises inside of you," She said calmly when he was sure she won't bother to answer him.

"You can share it with me if you don't mind. I mean Khushi, you liked all this even before I came into your life. What I want to say is.. Tell me everything that has hurt you. Ever." He urged her softly. "Apart from me, obviously." He muttered at the end. 'And your real father'. He added in his mind.

"Don't push your luck too much," She gritted out only for his ears.

"Understood." He nodded.

"Why do you like jalebis so much?" He didn't stop even with her warning.

"Their shape. It tells you exactly how 'twisted' the world and it's way are." She shrugged surprising Arnav who again wasn't expecting her to give any response.

"You know Mr. Raizada. However twisted jalebis are, you can bite into them, chew them up and gulp them down your throat. It's as if I am enduring the atrocities and twisted ways of the world down my stomach before flushing it off." Khushi said secretly to him.

Arnav's jaws dropped.

"Do you have any idea how twisted your thoughts are?" He asked raising an eyebrow.

"When life is nowhere fair to you then you tend to find any ways to live with whatever you got. If I haven't found solace in these things I'd have crazily wandered around in the world to search for my so-called father despite of all. Despite of everything he did to my mother and.. and.. me."

She swallowed averting her eyes while his' misted up realizing the extent of her pain. His mask was being stone-hearted and ruthless. Hers was being lively, cheerful and chatterbox. Both had been torn by their pasts yet both took different approaches to deal with their suffering.

Despite of her telling him off she opened up to him anyway and that he realized and acknowledged as well but when she did, her eyes shot to him in disbelief.

She stood up abruptly just when the helper placed their order making him anxious as she marched out despite his calls and stopped short as soon as she walked out of the hotel only to be surrounded by reporters gathered outside the restaurant with mikes and cameras making her dumbfounded.

"Oh fuck!" Arnav muttered making a run to her.

They both were so engrossed in their conversation that they forgot their surroundings. Someone must have informed the press or maybe some paparazzi followed them from RM.


Cursing under his breath he was besides her in a moment and whirling her around held her close to his chest with his hand at the back of her head. She shuddered against him.

"Everyone stand back!" He roared silencing the commotion as they moved back seeing the warning in his eyes. They knew better to mess with the ASR.

"Now leave or else I'd call police and get each and every one of you arrested for scaring my wife and invading our privacy." His voice boomed around making all the reporters quiver in their shoes.

So when he walked forward with her hidden in his arms they silently stepped out of their way and watched as he left with Mrs. Raizada in his SUV. The protectiveness oozing out of his stance awed them all.

"We need to do something about this fear of yours being in front of the media. For god's sake you have done no crime that you were standing dumbfounded before them like a criminal waiting for their sentenced punishment." He was hell angry seeing her still not out of the shock so he stopped the car when he was sure no one was following them.

"Next time you want to go out in these places tell me beforehand so I could arrange security for you." He kept on talking while she sat silently not reacting much.

"Khushi, I am talking to you. Are you listening to me?" He exclaimed.

"They were the ones who released that video of your fashion show and that broke Jiji's marriage and forced us to move out of the Lucknow." She exclaimed. He paled for a moment before composing himself.

"It wasn't them. I released it myself." He whispered accepting his mistake. Yet another one. But wait, didn't she already know that?

"What?" She cried out before rubbing her forehead in agitation.

"At first I really thought it was you but then I discarded this thought time and time again thinking that what would you get by degrading an unarmed girl like me who is nobody and then you'd do something else and I'd be confused again. You made me a mess, do you know that?"

"What was I supposed to do? You met me at that dargah and kept on ranting about your believe in destiny and all. And I wanted to prove it to you that I write my own destiny and if I want I can write other's too. Don't deny you always pushed my wrong buttons." He tried defending himself weakly.

"What wrong buttons, Mr. Raizada? I told you the truth only and you punished me for that? You and your punishments-" She hissed out.

"Shh. You can admonish me later. Let's get somewhere peaceful first."

She huffed and crossed her arms under her breasts looking ahead which despite the seriousness of the situation made his lips quirk up. This woman sure knows how to change his moods in seconds. She was dangerous before, she is even more lethal now for his sanity. But he wasn't complaining. Not anymore!

He started back the car and rest of the journey passed in silence. The quiet which ate him up from inside. Seeing the ever so lively and chatterbox girl this silent weighed down heavily on his chest. But there was little he could do right now as she has bound him with that stupid contract where he doesn't have the right to interfere in her life.

Swallowing hard he stole a glance at her from the corner of his eyes before stopping the car reaching his destination.

"Why have you brought me here?"

"We have tried your place of choice. Didn't work out. Now it's my turn to bring you to the place of my choice." He explained.

"Good for you. Go ahead and enjoy yourself. I'd take an auto to go back." She said stubbornly.

"Khushi, don't forget you didn't eat anything yet and making me think that you are backing off from your end of the deal." He said with his features hardening. She couldn't help but gulp looking at his red-rimmed eyes boring holes into hers.

"You want me to keep my distance so stay put, Khushi. Eat and I'd drop you wherever you wanna go afterwards."

Gritting her teeth she opened her side of the door and got out banging the door shut angrily glaring at him. He let out a sigh of relief for getting to her.

Together they entered the seven star restaurant. Khushi rolled her eyes seeing its interior.

"Sit. I will be back." Making her sit on the table at the corner of the spacious hall close to the wall length windows he whispered to her before marching away.

He made a few phone calls and took a good look around thoroughly scanning every face there. Once he was satisfied he came back to the table and saw her sitting looking out of the window blankly.

"For once, Khushi, just for once, react like any woman would do coming to this kind of place." He shook his head knowing it was impossible to get a predictable reaction out of her.

"What type of reaction?" She frowned.

"Like you are impressed. Excited, perhaps." He said raising an eyebrow.

She scoffed in response.

"When I don't like these kind of places why would I pretend to do so?" She shrugged before her frown deepened.

"All thanks to you now I can't go to my favorite places either without being hounded by a bunch of reporters." She looked at him accusingly.

"You will get used to it in near future." He reasoned.

"I won't be. I don't want to get used to it because I am not staying with you forever. It's just a matter of few months." She made him speechless for several moments before he opened his mouth.

"Will you keep reminding me every single day that we are together temporarily?" His eyes depicted sadness, anguish.

"No. As long as you don't talk to me and don't force me to come to these places, I won't." She was quite serious.

He looked away, swallowed before composing himself turned his eyes back to her. Khushi was amazed at his patience.

The old ASR, the man she knew would have created a ruckus by now in his ego but this man, this Arnav Singh Raizada has truly become someone else. Someone she could not decipher or recognize anymore. Sometimes. No! most of the times.

"Got it." He said after few minutes of silence between them in which they both only stared at each other with conflicted emotions.

"Here is the menu. Select what would you like to eat. If you couldn't understand anything please do ask me. On page 5 are the traditional dishes which I think you might like." He smiled handing her the menu which was placed in front of her before picking his own.

He was relieved when she ordered a good portion of food without fussing. It took almost half an hour for their order to be served and in those minutes there remained a prickling silence between them which even when he tried to break, she didn't let him forcing him to shut his mouth up.

They ate in silence as well with Arnav stealing glances at her relieved as she literally stuffed herself with all of the dishes she ordered not because of vengeance but he could see she seemed actually hungry to that extent right after the first bite.

His heart went out to her as he realized that she has first deliberately distanced herself from her most favorite thing that is eating because of all he did and later on it became her habit which try as might she couldn't change which eventually led to her losing her appetite totally.

Now as they have come on a truce, her appetite seems to have been coming back and he thanked heavens for that. He saw that while eating she didn't even spare him a glance while he had his eyes only for her.

"Drop me to the bus stop." She said once they were back in the car.

"Where do you want to go? I'll drop you." He sure as hell won't let her use public transport for two obvious reasons. One, she was looking damn beautiful. Two, media has seen her face so she could be harassed by reporters anywhere.

"No, thanks." She said tying the seatbelt.

"Khushi, listen. You can't use buses and public transport anymore now that everyone know you. Please, don't insist on this. I can't risk your safety."

"I can take care of myself." She said stubbornly.

He gritted his teeth.

"Now, if you acted this way then I can't promise I'd abide by my end of the deal. Your safety comes first and foremost and I won't compromise on it for anyone, not even for you."

"What will you do huh? What more can you do? Will you put me in prison again?" She snapped.

"I will keep you imprisoned in this relation forever if you kept on insisting on risking yourself like this. I will tear those contract papers into pieces if you deliberately walked into the harm's way just to get back at me. And I swear Khushi I mean it." He hissed out looking into her eyes with defiance shining in his that sent shivers down her spine.

"And I am sure you don't want to be bound to me, forever, now do you?" He played reverse psychology on her and it worked.

She kept on looking at his determined stance, stunned before averting her gaze swallowing past a lump.

"Drop me to Laxmi Nagar." She said blankly.

"Sure!" He sighed in relief before pulling the car on the road.

Obviously meeting with her family might calm down her anger a bit. And maybe, maybe he could have the chance to have some peaceful moments with her thereafter when she would return. He knew he was asking for the impossible but a man can hope at least, can't he?


Just when they thought that the couple might get some respite from the pain and suffering, another big mishap was awaiting them which turned everything upside down all over again, messed them up more. As if they weren't already!

The next morning news headlines created stunned silence in the living room of the Shantivan where everyone except for Arnav and Khushi were present.

"What's wrong with these reporters?" Akash said out loud while everyone else were too numb to react.

"What's happening?" Arnav's voice echoed in the hall causing them all to spin around to face him bewildered before Akash quickly turned back to shut off the television as he has seen Khushi coming downstairs just behind Arnav. He didn't want her to hear the nonsense that was being spewed on the media without any evidence and he was sure his Bhai won't want to, either.

"I will tell you Bhai. Come with me." Akash dragged Arnav away while Khushi looked at them all confused.

What's wrong with them?

Why are they behaving as if an earthquake has shook their grounds?

"What's happening?" She asked curiously. "Everything alright, Nani ji?" Khushi directly asked the elderly lady who despite wanting to couldn't make up an excuse and kept silence.

This silence was broken by Arnav entering the living room cursing out loud making everyone flinch. He was so furious that he didn't think once and grabbing the remote turned on the LED and increased the volume.

'You can clearly see how ASR proposed a girl outside the hospital. The same girl with whom he married secretly thereafter and later on suddenly announced his reception,'

'Apparently nothing seems wrong but on a closer look you will realize that all isn't that simple as it seems to be. ASR who ran away from the idea of marriage not so long ago married a girl secretly after proposing her outside a hospital. Point to be noted, viewers. Outside a HOSPITAL. Now the question arose. What were they doing in the hospital? Why he rushed the marriage and why no one from his relatives knew about his marriage until the reception?'

'We have all the answers to these questions. And it is only one, that Mrs. Raizada got pregnant before marriage and ASR was forced to take this decision. Previously, we all awed upon the fact that ASR fell in love finally and married his lady love but that may not be the case.'

'He might have got caught up in the trap his ex-employee, now his wife brewed up in order to trap him and trap she did, from all sides that she defeated mighty ASR in a clean sweep forcing him to break up with his girlfriend Lavanya Kashyap to marry her.'

'There is no other explanation for why an eligible bachelor like Arnav Singh Raizada would marry a middle class girl suddenly without a reason whom, according to our inside sources, he hated since the day she joined his office. Or should we say since the day she landed deliberately in his arms ruining his big fashion show in Lucknow!'

'And poor ASR is forced to protect the woman who blackmailed him to marry him!'

Videos were continuously being played alternatively with the news.

One in which he proposed Khushi outside the hospital and the second one was of yesterday when he walked out of the restaurant holding Khushi protectively to himself. Third, of their wedding reception. Fourth, where Arnav threatened to sue press if they invaded their privacy. Fifth, of their first meeting when she fell in his arms.

The cheap commentary behind it made everyone flinch while Arnav grabbed the vase from the nearby table and threw it on the LED causing it to crash and break into pieces on the floor.

He was stark raving mad. He was so engrossed in cursing the reporters that he forgot an important thing. And when he did it was too late.

"Bhai, Khushi ji," Akash reminded him nudging him to get him back to his senses. His eyes widened before he turned to look at the woman who holds his heart and life in the palm of her hands, standing expressionlessly before her eyes met his and his world stopped seeing nothing but emptiness surrounding in hazel orbs.

She chuckled mirthlessly piercing his being.

"Now I am a woman who sleeps around with men without marriage and force them to marry using the pregnancy card huh." She scoffed and he was before her in moments grabbing her upper arms causing everyone to shriek in fear.

"SHUT UP! Don't drive me mad by speaking nonsense! I'd seal their mouths for sure but I swear Khushi if you took that rubbish to heart then I'd kill those bastards whoever I saw talking trash on this tv right now!" He growled so loud that his voice boomed around every corner of the hall sending chills down their spine while Khushi stood nonchalantly gazing into his eyes.

"Of course you will kill them like you almost killed Samrat." She whispered just for his ears and the lava burst in him so much that he destroyed everything in the living room in the next few minutes cutting his hands in the process whilst his family kept shouting at him to calm down but the one voice he wanted to hear kept mum shattering him to the point of insanity.

Anjali and Nani were sobbing along with Manorama while Akash and Manohar barely held him back while blood oozed out of his hands.

Once there was nothing left to be broken in the hall he turned his bloodshot eyes to hers who was standing in the middle of the destruction with her arms crossed under her breasts looking straight at him with hollow eyes breaking him some more.

"All you ever know is to destroy everything and everyone around you and you claim that you will mend me? What nonsense!" She threw arrows his way and turning around left upstairs whilst he shrugged their hands and fell on knees with his face in between his hands before suddenly standing up and storming out of the mansion.

"Akash, follow him. Don't leave him alone in this condition." Devyani whimpered while Akash was already running outside.

In the next two hours no one knew how but not only did the videos from the internet along with the articles related to this topic were deleted but also an official apology was made addressed to Raizadas especially Mrs Khushi Singh Raizada for spreading false rumors regarding her.

Also ASR opened a lawsuit against all those reporters who demeaned his wife's image making his family and in-laws relieved but nothing affected his wife. Nothing.

Not only Sameer and Anjali but also Guptas has arrived to RM after seeing the news. Sameer was so furious that Anjali barely could hold him back to prevent him to kill those reporters. He calmed down only when Anjali reasoned that let Chote handle it himself or else he would never be able to forgive himself or come in front of Khushi.

When Arnav came back home, Khushi was ready with weapons of words to make him lose the war of heart. Of love. Of everything he ever felt for her.

"There was a time when you yourself provided this stuff to the media to tarnish my image. They are saying nothing new. Why are you getting so hyper now?" She questioned calmly but it burned his insides. He was before her in moments breathing fire.

"At that time you were a stranger. Now, you are my wife, my life. THIS has changed." He pointed to the distance between them before pointing to himself. "I have changed!" He hissed standing nose to nose to her. "When will you understand that?" His voice mellowed down at the end.

"Agar hum kahein k hum samajhna hi nahi chahte toh kya karein gay ap? Zabardasti samjhayen gay? Ya phir apni baat saabit karne k liye dobara jail bhejen gay humein? Kisi ki zindagi khatam kar dein gay? Ya phirse zabardasti shaadi kar k, humare ghar walo ko blackmail kar k humein apni zindagi mai shaamil karein gay? Par ye sab toh aap pehle hi kar chuke hain. Aur kya karein gay? Aur kar bhi kya sakte hain aap?" She yelled at him unmindful of both the families watching them.

His face contorted in pain and everyone looked at the duo holding their breaths. They dreaded Arnav's outburst but he stunned them along with Khushi by removing the distance between them and wrapping his arms around her ever so lightly that her insides churned with anguish and her eyes filled up. Her hands stayed at her sides whilst she clenched them into tight fists in the onslaught of emotions.

Nuzzling his face to her hairs ruffling her tresses he whispered brokenly,

"I am sorry I released that video in Lucknow. I am sorry for every time I humiliated you. I am sorry for sending you to jail. I am sorry for making you suffer so much. I am sorry for only increasing your pain despite not wanting to. I am sorry you had to hear that nonsense those reporters were saying about you. I am sorry for not being able to make you happy like I promised I would. I am sorry for everything."

Every eye moistened there as his voice turned into whimpers at the end moving them all.

"And I am sorry I can't stay with you anymore." She whispered under her breath which only he heard and with those words she took his breaths away before storming upstairs. Bewildered he followed her shouting her name asking her to take back what she just said.

In their wake, Guptas and Raizadas sat in silence, speechless, not knowing what would become of these two.


"You did not just say that? Tell me you didn't." He barged in the room shutting the door behind with a bang and stopped short seeing her dragging the suitcase out of the cupboard.

His worst nightmare was coming true. He took long strides to her before grabbing the suitcase from her hand, throwing it away and whirling her around to face him.

"What do you think you are doing?" He gritted out.

"I am leaving." She said calmly.

"No, you are not. We had a deal. You have to stay with me for 18 months." He hissed out.

"I don't care about that stupid contract. I can't bear this anymore." She exclaimed shrugging him away.

"Khushi, I agree it must have gotten too much for you to bear, that news and all but believe me. I handled those reporters. Whoever spread that false rumor was fired and the channels who telecasted that news made an official apology in your name. I made a lawsuit against them as well. Everything is under control. Trust me." He said frantically cupping her cheeks.

"You think that's the only problem between us?" She croaked removing his hands from her face.

"Can't you see? We don't work. We won't. If you think my decision will change after 18 months then you are wrong. It won't. I don't feel anything for you except for grudge, hate and vengeance. And those emotions are killing me every second. I am becoming emotionless. The more I see you, the more I become immune to everything around me. I am losing myself." She ran her fingers in her hairs in anguish,

"I didn't even care our families were sitting downstairs yet I lashed out at you in front of them. What must they have felt seeing us like this? If not anything else, we should end their torture." She cried out throwing her hands up in air in sheer helplessness. Unshed tears shone in her eyes. While a tear trickled down his cheek.

"They understand." He whispered. "They know what you have been through. They won't hold it against you. Just relax, dear."

"I am not your dear!" She snapped pointing a finger at him, glaring at him fiercely.

"Fine. Fine. Khushi, it is. Please, relax." He tried to calm her down but she seemed too occupied with her suffering. Everything she has been going through for almost an year was finally taking a toll on her.

No matter how much she says that it wasn't affecting her, he knew the truth was exact opposite. A genuine girl like her for whom dignity, reputation and self-respect was everything, this must be too much for her.

Helplessly, he saw her shoving her things in the suitcase she picked again.

"You have problem seeing me, right." He stuttered before clearing his throat. Her hands stopped whilst she straightened up but didn't look at him.

"I will go." He let out the words with great difficulty. "I will not show you my face until or unless you don't want to." Only he knew how he uttered it without breaking down.

"What will you get by this?" She frowned looking at him.

"Your happiness. Your peace. That is more important for me than my longing for you." He said genuinely pinching her heart before she composed herself averting her gaze.

"No. I will go. You don't have to leave your home." She said resuming her packing.

"It's your home, too. Even if you don't accept this relation between us, it won't change the fact that you are my wife now. No matter for how much duration you will be but you are. I am sorry I used the word 'wife' again which you despise." He swallowed and paused for a moment whilst she felt her eyes tear up, nostrils flare and lips tremble.

"Please just give me this. I won't ask for anything else. I will leave. You will stay here as the lady of the house. I've just one request. Take care of yourself when I am not around. Don't do anything reckless. If your depressed mind had any harmful thoughts then confront your doctor rather than acting on it. And last but not the least." He whispered before approaching her ever so slowly until he was just a step away from her.

"Never forget that I love you more than my life." He leaned and kissed the side of her head before turning on his heels and marching out with his vision blurring and his heart dropping to the pit of his stomach.

She dropped to her knees in his wake grabbing the fistful of her dress.

"Love? How can I believe that you love me when I am in this condition because of you? Tell me how?" She whimpered silently.


"What?" Devyani said in disbelief.

Rest of the family's condition wasn't any better. It was a few days later he announced in front of the family that he would be leaving to Canada for a business trip and he would be away for as long as needed to complete the deal.

"Bhai, I will handle it. You just got married. Shouldn't you spend this time with your wife and try and sort out your differences? Why this business trip all of a sudden when our staff there could handle it without us?" Akash intervened.

"I need to go," He said only this before climbing the stairs.

"Then take her with you," Devyani said sternly when he has stepped on the third stair.

He whirled around with his face depicting anger and frustration.

"You want me to torture her with my presence?"

"You want to leave her alone when you said you don't know when would you be back?" She countered. "Won't you take responsibility of her like you promised her father? What happened? Already giving up at your first failure to get to her? She asked you to bugger off and you are!"

"THIS is me taking responsibility of her. If she saw me every day it'd drive her crazy. She needs a break every now and then. Me, too. I can't see her breakdown like that again and again. It ruins me!" He gritted out with his eyes turning red.

"I am not giving up. I am just trying to gather my strength to face her again. To console her when she would cry without me breaking down along with her. Do you understand now? I need to leave to come back to her only."

It dawned on them and Devyani's stance changed from anger to sympathy for him along with the guilt for shouting at him and misunderstanding him.

It's true he has erred but that doesn't mean that they judge his every action comparing it with his past mistakes. They need to mellow down at him. For him. For the new member of their family, Khushi as well.

"What will you tell her family?" Devyani asked worriedly.

"Don't worry. I have talked to Shashi Uncle in detail. He understands. Sameer Jiju is on my side as well. This way, I hope some normalcy come back in our lives. Her life, especially. I just want her suffering to end, Nani. And seeing me every day is doing her no good but only increasing her anguish. I have to do this. Please, can you try to understand it too?" He pleaded with his eyes prickling.

Devyani nodded blinking back the tears. It silenced rest of the family members as well. He sighed for finally getting to her before walking dejectedly to his--their room to say a final goodbye to the only happiness in his life.

He pushed open the door and swallowed hard as he saw her sleeping form on the recliner turned to one side with her one palm resting under her cheek.

Closing the door behind him he took quiet steps towards her careful not to wake her up. Sitting down besides her he caressed her cheek softly with the back of his fingers.

His heart flipped in his chest, protested against his decision but there was little he could do when he was terrified to lose her.

What if he couldn't stay with her, what if he couldn't make her believe in his love, what if he was a murderer in her eyes, he still couldn't bear to let her go from his life even if he has to leave from in front of her eyes.

It was more than enough for him that she married him and even though without her consent she made him part of her life, made a bond which she thinks she can break with some contract but he knew better. Sooner or later she herself would realize that this relation has reached beyond the boundaries of breakage.

Even if she wants she would never be able to break the connection, emotions or relation between them. Their relation wasn't dependent on any papers or signatures or some documents. It was way deep than that. Way beyond anyone's understanding. Even their own!

His vision blurred with unshed tears and in the onslaught of emotions he leaned to her face and was about to peck her cheek when her eyes shoot open before they widened seeing him so close to her.

She brought her hands up to push him away when he grabbed them and pinned them besides her head making her heart pound in her ears whilst she laid on her back still as a statue.

"What are you doing, Mr. Raizada? Move back. Leave me!" She wriggled beneath him while he became the same selfish monster who sent her to jail for those moments and kept her encaged in his hold.

Bile rose up to her throat when she felt him resting his head in the crook of her neck with his lips on her collarbone.

"You are getting rid of me in a few hours anyway. Just give me a few moments with you. Or else I may not be able to go away from you, Khushi."

He whispered with his mouth on her skin erupting goosebumps on her body which even he felt making him smile a wounded one. She herself doesn't know what she wants but he won't force her to accept her feelings either. He would wait for her even if it took his whole life.

"Yes, Khushi. I am leaving like I promised I would." He whispered raising his head to look into her eyes. Hazel orbs misted up at that. She sniffled before averting her eyes. He chuckled dryly.

"Can I call you sometimes to hear your voice? I promise I won't bother you much. Just once in a month to know about your health?" He requested.

"Hmm," She tried to sound confident yet her voice came out teary. She even forgot their close proximity in the heartbreak which she herself didn't know she was going through.

"Thank you," He murmured in gratitude before resting his head back in the crook of her neck making her bite back a sob as she felt her neck getting wet by the tears he silently shed as pain of separation has already started cutting him deep.

"Oh I will miss you so much," He cried out leaving her hands and slipped his arms around her before coiling them around her waist holding onto her pulling her up against him hugging her so close while half lying on her that she couldn't hold back her tears either.

They both didn't know for how long they stayed in the same position, cried together without a noise leaving them.

It was Khushi who noticed it first. His features relaxing before she felt his cries stopping followed by his calm breathing close to her heart.

She looked down and her eyes widened in shock as she saw that he has slept on her after letting it all out.

She tried coming out of his hold but he was holding her around her waist so tightly that she could barely move while his head on her chest wasn't helping much.

Sighing in defeat she swallowed hard and stopped protesting when her gaze fell on his tear stricken face. Despite herself she found herself wiping his face before removing the hair strands from his forehead with her heart slashing in her chest.

There was a time when she craved to hold him this close and she didn't even know it. But now when she wants to go away from him she has him right there, in her arms, so close that she could hear him breathe yet so far that she could not revel in it.

"If only you knew loving someone doesn't mean snatching your beloved happiness, her everything. If only you knew. If only you were not too late." She whispered with her one palm on his head while the other rested on his cheek before she couldn't control herself to drop a kiss on his hairs whilst several fresh tears rolled down her eyes.

"Goodbye, Arnav ji." She whimpered placing her lips on his forehead caressing his thick stubble with her thumb trying to absorb his every feature in her mind so that she won't have to look for him outside whenever she would yearn for him, whenever some forbidden emotions make her helpless. Instead she would just close her eyes and he would appear behind her lids like he always did.

"If only you knew that I fell in love with you the moment I fell in your arms." She confessed with a sob, something which she hasn't confessed to her own self yet.

"And I regret every second of it. Because it was you only who made me fall out of it. You broke my heart and with it took out the most beautiful sentiment I have ever felt in my life." She whispered brokenly.

"I wish I had never met you!" She shivered touching her cheek to his forehead.

"How could you make me regret it? How could you drive a knife through my chest and take those emotions out? How could you make me like this? How could you? How? I will never forgive you for this. Never!" She said defiantly.

"I was happy loving you from afar. Even if you battered me all the time I loved you some more every other day. I realized the extent of my feelings for you the day I saw you kissing Lavanya ji. Even then I couldn't hate you with all of my heart. But then you succeeded in making me feel that emotion as well which I never felt before. Contempt." She paused to breathe as it came out in spurts.

"I'd have continued to love you the same way if you hadn't trampled on my self-respect by making me a thief. By sending me to jail. You blackmailed my family, you threatened me. Upon that you harmed another innocent person in all this. How could you attempt to kill Samrat to make me yours? How could you be the man to whom I gave my heart to, once? How could you be?" She cried out and in her emotions her hold around him tightened making him squirm.

She pursed her lips tight and wiped her tears hurriedly as he raised his head dazed before his eyes widened as he realized where he had slept.

"I am sorry," He straightened up before averting his eyes embarrassed.

What was he? A kid? How could he loose himself just like that when he knows she doesn't like his closeness?

"I am really sorry Khushi. Actually I couldn't have much sleep the last few days and the emotional turmoil and all so I.. I mean I am sorry for making you uncomfortable."

She nodded before sitting up and placing her legs on the floor. She was about to get up when he grabbed her elbow holding her there.

"I heard you saying 'how could you?' What were you telling me while I was asleep?" He knitted his brows feeling like he has missed something very important while he has unknowingly fallen asleep.

"I was trying to wake you up. I asked 'how could you fall asleep on me' like this?" She very conveniently lied while he frowned as he saw her averting her eyes.

"Here I thought you confessed your love to me and asked me how could I make you regret falling in love with me." He chuckled making a joke while Khushi felt her breaths getting stuck in her throat. Speechless she didn't reply anything for several moments.

"Do you really think I'd say something like that to you?" She raised her eyebrows with her features hardening.

His smile vanished followed by the hurt.

"A man can wish," He whispered before getting up and leaving to the bathroom.

In his wake, she placed her hand on her erratically beating heart breathing harshly and tried to bring herself back to normal.

"That was close." She gulped.


Then Arnav Singh Raizada left for Canada as he promised her he would. But not before asking both their families to keep an eye on her lest she try any stupid stunt again. He also pleaded to them not to let her out of their sights. Not that he hadn't taken any precautions himself by binding her to the contract but still.

To the families surprise and disbelief, Khushi fell into a normal routine right after he left. Her sudden outbursts and breakdown stopped altogether and so did her mood swings. She started eating like before. She stopped neglecting her health as well.

The only thing which didn't change still was her avoidance to Sameer which always cut him deep. But still he kept his distance as he was afraid he would get in the way of the positive progress Khushi has made after everything she was through.

He didn't want the efforts to go in vain that Arnav has made on Khushi to bring her back to life. So he took care of her through a distance, through his wife, through their families.

He also kept in touch with Arnav throughout keeping the poor man about the woman whom he longed to have a glimpse of or hear her voice.

Despite wanting to Sameer couldn't tell him everything about her knowing it would only drive him crazy with concern. He only told him about positive things. Things that kept Arnav on his feet being far away from her.

"Jiju, it's been 3 months. She doesn't pick up my calls despite agreeing she would." He has cried out one day. "Kabhi kabhi toh mujhe lagta hai k mai kabhi uska dil nahi jeet paon ga. Mai yahan uss k liye mar raha hun aur usse koi farak hi nahi padhta!

(Sometimes I feel like I'd never be able to win her heart. I am dying here for her and there, she doesn't even give a damn!)" He complained gritting his teeth.

"Sometimes I feel like throwing cautions to wind and going back to her unmindful of the promise I made to her." He hissed out.

"Calm down, Arnav. Don't do anything stupid. Now even I think you did right by going to Canada. Only your presence triggers harsh response from her. Otherwise she seems fine."

"Wow Jiju. That greatly comforted me. You know about an year and a half contract she forced me to sign and still you are saying this. 3 months already passed. I have so little time left to be with her."

"You still have 15 months left. That's not little but long time." Sameer tried to reason.

"But she doesn't even answer my calls. She doesn't want to see my face, either. How would things get better? Jiju, I don't want much but her to accept me in her life. I'd never demand anything from her if she would just agree to bear my presence by her side. Am I asking for too much?" His voice turned desperate at the end.

"Arnav, listen. It's not easy but not impossible either. Just try to think it from her perspective. Firstly you sent her to jail, she almost lost her life there. Then you blackmailed her and her family to keep her in Delhi. Later on, you suddenly confessed your love to her and proposed her out of blue despite everything you have done to her. In order to get away from you she took a hasty decision which resulted in breaking her more. If that wasn't enough, she got abandoned in the altar on her wedding day." He paused to gulp the tears down his throat.

"That shock was still fresh when everyone pressurized her to marry you to shut people's mouth on the very same day." Sameer paused feeling his chest hurting for everything his younger sister has been through.

"Just when she started recovering a bit, she got to know about me, my relation with her. It landed her in the hospital and not to mention she tried to end her life dammit. She lost interest in everything she loved." He breathed out.

Arnav felt the air whooshing out of him at all the pain his love suffered mostly because of him, himself.

"Just when you agreed to give her space, you again forced her to move in with you by planning your grand reception. She didn't take it well. Arguing everyday was taking a toll on you both. Upon that the nonsense press is brewing nowadays, it's better you stay away or she might take some drastic steps in her pain. Don't you remember what her psychiatrist said?"

"If she is still suicidal, means, she is back to square one. From what you have told me, you guys have wasted my months of hard work on her. She barely got back on her feet and you all made her fall again by forcing her for something she always wanted an escape from. For heaven's sake you married her to the man who was the reason of all of her misery from the start. It sure would drive anyone insane."

Arnav closed his eyes in regret realizing what he was trying to make him understand.

"Wo samajhti hai k usse hasil karne k liye maine Samrat ko maarne ki koshish ki,

(She thinks I tried to kill Samrat just to make her mine)" He choked.

"Jiju, wo mujhe qatil samajthi hai. Khushi jaisi ladki aik qatil se kabhi koi rishta nahi rakhna chahe gi aur mujhe toh lagta hai k wo bas din gin rahi hai mujhse door jaane k. Aise mai, aise mai, main kaise haath par haath rakh kar yahan itni door beth sakta hun? Jiju kuch Karen. Mai usse kisi bhi qeemat par kho nahi sakta.

(Jiju, she considers me a murderer. And a woman like Khushi would never want to have any relation with a killer. I think she is just counting days to get away from me. How can I sit here far away with my hands and feet tied knowing what is she thinking? Jiju do something. I can't lose her at any cost)" His voice turned misty and Sameer understood that he was crying. His own eyes weren't dry either.

"Mai kya kar sakta hun Arnav? Mai bhi uss ki nazar mai utna hi bura hoon jitna k tu,

(What can I do, Arnav? I am as much bad in her eyes as you are)" He said sadly.

"Aapne usse jail nahi bheja, na hi aapne usse toda hai. Aap se wo apne baap k hawale se naraz hai. Aap aaram se beth kar usse saari sachai btayen gay toh wo samajh jaye gi,

(You didn't send her to jail. Neither did you break her. She is upset at you because of her father. If you'd calmly tell her everything she would definitely understand)" Arnav rasped.

"Tumhe lagta hai agar mai usse sab kuch bata doon ga toh wo mujhe apna Bhai maan le gi?

(Do you really think she would ever consider me her brother if I told her everything?)" He genuinely wanted to know.

Arnav remained silent for a few moments before parting his lips.

"Pata nahi. Mujhe khud ka kuch nahi pata toh apka kya pata hoga?

(I don't know. How would I know about your fate when I am not even sure about mine?)" He ran his fingers in his hairs frustrated feeling his hands and limbs shackled to invisible ropes that neither let him walk nor move despite him struggling with all of his strength.

"Mujhe uski awaz hi suna dein, Jiju? Taras gaya hun uski awaz sunane ko bhi,

(Let me hear her voice, Jiju. I am really pining to hear even a word from her)" He cried out.

Sameer sighed understanding his predicament.

"Fine. I will ask Anjali to do something. You try to relax till then. Don't do anything stupid, okay?" He said composing himself.

"Okay," He whispered aghast.


"Khushi," Anjali called her knocking on the door.

"Yes?" Khushi opened the door and looked at her frowning.

"Do you remember I told you about a friend of mine who wanted the recipe of the dish you made the other day?" Anjali said politely.

"Yes, I do." Khushi relaxed a bit.

"She is requesting you to guide her through the phone. She would write it down. But there is a problem."


"She can't talk,"

"Oh," Khushi immediately turned sympathetic and Anjali felt guilty for doing this to her.

But what else could she do to save both her Bhabhi and her brother from killing each other with not knives or bullets but by mere words, separations?

"Don't worry. I will handle it." Khushi smiled lightly.

"Thank you." Anjali patted her cheek and dialing a number forwarded it to her before leaving.

Khushi cleared her throat once the call was connected.

"Namaste, I am Khushi Kuma-" She paused as a bitter truth struck her mind making her silent for several moments.

"I am Khushi." She said composing herself.

"Anjali ji told me that you really liked the 'halva puri' I made the other day and wanted me to tell you the recipe. Do you have the paper and pen with you right now?" She said and waited for her to answer or hint that she was listening.

"Just tap on the phone and I'd know you are ready."

A tap on the phone made Khushi smile making her feel nostalgic for no particular reason. Shaking her head to rid of the strange feeling she breathed out.

"So, let's start." She said and started narrating her everything in detail. In midst asking the 'mute' girl whether she was catching on or not. A tap on the phone would comfort her that she was really there.

"There, all done." Khushi said softly before her eyes widened hearing a sniffle from the other side.

"Hey, are you crying?" She asked really concerned.

"Why? Is there something you didn't understand? Did I hurt you?" She felt her own eyes prickle for heaven knows why.

"Yes, you did." The three words jolted her from head to toe. "You have mastered the art to hurt Arnav Singh Raizada. Only you have!" He rasped with a hiccup.

Earth shifted under her feet as she staggered back and fell on the bed with her fingers tightening around the phone.

"What type of a joke is this?" She ground her teeth whilst one by one tears rolled down her cheeks.

"Mazak? Mazak toh tum ne maira aur mairi mohabbat ko bana diya hai Mrs. Raizada!

(Joke? You, yourself have made a mockery out of me and my love, Mrs. Raizada!)" He deliberately called her with his own surname in order to spite her and he succeeded.

"Now, what did I do?" She hissed out.

"You promised you'd let me hear you once a month!" He complained with all of him.

"I promised no such thing!" She rejected him with the same coldness that hit his wrong nerve.

"Oh really? Do you want me to forget the promises I made to you the same way you forgot the ones you did? Do you want me to take the first flight back to India? Back to you? Is that why you are being stubborn because you miss me?" He burst out on her.

"SHUT UP! Don't you dare!"

"Oh I will. I will dare and you will see. I swear on you that if the next time I called you and you didn't pick up then you'd find me in front of you in less than two days. Then, our wedding 'contract' would become null and void as well. You'd be stuck with me forever, then!"

He didn't want to do this. In fact he has planned to just hear her voice and cut the call without letting her know it was him but her resilience has pushed him too far. Forced him to blackmail her which he didn't want to do. It was just the fear of losing her which was coming out of him in the form of threats and harsh one at that.

"I thought you.. you but.." She couldn't find exact words to let out her emotions. At last helplessly she rasped before parting her lips in vengeance.

"You haven't changed a bit, you monster!" She growled feeling her heart clenching in her chest.

On one side she has heard his voice after three long months and on the other she wasn't feeling contempt but relief when he started speaking but then again, he showed his true colors. That he would always remain the same Arnav Singh Raizada and would hurt her irrespective of what would she feel.

"Good for you!" He replied back in the same tone. "Because I swear Khushi, if ASR changed back to Arnav then he would not have the strength to stay away from you for this long. Don't you dare awake the lover in me by being stubborn or else you'd regret it big time. Just.." He swallowed past a lump.

"Just make sure to feed the longing of 'Arnav' to keep him sleeping or if he merged with ASR then disaster would happen, my dear wife. Disaster! And that would be far worse than that you already experienced in the last year." He finished and gripped his hairs from his free hand in anguish.

'What the hell are you spewing, Arnav? Stop it!'

'Control yourself man!'

'Control yourself!'

"Listen, Khushi.."

"I have started working in a restaurant as a chef. The same one where I took you the other morning, remember?" She said out of blue. There was no sign of fear or hurt at his threat. Instead she knew how to get back at him.

"You.. you .. WHAT?" He stood up breathing harshly with his nostrils flaring.

"You are joking, right?" He said in a low dangerous tone.

"No, I am not." She said solemnly.

"Woman, do you want to drive me nuts?" He yelled at the top of his voice pacing to and fro in his room with his fist to his mouth.

"What did you think huh? That only you can threaten me?" She said victoriously again bringing the ball in her court.

"Khushi, Khushi.. I don't have any problem with you working but those places are not safe for you. Paparazzi, the press are in the pursuit of you ever since we married. Please, listen to me and resign from there. You want to work, right? I'd get you a suitable job and-"

"I don't need your favors." She cut him rudely

"Don't ever threaten me again like that or else I'd go out and make a stall of food in front of a news channel. You'd then see my face which you 'miss' so much right there on your television!" She said sarcastically before altogether cutting the call making him stark raving mad.

"Khushi.. KHUSHI!" He shouted into the phone before hearing the beep. He frantically called her again and again but it went unanswered.

He opened his shirt buttons feeling suffocated. Rubbing his throat he breathed harshly. His insides burned with prickling emotions until he couldn't hold it anymore and screamed hard before throwing his cell across the room.

"Dammit!" He turned angrily and his bloodshot eyes met his own in the wall length mirror making him feel helpless as her own words rung in his ears.

"You are no one to dictate my life. Told you, leave me or I'd make you your life hell. This is nothing to what I can actually do."

"You say you love me and you can't see me hurt? Believe me. I'd do anything and everything to hurt myself to hurt you. And this will be my life's purpose from now on." She yelled her lungs out.

"She hasn't given up on that yet. She hasn't. I thought I got to her but I was so wrong." He murmured rubbing his temples trying hard to think of ways to stop her from ruining herself.

He thought she would mellow down if he stayed away but no, she has found other ways to torture herself. She may have stopped her hunger strike but now she has taken it upon herself to humiliate her self-respect.

He quickly dialed Sameer and blasted on him for not telling him about Khushi working in the same shop where he barely saved her from the reporters months back. He threatened him to tell him everything or he won't like what he would do then.

"Tell me that didn't happen again. Tell me that press didn't pester her again, Jiju? Why are you silent dammit?" He demanded earnestly.

"Arnav, reporters camp outside the restaurant everyday from morning till evening until she leaves. But don't worry our men don't let anyone come close to her. I make sure of that. But they are speculating various things. Her working in a small restaurant and you being in Canada they are saying that your relationship has had a major fallout and it will not last longer." His voice turned small at the end whilst his rubbed his forehead knowing it would drive Arnav mad.

"Why don't I know anything about this? Why didn't you tell me anything?" He bellowed.

"How could I when she herself asked from all of us not to tell anything to you related to her or vice versa." Sameer sighed defeated.

"Fuck that contract and promise. I am coming back." He growled into the phone.

Sameer's eyes widened in terror.

"Arnav! Arnav! ARNAV!"

But the phone was long dead from the other side.

Much later, when Sameer was perspiring from concern pacing in his room, did he receive his text.

'I need an excuse to come back. Jiju, find me one!'

'I am not your assistant, Arnav!'

'Neither can I leave her alone nor come back.' Arnav texted back.

'Why can't you choose? It's simple!' Sameer tried to calm him down.

'I can't. It's too difficult to make a choice. Because either way I'd most probably lose her at the end. If I left her alone she would never heal fully nor would forgive me ever. And if I came back without her calling me, she would divorce me for real not caring about the duration of the contract.'

'Enjoy the taste of your own medicine, Arnav. Isn't it sweet?' Sameer replied.

Arnav cursed under his breath reading the text.

'If I have to burn either way, then fine. I'd make the most difficult choice. I'd rather burn by her side than die every second here worrying sick for her health and safety.' He typed furiously.

'I am alright with you burning yourself brother, par uss raakh ka kya jo woh ho jaye gi jab wo tumhe apne samne dekhe gi?

(I am alright with you burning yourself dude but what about the ashes you would turn her into when she would suddenly see you in front of her eyes?)' Sameer jibed.

'We both have been turned into ashes long ago, Jiju. On the very first day we met. This is nothing compared to that.' He closed the argument with a final statement making his brother-in-law realize that he won't relent.

'Fine. If you need an excuse, here is one. Anjali is pregnant.'

Quite simply he dropped the bomb on Arnav who was sitting in his penthouse in Canada. Reading which he exclaimed shooting up in happiness despite everything and he quickly dialed Sameer.

"You got to be kidding me?" Thrill could easily be heard from his voice.

"You are the first one to know. Actually I wanted to tell Choti first but you know our situation so-"

"So I am the alternative huh?" Arnav teased him feeling somewhat better.

"Of course not. You both are equal for us. If you're here we would have told you both together,"

"I can make this wish of yours true if you want, still."

"Arnav, be careful of what you decide. There would be no turning back from that." Sameer advised.

"I know. You know what you have to do, right?" His tone turned serious.

"I know but I .."

"There is no ifs and buts, my dear Jiju. It's either this way or no way."



She has kept herself busy. In household chores, in the job of the restaurant, in taking care of her apparent in-laws, in talking nineteen to dozen, in eating like an elephant, back to her usual self, in visiting her family from time to time, talking to them, assuring them she was absolutely fine. But was she?

Would she be lying if she said that she is alright yet she stays up awake all night staring at the ceiling, in the dark, in the darkness she used to be hell scared of before?

Would she be lying if she said she is fine because she laughs, smiles, chatters, mingles with everyone as if she has got back her vigor, her spirit yet her heart kept clenching in her chest every second of the last three months to the point of making her breathless, suffocated?

She doesn't know what the hell happens to her when she makes tons of jalebis every other day in the restaurant yet she forgets to add sugar in them or did she? And then,

As if like a bolt of lightening it'd struck her why would she do so,

Because he can't eat sugar!

Because sugar can kill him!

And from that day onward she has stopped eating sugary jalebis.

Now, for about three months she is making or eating only sugar free jalebis with her whole being prickling with needles every time she does so. But the feelings are so strong that she can't get rid of them despite trying so hard to.

Would she be fooling herself if she said she doesn't miss him yet her mind and heart always yearns for the warmth she never has had experienced before?

"I am okay,"

"I am okay,"

"I am okay,"

"I am okay,"

"I am okay,"

"I am okay,"

One night she kept whispering these words to herself half the night staring up at the ceiling as if they would magically make her feel so. And the rest of the night she cried hard mumbling,

"I am not okay,"

"I am not okay,"

"I am not okay,"

"I am not okay,"

"I am not okay,"

"I am not okay,"

Upon her sister's insistence she started seeing her psychiatrist again who did everything in her power to counsel her to the best. Yet a void keeps getting bigger in her not giving her even an ounce of peace.

She wasn't peaceful with him. She wasn't much better without him either. What should she name these conflicted feelings? What exactly?

She has fallen out of his love long ago, wasn't she?

Then what was happening to her now?

And why?

Hasn't she suffered enough?

Why then?


She succeeded in making everyone believe that she has healed but how would she deceive herself with the same lie?


When she was at the peak of her emotions he had to use his tricks again and call her using his sister after three long months.

Hearing him made her feel relieved on one side and on the other it drove her insane too as she barely saved herself from crying out loud almost begging him to come back because she missed him even though she would never admit it in front of him. Never.

Holding the phone in her hand she kept sitting in the same position for hours after his call before slipping off the bed to the floor.

"You have to stay away. You have to. I can't forgive you. I won't. I won't." She rocked herself murmuring it over and over again.

"Just 15 months more then all this will be over. Just an year and 3 months. Just.." She bobbed her head touching her palm to her face and her eyes widened as she felt her face all wet.

Rasping she got up clumsily and ran to the dressing table. Seeing her own bloodshot eyes she laughed.

"You have lost it, Khushi Kumari Gupta. You really have!" She growled pointing to herself in the mirror.

"Forget the contract. I am leaving right now!" She said wiping her face determined and stroding to the door pulled it open before stopping short.

"You?" She said with a frown.

He who was shuffling on his feet looked up at her before worry lines formed on his forehead seeing her red-rimmed swollen eyes.

"Choti?" Sameer hurriedly cupped her cheeks. "What's wrong?"

"Right now, you are. Get out." She tried to shut the door on his face but he put his foot in between pushing it back.

"I am not going anywhere leaving you in this condition. For heaven's sake I am your brother!" He lost his cool.

"I don't have a brother!" She countered in the same tone.

"Sameer, what are you doing?" It was Anjali who has come running up hearing their voices followed by the family.

"Everyone stay out of it. It's between me and my sister." He showed them his hand when they were approaching them. All of them stopped. Anjali took them away leaving the brother-sister duo alone.

"I am not your sister- hey, wait what the hell?" She bellowed as he entered in the room anyway shoving her aside before shutting the door behind him and sat on the floor there only cross legged. Khushi's jaws dropped.

"Let it all out. But I am not going anywhere today before clearing a few things."

"You definitely are your father's son. You only know how to snatch!" She spat.

He gritted his teeth at being compared to the man whom he didn't like much either.

"You want to be stubborn, younger sister? Fine by me. At least in this way you'd truly understand how much similar we both are because I am as stubborn as you are. I am here. I will always be here for you!" he said looking up at her crossing his arms over his chest.

"GET OUT!" She shouted at the top of her lungs pointing towards the door furiously. He flinched.

Everyone felt a chill running their spine hearing her scream while sitting downstairs. Anjali held her heart praying nonetheless.

Seeing him not relenting she huffed and striding to the glass windows opened them before marching to the terrace. She breathed in and out harshly in the open air looking up in the sky. She kept pacing to and fro hoping he would leave. She didn't even spare a backward glance to inside of the room.

Almost an hour passed like this as she calmed herself.

Letting out a breath she rubbed her forehead before she turned to look in the room through glass windows and found him still sitting in the same position she left him with his head hung down. For the first time ever since she learnt her past she felt her heart pinching seeing him like that.

Taking deep breaths in and out she prepared herself before slowly walked forward.

The sound of the doors sliding and closing made him look up. He quickly straightened up but didn't stand up still.

"Why are you doing this to me, sir?" She asked without any anger.

He chuckled dryly.

"I thought we were way past that 'employee-boss' relationship. We became Choti-Bhai for each other long ago. If only you hadn't learnt the truth we would have stayed so like that forever." He said swallowing past a lump twisting his wedding ring on his right hand.

"You wouldn't have told me the truth if I hadn't found out?" She asked in disbelief with her anger returning disregarding everything else he said.

"You have been through enough, Khushi. I just wanted to be a friend, a well-wisher, someone to whom you'd turn to when you're in any trouble. Since years, it's true that I wanted to find my sister not to interfere in her life but to make it better so that I could solve, even from afar, whatever problems she have. But see, I am your problem now. God damn me!" He said it all looking into her eyes.

She averted her eyes and sat on the ground with her back to the couch with the right side of her body facing him. She looked ahead not saying anything in reply for many moments before her stance turned determined. She turned her head to him.

"Fine, you have the opportunity you were looking for. Tell me everything you want to say and then leave right away." She said and his lips lifted up into a teary smile.

"Thank you. Thank you, Choti."

She swallowed hearing him say Choti. It moves something inside of her. Does blood relation do this to you? She didn't know it till now.

"Before revealing everything let me clear one thing that I am not telling you this because I want you to accept me as your brother. It is solely for you. To make you stop thinking that you're unwanted. Trust me, you were not. You were the sole proof of the love our father and your mother shared." He croaked at the end and saw her clenching her hands in her lap.

"Also, I need to tell it all for you to hurt less. Because I want you to stop belittling yourself. Your mother didn't die because of you. It was our father's fault. He was misled and trapped by his own family." He pursed his lips as she turned her head to the wall again but he knew she was listening.

"Dadi knew Baba liked some girl and they were together for quite some time. They were even planning to get married soon. He proposed and Auntie accepted it wholeheartedly. The people Dadi has sent after them recorded it all and sent it to her."

"Dadi had simple mentality. She divided people with their bank balance. With money, they were the good people and without it, bad. She couldn't see him falling for a lower middle class girl so she planned it all herself." He paused gathering courage to speak further.

"As if fate was on her side she got to know a truth like a trump card which she used ruthlessly. My mother. Who also happened to be my father's ex-girlfriend of years back." He added silently. Khushi stiffened.

"But instead of using that truth right away, she wanted to add Papa's guilt into it too so that her son could never get out of her hands. There, she conspired it all along with my biological mother." He blinked back the tears and rasped in order to reveal ahead.

"My mother pretended to be back from some other country after years, gained back his trust after playing friendship card and few days later drugged him and spent the night with him."

"He was devastated when he woke up next day with my Maa by his side. He quarreled with her and left without looking back. The guilt of betraying his love ate him up from inside. He could neither tell Adhira auntie nor could he leave her because he loved her too much to give up on her."

"The thought of her finding it kept him on toes and upon that Dadi and my mother were over his head blackmailing him to leave Adhira auntie on his own or they would show her the pictures of him entering the room with my mother of the night they spent together."

"He warned them if they did that he would run away with her to never come back. That he would take her far away but he would never leave her. It made them both fume. That made Dadi scared like hell. So she relented for the time being."

"Due to his pestering, Dadi had to ask for your mother's hand from your grandparents as she was afraid if she didn't she might lose her son forever."

"They got engaged and Baba's guilt kept getting heavy of hiding such a big thing from his love. Every time he decided to tell her he just couldn't, afraid that she would leave him."

"During those days dadi changed or so Baba thought she did as she startd accepting their relation. She even asked him not to tell auntie anything until they get married. 'Wait until she become yours then tell her, apologize and sort out the matter like a husband and a wife.' She has said. He accepted."

"But he didn't know then that he was entering into a big conspiracy himself. The day of their wedding came and so did his doom. He was getting ready for the big day when Dadi finally decided to use the trump card she has had." He stopped as his voice choked.

"Me!" His voice cracked as he said that. Khushi's head shot to him in disbelief. He hung his head low.

"He had a huge argument with her regarding that but when she showed him proofs that Shanti, my mother was pregnant when they broke up 5 years ago, and I, his son exists in this world who remained deprived of a father's love because my parents didn't part on a good note, he was speechless. He was dumbfounded when she showed him my pictures."

"Of course at that time he didn't know that Adhira auntie was already pregnant with you. Upon that Dadi and Maa made it worse by sending him into guilt trip and telling him to take responsibility of his blood."

"Adhira is a good girl no doubt but don't you think she deserves better. Not only did you cheat on her but also you are a father of a five years old who is craving for you for years. How do you think will she take it if she got to know? She will leave you anyway. There is still time. Think and decide sensibly. Either your son or your love?" She has said.

"He took the most difficult decision of his life that night. Not knowing that he won't be abandoning just one but two parts of his being. When he got to know it was too late. Your mother was already gone. He searched for you madly until his last breath. He died in early 40s because of the heartache and longing for you." By the time he stopped they both were sobbing silently.

"How do you know all that?" She croaked after many minutes.

"I was 10 then when I overheard it all. My father was crying when he found out everything." He mumbled. Khushi closed her eyes in pain.

"At that time I was thrilled to find out that I have a younger sister. From that day on I waited every single day to get to meet you." He said, his tone was downright pleading and shaken.

"You should know he didn't abandon you because he didn't love you. He didn't even know about you, dear." He cried out.

Khushi's shoulder shook with sobs.

He sniffled before rubbing his nose with his sleeve. Khushi saw that and instantly realized the ironic stark similarity. It broke her heart. She averted her eyes.

"I was five years old when I first met our father.. then I didn't know what I was getting into. What was happening around me. All I knew was that the space of my father which was empty till now would be fulfilled. And I was damn happy. Not knowing that in order to give that happiness to me, my parents snatched someone else's happiness. Broke someone else's dream. My mother being the cruel one along with grandmother, dadi, planned it all to separate your mother from our father."

"He didn't leave her because he didn't love her. He left her because of the guilt. For fathering a child with a woman who wasn't her. Of course at that time when he dated my mother he didn't know Adhira Sharma existed but still, he didn't know his one careless fling would ruin his whole life ahead. If only he knew."

"Why didn't your mother tell him about you all those years? Quarrels were one thing but you were his son only then why?" She said hoarsely.

"Dad became stark raving mad that's why shouting that why didn't Maa told him about my existence. She told him she was angry at him for breaking up that's why. He didn't believe her at first about me being his child but when she showed him the DNA test that made him speechless. Dadi sided with Maa. It was Dadi who told me at her death bed what he went through on his wedding day."

"Earth crashed upon his head. He fell on his knees He was all dressed up as a groom to get his love but there his whole world shattered into pieces. I crashed his world, bitwa. I shortened his life. He died before me as a punishment to all of my sins,"

"Do you know how much he cried on the day that was supposed to be his happiest? 'No. I can't live without her!' He has yelled with bloodshot eyes but I was too heartless at that time to pity his helpless condition. Your Dadi is evil, Sameer beta. Never forgive her. Never."

Sameer shut his eyes tight reciting it all before looking at her. Khushi kept her gaze away.

"Khushi you should know he wasn't a bad person. Circumstances forced him to be one. Unbound pressure from Dadi made him take that heinous step to leave your mother at the altar without any explanation." He choked.

"I have never seen him look at my mother with even an ounce of love in all the years we stayed with him. Even when he was on death bed he was only worried about you, wanted to see you." He pleaded hoping she would understand now.

"I have started searching for you way before he asked me to but no luck. I wish I had found you sooner and you could meet him, then you'd have had no doubts in your mind of how much he adored you and loved your mother, too till his last breath. Do you know what his last words were?"

He thought she wouldn't reply but she shook her head with fresh tears rolling down her cheeks whilst she raised her eyes to his.

"Please, find my daughter and take care of her. Ask her to forgive me. Until she won't I won't be able to rest in peace." He finished and Khushi burst out crying and wailed out loud unmindful of everything.

Anjali shot up from the couch along with everyone sitting in the hall hearing her cries but neither of them made a move to go upstairs. They felt their heart cutting with her heart wrenching sobs but there was little they could do.

Anjali has read the look on her husband's face when he told them not to interfere. She knew he was planning to tell everything to Khushi. She told the same to everyone who were now waiting for the storm to subside so that Khushi could find some closure from her painful past. So that one day she would find it in herself to accept Sameer as her brother.

Sameer heaved a sigh as her cries subsided a bit which were tearing him apart but still her whole body shook with tremors.

"I am responsible for everything happening to you and your mother. If I didn't exist then you both wouldn't have suffered. You are right to hate me. You are absolutely fair to treat me the way you do. Because I got what was your right from the start. Whether it were your father, your mother or your everything." He gritted out angry at himself.

"For years I have been living with this guilt, Choti for snatching everything from you. The self-reproach was eating me up alive every second I breathed. If Anjali hadn't come into my life then I'd have killed myself long ago." He cried out.

Khushi looked at him blinking back the tears.

"How could you still stay sane after everything?" She croaked without any emotion in her eyes.

"The hope of finding you kept me on my feet. Later on, I got another anchor of life. Anjali. Then Sanjana. You three kept me sane. Just the thought of meeting you filled the vigor of life in me." He let out a wounded smile.

"Now, you must be regretting it. You must be wishing you never found me." She chuckled dryly wiping her face.

"No. No. No. Never!" He said strongly.

"I would not want it any other way, Choti. Even if you don't talk to me your whole life I'd revel only in this fact that you exist. I had been living like that already before I found you. Now is much better. You are in front of my eyes every day. I can see you. Make sure you are alright. Maybe if luck would have it, sometimes like this I'd get to talk to you, too." He laughed teary eyed scratching the back of his head boyishly.

Despite everything she felt her lips quirking up and she didn't even know it. But Sameer saw it and looked on dumbfounded. He could feel his heart beating in his ears. He forgot to breath until he saw her realizing what he did and look away.

"You said you want the best for me, don't you?" She said seriously.

"Yes. Of course." He said at once.

"Then how could you let that man marry me?" She accused.

He swallowed hard.

"He loves you." He said quietly.

"I don't." She snapped.

"Even I was angry at first for what he did but-"

"But later on, you turned out to be your father only. You chose others before the people you claimed to love. Your father chose your mother and you chose your brother-in-law over me." She spewed venom poisoning his insides.

"Khushi, no. It's not like that. Please hear me out." His face contorted in pain.

"If you were my brother you wouldn't have allowed that man even an inch near me yet here I am. Married to your beloved brother-in-law who destroyed me." She stood up angrily breathing harshly.

"Each and everyone of you brutally torn me into pieces to get what you want. Especially you. In your selfishness to get your so-called sister in front of you, you gave her to your precious brother-in-law!" She growled furiously.

"You are getting it all wrong, please?"

"I AM NOT!" She lost it.

"Dear, please calm down." He stood up and cautiously approached her.

"Stay away. Don't come close!" She showed him her hand.

He walked forward anyway whilst she kept spitting fire at him.

"This much anger is not good for health. This much crying isn't healthy either, Choti." He took slow steps ahead to her.

"I am not healthy or sane either, Mr. Sameer!" She spat.

He was now standing before her.

"Let go of me. Let go of me. LET GO OF ME!" She kept shouting banging her fist on his chest as he hugged her close and bore all of her punches while caressing her hairs holding her protesting form in his arms until her shoulders slumped and she cried with her head resting under his chin and her hands clutching his shirt from either sides.

"Forgive me. I could only trust Arnav with you. I am sorry." He whispered which she didn't hear in her sobs. He swallowed past a lump dropping a firm kiss on her head.

'I couldn't possibly tell her to call Arnav using Anjali's pregnancy. It would only make her believe stronger that I value them more than her'

He thought as she suddenly pushed his away and marching to the bathroom banged the door shut making him shut his eyes tight.

"Sorry, Arnav. I can't do this. Not today." He whispered to himself when he saw Arnav's name flashing on his mobile screen before cutting the call.


"You did not!" Sameer exclaimed. "God dammit Arnav, what did you do!"

"What?" He replied. "I just gave you the good news that I am at the airport. I reached Delhi an hour ago. Will soon be in front of you all."

"Didn't I tell you to wait for a few more days?" Sameer gritted.

"Didn't I tell you that I can't wait anymore?" He countered.

Sameer huffed.

"Stay wherever you are. I am coming there!" Sameer ordered.

"Wow! Such a nice welcome. I am flattered my dear brother-in-law." He said sarcastically.

"Shut up and wait for me!"

"Fine. But don't take long because I am getting impatient here." Arnav warned him.

"Don't you dare move from there or else I promise I'd start acting as Khushi's brother and a protective one at that!" Sameer threatened.

Arnav gritted his teeth understanding the underline meaning behind his words.

"Jiju!" Arnav's voice depicted helplessness.

"Try and understand me, too." He replied seriously.

"Okay," Arnav mumbled shutting his eyes tight and cutting the call.

Sitting in the waiting area he leaned forward with his hands covering his nose whilst his heart ached and longed to get a glimpse of her even if she would disregard him like always. He groaned in impatience before closing his eyes and leaning back against the head rest. Several moments passed before,

"How could you make me regret it?"

His eyes shot open as her voice suddenly hit his mind out of nowhere midst the commotion at the airport silencing everything else around him.

"What was that?" He whispered frowning.

"I heard you saying 'how could you?' What were you telling me while I was asleep?"

"I was trying to wake you up. I asked 'how could you fall asleep on me' like this?"

"Here I thought you confessed your love to me and asked me how could I make you regret falling in love with me." He has chuckled and she has looked into his eyes dumbfounded as if he caught on something but when she said, "Do you really think I'd say something like that to you?" He has disregarded all of his stupid assumptions. But..

"Did I actually missed something that day?" He whispered rubbing his temples closing his eyes.

"I wish I had never met you!"

His heart clenched harder.

"How could you be the man to whom I gave my heart to, once? How could you be?"

He gasped hard whilst his eyes shot open whilst chocolate brown orbs widened in disbelief.

"No. No. NO!" He shook his head repeatedly. "No I can't miss something like this for long. No. No. I couldn't be stupid enough to sleep through it. I couldn't be." He whispered whilst his eyes filled with unshed tears making his vision blurred realizing that day he may have fallen alseep but not his subconscious.

She must have confessed many important things to him that day while he stupidly kept snoring his heads off. Even though he heard it all yet remember so little. So very little.

"Here I thought you confessed your love to me and asked me how could I make you regret falling in love with me."

He actually guessed it right. That's why she was so shocked and covered it all and he like a fool believed her white lie.

"I am a fool. An idiot." He hit the side of his head in vengeance getting weird looks from the other people sitting in the waiting area but he was in his own world.

"Remember, Arnav. Remember! What else did she say?"

"How could you be the man to whom I gave my heart to, once? How could you be?"

He shut his eyes tight as his mind remembered her sobs whilst she said that. A whimper escaped him whilst he ran his fingers in his hairs.

"How could you say something like that while I was sleeping, Khushi? How could you?" He whispered gripping his hairs in a fist.

"How could I be the man to whom you dared to give your heart? How could I make you regret it?" He mumbled to himself with his heart clawing and breathing harsh.

"I am finished! You finished me, Khushi. You killed me!" He cried out to himself.

"How would I face her now? How?"

He raised his bloodshot eyes up and saw Sameer coming from afar who waved his hand at him spotting him before taking long strides to him.

But before him someone else reached him,

"Arnav Singh Raizada?"

"Hmm," He could only murmur seeing the uniform clad officers surrounding him.

"I am afraid you have to come with us, ASR." One of them said cautiously seeing his barren condition. And who wouldn't know the great ASR and his influence, connections around yet they couldn't prevent it.

Sniffling he stood up schooling his expressions.

"What's the matter, officers?" He asked nonchalantly.

"We have an arrest warrant for you. You have to come with us." He dropped the bomb on him.

"What's happening here?" Sameer exclaimed reaching over to them and held the officer's hand when they were about to handcuff him.

"Mr. Arnav SinghRaizada is under arrest as a prime suspect for an attempt to murder case of Mr.Samrat Shergill!" Inspector announced professionally whilst Arnav and Sameerlooked on dumbfounded as their faces lost all colors.


Cliffhanger I know but I had to stop here as it was getting too long.

Finally I am able to complete this complicated and important part of this story. Many twists and turns are upcoming next. Till then a few set of questions as always for you to solve before the next update :)


1. How was the update?

2. What do you think about Arnav and Khushi's situation?

3. Will Arnav and Khushi ever pass through this phase?

4. What about the contract between ArShi?

5. About Sameer and Khushi's conversation regarding past?

6. Who is more right and who is more wrong in your point of view?

7. A detail insight of your perspective regarding His Ego, Her Pride?

8. Arnav is arrested. Any guess to how and why did it happen?

9. About the work Arnav keep asking Aman to do, What is it? Any idea?

10. Any queries?

11. What is your favorite most scenes, dialogues and memorable moments of this story?

12. What's gonna happen next?

Waiting eagerly for your feedback. 


This time I'm giving a target for the next update as I want to post next asap as I have started writing next already ;) So the target for the next update is, 300 VOTES and 150+ comments. I hope I am not asking for too much.



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