Scattered Pieces (Part 3)

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This quick update is only and only for all the readers who have voted and commented on the the Part 2. Thank you all for not being silent and appreciating my hardwork❤️

Happy reading!


"Di," He dragged in a harsh breath.

"Do something. Tell me how to make her understand. Help me become worthy of her."

"I can't draw in any more breaths without her. I can't. Di, I can't. I'd die. Di, I'd perish. Help me, please help your Chote..." He cried out.

"Haven't I suffered enough? Why does she keep adding more to it? I've not seen anyone as heartless as her. I hate her Di. I hate her so damn much!" He hiccuped crying like a baby in his sister's arms standing in the same position.

Anjali's tears rolled down but she didn't interrupt him at all. Instead she kept running her fingers in his hairs and rubbed his back up and down as he kept mumbling one thing or another complaining to her how much his Khushi was punishing him and grating on his nerves at the same time.

"I wish I could... I wish I could yell at her. Burst out on her. But I can't do that either." He finally raised his hands to hug her tightly breaking down in his sister's arms not even realizing that his this action has broken all the walls the brother-sister has risen up for a while now in between them.

Not even realizing that Khushi about whom he was complaining about, unknowingly has given him back his sister and their beautiful bond back.

Not him but Anjali did realize it and it welled up her heart some more. She cried for him and with him.

They have both grown to become a better human beings and has learnt a lot from their mistakes over the years.

Her old arrogant Chote would have acted impulsively first before informing her or the others. But this one, the best version of her brother, came to her first and poured out his heart, asked for help from his sister like he used to do in his childhood.

She led him in the room when he stopped crying and talking. His breathing was labored. His face and eyes red. The pain so visible in his every feature.

She made him sit on the bed and drink water. She sat beside him with her back against the headboard with her one leg touching on the floor and the other folded over the bed.

Before she could say something he moved and placing his head on her lap spread his legs on the bed turned to the side before closing his eyes.

She barely managed to not sob out loud as her heart clawed so much at his action. She couldn't see him like this. He erred no doubt. So did she. So did everyone.

But he was the one who has repented so diligently and intensely like no one else. He still was!

She ran her fingers in his hairs soothingly and leaned to press her lips on his temple. Somehow she managed to get him to sleep without any frown lines marring his forehead.

That's how Payal saw them when she entered Anjali's room after knocking. Anjali gestured her to come in through her hand. Payal swallowed and came to sit at the edge of the bed. On the other side of these bed.

"Is everything alright, Bhabhi?"

"I.. I didn't know whom to talk to so I..."

Anjali was surprised that Payal thought of her to share something that she couldn't tell others. Not Akash. Not even her best friend and younger sister, Khushi?

"You can tell me anything." Anjali encouraged.

"Will you promise not to tell it to Akash or anyone else? Let it be the secret between us?"

"Okay." Anjali felt her heart dropping. Worry nagged her. What happend?

"I mean only you can fully relate to what I've been through so I..."

"I'm all ears, Bhabhi." She said looking at Payal while rubbing her fingers in her brother's hairs.

"Some days after you had a miscarriage, same happened with me too." Payal said misty eyed.

Anjali clamped her mouth shut to prevent the loud gasp lest Arnav woke up. It would drown her Chote in more guilt if he woke up or listened.

"Today is my unborn's fifth death anniversary." Payal choked out. "I'm sorry I had to tell someone as I couldn't keep it in to myself anymore. It was getting too much." Payal sobbed quietly. So did Anjali as the two women mourned the loss of their unborns.

"And I won't be able to do it again." Payal said and that made Anjali's eyes shot up to her.

"Payal Bhabhi?" Anjali whispered with a question in her eyes. Payal nodded at her in answer.

"I am pregnant. And I don't want to keep any depressing thoughts inside that might harm this miracle I've been given again." She touched her stomach with a light smile forming on her lips.

"So I knew if I want to be healthy to bring this baby into this world I needed to let go of the grief that I've been carrying alone for years. I've to move on and let my first unborn rest peacefully in heaven. Right?"

Anjali was smiling as well as crying. That was her condition. She bobbed her head bleary eyed.

"You did well Bhabhi. You did so well. Many many congratulations. I'm so happy for you."

"Thank you." Payal's cheeks warmed up for no reason.

"I will keep it a secret from everyone regarding your miscarriage if you want but Payal ji, Akash has the right to know."

"It would make him feel guilty all over again." Payal said worriedly.

"As it should. But you and this baby would help him through his grief and guilt both."

"I will think about it." Payal said and thanking Anjali for her compassion, left the room.

In her wake Arnav opened his eyes and sat up. Anjali almost had a heartattack at his sudden movement.


She cupped his cheeks looking at him worriedly. It was obvious by the grave expressions on his face that he heard everything.

"Look at me." She said sternly. With authority.

"Akash and Payal are fine now. They are going to be parents. They are going to be okay."

"But because of me..."

"Because of me too." She interjected. "Guilt won't help in this matter. The only way we can help them is be there for them in this beautiful phase. Payal ji needs to be healthy and stress free. Digging old graves would get us nowhere. Payal has decided to move on from the grief of her loss and we should respect her decision. That's all should we do instead of reminding her that to assuage our guilt. Okay?"

"Okay." He embraced her ever so lightly. "Thank you Di."

"Thank you too, Chote. For coming to me today. For sharing your pain. For letting me help you a bit. For listening to me." She kissed his forehead.

"If you felt like your control is slipping again then please come and talk to me just like you did today. Okay?"

"Okay!" He said smiling sadly before he stood up and left.

In his wake, Anjali went into another guilt trip. If only she hasn't foolishly tried to commit suicide at the first place for the douchebag of her ex-husband, all of this hadn't happened at the first place.

Neither Khushi ji would have gone through such catastrophe nor her Chote had lost his everything. Maybe then maybe Chote might still have had his Khushi with him.

ArShi would have mended their relationship while staying together not apart. Maybe then Nani wouldn't have died an untimely dead either.

Then she might haven't lose her rajkumari either. Nor had Payal ji had her miscarriage.

So many tragedies could have been avoided if only she wasn't so blind. If only!

If only she was sensible enough then she might not have to attend so many counseling sessions and rely on medicines for a while to keep her sane.

Despite knowing that everything happened because of her, her family hasn't abandoned her nor did they taunt her. It made her feel awful and useless. If only they had reprimanded her like they should have, then it wouldn't have hurt so much.

Instead they did the needful when they noticed her losing herself. They booked an appointment for her with a renowned psychiatrist.

Akash and Arnav encouraged her to attend some classes to refresh her knowledge regarding law in midst her therapies. After all she has an LLB degree which she never used because her ex-husband once asked her that he wanted her to stay at home and not strain herself to work when he can very well provide for them both.

She listened to him religiously and discarded the idea of practicing law, thinking that it was his love for her not knowing that he was manipulating her to do his bidding.

That if Anjali would not work, of course her precious Chote would make sure she still had enough money to get everything she wanted at her beck and call and that would be his cue to leech off of his wife whenever and however he wanted without anyone getting suspicious of his intentions.

When the blind has washed off and she has realized how she was brutally toyed by that slime she couldn't help but feel disgusted of herself. It made her want to resurrect him from dead and chop him off to pieces by herself.

One man, that one man managed to scatter her family into pieces and she couldn't do anything but watch it happen.

In fact, in a way she helped him do his bid by blindly trusting him and not throwing him out of her life when she got to know he kidnapped and almost killed her Chote.

If not for Khushi ji who endangered her life to save Arnav, Anjali might not just be mourning for her unborn and her Nani's demise but also for losing her brother.

She shuddered to even think of it. She wouldn't have survived that. Losing Chote would mean losing her firstborn and to think that she put her first child into that ordeal where he destroyed his love for her made her downright ashamed of herself.

These depressive thoughts came to her mind and messed it all the more ever since the day she saw Khushi's body lying in the pool of her own with her Chote holding her yelling at her to wake up.

If not for the help of her psychiatrist and her family she might have turned insane.

Her psychiatrist was a middle aged man named Akshay. Ever since she started her sessions with him and shared her past. Her faults. Her shortcomings. Her guit. Everything. She was told by him only, that it was her first step towards healing.

Oh she desperately wanted to gather herself. So that she can help her family not the other way around.

She has had vowed steeling herself. She would get treatment to come out of her traumas and then she would stand back on her feet. She would not let Mama, Mami or either of her brothers especially her Chote even think that she needed protection.

Her efforts has bore fruits over the last years. A month ago, Akshay Sir said that she would only have to attend one session every two months from now on.

As compared to the sessions that she has attended two times a week for the last four years, this seems like a major breakthrough.

Moreover, around two and a half years ago she has also started her law practice by getting a job as an assistant of a renowned lawyer, Akhil Sharma.

She needed to get the hangs of the field once before starting independently so she has had with her own efforts applied for the job and even got it. Without any influence of her brothers.

When she had told about it to Arnav, Akash, Mama and Mami ji, the surprise along with the visible relief on their faces was worth it all. She finally felt like she did something to help her family so that they don't worry about her anymore.

Now it seemed like she would be off the therapies soon and with her almost ready to work as a lawyer herself, she thought she finally has the chance to make her family proud of her.

Maybe then maybe she might be able to earn their forgiveness? They don't say it but she knew she has disappointed not only them but also Guptas.

Maybe this time she would not hide like a coward in her room almost every time whenever Guptas visited Shantivan and face it heads-on once and for all? Get their forgiveness too?

She was just thinking on this line only when her Chote has come knocking on her door only to give her the biggest shock to her seeing his condition.

It prickled her with needles. If that wasn't enough the revelation by Payal ji added to it.

If it weren't for the good news Payal ji told her right after, Anjali was afraid she herself might have gone back to square one.

Payal's pregnancy news saved her sanity. That meant Akash and Payal were finally on good terms. It made her think on the positive aspect of it all. Not only that she also got her Chote back today. Who came to her for comfort.

That's what Akshay sir has taught her to look on the bright side even if the guilt tries to weigh you down but think of the things that would tone down the heaviness within you. So she did.

She thought about Akash and Payal's baby, she thought about her Chote whom she was able to help, she thought about Khushi who was enjoying her work at AR, she thought about her Mama Mami and her brother Akash.

She thought about Buaji and Garima Auntie and Shashi uncle who never looked at her with contempt even when she accidentally comes in front of them in the last years.

She thought of all the gems of the people she is being surrounded with always. Guptas and Raizadas weren't two families but one for her. Her family included them all in one big frame.

She wished she could one day capture them all in a one frame literally as well. That would be the day everyone would be able to heal completely. So would she!

The news of Payal's pregnancy brought the whole family together in a joyful celebration. Both Raizadas and Guptas.

The lingering tension between Arnav and Khushi stayed like a double edged sword over their heads which everyone pretended they didn't notice. Arnav stayed standing at the front door witnessing it all.

Knowing the reason of him keeping distance nobody asked him to join them at the front yard where a small cake cutting ceremony was held for the pregnant couple.

"Jiji, why is your Jethji not joining this celebration? Is he not happy with the news?" Khushi whispered to her sister frowning as she caught the sight of Arnav standing at the entrance while leaning against the door.

"He is more of a private person that's why." Payal tried her best to ease her curiosity.

"But why?" She whined out loud that made everyone look at her in question.

Khushi bit the inside of her cheek. She didn't know why it was bothering her to see him standing all alone. It was prickling somewhere inside of her.

"Khushi ji? Everything alright?" Anjali asked cautiously.

"It's your brother, Anjali ji. He is a nuisance!" Khushi exclaimed angrily.

Everyone was taken aback by her sudden rage. Arnav who heard her quite clearly, straightened up wondering what did he do that made her angry?

Did she remember something? Was he standing too near? He was about to jump back inside the mansion when his steps halted and his eyes widened. He gasped.

"Mr. Raizada!" She called him directly when no one was able to convince her the reason of his behavior.

He turned with exaggerated slowness and looked at her like a deer caught in headlights.

Khushi felt like shouting at him for testing her patience but for what and why she felt this way she has had no idea.

There was a time when she woke up from the comatose state, this same man used to hover around her almost all the time but suddenly he disappeared from her life and started avoiding her like plague. As if he would contract some disease if he as much as he talked to her or faced her.

Till date she couldn't decipher the reason behind this man's hot and cold behaviour. He was a mystery and since she didn't know when he has started intriguing her.

Was it the time when he used to ask her ridiculous questions to irritate her or the time when he stopped talking to her? For the last three years? When it begun, she didn't know.

But ever since, every night she has had some ridiculous dreams in which he was either holding her when she fainted, or was about to fall, or helping her when she was sick lying in an unknown room dressed in some fancy lehenga.

There was this one time she dreamt of herself arguing with him to accept that he gifted her bangles. He doesn't seem like a man who would even bother giving anyone a present let alone her.

Why she has had such vivid dreams that included him only? With either him teasing her or her irritating the hell out of him? Why does she dream that she put sugar in his SUV tank or hiding in his car trunk or in his cupboard in his room? How is it possible?

He stayed abroad all his life (according to her). He wasn't even here when Jiji and Akash Jiju married then why was she dreaming of seeing him in her sister's wedding functions that felt so real?

In which he was either bandaging her injured wrist, or gifting her bangles or her fussing over him when he went missing one time.

Her dreams always stop at a certain time where she is heading towards the terrace of Shantivan on the night of Jiji's marriage. And this cycle of dreams continued replaying in almost all her dreams ever since he stopped coming in front of her.

The days she dreamt of him were the only one when she would be able to sleep peacefully otherwise she has had a disturbed sleep craving for something she had no idea about.

What does all that mean? How can she have such vivid dreams that included him and just him? How can she feel peaceful having that kind of illusion in her mind? She kept that conflict in her mind for she didn't want to worry her family.

Not that it all hindered her free spirit or daily activities or serene life but ever since she saw how he reacted two months ago when she joined AR, he has stopped coming in her dreams and so did she has stopped having peaceful sleeps at nights.

Why? Why did she keep dreaming of something that never happened? Why did her dreams included him and now they doesn't?

Was it also the side-effect of the coma she was in for an year? Or altogether something else?

She didn't know the answer to all her questions that why? Why does she keep feeling his eyes on her in his office and felt his presence but when she looks to his direction he runs away?

He may think she doesn't notice that? Oh she does alright. It was as if he wanted to say something to her but can't. There is this kind of restlessness she feels emanating from him even when she look at him from afar. What is it she didn't know but all she knew was that it bothered her.

Why can't he smile and laugh like she has seen him do in her dream just once? Where she had some kind of turmeric powder on her face, seeing which he has laughed so beautifully?

Oh the imaginative Arnavji in her dreams was better than this real man in person. If it was up to her she would replace this taciturn mysterious man to that playful teasing one. Humph!

The whole time she has had her hooded gaze fixed on him everyone has had their breaths stuck in their throats and faces losing colors.

Arnav's condition was the most pitiful. He felt like a criminal standing in the witness box.

"What the hell is your problem?" A seething Khushi blasted on him without moving from her place.

"W-What?" He whispered to himself but the pin drop silence was such there in the air that everyone still heard him.

"Why are you standing there when you should be standing right beside your brother and sister-in-law to give them your blessing."

Arnav swallowed hard. "I... I did congratulate them."

"How? By sending a voice message to them? Seriously is this the way to treat your family?"

"I... I am sorry." He mumbled lowering his head like a kid getting scolded by his mother.

Despite the tension lingering in the air everyone felt their lips quirking up at their interaction. Adorable to say the least. Where a wife was scolding her husband to teach him some manners. Although here, the woman has had no idea of the relation she shared with the said man.

"Why are you saying sorry to me? Say it to Akash Bhai and Payal Jiji!" Oh she wasn't requesting. She herself didn't realize she said it with utter command in her voice.

Arnav raised his head to look at Akash and Payal to mumble an apology as his Khushi wanted him to. But no, Khushi wasn't satisfied with it.

"Not like that. Come here to say it facing them." Came her next command.

That sent chills down her spine. Going to them means standing just beside her and jeopardise her health.

"NO!" He yelled and barged inside the mansion leaving a dumbfounded Khushi and sympathic family behind for his predicament knowing very well why he reacted like that.

Khushi's shock subsided and when it did her legs were about to move to follow him on their own accord when Payal held her wrist realizing the gravity of the situation.

"Khushi, it's okay. You don't have to fight with him for us. Not only did he congratulate me and Akash but also gifted us a special something."

Khushi's features mellowed down at that.

"Really?" Her eyes twinkled. Her stance at this moment resembled perfectly of a spouse being proud of her husband when Payal showed her the gift Arnav has given the couple.

And as she gathered her senses which have wavered for those minutes she saw everyone looking at her worriedly.

Mama, Mami ji and Akash Bhai's anxious faces made her feel guilty for bossing Mr. Raizada. What right did she have to put him on the spot in front of his family?

"I am sorry. I didn't mean to..."

"Hello hi bye bye. Sorryz for what, Khushi bitiya? In factz we should say thank youz to you as you see all of us are too scared of him to set him straight but todayz you said everything we all wanted to say to him. Isn't it?" Manorama turned to Manohar who agreed with her and patted Khushi's shoulder.

Akash gave her a side hug and then Khushi was all smiles again as she thanked her best friend for giving such a supportive in-laws to her Jiji.

They are the best. She loves them. Whether it was Manorama Mami who speaks such a funny language or the ever so sweet Anjali ji whose smiles are always so affectionate towards her, or Manohar Mama ji who is such an amazing and supportive father-in-law and Akash Jijaji he is such a gentleman. Her niece or nephew would be brought up in such a healthy loving environment. What else could she ask for?

Her smile faltered a bit as her thoughts went to particular someone who doesn't even know how smile.

Why? Why can't he smile like his family does? What bothers him so? Why does he always look so miserable as if he has lost something precious?

What did he lose? Just the thought of it make her want to find out the mystery behind the gloominess of that man so that she can make him smile like everyone else.

What the hell? Why? Why does she want to even bother about him? Clearly he seemed that he doesn't want to be around her. He avoids her all the time. Runs away when she walks into the room.

But still, why the thought of him staying alone somewhere in this same mansion when all of them are outside prickle her so? What is it with this man that she can't seem to ward off the worry nagging her almost all the time?

Why was he making a cobweb around her mind that she just can't seem to get him out of there without getting injured herself?

"Anjali ji, if you don't mind. Can I say something?" Khushi said following Anjali to the kitchen with the used utensils in both their hands.

"Of course Khushi Ji. You can tell me anything." Anjali smiled placing the plates in the washbin and so did Khushi.

"Why isn't Mr. Raizada married yet? I heard he is almost 33 years old. I mean I don't need to pry. I mean... I don't know. Maybe if you'd get him married to someone he might not remain or feel that lonely or aloof anymore."

Or maybe he would smile then? She said it in her head.

Khushi felt her throat closing up at the end and the sheen of tear in her eyes appeared behind her lids that not her but Anjali noticed.

Anjali was too stunned to speak and the loud crash to the ground made them both turn only to find a flustered Payal standing at the door with her hands trembling.

"Jiji!" Khushi rushed to her to keep her away from the scattered pieces of the broken plate that might hurt her.

Behind her Akash was standing thunderstruck as well but his hold on the cutlery has tightened instead of loosening as he heard what Khushi has said.

The most heartbroken was the man standing many steps away who has just come down after composing himself to get devastated once again hearing her wish.

She wants him to marry someone else? Does she even know what the hell was she talking about? Of course she doesn't. Otherwise why else would a wife suggest to get her own husband married?

As Khushi fussed over Payal, Akash and Anjali barely managed to get a hold of themselves, Arnav's desolation turned into full blown fury.

"How dare you!"

All four of them turned to the voice and saw him standing across the hall with his furious gaze fixed on Khushi.

"How dare you even say something like that?"

Khushi was surprised he heard her. Surprised but not scared. Even seeing the raging fire boring holes into her eyes she felt not fear but concern.

"I know I don't have the right."

"The hell you don't." He retorted with his eyes blazing fire.

"Mr. Raizada. I just--"

"You just what? Don't suggest something until you are fully sure of it. I might as well take your advise if I became unhinged and then make sure not only would I get to have a happy married life with a 'wife' but also make sure she never leaves me!"

For some reason the determination in his eyes stunned and scared her both this time. She felt herself taking a step back swallowing hard. Something in her told her to run and she did.

Arnav threw his face into his hands while the trio witnessing their intense face off released the heavy sighs. Payal followed after her sister while Anjali and Akash turned to Arnav.

"Bhai. You shouldn't have said that." Akash said silently.

"Exactly. Chote, didn't you see she suggested that because she seemed worried for you?" Anjali said softly.

"Worried? No way. That woman's life mission is to get on my nerves and make me suffer!" His voice cracked.

Her suggestion drove a knife through his heart. It means she was okay seeing him with someone else. He thought he was still alive somewhere in her heart even if she doesn't remember him but her words today crushed all of his wishful thinking.

All the efforts he put in to keep himself together wore off. No words of assurance worked on him.

The fact that she was back to her usual self the next day itself as if she didn't tear apart his being the previous day added fuel to the fire.

AR witnessed the comeback of a devilish version of their boss. No, not ASR. He wasn't ASR anymore nor was he the man who became calm and collective over the years. This one seemed possessed. As if some satan has taken over him.

Everyone steered clear of his path. He scared the heck out of them. His condition worried his family but he was way past caring as the destruction inside of him was getting too much.

The gym, the therapist, her pictures, her videos, her diary didn't work anymore, nor did talking to his Di.

He was craving for something else. Or rather say someone else. He was enraged on that someone as well. His fire and rage refused to cool down.

On the other side his employees including Aman were petrified of him these days. Today there was the discussion going on who would be going up to his cabin to tell the boss that office hours are over and everyone needed to go back home.

In the morning he has strictly ordered everyone that until he doesn't allow nobody is to leave the office no matter the time.

Khushi, unaware of his order, was about to leave when she heard the employees talking about it.

It made her frown. What is going on with that man? Why is he torturing every worker these days? Today he has crossed his limits. He could intimidate his other employees by this attitude but not her.

She would show it to him. She squared her shoulders and before anyone could stop her she was already barging into the lion's den unarmed.

"What is wrong with you, Mr. Raizada?" She burst out as soon as she was inside his cabin.

He sprang up from his seat and moved back with his expressions hardening. It only fueled her anger.

"What is bothering you? You weren't like this the last almost three months I've been working here. What has changed you so drastically to make everyone hell scared of you?"

"You. You're the problem. You are the root cause of every fucking problem in my life. Got that? Now get out of here. Leave me alone!" The lava burst out of his words and eyes. All his stance.

"Me?" As compared to him she was calm and collective. "What did I do?" She asked more to herself than him before it dawned on her.

"Is it because of what I said to Anjali ji the other day?" She asked cautiously. "If so, I apologize. I'll make sure not to pry in your personal matters anymore."

"Of course!" He scoffed. "You never bothered before. You'd not bother even now. That's your speciality!"

"I'm trying to talk civilly with you here. Would you also calm down and tell me why are you so angry at me?"

"Because I am tired. So tired!"

"Okay. It's already past the office time. Go back home and rest. Let your workers do the same."

She suggested trying her best to remain calm as something kept poking her heart.

Was it his bloodshot eyes or the misery on his face? Or just the fact she knew that if she tried to bridge the gap he would run away from her?

"I wish I could. But there too I can't get any peace." He hollered making her flinch. The churning in her stomach intensified.

"Look, if you can't tell me the reason then go to the person who can help you. This way you'd become insane."

"As if you care!"

"I do. I care. You're my Jiji's Jethji. I don't want anything bad for you."

In answer he threw his head back and laughed mirthlessly. It sent chills run down her spine. Downstairs there was a deafening silence as everyone heard the couple's intense fight and dreaded faceoff with their hearts jumping up their throats.

His laughter dissolved into wild look on his face. She shuddered as her throat turned dry.

"Get out." He gritted. When she kept looking at him without any fear he felt his anguish doubling up.

"I said OUT. Leave me alone Khushi. For god's sake leave me the hell alone. Leave or else I'd seriously go ballistic."

"Why? What have I ever done to you that you're bursting out like this on me?" His anger rubbed on her too.

"You ruined my life. My peace!" He screeched.

"How?" She yelled back. "That's what I'm asking. How? How did I ruin your life when we barely talked or met? Tell me what's your peace. Where is it? Tell me so that I can get it for you and you'd stop being like this!" She exclaimed with her heart thundering in her ears.

"Great. So fucking great. Ruin someone's life. Scatter them into pieces and then come. Pretend to console them as if they mean something to you. You have some amazing talent, Khushi Kumari Gupta!" He mocked furiously.

"It's useless talking to you!" She snapped shooting daggers at him.

"Of course now it's useless. There was a time when..."

"When?" She frowned as her anger melted into confusion.

He swallowed hard. The tears in his eyes were prickling her own eyes.

Arnav dropped his head down to hold the edge of his table standing across the large desk. While she stood on this side with tears thickening in her eyelids.

He was too broken and devastated to think or act rationally. Everything has puffed off his mind and what remained were his broken scattered pieces that were mercilessly poking his insides.

She wasn't helping much either by coming in front of him at his lowest point. When all he wanted was to hug her and cry in her arms only. Knowing that he can't just added to his agony.

"Mr. Raizada?" She called out gulping her tears. "Do you need water? Should I get it for you? The jug in your office is emp--"

"Instead of killing me everyday why don't you do it at once and be done and over with it?" He snapped his eyes up to her in vengeance.

She gasped. "Why would I do that to you? Look I have no grudges with you. I don't even know you!"

"Right. That's the main problem. Isn't it?"

"You want me to get to know you better?" She questioned him perplexed.



She saw his lower lip trembling as in the effort to control his sobs.

"What I want, you can't give me."

"We won't know that until you'd open up to me would we?"

"I know how that would end." He said defeated. With his shoulders slumped.


"In a way that might take away my life." He croaked out running his hands all over his face.

"Mr. Raizada, do you want me to resign from this job?" She asked and saw his eyes flashing up to her. The intensity in them shook her insides.

Again. Again she was talking about going away from him. Of course why won't she. She wants him to marry someone else and settle down in life. Without her. She wants him to suffer endlessly while she would remain blissfully unaware of how she was punishing him continuously for years!

"You know what dammit. I hate you! I hate you so damn much!" He yelled out at the top of his voice with his eyes filled with unshed tears, corner of which were rimmed red. His face was contorted in sheer agony tugging at her heartstrings.

Instead of getting terrified like others would have at the way he hysterically bellowed she found herself walking across the table to stand facing him. He was too full up to rage to even think that he needed to move back. He can't let her come closer. Like this!

"Arnav ji, why are you always so miserable around me?" She asked while she wiped his tears with the back of her fingers softly.

She didn't know why but it just came natural to her to console him. His pain and tears grip her heart into a fist. His rage doesn't scare her nor did his declaration of hate. Why? She has had no idea about that either.

"Why is it that your pain hurts me too?"

He stared at her shocked. A long lost memory of a memorable Holi of years ago struck him hard at her question. It unleased the poisonous feelings raging through his veins.

"Why is it that every time I see you, my heart starts beating fast?" She had had asked then.

He blinked his eyes shocked at her. He thought she doesn't care anymore but...

All the anguish doubled over within him as he heard her next words,

"I am trying to understand it. But I can't. Why does it happen, Arnav ji?"

He waited for the flash of memories to struck her hard as she has asked him something almost similar to this years ago.

Speechless, he even took three steps back from her afraid that it'd trigger her mind badly but nothing of that sort happened even after many moments as she looked at him waiting patiently for him to clear her dilemma.

Who the hell was he kidding? In his despair he has failed to notice that she was standing in a closed cabin with him just a few steps away and still she didn't get triggered.

Not only that, wasn't she around him under the same roof for almost three months and still nothing bad happened. Neither her health deteriorated nor did anything untoward happened with her.

They came face to face accidentally various times in the same span and still she didn't had any panic attacks either while instead of realizing that he was busy running away from her.

Why did it take so long for him to figure out? Because he was hell scared to lose her. The blinding concern for her didn't let him see anything beyond his need to protect her that he even failed to notice the obvious changes in her mental stability.

"Because I love you." He grabbed the chance and possibility with open hands and rushed forward to cup her cheeks firmly bleary eyed.

"Because I love you so much." His hold tightened on her face as he threaded his fingers in her hairs.

Khushi stood staring at him as her heart did a flip or somersault? It soon drummed in her ears. She wasn't shocked, she realized.

It should have stunned her after seeing how he has been so frustrated and angry at her just a few moments ago. Even yelled at her telling her how much he hated her. But no, her heart accepted it as it is as if it knew that he loved her. It was natural. Given. Most concrete truth ever. Was it?

"You do?" She held his wrists holding her face. It was as if she was in a daze. Spell. Of his proximity and his sudden confession.

He has removed the distance and was breathing on her face now almost crying out in joy for finally being able to hold her. The heartwrenching beautiful moment made him almost break down into tatters.

She didn't push him away, that was another source of comfort that washed through him mellowing down his agony some more.

"Yes. Yes. I love you so much. I'm bullshit and a fucking selfish man. I'm an asshole but I love you so much dammit." He nuzzled his nose with hers.

Oh god. Finally. Finally!

His declaration amused her. She giggled at how he verbally abused himself.

"Why are you cursing yourself?" She chuckled.

"Because I love you." His revert had such a deep innuendo but alas she couldn't understand it without her memories.

"Ohkay." She said and his eyes shot to hers. He was busy caressing her face nuzzling his nose with hers inhaling her scent taking her in when he heard her say 'okay'

"Okay means? Are you accepting my love? Accepting me? Giving me a chance to be with you?" He asked earnestly.

When she didn't say anything he slipped his arms around her waist and gathered her close to his heart making her gasp.

He did what he wanted to do for so long. So very long.

He squeezed her in his arms holding onto her for his dear life and the peace that he was craving for washed over him at last. Everything settled down within him.

The anger, the restlessness, the helplessness, the anguish, the insecurities, the longing. Every fucking angsty feeling sucked out of him and tranquility rushed through him as he buried his face to the side of her neck and took in her natural scent closing his eyes in content. Oh she smells like heaven. Peace. Fresh blooming flowers.

"Be mine. Be with me. I love you. I will not let you regret it (this time-he said in his mind) Please Khushi say that you'll be mine."

Plethora of emotions rushed through her. His hold on her made her feel the sense of familiarity as if it wasn't the first time he has had been holding her like this.

The intimate hug warmed her cheeks as well as made her feel apprehensive. She frowned at the conflict and the questions rising within her.

"Did you hold me like this before?" She asked ignoring his other earnest pleadings.

He swallowed hard. His heart dropped in his stomach in terror.

What if she remembered his cruelty and then pushed him away? After years he got to hold her without any fear .

What if her memories take away this moment of bliss? For years of staying in barren deserted land of anguish he was given an oasis of solace by her after so much suffering and anguish.

What if it all, her, are taken away from him again? He shuddered visibly and dropped his head to her shoulder tightening his hold around her.

He who has vowed to not be selfish in case of her threw his own resolve out of the window.

Doctor has said not to trigger her memories too. He consoled himself before doing what he did next. He leaned back just enough to look in the most beautiful pair of hazel eyes who were looking at him with so much confusion.

"Do you feel like I do? Maybe your heart is telling you to accept my love. That's why you are comfortable being this close to me." He said huskily and saw her cheeks flushing. His heart clawed. Eyes moistened.

"Why?" She asked him with her brows knitted. "I mean when did you fall for me?"

"From the very first moment I saw you." The words were out of his mouth before he could stop them.

"In the hospital?" She frowned. "You're staying abroad before that, right." She questioned. She was clutching his lapels lightly like she usually did before, making him so happy.

"I fell in love with you the moment I saw you." He said skipping the part how he degraded her on that very first meeting.

"When did we meet first?" Came her dreaded question.

She saw him the first time in the hospital's room when she woke up from coma. About almost five years ago.

His expressions were still intact on her mind. In fact everything he did after that (or so she thought) she remembers it along with his disappearance from her life for the whole 3 years.

But she doesn't know why she has a feeling in her heart that she has met him before. Why? How? Was she missing something? What about those dreams she keeps having about him?

"H-hospital." He stuttered to which he saw her face guarding up and she wriggled to come out of his arms but his face hardened at that.

"Give me a chance!" ASR demanded.

She narrowed her eyes at his commanding demeanor that appeared suddenly. For some reason it made her hell exasperated.

"Just because you love me doesn't mean that I'd love you too. I'm not obliged to reciprocate your feelings." She gritted out suddenly feeling so angry as if a lava was bursting within her and seeing that it only fueled the fire in his eyes as she protested strongly to get away.

"What should I do to earn a chance to be with you?"

"Let me go!" She struggled meaning to remove his arms from around her but it made him snap furiously.

Almost five years are enough of his punishment. Now he wanted her with him and he would get it.

"Never!" He growled as ASR resurfaced with full force strengthening his hold around her waist.

"What's your problem?" She banged her fists on his chest. Her eyes turned red with rage.

That's how Akash found them who has come running up the moment he was told the sudden unexpected Arshi face off just moments ago as he has come back from the outdoor meeting.

He was shell shocked seeing the chilling scene in his brother's office and rushed forward to separate them and pulled Khushi behind him standing protectively in front of her to face his out of control big brother.

"BHAI!" Akash's voice had a threatening edge. "Get a hold on yourself. What the hell do you think you're doing?" He warned his brother telling him through his eyes about the consequences of his brooding actions.

Brothers stood glaring at each other while Khushi was dumbfounded at the sudden turn of events.

One moment this man was erupting like a volcano on her, in the next as tender as cotton confessing his love and in another he transformed into an overpowering domineering monster. Much much scary than ever!

"Stop right there!" Arnav ignored Akash and yelled at Khushi who was quietly trying to sneak out hella confused and somewhat scared too.

Akash's eyes widened as he saw his Bhai back to his imposing ways. That he has vowed not to show to Khushi ever again. What the hell suddenly happened to him?

Bhai was always cautious even when he was dying inside to keep his distance from Khushi in the fear of losing her but now what changed?

He realized it sooner as he saw Khushi. Even after being so close to Bhai her memories and fainting episode hasn't happened. And Bhai has understood that and now he wasn't going to let her out of his sight ever.

Akash felt scared suddenly seeing the obstinacy in his brother's eyes.

Arnav has suffered, no one can deny that. He has paid back a heavy price for everything he has done but still this is not the way to get what he wanted the most after the torturous hell he went through without Khushi

The fact that Khushi herself unleased the worse version of ASR few days back when she suggested Di that Arnav should be married, didn't help at this moment either. ASR was back days ago and at this moment he was fully in control not to let Khushi get away from him!

Despite Akash's interference, Arnav has grabbed a visibly bewildered Khushi's wrist and pulled her along with him out of his cabin. Akash came running behind them downstairs trying to make him see sense.

"Bhai. Bhai. Please. Let's sit down and talk first. Let her go. You are scaring her. Can't you see?"

"Mr. Raizada, leave my hand. I said let go of me. I don't want to go anywhere with you. Leave me right this instant."

AR workers saw the fiasco happening in front of their eyes as Akash stepped in his way while Khushi was struggling to free her hand frustrated now.

She gasped and so did Akash as Arnav bent a bit and hauled her up in his arms bridal style causing every eyes to widen there whilst they looked at them stumped.

He dared Akash to stop him or he'd see that nothing can hinder him now. A dumbstruck Akash kept standing with his mouth open as Arnav whispered something in his ear.

Khushi's yells reverberated in the air as she demanded to be put down flailing her legs only for ASR to stride forward seeing that Akash was too shocked to stop him anymore and that's what he needed.

Coming out to the parking lot he deposited her on the passenger seat of his SUV and gave her a warning glare to keep sitting.

She spitted fire at him and she wouldn't be Khushi if she listened to him so she jumped out only to get trapped between him and the car behind.

After a lot of pulling and pushing from both sides he finally managed to settle them in the car and drove off.

Khushi was now cursing whatever has made her confront this monster. She should have let him be. Humph! But she has done 'aa bail mujhe maar!' thing.

She was stunned when she found that he has brought them to the hospital.

"What is wrong with you? Why are you behaving like a psychopath?" She exclaimed and earned a roll of eyes from him making her jaws drop.

"That's such an understatement to define me!" He has had an audacity to say.

Years of so much anguish and suffering has left him so injured and separation from her has made him crazier than any other psychotic disorders discovered in this world that no psychiatrist in this world could cure him now. Except one single person who alas doesn't have any MBBS degree!

All the therapies he had been to, to tone down his dominating nature proved useless at this moment as he let his overbearing persona take over him without letting any guilt overpower him.

Much to her exasperation she went through varied number of medical tests and examination in the next couple of hours and much to her chagrin he insisted that they would wait in here only in a private room before the results came out.

When she hollered at him that her family would be worried as office hours are over and she isn't home still to which he solemnly told her that Akash already would have told them by now.

He was sure of that seeing the number of unopened messages and several missed calls on his cell which he didn't bother to answer. He has confiscated her bag as well that contained her mobile much to her bewilderment.

He didn't care about anything else now that he has her with him. Everyone has had so much of her time already while he has stayed aside patiently for years with a big void in his heart.

Now it was his turn to be with her. To appease his longing. He wasn't going to let her go ever again. He was just waiting for doctor's opinion before making his next move. In that span he has already set a plan in his mind to make her his forever.

World can call him selfish or deranged or obsessed or whatever the hell they wanted but nothing is doing to deter him from being with her. By hook or by crook!

A while later he was called to the doctor's room. He left the private cabin leaving her alone.

She sighed in relief and reached to the door only to find it locked from outside. She groaned in frustration.

Laad Governor! She will kill him!

Laad Governor? What a weird name! But it suits this man anyway so she decided to keep it. Laad Governor he would be for her from now on. Period!

"Your assumption is right. Her test records has come out clean. Even her EEG(brain activity) is normal. She is completely out of danger. Even if she remembers or your memories trigger her it wouldn't affect her health critically. Congratulations Mr. Raizada. She has recovered fully now."

That's the assurance he needed. A sigh of relief left him whilst his eyes prickled. The shield around her mind was down now. It was his chance given to him miraculously (his third miracle in his one life).

She has unknowingly done the impossible again. She was literally an epitome of miracles. His miracle!

"Thank you for this chance. I would make the best of it." He said looking above before heading back to the room he has left her locked.

Oh she would be so angry. He knew she must have tried to leave. She now simply can't. Come hell or high water.

He opened the door and grabbed her elbow pulling her back in front of him as she tried to leave whilst she was hiding behind the door to wait for it to open to escape.

Unfortunately she doesn't know still how stubborn her husband was. She soon will!

"I did all the scans and tests. Results are already out. Now get off my face. Let me go!" She gritted out.

"You wanted to know how you know my touch? My embrace, right? Why it all seem so familiar to you?" He caressed her cheek with his bent fingers.

She sucked in her breaths. Her heart thumped in her chest vigorously and her ears buzzed as he made sure she was looking straight in his eyes when he said.

"That's because I'm not just your sister's brother-in-law but also your husband, Mrs. Arnav Singh Raizada!"


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