Sharing the bed

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Her words left Vikram taken aback. He had never seen Nandini this furious, her usually calm demeanour replaced with a tempest of anger and hurt. He stood there, momentarily speechless, as her words echoed in the room.

"Don't you know love must be there between a couple in married life? Which we don't have," she added, her words stinging Vikram like a whip. Her accusation hung heavily in the air, a painful reminder of the misunderstanding that had led them to this point.

Vikram was silent for a moment, his mind racing as he grappled with her words. He knew he needed to address her concerns, to explain his feelings, but he also understood that this moment called for careful words and empathy. He needed to reassure Nandini, to let her know that her feelings mattered, and most importantly, that he did love her. But now was not the time - Nandini's anger needed to cool, and Vikram needed to choose his words wisely for when the time came to bridge the gap between them.

Vikram stood silent, his mind processing her words, attempting to formulate a response. But Nandini continued to speak, her voice resonating with a mix of anger and sorrow. "I remained silent for Uncle because he loved me like his own daughter and supported my education. I wanted him to be happy in his last days. But remember this, Vikram, I will only stay in this relationship until Uncle is alive..."

Her words hung in the air, the finality of her statement echoing through the room. A heavy silence descended upon them, punctuated only by their laboured breathing. Vikram felt a pang in his heart. The woman he loved was bound to him not by love, but by duty, and that realisation stung.

His mind raced with thoughts and questions. He wanted to tell her about his feelings, about the love he had for her, but her anger and the harsh reality of her words held him back. He realised that he needed to give her space, to respect her feelings and decisions. But he also knew that he wouldn't give up; he would wait for the right moment to express his feelings, hoping that one day, their marriage could transform from one of duty to one of mutual love.

"I have already spoken with a lawyer about our divorce..." Nandini's voice cut through the silence, her tone stern. Vikram felt as though the ground had been pulled out from under him. The word 'divorce' rang in his ears, setting his mind into a whirlwind of shock and disbelief.

The Nandini he knew from their childhood was sweet and kind. She was never harsh or cold with anyone. But the woman standing before him now was different, her words and actions a stark contrast to the friend he had grown up with.

"I hope you know very well how to manage everyone outside, that we are a happily married couple," she added, her voice dripping with sarcasm. The biting remark was a punch to Vikram's gut, a harsh reminder of the reality they now found themselves in.

Without another word, Nandini turned and made her way towards the dressing area, leaving a stunned Vikram behind. He watched her go, his mind a tumult of thoughts and emotions. He realised that the journey ahead was going to be more challenging than he had ever imagined. But with a heavy heart, he resolved to navigate the troubled waters, hoping that with time, he could mend the rift between them and bring back the friendship and love they once shared.

She looked at herself in the mirror in the dressing area in the bridal attire. She had tears in her eyes looking at the nuptial chain around her neck. She held her nuptial chain in her hands.

" Vicky.... Why did you marry me? Because your dad gave me half of your property on my name? Why do you change like a selfish person? " She questioned in her mind.

" The person whom I knew is not him. Vikram, I loved, is so caring and selfless..." She mumbled to herself.

" When I am trying to come out of his memories, then why did you plan our destiny like this? Don't you know how difficult it is for me to stay close to me and act as if I have no feelings for him? Why are you testing me like this? " she questioned God with tears.

Whereas Vikram stayed in the same place thinking about what she spoke. He waited for her to return from the dressing area. When she was not coming out from there, he felt restless.

After a while, She came out, letting out her pain through tears. Vikram felt relieved when he noticed her coming out wearing pyjamas. She scanned with her eyes around the room for the place to sleep. She has been so tired since the morning. Not only that, she was having a severe headache.

Understanding her state, Vikram said , " Nandu...if you have trust in me We can share the bed. Or else I will sleep on the floor...."

Nandini instantly turned her head and looked at him with surprise.

" You married me for my father's happiness. It's my responsibility to take care of you. I promise you that I won't make you uncomfortable with my presence in the bed..." he assured.

Without responding to his words, she walked to the bed and laid on one side of the bed. She closed her eyes but her heart was beating fast. The thought of sharing a bed with him was making her feel restless. She took a long breath to calm her racing heart. She tried to concentrate on her breath so that she could sleep, ignoring his thoughts.

A few moments later, she sensed the other side of the mattress was dripping. She could feel his presence with his cologne. She slightly opened her eyes and found the room was completely dark.

In the grip of fear, she screamed and turned to him to make sure he was with him. Immediately She clung to him tightly, as darkness enveloped her, causing her body to tremble.

He wrapped his hand around her and patted her back gently. Then he turned on the bed lamp on the bedside table.He comforted her with a gentle touch and brought light into the room, dispelling the darkness that triggered her fear. As their bodies drew close, he felt a surge of new emotions. He longed for the moment to linger, cherishing the embrace with a desire for time to pause.

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