chapter 1: strange world

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Sound of the door open up wide,Reveal the one opening it,wear a Short black shirt,Mini skirt,A plam tree hair that was lay down to the eyes,The eyes was Purple fill hatred and determine of...killing,the one open it was....

Envy:Smile "I here to kill him,Take me to Hohenheim of light place

A lot of black hand wrap his Armr,Drag him into the unknown full of golden light,envy smile,he finally have what he wants it now,To kill the one abandoned him and even in his view replace him,He doesn't care Whatever place he are in,He will have the kill

Suddenly something changed,Envy turn his head see the hand that wrap him,Become the little small baby they are climbing onto his armr, Scarth it

Envy gritted his teeth,he can let this kill go away this one of his life time he must have it

Envy: "STOP MESSING WITH ME,YOU DO WHAT I SAID?!"he push those baby out of his armr when A white light Move up and down Reveal a Form he most despise most "YOU TAKE ME TO HOHENHEIM OF LIGHT,TO THAT FATHER"sound of white ring He changed another form,But this form he have is True form "TO MY FATHER"

White ring cover his body one more,but now he is become a Green,large and gigantic Dragon,Flew over to light of one purpose kill his own father

Is this the end of him?

No it isn't?!
Somewhere in a different world,This world wasn't old but a futuristic and modern world,the building have a screen commercial,train moving on the electric ray

Car was passing though the traffic lamp now green

People waking holding phone,call text even livestream through out

This futuristic world was located in the blossoms country and a have a infamous mountain,It is nation Japan, People in here is Japanese,Place that are more modern is shibuya!

Far from It there was a few block Of house,place with each other,Left,Right and in between of it,there was a house,That house is like a mainson,Big and luxury.

Inside of the house,there was room,the room was clean and isn't messing,on the bed there was a girl lay,She slowly open her eyes,she wake up, stretch her armr, a sight she have be awake

The step down on the ground,the girl have a fair skin,a blue hair,she wear a pink dress sleep clothes

Her name was kazuha,Kazuha approach to the curtain,she grab it and open up,let the sun light shine to her.

She close her eyes,enjoy the sun,shine up to her,she open her eyes and smile,she remembers their is someone need to be wake up too
In the another roo,there was a little boy,he is sleeping,very peacfully,untill the blanket was pull out,make him Annyoing,the pull out was Kazuha,the boy was younger than her,he have blue hair,wear a small shirt and short pant

This was kazuya Aoi, Little brother of kazuha.

Kazuha:smile "Rise and shine brother"

Kazuya: don't want to wake up "Sis...give me a five more minutes will ya?"

Kazuha: "Uh-ah,young boy shouldn't sleep so long,you need to wake up"

Kazuya:turn with his puppy face "Please sis..."

Kazuha look at his face,she would want wake him up,but to that face how can she said no,plus,she and him don't have anything to do,well is best let him rest for while.

Kazuha: "Okay,you silly bro,take a rest,But don't forget to your breakfast"

Kazuya:smile"thank sis"

Kazuha smile,she stand up, approach to the door,open it and walk out.
In the nowhere place,there was a military base,base for solider to training and monitor the world,if there is a threat,but thing is,there is no men,only girls,they all girls no men,they training with the simple weapon,like chain,spear and sword.

They wear somekind military suit,the suit was Blue and have stripe,On they left shoulder path have symbol of star cross with each other

(Control room)
One of woman,are monitor the scan on the screen,she see thing was normal,untill something make her wide eyes,a red monitor came from nowhere.Woman 2 notice this,she look at woman 1

Girl 2: "We detect a unidentified"

Girl 1:turn look at woman "It is nova?"

Girl 2: "No Mrs,this is something different,and Unknow,it signal was very strong"

Girl 1 see this is out of her league,if this unidentified thing wasn't those so call nova,then look like,she going need to someone,might scientists

Girl 1: "Get me on line profesor gengo now"

Girl 2: understood "Yes ma'am"she run out of the control room,leave girl 1 with a confuse on her face.
(Japan city)
Today Japan was full and crowded,lot of people are walking,doing they job,some are playing,some are go to market buy food.

On a side street,a foot walk,it belong to kazuha,Kazuha now wear a long white dress,she have a hat on her,she is walking around the city,to sightseeing

Perhaps go market to make a food to her brother and her,she is walking,that is all, nothing seem to be happend.

As she was walk,she stop a moment notice a lot of children mainly girl are admire on those girl of military which was call pandora,a Valkyrie,warrior of humanity to fight again nova, Kazuha don't mind of little girl admire,oh let just the see pandora was cool and awesome,but to her it wasn't that easy.

She walk away again,how she know it isn't easy,is because she was one of them,but different that she isn't training in academy but by her Grandpa,The famous scientists of all,gengo Aoi,Frist one creat pandora.

There is a time,she was wonder about those nova,why they here,are they here simple to wipe out Humanity or there was something else,that she doesn't know,She only know,that she was a protector of humanity...if that what she think.
Kazuha approach to her house door,she open up,she wide eyes see her little bros are eat Breakfast.

Kazuya:smile "A you back big sis?"

Kazuha:smile "I back now kazuha,oh I brought a food before came back home"

Kazuya:eyes have star "Wow,you are a best sis"

Kazuha:smile "oh don't compliment me so much"she give to pack of food to Kazuya "Here ya go,put wash the fish and meat,I go shower for a minutes then I will return make a lunch for both of us"

Kazuya:smile "I understand sis"he take the pack,run to kitchen do what his sister tell.
In a bathroom, Kazuha is naked,she put her body into the tub water,She close her eyes,she sight of pleasant,she feel refreshed when take a bath.

Kazuha:open eyes,smile"Uh nothing,better than bath in a house,so refresh"She raise her both armr,touch her two breast "These two is Begin growing now"she smile" kazuya going shy for this"She giggle think a pank to her brother,for fun,she lay her both armr down.

Everything was normal...untill a bright light suddenly appear,She can feel the heat,she raise left armr cover her face,Something land down the water,is splash her,as well make her freak out,the light then gone,she open her eyes,see what splash her,She wide eyes,saw a person lay on the water,she is wonder who is this and why in her bath

Kazuha: "Excuse me,sit,you are in mine bathroom"her cheek is blush,Frist someone into her tub well usually her brother,but this was different.

No sight of answer,Just a sight of the person violence rise up,Grab her neck,pinned to her to wall,Kazuha feel his hand are so tight as well,so powerfull,She look at the eyes,she saw a violet purple as well the bandage on the forehead had a upside triangle.

The person that strangled her,Is suddenly faint,but faint on kazuha breast,Make her blush,a Frist person lay on her chest,She don't know,what is happend,she just question why this person is here,as her instinct make her scream

Kazuha: "KYA"she shout over the house,A door open it was Kazuya open it

Kazuya: "Sister are you..."he haven't finished word when he saw A person lay on kazuha chest "SISTER"he shout too.
Kazuha now full dress,she wear a pink dress,and a short pant,Kazuya is stand next with her,and where is person well...lay on they couch,now fully reveal who is person,It was none other than Envy

Kazuha look at him,she is wonder how did he get into her bathroom,and why he stragglers her and suddenly faint,that doesn't make sense

Kazuya:look at his big sis "Sis,who is she?"

Kazuha: surprise of kazuya question "I don't think that is woman"

Kazuya: "How can you sure of that sis"

Kazuha: "I have a hunch,tell me this is A man"

Kazuya: "Then why a man like him into your bathroom"he wide eyes,have this thought "What if he is a pervert sis"

If he truly a pervert then why,he stragglers her,is like he want to kill her,but why?,she notice on his left thick have a tattoo,tattoo of dragon it own tail

Her curious,best her,she want to know,what that tattoo is it and why it so strange on her,her right hand slowly touch it,as she touch it a red light,stuck on her,make her pull away.

Kazuya:saw his sister hand was be hurt "Sister"

Kazuha: "I okay"She look at kazuya and look at envy

it most strange that he have a red lighting that can hurt her hand,she feel something different that is came from him,she feel hatred,anger and sadistic,she don't know what that feel is,she move her right hand to check his pulse.

As she about touch him,His left hand, suddenly grab her,She wide eyes,Envy eyes open,He strongly push kazuha Make her backwalk,Kazuya run toward to her.

Kazuya: "Sister you okay"

Kazuha look at envy,As for envy he wake up,stand straight up,side his neck,She can hear the crack bone in him,Envy turn look at kazuha and kazuya,he grin at both of them

Envy:grin "Thank for wake me up,As you human can see,I have job to do,And don't have time to kill you,so...might be next time"he walk pass two of them.

Kazuha hear those word of him,she is wonder of his job, what is his job and do he mean next time to kill her and kazuya,who is he,Kazuya don't who is it,but when hurt his sister,he can let go that easy,he run pass to envy, stretch his armr to stop him.

Kazuya: "You not going anywhere,you going apologize mine sister"

Envy:Find it laughable,he brust out a laugh "hahahaha hahaha hahahaha hahaha hahahaha hahaha hahahaha,You tell me to sorry your sister hahaha,even I don't know who is she hahaha Why should I apologize to her"

Kazuya: "You hurt her"

Envy: "Give me a rest,I hurt a lot people,so I don't clearly remember...oh wait"he smile in a way not happy or joy,but sinister "I do remember hurt someone,But I don't give a fuck,So...get the fuck out mine way"

Kazuya:shake his head "No,you must apologize big sis"

Envy: "Oh well,is your star it"he grab kazuya,leap him up,he grin "So what I going to do with you pipsqueak?Chomp to half or cut to pieces,Either way both are painfull"

Kazuya is wide eyes,shock that this man or woman going kill him

Kazuya: "you aren't kill a child like me?"
Envy: chuckle "Hehehe you aren't only kid I kill,I kill a lot of kid"he keep his grin and from his word,he isn't joke about it, Kazuya scared of him,and he will do it,no hesitation and no mercy.

Kazuha see her brother are in trouble,envy can hurt her,but there is no way,he going hurt her brother,no one hurt her brother,She raise her right armr,a blue aura surround her,She summoned a blade.

Envy:grin "Said you pray pipsqueak"He shape his left armr become a blade,He raise prepare to stab him, Kazuya is scared,he don't know what do he is useless

When envy about thrust the blade,A blade cut off his left armr,make him drop kazuya down,the one chop his armr was Kazuha.Envy stumble,white light heal hisarmr.

Envy:Look at kazuha,as kazuha she is shield her brother "Okay,you ask for this,I was plan on kill that damm bastard,but you just make a death wish human"

Kazuha:hear a word human,it make her wonder and have this thought "are you a nova?"

Envy:dumbtruck "Wait...what the fuck,Is nova"

Kazuha:wide eyes "You don't know nova?"

Envy: "of course I don't know,you stupid human,Why they all have to ask a stupid question when the answer is already Infornt of you,I guess your stupid brain can take much"

Kazuha: "if your are not nova,then who are you?"

Envy:grin "If you want to,then let me introduce myself,I'm envy,That is all you need to know"

Kazuha: "Envy?that is weird name"

Envy: "Yeah I have a weird name so fucking what,I tell mine,is time you tell your"

Kazuha: "why should I want to tell mine name to you?"

Envy:smile "To make sure,you going die with a name....ah you know what,Let get over this shit"

Envy charges at kazuha,he change his both armr to a blade,He swing left blade, Kazuha raise her blade block it.

Envy:grin "I wonder,what kind face of you when you die"

Kazuha use her strength,she push him,make him backwalk,she charges swing the blade,Envy step away dodges of it, Kazuha swing blade again,envy step aside dodges of it,he round house kick, kazuha raise her blade block it,but the kick push her away,she still keep her foot steady.

Envy jump kneel strike on her, kazuha use her blade block again,she push him away,Envy is jump spin himself, Kazuha charged she swing her blade,Envy jump flip up himself two time,then jump high on spin himself

He land down behind her, kazuha turn meet a spin hook kick of him,make her backwalk and stumble.

Envy: "Face it,you can't win me,you know why cause I'm the superior of all kind"

Kazuha: "You overestimate,you enimes,that is your weakness"she charges thrust the blade,Envy step aside,he jump round house kick,Kazuha raise her blade block it,and hold his kick,Envy grin,he use second Leges jump round house kick on her head make backwalk.

Envy:land down with his both feet,he smile "oh really,cause those I fight,they thought that same,but it were they wrong,I guess they were the one shouldn't underestimate especially me"He charges,jump double kick,Kazuha dodges,she swing the blade,Envy duck of it,he raise his body,he swing left fist punch make her backwalk"Everyone said,Hit woman is bad thing,well Here is word I Don't give a fuck what they think"

Kazuha look at envy,she is surprised of his ability easily defeated her,she could use her jump card,and have upper hand of him,but that would exhausted her health,when she think a round house kick her head,make her fell on the ground.

Envy:smile "I warn you,you should let me go,but nooooooo you have to play hero,what a pathiec and bullshit"He approach to her,slowly.

It seem like she don't have a choice,she going use her jump card to win him.She stand up,facing him,Envy smile,Think she stand up to have another beat down,but before two of them can fight.

Something that throw throught the window,land on the ground it explosion but flash explos,make envy,kazuha and kazuya cover they eyes,When the light fade away.

Envy: gritted his teeth frustration "Aght WHO THE FUCK BLIND MINE EYES"

Here is his answer a electric,shock him on the neck,make him feel on the ground unconscious,Kazuha low her armr,when she see a girl wear pandora uniform,her face is stoic

Kazuha: "su-na-lee"

The pandora,name su-na-lee sort off Lee,look at kazuha with her stoic face, seriously she don't have a emotion.

Lee: "kazuha and kazuya,both of you come with me it will be a long ride"

Kazuha: surprise of this sudden invite "What?"

Lee: "You grandfather tell me,to take you two and these thing"she turn her head look at envy

Kazuha is curious and wonder,why gramp want meet them,and why have to bring envy too.

The engine of the car,shout it,it began drive away from the siblings house.

Inside of the car,Is kazuha with kazuya look at the house,they use to be in,Kazuha turn her head,forcus on envy as he is now lay on the hospital bed with a cuff,cuff his armr on the rail.

Kazuha have a lot questions in her mind,the appear of envy,the reason why she and her brother brought to they gramp,but also the feel she are have from him,feel like anger and hatred,what is hiding and why he have these feel.
On a groof top,a shadow firuges is observe the car by his blue vision have a shape of snake,His chest have blue snake

???: "so he be caught?tch-tch-tch Frist day be caught what a shame,But don't worry,you will be save"

Disappear in a black mist.

The end close two gear collapse each other and the symbol of dragon eat it own tail.
(Next chapter)





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