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Where am I?

Tick tock

Tick tock

Who are these people, I wondered

Tick Tock

Tick Tock

They continuously circled me, watching my every move.

I opened my eyes, to look around, seeing blood spatter on the walls

They came closer, and closer

I should have never came into this violent rage of a house

They came closer

And closer

That's when I realized, It was only one.

Pale faced and deadly, black shadows haunted it's every move.

It stopped in front of me, as I cowared back

It's limbs twisting and popping out of their sockets

I sat there, remembering the words, clear in blood, written like a way out

'Once You Encounter it, It will NEVER LET GO'

I slowly started crawling backwards, trying to escape its wrath

It twisted it's head, back and forth, as if I had angered it

I kept backing away on my back, smelling something horrific, until I hit something.....

Rotting flesh

I screamed at the slimy filth, glancing around, trying to find an exit, suddenly the room spun, until nothing was there, but me, it and the rotting corpse.

I back over, and onto the flesh, crying tears of horror now.

I should have NEVER taken that dare

Suddenly I heard the voice of a young child

"Someone is dead, a curse is born," It screamed in a hellish sound, ringing noises hung in the air, I could feel the blood seeping down my ears

"This is a place of death, NOW GATHER HERE,"

The shadows played merciless on the walls, no longer a child like sound

The thing screeched over and over

I lied there, sobbing out of fear for what, that ...that... thing could do

An unexpected wind blew through my hair, causing me to scream as something wrapped its arms around my body, pulling me backwards

I twisted in it's grip, my face wet with tears, It wouldn't let go-

It's hands wrapped around my mouth

I felt a horrific panic in my lungs

I wanted to give in so bad, this overwhelming pain in my lungs

"I wish to die," I gasped out

Not knowing I would receive that wish

Everything went dark

My eyes would never open again...

The curse continues

Searching for its next victim

Bạn đang đọc truyện trên: Truyen2U.Pro