1 - eudaemonism

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eudaemonism (n): a system of ethics that bases moral value on the likelihood that good actions will produce happiness.

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You know it's a bad day when you come home with the wrong miraculous.

How did this happen?

Let's rewind back to before the start of the school festival, shall we?

Marinette trudged up the stairs while feeling extremely burdened. The school festival, an event which happens every year, celebrates its anniversary by having, well, a festival. Plenty of food is served, games and shows are held, and the greatest perk of it all; no homework! Wondering why Marinette was feeling upset over it all?

One of the rumors of the Collège Françoise Dupont was so popular that it was something every student knew. If you liked someone in any of the classes, it was always a tradition to confess to them by giving them a small, silver-colored ring at the end of the night. If the person accepts the ring, then they will be together forever.

This was the first year Adrien had been at their school and she was completely sure he would be swamped by other girls wanting to give him their rings. And besides, would she be able to work up the confidence and even give him a ring to begin with? This could be her only chance. Her dark bangs drifted into her eyes while she thought and she blew them out of the way.

Pushing aside her negative attitude, she opened the door to the classroom to find her brown haired friend tackle her in midair. "Marinette!" Alya screamed into Marinette's ears. "The big day is coming up soon!" She looped her friend's arm with her own and dragged the terrified baker's girl into the room. "So, have you gotten your ring yet?" The brunette squealed as they sat themselves down in their seats.

"I don't know if I should even get it, Alya," Marinette laughed dryly. "So many girls would be after him. Especially one, in particular." She gesture at the blonde girl who's hair was tied back in a tight ponytail and anxiously tapping her feet, waiting for Adrien to show up very impatiently and nibbling at her thumbnail. "Chloé probably already set up a whole wedding ceremony set on speed dial."

Alya frowned, "That's awfully true." She shook her head, "You still shouldn't give up though, Marinette! Who knows? He might even accept yours." She winked and nudged with her elbow at the blushing girl.

Marinette smiled at her enthusiastic friend. "You're sure energetic, Alya. Did you get your ring for Nino ye-."

She was immediately shut up by a hand over her mouth. "Shh!" Alya hissed while strangling Marinette in the process, not wanting the boy with headphones a step below to hear their conversation. Marinette giggled against her hand as a wave of happiness flowed over her body, not knowing what sort chaos would ensue that day.

And boy, what a day it would be.


short intro chapter to start, but do not fret! more will come in the future.


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