3 - harmony

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harmony (n): the combination of simultaneously sounded musical notes to produce chords and chord progressions having a pleasing effect / agreement or concord.

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Adrien had no idea he was in for a whole world of trouble when he couldn't find his Miraculous. "Where in the world could it be, Plagg?!" He shuffled through his messenger bag for the fifth time today, chucking his textbooks across the room.

Plagg ducked as "The History or France" flew over his head with his arms over his face. "I don't know, I don't know!" The poor Kwami repeated. "I thought that was it!"

"I can't believe we picked up the wrong ring!" Adrien exclaimed, practically turning his room inside out for his Miraculous. "What if one of our classmates picked up the ring?! Who knows what they'll do with it!" He stood up on his bed to overlook the tornado that seemed to have swept through his room.

Plagg moved himself over to the box that held the Miraculous, opening it for the fifth time. His green eyes peered at the earrings as the frantic model scrambled up the stairs. "But wait a minute!" The Kwami called, and Adrien froze in his tracks. "These were in this box, right?"

"Are you blind, Plagg?" Adrien rolled his eyes.

"If these were in the Miraculous box..." Plagg clapped his little paws, an idea sparking in his mind. "Wouldn't these belong to another Miraculous holder?"

Adrien snapped into full attention mode. "Plagg, you're onto something!" He scurried back down the stairs and slid over to the box in a sweaty mess. His blonde bangs stuck to his forehead from running all over the place. "The only other person who has a Miraculous would be..."

"Camembert!" Plagg made a dive at his backpack, "I smell a piece left!"

Adrien simply sighed at the kwami's ignorance. At least Plagg got him on the right track, however.

A girl in a red suit with black spots entered his mind.

"Ladybug..." He breathed, holding the box up and picking up one of the black earrings. He twisted them between his index and thumb, inspecting it closely. Another piece of the puzzle instantly clicked in Adrien's mind. "This would also mean that she's a member in our class!" He exclaimed with his voice rising in joy. "This... This exchange happened during school, after all!"

His excitement began to bubble and boil, rising from his stomach all the way to his head. The girl who was always on her mind... Could even be sitting right behind him!

Plagg popped out of the bag with his right cheek full of food. "Ooh, one step closer to your dream girl! Nice going, Romeo!"

Heat burned his cheeks as Adrien's face turned bright red. He suddenly felt as if he should be holding the earrings gingerly, like they were extremely fragile. "She's in my class..." He repeated with his words filled with happiness. "So we're about the same age. That's good; now I know that I'm not in love with a three thousand year old woman!"

Plagg flew out of the messenger bag and landed on Adrien's shoulder. He looked at the jewelry and gave a little giggle. "The problem is, I don't know how you'll be able to use this Miraculous if your ears aren't pierced!" The kwami tugged on Adrien's earlobes with its tiny paws. "There'd probably be an Akuma attack before you can go and do so, too."

"Yeah..." Adrien muttered. "Plus, dad would kill me if I did something like that without his permission. Not like I ever have time to ask him, anyways."

A heavy ambiance filled the room.

Plagg patted his shoulder. "It's okay kiddo." He twitched his whiskers. "Maybe I should tell you how to transform if something does happen though."

"Oh? How?"

"Just say, 'Tikki, spots on!' and the transformation should occur."

Adrien blinked. "Ladybug's Kwami is named Tikki? That's actually pretty cute."

"Eh," Plagg shrugged. "You were gonna know sooner or later."


Out of nowhere, a gust of wind blew Plagg off of Adrien's shoulder and the poor Kwami tried to hold onto his white shirt as tight as he could. "I think she called the transformation!" He yelped, before losing his grip and spiraling out of the open window.

"Plagg!" Adrien shouted as he ran over to the window, but too late to catch him. He pressed his hands against the glass, but to no avail, he couldn't find the Kwami anywhere. "Oh man," He muttered. "That must've meant that Ladybug-, I mean, Chat Noir, found an Akuma attack. I need to get there!"

He turned to the box which managed to close itself after he dropped it in a fruitless chase after Plagg.

Maybe... Maybe I can find a loophole to this, he thought as he reopened the box, exposing the pair of earrings. Swiftly, he grabbed a necklace from one of his father's designs off of his desk; he was supposed to model with it later but he'll just say that he lost it. He yanked off the small, purple butterfly charm that was previously hung and threaded the chain through the earrings' backings.

Without hesitation, he put the necklace around his throat and clicked the fastening in place. Swallowing nervously, he cried out, "T-Tikki, spots on!"

A swarm of red lights surrounded his body and he closed his eyes, waiting for the transformation to end. After the glow seemed to end, he opened one eye, and then another.

I don't know if I want to look down or not.

Whether or not he had a choice, he lowered his head to look at his suit. The only thing that seemed different was Ladybug's collar, which was a little accentuated like Dracula's cape. He had a black belt around his waist, but other than that, the suit was as skin tight as it normally was. The earrings stayed dangling on this necklace, now with five black dots dotting its red background. A similar designed yo-yo hung from his belt, and he picked it up. He played with it like a normal yo-yo, just to test it out at first. It dropped to the ground and spiraled back up, hitting the palm of his hand.

He walked over to his window and opened it as wide as he could. Looking down below his feet, Adrien took a deep breath and tightly gripped the yo-yo in his hand.

"Well... It's do or die."

Adrien threw the yo-yo as far as he could, and it wrapped around the chimney of a building. Tugging on the yo-yo, he was instantly slingshotted across the sky, screaming for his life.


aaahhh i'm losing motivation for this book... i think you can tell by my rushed writing style here haha.

don't hesitate to check out my other works *coughs forget-me-not coughs* for more consistent updates lol.


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