A - Above Anything Else

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A - Above Anything Else

"Chim, you heard the doctor," I said to Jimin, pushing him back down on the bed. He was insisting on getting up, saying he was bored, but the doctor had told him strict bed rest for three days before he can get out. "I'm not letting you out."

"But (y/n)!" Jimin whined quietly. I shook my head firmly, not allowing him even when he used his cutest aegyo on me. "Why does this have to happen to me?"

"Because you are the one who didn't take care of themself," I said in a light scolding tone. "Now wait here, I'll make you some soup so you can take your medicines."

"Hmph," Jimin crossed his arms across his chest and looked away with puffed up cheeks. I rolled my eyes.

"Quit being a drama queen," I said before I left the room to go to the kitchen. I looked up the recipes for soups for dog hybrids, and settled on an easy but tasty looking one.

I can just hope that Jiminie likes it.


Jimin did like it, so he didn't complain. I also started making more healthy dog hybrid food stuffs and Jimin noticed that as well. So for the rest of the three days, he didn't complain about staying in bed, just insisting me to stay there with him because he got bored.

I wasn't used to those clingy Jimin, but I still liked it nonetheless. It made him seem more dependent on me that he would actually admit.

"Hey, can we watch a k-drama?" Jimin suggested on the last day of his bed rest. I nodded and pulled out the laptop my friends had gifted me for my 20th birthday. I pulled up the app on the screen.

"Which one do you want?" I asked him as I placed the laptop on his lap. He frowned at that.

"Aren't you going to watch with me?" He asked.

"Jimin, your fever hasn't gone down," I reminded him. "If I stay too near, I might catch a fever."

"Oh," Jimin frankly looked disappointed in my opinion. "Then, I don't want to watch a k-drama."

"No, you should watch it," I insisted. "It will help you get your mind off your sickness. And you're getting better, see? We'll binge watch a k-drama together on Sunday, I promise."

"Promise?" Jimin asked. "Don't go back on your words then."

"I won't," I reassured him. "Now, which one do you want to watch?"

Jimin chose one and I turned it on for him before I left to call Jin. He picked up the call on the second ring itself.

"Oppa!" I greeted him.

"(Y/n)-ah! Are you okay? Is everything fine? Do you need me to come there?" His worried voice drifted through the phone receiver and into my ear. I giggled at his flurry of questions.

"I'm fine, oppa," I told him. "Just wanted to check in on you. Everything good with you and Namjoon-oppa?"

"Yes, yes, we're fine," Jin said. I could hear him smile through the phone. "How's Jimin? Is he okay? The medicines are working?"

"Mm," I responded positively. "The only thing remaining is that Jimin has to be under house arrest till Saturday atleast. Which is going to be kinda hard, considering that I need to go back to my jobs now and I won't be here to calm him or stop him..."

"Oh, don't worry," Jin said. I could imagine him waving his hand, showing that it was nothing to worry about. "I can just let Taehyung and Jungkook come over. They will keep him busy for those three days."

"Uh, he needs to rest," I pointed out. "Not go hyperactive crazy and we both know that's the effect of TaeKook."

"So it is," Jin hummed. I felt like he was frowning. "Hm... What about Hoseok? Maybe he can.. No, ask Yoongi, Hoseok will be busy."

"Uh, Yoongi?" My disbelief at the suggestion probably dripped into the receiver. "He won't agree."

"He will," Jin said firmly before his voice turned soft again. "He will do anything you want."

"Oh. Oh, no, I can't, Jin-oppa," I cried. "I can't take advantage of that-"

"You need money for your medicines," Jin interrupted me. "Sitting at home taking care of Jimin is not going to give you money."

"Okay, okay, fine," I gave in.

After we finished talking, I immediately called Hoseok and convinced Yoongi to come over for a few days. It didn't take much since Yoongi saw this as a chance to spend time with me.

As I soon learned, Jimin wasn't happy about Yoongi being there. I tried to keep everything happy whenever I was home from my jobs, but the tension was very much visible.

I finally got Saturday evening off and as soon as I dropped inside, I called the two of them. Yoongi sat down on the couch, his tail flicking in irritation unlike Jimin who just sat down on the floor in front of the couch, so that he wouldn't have to face Yoongi at all.

"What's wrong?" I asked them, hands on my hips. "What's wrong with the two of you?"

"Jimin's a dog," Yoongi said bluntly. "I hate dogs. I thought you knew that."

"Yoongi, you chose to do it," I reminded him before turning to Jimin to hear his side. His ears had turned red and a light pink dusted his cheeks. "Jimin?"

"I- Ah, I don't like other hybrids in my territory," he said sheepishly. "Hybrids generally don't like it when some unknown hybrid starts living in their territory."

"Oh, I didn't know that," I said in confusion. "Yoongi, you never said anything."

"You needed a favour," Yoongi said quietly. "I just wanted to help."

"Aw, Yoongles!" I cried, walking ahead and wrapped him in a hug. "Thank you, that's really sweet of you. I won't bother you anymore, you can go back to Hoseok. You must have missed him, right?"

"Very," Yoongi admitted.

"C'mon, let's get you home," I made him stand up. I turned to face Jimin. "ChimChim, can you please order two pizzas? I'll drop Yoongi at Hoseok's and then we are both going to have a talk."

I could see the fear in Jimin's eyes, but I had something very different planned.


Words: 1056

Updated/Published On:
13th December 2019

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