E - End Of Time...

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E - End Of Time...

I drummed my fingers against the wooden desk in the doctor's office as I patiently waited for the doctor to appear. I was restless and my bouncing knees were enough proof of that.

The door opened with a creak and in stepped a familiar face, usually with a warm, gentle smile; except that today it was set in a grimace. I gave him a smile and made him feel obliged to smiling back. I felt a little less nervous after seeing his grimace.

"So?" I asked, leaning forward on my seat as soon as he sat down. The pained expression never left his face and he dropped the papers in his hands. "How much more do I have?"

"(Y/n), look, I, I don't know how to say it to you, or, or why it has to be you when you have been such a lovely person your entire life, but, I just," my doctor, who was also now my friend, looked nearly in tears. I decided to patiently hear him out. "I'm so sorry."

"Kyungsoo-oppa!" I took his hands in mine and gave him a warm smile. "You don't have to apologise. I understand. Now tell me without crying, how long do I have?"

"A- About a year," he said, looking into my eyes nervously. I smiled wider at that.

"Great!" I said cheerfully. His face dipped into a sad one once again. "C'mon, Kyungsoo, cheer up! I still have a year to fulfil any last wishes. And ooh, there's only a few things remaining anyway, since I never really had a dream."

"I'm here for you, (y/n)," he said with a sad smile, closing my own hands in his this time. "Come for check up regularly, okay? Just because you know when you are- when you are leaving, doesn't mean you shouldn't come."

"Of course I will!" I scoffed at him but then I smiled again. "One year's enough. Thanks for the help, Kyungsoo-oppa. See you later!"

I stood up and with one last look at his downtrodden face and a quick embrace, I left the room. Outside, two of my friends sat nervously. The older guy stood up hastily upon seeing me and came forward.

"How did it go? What did he say?" Jin asked. I gave him a wide smile as well.

"One year," I said. His face dropped as well and he engulfed me in a hug. Namjoon, his husband, stood two feet away and watching us with sad eyes. I patted Jin on the back. "It's okay, Jin-oppa. I'm here for now."

"(Y/n), you shouldn't be going, this is not fair!" Jin cried as he stepped away. His eyes were red and glossy, snot starting to edge towards the edge of his nose. I handed him a handkerchief and he took it, cleaning himself up. "I don't want you to go!"

"I don't want to leave you either," I said gently, putting a calming hand on his shoulder. "But I don't have a choice, Jin-oppa. If I did...."

"How are you still smiling?" Namjoon asked he pulled me into a side hug with a worried expression. "I would be so scared if I were you."

"Namjoon," I smiled at him, calling him by his name only because even if he was a year older than me, we were too close in our thinking to call each other by anything else. "I mentally prepared for this for months. Give me some credit."

"Our sweet, sweet potato," Namjoon pulled Jin into the hug as well and I struggled to slap him on his arm for calling me a potato. Only I can call myself a potato! "Don't worry, it will all work out."

"Are you telling this to me or to yourself?" I asked teasingly. They both gave me sad smiles and I sighed. "Seriously guys, if you give me sad looks one more time, I won't talk to you for the rest of my year."

"No!" They yelled out together, causing people who were passing by to look at us. The nurse gave us a glare since we were in a hospital and that is not a place to be loud in. "Sorry!"

They turned back to me with apologizing faces and I smiled again at that.

"Okay, we should go home," I said to the two. "Drop me off, will you?"

"Of course, let's go!" Jin rushed ahead to comply to my wishes and Namjoon and I followed him out to the parking lot. I checked my papers one last time to see if I had missed anything before we entered the car and left. "You know what? Stay over at our house today. I'm going to spoil you rotten with all your favourite dishes."

"Mm," I moaned in bliss as I remembered Jin's amazing cooking. "If you insist."

The two men laughed at me and I started laughing at them. For a few seconds, we all forgot the impending truth.

"Hey, I was thinking..." I started, clearing my throat. Namjoon, who was sitting shotgun, glanced at me through the rear-view mirror. "I want a hybrid."

"A hybrid?" Jin repeated as he took a right. I nodded. "That would be great! Someone to keep you company when we can't. They are also highly engaging, and help to improve mood and-"

"I know it all, Jin-oppa," I reminded him with a laugh. He gave me a sheepish smile before turning his attention back to the road.

"But that will be a great decision," Namjoon continued. "So, when should we go?"

"We?" I repeated, sitting up straight. "I'm going alone. Tomorrow. I'll give you a shock with my amazing choice."

"Okay, but are you sure about going alone?" Jin asked worriedly. I rolled my eyes.

"Jin, I'm dying in a year, not in a day," I joked. Did not go well with them. "Anyway! You can see my hybrid tomorrow night. Come over for dinner. And oh, please bring Jungkook and Taehyung. I'm sure they will love a new friend."

"Of course!"

I smiled as I looked out the window. A hybrid sounded nice...


Words: 1030

Updated/Published On:
25th October 2019

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