E - Ephemeral Happiness

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E - Ephemeral Happiness

As soon as possible, Jimin and I looked up the competition and he began preparing for the regionals.

I tried to support him as much as I could, but there wasn't much for me to do except make sure he rests and eats well.

It was as if time was flying because before I knew it even March was away. I didn't have time to even think about the impending unfortunate events and I was left running here and there as I tried to scrape in money to give Hoseok.

He wouldn't ask me for it, but I couldn't ask him to take care of Jimin just like that. I only had my apartment to my name and some savings. I was going to give the apartment to Seokjin, Namjoon and Hoseok because the law forbid a hybrid from owning a house and no matter how much I wanted to give it to Jimin, I couldn't.

I was going to name the savings under Hoseok to take care of Jimin and I was struggling to make sure it would be sufficient.

Jimin was too busy to notice my over-working self and I was thankful for that. If he knew, he would be angry at me.

However, I managed to keep the both of us in check and healthy. Ever since the Minho incident, nobody had found out about the lines.

Kyungsoo-oppa had given me this special concealer that helped to hide the blue lines on my neck. I only had to make sure that I applied it every 12 hours.

I was fast asleep that early April night, when I was shaken awake. I sat up with a dizzy and throbbing head as I looked at Jimin with bleary eyes.

"Wh- What? Are you okay?" I asked as I rubbed my eyes. My eyes ran to the clock beside the bed we both shared now. 4:00 am. "Chim?"

"No, I'm not okay!" Jimin growled frustratedly as he pulled out his hair. I gave him a concerned look. "Okay which one looks better?"

I was confused but my eyes widened in disbelief when Jimin started dancing in front of me. He seemed to repeat the same few steps two times and then stopped, giving me an expectant look.

"Jimin," I said slowly. Before I could start, he started pacing around and speaking himself.

"I knew it! The 2nd one is better, right?" He asked, not even looking at me. "Which means I've been doing it wrong all along. What am I going to do? I'm going to mess up the competition and lose because it's in a week and I'm not prepared-"

"JIMIN!" I shouted and he stopped and looked at me in shock. "Come here, sit down next to me."

He looked confused but sat down and raised an eyebrow. I grabbed his hands and covered them with my own ones and gave him a loving, gentle look.

"It doesn't matter if you lose, Jimin," I said softly. "You don't have to panic. You're not going to lose. I know how hard you've worked. And, did you really wake me up at 4 am to ask which dance move is better? I don't understand the difference, Chim. Come on, don't worry so much, your health and you matter more to me than you winning some competition."

"But," Jimin bit his lip. "Don't you want to see me win?"

"Of course I do!" I pulled him and we fell back on the bed. I turned off the lamp that he had turned on. "But Jimin, sleep for now. You're over-working yourself, and stress isn't good for you. I don't want to force you with sleeping pills so it would be nice if you take care of yourself."

"Hm," he hummed as he snuggled up against my side and I wrapped him up in my arms before pulling up the blankets to make a cocoon.

It was a warm night.


"See? I told you!" I nearly screamed as I jumped on top of Jimin. He was still looking at the list that held the three names that will succeed to the elimination round. His name written in the bold at the top seemed surreal to him but I just continued hugging him. "You did it, Chim!"

"I- I did it," he sounded really happy, and I felt this different kind of happiness and giddiness inside me because when he was happy, everything seemed a 100 times more better. "Now I'll work even harder for the Elimination and I'll get to the finals, just you wait!"

I smiled as I stepped back and saw the confidence on his face. I moved my hand to his head and caressed its side as I lightly pulled his head down and gave him a butterfly kiss on the forehead.

"Grow up, my lil pup," I whispered against the soft skin of his forehead before letting him go. Jimin's eyes turned soft and he wrapped me up in a hug again.

It suddenly struck me that I wouldn't be able to watch him grow up, watch him achieve all that he can. My eyes watered but I didn't let the tears drop down my cheeks.

"Wha- Why are you crying?" Jimin wiped the tears with his thumbs as I smiled widely at him.

"Nothing, I just, felt really proud of you," I half-lied. "Come on, let's get home. We have to celebrate, right?"


I soon realised how much of a problem the competition was becoming because Jimin never had time for me anymore.

He was always training, dancing or listening to the music, trying to come up with a choreography or remembering his moves that had been decided.

Even when we were in the same house, I felt completely alone, because Jimin was completely immersed in the thoughts of the competition to pay attention to me.

I tried not to let it show, but I was wishing that the competition would just happen soon so that I could have him soon.

For the first time‌, it felt like time was going really slow. Still, we reached that May 10 when Jimin smashed the stage and rocked out his performance like no one else.

And I knew I was out of excuses and time.


Words: 1055

Updated/Published On:
24th January 2020

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