Meeting Nod and Mouse attack

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They flow to this tree and Edony, Ronin got off the bird with the pod in Mk's arms this time.
Ronin got off and went inside after a while the hummingbird came in the tree. The snail and the slug where laughing, and MK was dangling upside down. Edony shakes her head, but she looks at Ronin and a new guy around Mk age.
Mub and Grub stops laughing, and Mub said. "Uh-oh." Edony looks at Ronin and he said, to the new guy. "Get your saddle."
"I'll get my saddle." The new guy said. Mk chuckles nervously.
"Oh, dear god." Edony mutters.

Edony was riding with Ronin along with Mub and Grub. She has the pod in her hands. Mk was flying with the new guy, who name is Nod.
Then Nod bird dives down. Mk let's out a scream.
"What is he doing." Edony said to Ronin. Ronin let's out a sigh and shakes his head. "Nod, perch your bird." Ronin called out. As they both landed on the branch. "Hey, I'm just trying to keep this light." Nod said. Edony looks at Mk and said. "Are you ok." Mk nodded her head.
But then Edony looks at part of the forest, it was rotting and mist is surrounding the area.
"Mandrake, Tara's power always kept him in check. Now nothing can heal what he destroy. Except the pod." Ronin said. Edony hugs the pod. She saw one of the boggans flying on a raven.
"We should go around." Edony said, Ronin nods his head, in agreement.
"Yeah." He said to Edony.
"Just for one boggan." Nod told the two.
"Ever seen just one boggan." Ronin told Nod.
The boggan disappear in the fog. Nod told Mk. "Hold on to me." Edony then said. "Don't you dare." But he didn't listen. And with that the brid took off, towards that territory. Mk let's out a scream.
"Nod ,wait." Ronin told Nod.
"That boy is an idiot." Edony told Ronin. Mud and Grub snickers at that. Ronin nods his head and said. "I know."
"Mk." Edony shouted. As they were surrounded by more Boggans, on their Ravens. Ronin bird flies right of them. "Get to the ground." Ronin said. And they started flying towards the ground. "This way." Edony shouted towards Nod. As they fly into a log.
Mub and Grub screams, as boggans fires arrows at them. Edony hugs the pod into her. Protecting it from the arrows.
But they got separated from Nod and Mk. They flew into a hole in a ground.

As they lost the boggans and started looking for them. "Their they are." Edony said, pointing at a hole. Mk was getting attack by a mouse. Nod was about to be attack by the mouse. As Ronin lands his hummingbird, he jumps at the mouse and slice of its whiskers. It squeals in terror and runs off. Edony jumps into the hole, with the pod in her arms. and saw Mk on the ground unconscious.
"Mk are you ok." Edony said to her sister. "Is she all right." Ronin  told Edony.
Mk started waking up. "Dad, Edony. I had the most messed up dream. There where talking slugs tiny soliders and." Mk said before gasping, as she saw that it was not it was not a dream.
Edony laughs at her sister face. And Grub said to Mk. "Hello."
"Aw man." Mk whines.
"Ok, let's go." Edony told everybody.
"She right, let's go there mice, their's about to be chipmunks." Ronin said. As Mub and Grub hugs each other in terror. "And we have new seating arrangements." Edony said, especially looking at Nod. Ronin lets out a whistle, and his hummingbird flies down. Edony gets on, as Ronin helps Mk up from the ground. "Sis, you are flying with us." Edony said, and then she looks at at Nod. "And you have the snail and the slugs." She said, pointing at Grub and Mub. Nod said disguise. "Ugh, disguising." Mk looks at Edony and said. "Thank you." Edony smiles at her. Mk tries to mount the hummingbird by jumping up, but she slips and falls. The hummingbird didn't like that and it pecks her on the back. "Ow." Mk cries out. Edony giggles, Mk gives her a look.
And everyone get on the birds. And flew off, to see Nim Galuu.

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