BILEXIMI: Rainflower VS Spiderleg

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WARNING: This rap contains slight sexual language that could not be edited out and still sound good. Anyone who hasn't had "The Talk" are not recommended to continue and read this rap. If you are younger or don't know the meaning to some of the terms we use here, do NOT read as we're not about to explain the birds and the bees to anyone.

Oh StarClan
Here we go again
Another useless tom another litter in the den
You didn't learn nothing from your baby makin mama
And nothing from your leader on this kittypet drama
I know what they're saying
I'm Crooked's evil mother
But at least I had the balls to say I preferred his brother
And speaking of those
Seems you might be lacking
Was anyone surprised after Daisy sent you packing?

You say I'm packing huh?
You can bet your tail that's right
When me and Daisy got down
She didn't put up a fight
At least I disliked my little crotch critters equal
For a mama to disown one?
Come on, that's evil
They let you into StarClan?
Well isn't that something?
But you couldn't own up and face your boy
You're nothing
You're a loser
A coward
Much less a mother
Get outta here Rainy
Don't you have a kit to smother?

As if I'd take advice from a gangly pile of sticks
Your stupid Warrior name is making me sick
But don't be offended
I'm not tryna be shrewd
I'm just saying
That monster should've come for you too
It's such a relief
You don't mentor like you father
You love that Amber kit more than you love your own daughter
That tiny ginger she-cat got you caught in a daze?
Snap out of it pervert
She's less than half of your age
That's Rainflower one
Spiderleg none
How does it feel to be the failure out of Fern and Dusty's spawn?

You got some loose words there lady
So much disrespect
You do a lot of dirt chucking despite your case of child neglect
I'm a grade A mentor
At the top of my game
Who are you to call a failure cause you shamed your family's name?
Step off and get lost
You sad excuse for a mama
Your lack of love did more trouble than his freakin chin trauma
Are we done now?
I think you learned your lesson
The fact that you're dead and gone is honestly a blessing


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