EPIC: Puddle VS Picklez

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Hey Puddz >:3 You got some real competitis time, just warning ya......XD You are pretty darn good though, I'll give you that :D
~ Picklez

This picture is literally majestic XD I'm laughing so hard XD

NOTE: We don't mean any of the things we say. Like Clovoo said, we're just being stupid potatoes and messing around and attempting (but also failing) to burn one another XD

Steppin' up on the mike is Dj P-Storm
Any one that steps to me, I'm gonna outperform
Oh hello you crazy cat, now it's on
Now that your little friend Clover's served and gone,
I'm the queen of rapping
It's over leading overlord
It's you I'm lapping
In every cord
I'm the best of the best when it comes to rap
So good, it put me on the map!
So you pretty kitty, what's your defense
Or are my past skills making you tense!

Hello, fellow Dreamie, now my known frenemie.
Clover may have lost to you, but I ain't that easy.
Get your little brain in here to think a bit more,
As I'm the rapping master and I'm going hardcore.

Oh Starclan, please make her stop!
Her words aren't even worth a petty little mike drop!
Your silly raps and ryhmes are making me delerious
While my sweet beats are even making pros furious
Atleast I can actually make cats smile
In your case though? Ha! Not for a while
I'm a leader, or you as know, the ruler of the best
You wanna step to me? I'll put your only life you have to rest
After this burn, Starclan won't take you
So step back into line, or I'll have to break you
I could do it with all my paws tied behind my back
While fighting something in fully fledged fox attack
You couldn't even bust a rhyme with a crowd of one
So save the little "rap" your about make cause this is over and done!

Ha! Silly Puddle, you just talk about your self.
If they had to choose between us they'd put you back on the shelf.
You're only jealous of my spectacular ways,
I could sit here and name off your flaws for days.
Me? I'm a weakling? Ha! Say that again.
You say you're a ruler? You belong in a pig pen!
Don't try and insult me, I can't be offended.
But for you, a soundproof room is highly recommended.
Please, just shut up, spare this crowd their ears.
Nobody wants to listen to you or see your sneers!

Oh that's fine, please insult your leader
I asked about your usefulness, the response? "We don't need her"
This clan is my pride, my treasure
Kicking you out of it would be my pleasure
This isn't a rap, it's your anhalation
Your petty little raps scorned by the nation
So I'm sorry you didn't think of preparation
But this rap for you, counts as education
I see you struggling, what did you forget your line?
Oh wait, never mind I'm sorry, what's your excuse this time?
In the real world of skill, you're unheard
Like a whisper in a thunderstorm, not a word
Like a damaged old ship in sea, you'll sink
I bet you'd still be afloat if you learned how to think!
I hope what I given to you here is clarity
But you'll still be walking away trainwreck, I guarantee
When I'm rapping, I match every beat drop
Like a rock thrown down from a treetop
I tear throw songs like a rapid tornado
Heating up the tracks like an active volcano
Twoleg or monster, bring it on!
I'll defend my clan all night till the crack of Dawn
And when I pass, I'll walk in stars of legend
When you do? You won't get the same friend
I got nine entire lives to fight with, did you forget about that?
In fight against sense, you're gone in 10 seconds flat!
So I'd like to see how your little mid repels this
Because no matter what you throw at me, it's a sad miss

Whoa, what a stretch for a change
Maybe you'll actually gain some brains!
Don't call me weak, nor stupid nor dumb
When I'm done with you, you'll be sucking your thumb
Calling for your mommy and wanting to go home
Why, when I'm done with you, you'll be all alone
Nobody wants to hear your pathetic pleas
We all know you're scared, you're shaking your knees!
You may have nine lives, and nice rapping skills, too
But we all know I'm cooler, and better than you
You're kinda okay, you beat Clove by a landslide
But now that we've met, our raps seem to collide
You got the cool lives, a nice name
But when it comes to rapping, well, this is my game
I'm just warming up and you're obviously bluffing
Like the big bad wolf, just huffing and huffing
But my house won't fall, as I'm smarter than you
I have the wits--don't deny it, its true!
I don't speak freako, and it ain't neat-o,
When you go around trying to burn me
Try again Puddle, I'm not easy to beat.

So rapping isn't the only thing you're terrible at
It seems as though you forgot the anatomy of a cat
You're incompetent,
And I'm confident,
I'm on top of it,
And you're tailin' it
Trying to pick up scraps of all my sweet ryhmes
Like the way you try squeeze a dollar outa few dimes
I've told you over and over
Much like your friend Clover

Well ain't you nice, gotta little sass there
Saying you're better? I really don't care
Because we all know its true
That its me, not you,
Who can rhyme
All the time
Picklez is my name,
But rapping is my game
Go away, don't come back,
No one will give a crap
I am the best, Puddz, the champ, the boss
I got this dynamite you kinda lost
Uh-oh, Puddle, you're all out of fuse.
Looks like I'm winning, because

* * * * *

I have to admit there, Puddle probably won XD I suck at rapping, even though I'm pretty proud of myself at some points....I'd even say that Puddz won, and I'm competing with her! :3 Good job, Puddle.
~ Picklez

Puddle is rather fantabulous at writing raps, I don't know how she does it XD I think it's a tie!!!!! :D
I tried to say this out loud and I literally could not get the beat right for the life of me XD


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