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I honestly don't understand why so many people ship Sunny and Smolder. She's like, an early teen, and he's in his twenties or something like that. Palm and Smolder? Well, that's more realistic. They're both the same age, and they really seem to have feelings for each other. Why do I ship this? I guess I just feel really sorry for them. They were in love, and were about to run away, when Queen Oasis just "took care" of Palm (most likely killed her), leaving a heartbroken, sobbing Smolder behind. If I were Smolder, I would have been in bed for a week, crying my eyes out and finally committing suicide. To make matters worse, Palm and Smolder's lives were already pretty miserable in the beginning. Smolder's royal family was CRAZY. You had to live with Burn, Blister, and Blaze, and the cannibal Queen Oasis, plus the not-helping King Char. Smolder was practically the ONLY family member who wasn't crazy, or dumb, or anything like that. As for Palm, trouble found her the first time she and Smolder met. Oasis didn't approve of their relationship, for some reason, (as I said before, that lady's cannibal), because she must have hated Smolder, or wanted all her children to marry nobles or royalty, or whatever. 

       I rate this ship 88.85 out of 100. If you want me to do a Sunny x Smolder one, please comment. Or else, Palmolder it is!

Author's note: I'm sorry for making this so short. I guess I just ran out of imagination. I blank out all the time. 

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