000 - Prolouge to the King...

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"Hello reader. Are you feeling well today?"

Said a voice which sounded dead inside...

"Let me tell you a sick story to make you feel better. A story so sick and tainted that you shall be infected with enjoyment!", the voice grinned at me with anticipation.

"I'm not interested.", I said to the voice.

"I got things to do and other things to read. Keep it short.", I said to the voice as an insult. I didn't have time for the voice's antics.

"Tsk! FILTHY HUMAN! Ignoring me and my words just as I'm about to teach you something worthy!"

"Go f$&k yourself", I said recklessly.

"Hmph! That's just how you humans are! Ignoring the REAL enemies and problems until it's too late! Turning a blind eye to what really matters..."

The voice that I met is chained upon a chair in a big empty room. I stare at this sickly being through the mirror, safe from this being's clutches. I continue to observe this voice's helplessness.

"...well... that's why we love you humans! You're blindness allow us to take your souls more easily! You are too distracted from the things you do, ignoring the world as it is!"

The voice smiled as it continued talking.

"Think about it! You keep making your own demons and gods! You make them upon your own imagination! You create characters in games and movies that are these gods and demons you speak of only for entertainment! You make religions and moral codes that define what's godly and demonic for only also entertainment! Furthermore you humans have the ego to care only about your activities! Wars, fame, history, etc. all the wonderful distractions in life!"

I refused to reply a shit of word to this mad voice.

"You humans refuse to look at the real gods of this world, the real place we set upon you. You refuse to look because you are afraid to look! You fear us, the real gods of this world because you can't do shit about us!"

The mad voice smiled further as it said:

"You humans are just sheeps. We diseases are the shepherds! We are the TRUE GODS of this world. And only us!"

I decided to give a response to this irritating being.

"Your reign is over, idiot. We humans are far more capable nowadays. We are the real "gods" of this world now. Accept your new reality!"

The being laughed like a maniac.

"Aha! Haha! Your generation is too optimistic! Your ancestors would be far less likely to say that in front of us!"

The voice pulled back to utter a more calm tone.

"Let me remind your place human. I'll tell you the story of our King of  Diseased Kings so you know how weak your species are! The reality of your existance!"

I stood by and watched this being's talk. A helpless being trying to sound tough and strong. Diseases such as this idiot are denying the reality of today. Our medicines and doctors have taken down a lot of them - it's no surprise this voice tries to belittle our efforts.

This is the relationship that humans, diseases and Immunes have. A long, endless war that has raged since the existence of time.

"Now...let me begin my tale..."


Many centuries ago, you humans were a curious bunch. You loved to travel to find new distractions: trade, glory, and new opportunities!

Let's be specific...October 12, 1492...

On that day, your ancestor Christopher Columbus sailed to a "New World" - the Americas. A new discovery! A new land!

And on that land were people, natives of an isolated continent. The natives and the explorers meet for the first time, exchanging hands of goodwill to one another. A clash between two worlds!

On that day, the King of All Diseased Kings was there to witness the timely event. He wore fine robes on that meeting. Of course no one noticed him because he was a spirit! He was just there looking...and smiling.

Eventually Columbus and his lads left to Spain to tell their client about their discovery. And on that day humans made history!

Weeks later he returned to the island he landed upon to meet the natives. Most of the natives there disappeared for some reason. They never popped out. Isn't that mysterious?

Teehee...well...Columbus and his men were unaware of what became of the natives...because they were blind to the consequences of their actions!

Bringing our King of Diseased Kings to this fresh New World was such a great idea, don't you think?

Eventually decades passed and soon another group of Spaniards came to the New World. This time led by a man named Hernan Cortes.

If you did your history, you know this man basically destroyed an entire civilization, the Aztecs, in order to get some gold and spread Christianity! You humans love spreading your beliefs at the expense of other's own beliefs!

Well I'm not here to give lengthy histories. In short, the Aztecs fought and the Spaniards fought. The Aztecs had a million soldiers with obsidian clubs, spears and rocks. The Spanish had about a few hundred, although thousands of natives opposed to the Aztecs joined them too. They had cannons, swords, guns and superior technology, however do you believe it's that easy and simple for more advanced, more powerful armies to crush less advanced ones? Has films and romanticised tales of events simplified your way of thinking?

Ha! It's not that simple. The Spanish claimed it was - they crushed the Aztecs because of their superior weapons and the superiority of their "god" Jesus who blessed them the victory. That's how they saw it!

They never noticed the help that our King gave them...the King that did it all...

The King of Diseases entered the Aztec capital and blessed the defenders with his magic. A magic that'll cure the defenders of their ills. A magic that makes them sleep...and forget all the trauma that has happened.

He walked among them and gave them poxes, circles that appeared upon their skin which helped to bring their souls to him slowly. The poxes made them feel funny at first...but eventually they all started lying down to rest...for eternity...

Our King spared them the mercy of Spanish guns and instead gave them his poxes so they may die in peace...

And when I say in peace, I say dying with your beloved as you vomited and cried for help, haha!

By the end of the battle, the capital of Tenotchitlan was in ruins. Cortes and the Spaniards walked upon the corpsed of millions of dead Aztecs. They thought they were the ones who did the killing blow...

...no...they were just pawns! It was our King who delivered them the victory. He killed the millions of Aztecs and took their souls for them!

The King stood upon the highest pyramid of the city, gathering the souls of all his victims. And as he looked upon the unknowing Spanish who celebrated in their "victory", the King smiled and laughed into the sky.

"Humans are blind, fragile beings! They're so delicious! Hahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!"

On that day, Smallpox Variola began the genocide of millions of unknowing natives in the New World. It was he, not humanity's technology, that changed history. He is one of the greatest diseases of all time!

So you humans be warned! No matter how advanced or superior you become, we exist to undermine you all!

That is a lesson you must learn...the tale of Smallpox Vari-kun begins here....


Author's notes: A one shot chapter. I might continue this novel if you guys like it enough. Give me feedback. I'm currently making a comic for this one! Future diseases will be introduced! (Including Corona, Malaria, Tuberculosis, etc.)

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