𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐰𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐲 𝐬𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧

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"Well kids, welcome to the Quidditch World Cup!" Amos announced as we trekked over one last hill.

I was immediately hit in the face with the incredible atmosphere. Tents were lined up for miles on end, with Irish and Bulgarian flags, bordering the way. The celebration was a riot of colour and the cheers were endless. The crowds were buzzing with excitement, as people flew over their heads by broom, whizzing across the clear blue sky; a perfect day for a Quidditch final. 

"Parting of the ways I think old chap, see you at the match." Amos said to Arthur and the three of us left the larger group, to find the tent of our own. Cedric held my hand as we forced our way through the flock of people; some of which, I noticed to have gone as far as painting their faces the colours of the Irish and Bulgarian flags. 

We finally reached a smallish tent on the far left of the huddle of hundreds of tents. Amos stepped in first, and Cedric and I followed. To my amazement, the once small tent, was transformed to a much larger one, as I stepped inside. It consisted of six rooms in total: mine, Cedric's, Amos', a kitchen, bathroom and living space. My mouth couldn't help but fall apart.

"I love magic."


"Blimey Dad, how far up ARE we?" Ron said in complete disbelief to the extent of the height of the stadium. 

As we followed the Weasley's to our seats, up the apparently many flights of stairs, the cheers seemed somehow to be getting louder and louder. 

"Well put it this way, if it rains...you'll be the first to know" I looked over the railings to see two sets of platinum blonde hair looking up at us: Lucius and Draco Malfoy.

"Father and I are in the minister's box, by personal invitation of Cornelius Fudge himself." Draco flaunted.

"Don't boast Draco." Lucius stabbed his son lightly in the stomach with his cane that I still didn't understand why he carried it around. "There's no need with these people." As we continued climbing the stairs, he spoke up again, "do enjoy yourself, won't you. While you can." I turned around to see Malfoy's cane pressed onto Harry's sleeves, stopping him from walking away. Arthur simply pulled him away and they too left.

The vibrant coloured balloons seemed to follow us as we got higher and higher.

"Come on now, take your seats." we had now reached the top. "I told you these seats would be worth waiting for."

They really were. We had an amazing view of the entire stadium. An array of green and white, and red and black, was spread across the entire stadium, which I might add was in fact, titanic in size. The level of the seating seemed to be at almost 90 degree angles. The crowd had a life of its own.

"Come on!" George yelled, a green and white flamboyant hat, placed on his hat, as well as the same coloured scarf and face paint.

"It's the Irish!" Fred also yelled.

Over my head, five green figures flew through the air on their brooms, leaving the same coloured trail of green and white smoke behind them. As they reached the highest point they could, an explosion of fireworks formed to create a dancing leprechaun. Cedric and I laughed in amusement, as the Irishman danced in the sky, a beautiful navy canvas, shining behind it.

"Here come the Bulgarians!" the team of players flew straight threw the fireworks show, and the once Irish-coloured display, turned crimson. They soared around the pitch, cutting through and breaking the Irish's formation in doing so. One of the players, of whom I noticed to be Viktor Krum, shot ahead from the rest of his team and flawlessly performed a stunt, in which he launched his legs off of the broom and hung onto it, only by his hands. 

"Who's that?" Hermione asked me.

"That, is Viktor Krum. The best seeker in the world."

A tremendous image of the same seeker was displayed on the stands, as he soared across the rows. The whole stadium erupted with cheers, as he waved to the crowd below him.

"Good evening! As minister for magic, it gives me great pleasure to welcome each and every one of you to the final of the 422nd Quidditch World Cup." Fudge started, his wand lifted to his neck and pressed against it. He lifted it up and with a simple swish and a flash of light, the balls were released. "Let the match begin! "


"Thanks again for inviting me, Ced. This was possibly one of the best days of my life." we entered the tent and slumped down onto the sofa in the living room.

"Of course. It was great to have you." we locked eyes, and for a moment, I went numb; I guess I can admit now that he had that affect on me.

I noticed him lean in slightly and my stomach detonated with butterflies. Was he? I went to join him and leaned in too, when Amos stormed into the tent. I quickly jerked back and tried to ignore any evidence that something was going to happen between us.

"Sounds like someone is a bit too excited with the result." I chuckled, breaking the split second of silence.

"Not at all. Kids, come with me. Now." Amos said, very seriously.

I looked at Cedric, an extremely concerned look on my face; he had the same on his. We got up and followed Amos out of the tent.

The swirling darkness was frightening. Chaos had descended. Menace, madness and confusion.

The tents were ablaze, and the cheers had turned to, screams. The crowds were no longer huddled together in celebration, but fleeing in complete fear. I felt my lungs fill with smoke and Cedric's soft palms, reach for mine. I thought for a moment that my heart would explode. My eyes were wide with fear. My body wanted to either run fast for the safety of the hills or try and show the Gryffindor inside of me, that wasn't at all there. But instead I remained where I was. There is only really only one thing I can do: pray no one kills me. At some point, I'll have to move, and I'll have to live with what I get.

"Get to the portkey!" Amos yelled as he began running in the opposite direction.

My heart was beating out of my chest, as I looked up at Cedric for comfort, hoping his charming eyes could distract me from the chaos that had cascaded around me. I was shaking. I could feel my powerless body start to shut down in fear. I could feel my legs getting weak underneath me. All I could muster was an uncertain and fragile cry for help, "Cedric."

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