﹙ 𝐱𝐱𝐢 ﹚ library day-dreaming

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🖇·˚ ༘ ┊͙[ chapter twenty-one ] ! ˊˎ

╰─▸ study sessions, teasing, and strange queries

     I GROW IMPATIENT QUICKLY. I felt my feet subconsciously tapping on the floor, as I checked my watch. The time read 7:03, meaning I had been waiting – when I technically shouldn't have been, for three minutes. That also meant I had been in the library for approximately seven minutes in total. This fact alone caused me to slump my chin atop my hand where my elbow dug into the leather-bound book at the top of my textbook pile.

     "Awh, you showed up." A voice came, pulling me out of my temporary daze. Cedric stood, towering over my table, a big, soft grin on his face. His cheeks were blushed pink, and his dimples had made an appearance.

     His (regrettably) adorable expression, however, did not make me feel any better about his lack of punctuality.

     "Of course I showed up," I replied distastefully, lifting my head from my hands. "And you showed up late."

     "Someone's in a mood," Cedric teased as he dropped his things on the table and took up the seat opposite me. "It's only been three minutes."

     "But I specifically told you not to be late," I said, clasping my hands and letting them rest on the wood surface in front of me. "Alas, here we are."

     Still, Cedric grinned, as if he enjoyed making me annoyed and so showed up late on purpose, just to see my writhe and tell him off. "I severely apologise, y/n but I fear it's not that serious, so why don't we let me off with a warning? How's that sound?"

     "It sounds like you're patronising me," I replied sarcastically.

     Cedric gasped dramatically, as if what I said was absurd. "Me? Never."

     Rolling my eyes, I uncrossed my legs and leaned forward slightly. "Let's just get on with it then, shall we?"

     Cedric scoffed then. "Don't make it seem like such a chore," he said.

     "Oh," I huffed, "but it is a chore, Diggory."



     He was clearly fighting back the urge to retaliate once again, but instead, he resigned, and got out his things, handing me his essay so I could see what went wrong.

     "Your basic facts tend to be wrong," I told him after reading the essay through. "And it lacks a lot of detail."

     "Still being harsh."

     "Still being true," I replied if he was going to play that card. "Do you want me to help you or not?"

     Cedric turned sheepish. "Yes, please." He mumbled.

     "Okay then," I said, putting the essay down and clasping my hands together to lay them to rest on top of the paper. My eyes narrowed into his. "What are the main characteristics of the potion?"

     Cedric let out a puff of air as he thought for a moment. "Erm, thick and mud-like,"


     "Bubbles slowly," he said, inching closer across the table.

     I narrowed my eyes and copied his movements, edging forward. "Correct again."

     "And," he said, dragging out the syllable just as he swayed forward so that we both stretched across the desk, our faces now inches apart, "the taste and colour vary depending on the person being turned into."

     Suddenly aware of just how close we had got, I sat back in my chair hastily. "Good, so we're not completely hopeless." Cedric hovered where he was, looking very satisfied with something, before slowly sitting back down. "And how long does it take to brew?" I then asked expectantly. The potion in question is Polyjuice Potion, a potion not brewed in sixth year but still studied.

     "A week?"

     "A month," I deadpanned.

     "Right," he said. "I knew that."

     I scanned the rest of the specific page in the textbook, momentarily looking up through my brows to stare him down. "Uh-huh. Sure."

Cedric's POV

     I've got to be honest; I didn't pay much attention from then on. Which was probably a mistake seeing as I needed serious help with potions. But in truth, I had absolutely zero intent on learning anything tonight.

     There were plenty of people I could have asked to help me – including the designated tutor Snape pointed me in the direction of – but that was no fun. All I wanted out of this session was to spend time with y/n. And although I will never admit that to her in fear of grossing her out, I can still zone out and admire her from the other side of this table.

     I was on autopilot as she pointed to various segments of the textbook, explaining this and that and then referring to my dog-shit essay off to the side.

     Even as she laughed at what I had written and teased me for my mark, I couldn't help but admire her beauty. Those y/eye/c eyes and how when she smiled, her cheeks rose right up to her lashes. It's hard not to be drawn to someone like y/n. She's different. Of course, I like the attention I get, but there's something . . . exciting about the fact she doesn't flock to me like all the other girls in our year.

     No wonder my Amortentia smelt like her.

     I should have known that my staring and not responding with anything but hms and ahhs wouldn't work for very long because she snapped her fingers directly at my face. My subconscious couldn't function from that point on, and I was thrown back into reality.

y/n's POV

     His eyes seemed to gloss over, and it had come to the point where I think I had lost his attention completely.

     I snapped my fingers for a second time. "Cedric! Hello? Anyone in there?"

     When he finally came to, with a jolt, Cedric stared at me, baffled as if he had no idea why I was yelling at him all of a sudden.

     "Yes, present," he said, blinking, evidently not awake and so having to take the right measures to reverse this.

     "Welcome back," I sighed, resisting the urge to roll my eyes and subsequently failing.

     "What?" He cried. "I get distracted easily."

     "Then you shouldn't have asked me to tutor you," I replied. "I get annoyed easily."

     "You're telling me," he said followed by a scoff. This was enough for me to take his essay in my hands and whack him on the arm. "Right. Sorry," he flinched, surrendering his hands. "You have my undivided attention."

' ੈ˚ ❃

     "IF YOU FAIL YOUR NEXT EXAM, I WILL KILL YOU," I smiled acidly-sweetly in Cedric's direction as the two of us left the library and out into the quiet halls outside.

     "Awh," Cedric pouted, "you care about my education."

     I shoved him hard, making sure my scowl was obvious. "No," I argued, "I care about the time I just spent drilling potions content into your head. Don't make me regret it."

     "You could never regret time spent with me," Cedric smirked, rubbing the hair on my head.

     "Ew," my face soured, trying my best to cover up any indication that my cheeks were burning, "gross."

     Dimples appeared on his face, and he strolled casually alongside me, scuffing his feet against the cobblestone. "You don't mean that," he teased, clearly happy with himself

     "Yes, I do," I asserted, halting in the hallway, and turning to face him. "Now, piss off and leave me alone. You've already wasted too much of my time today."

     His smirk didn't go anywhere. Seemingly, he didn't believe a word I said and seemed to think he knew better. Cedric winked and then walked away while I watched. Just as he was about to disappear out of sight, he yelled back. "See ya, y/l/n! I'll waste more of your time tomorrow!"

     Rolling my eyes to myself, I turned and continued on my way in the opposite direction to the Dungeons.

     That's when I heard them.

     "Apparently they're doing it soon."

     I didn't mean to eavesdrop. I suppose Harry Potter and Co. were simply at the same place as me at the same time – the second-floor main corridor just as I was turning the corner.

     "It's awful. I can't believe they're going to kill him," Hermione Granger muttered. This stopped me in my tracks. I was a few feet behind them but slowed my pace so I didn't pass them.

     "Buckbeak didn't even hurt Malfoy, what's the problem?" I heard Weasley reply.

     It was Buckbeak in question? The one being killed?

     Suddenly not being noticed by them wasn't a concern of mine so I decided to pick up speed and approach them. "Excuse me, I may have heard you wrong, but erm did you say that Buckbeak was going to be killed?"

     There was no doubt my interruption was a surprise to all three of them but I didn't seem to give a shit until I got the answers I wanted.

     Granger was the one to answer. She hesitated a little but I suppose the unusual concern in my expression allowed her to just about manage a response. "Yes, that's right," she said.

     And just like that, my heart sank. But no matter the disappointment I felt, I wouldn't let it show. Ignoring the need I felt to suddenly cry, I straightened out my posture and hardened my gaze. "W-when is this happening?"

     "What's it to you?" Ron Weasley spat, his brows furrowing.

     For once, I didn't want to bite back. I almost didn't have the energy. This news had seemed to knock the wind out of me. My eyes fluttered shut momentarily as I found my composure. "Just answer the question." I opened my eyes to see them all curiously staring up at me. Eventually, through strained teeth, I added: "Please."

     Harry's expression turned sorrowful, and he mumbled, "Next week. Thursday."

     I felt my throat bob as I subconsciously swallowed. My palms became sweaty and I had never felt so nervous around younger years before. Clenching my teeth, I smiled awkwardly and thanked them for their time before gauchely walking away.

     With my back turned away from them, just as I was about to let my guard down seeing as the hallway was practically empty, I heard footsteps behind me, grow gradually louder with every pound against the floor.

     A voice then followed. "Hey, y/n! Wait up!"

     With the source now right behind me, I turned to see that Harry had jogged to catch up with me.

     I arched a brow. "Yes?"

     "Sorry if this is a personal question but did your uncle ever mention anything about any," Harry said before hesitating as if his next word felt weird on his tongue, "Godchildren?"

     I felt my jaw subconsciously tighten. Everything had to involve my uncle these days. And just when word about him was beginning to die down without any recent news in the Daily Prophet. At least he apologised beforehand. "Um I don't know Harry," I shook my head. "I mean maybe? He mentioned a few good friends of his from school so yeah, it's a possibility, I guess. Why?"

     "These friends. Did he mention any names in particular?" Harry's face had gone pale, and I couldn't help the confusion that showed on my face. What was it to him?

     I shrugged – this wasn't something I often thought about. "Erm, no sorry, none come to mind. "I can ask my mum if it's that important to you?"

     "That's okay," his face seemed to fall, and he became incapable of eye contact. "Was there a James mentioned, by any chance? That you know of?"

     "Oh, yeah," I said, with a slight nod, still puzzled with what significance any of this had to him, "James rings a bell."

     "Right," Harry croaked. Any remaining colour drained from his face. "Thanks, y/n. That's . . . that's really helpful."

     He then began to stagger backwards, as if this information had paralysed him. Finally, he turned around and began walking away from me, his head bowed in deep thought. "You're welcome?" I called out to him but the boy was now rounding the corner and I found myself alone in the corridor.

' ੈ˚ ❃ connie speaks!

500k???? nO fReAKiNg wAy.

THANK U<333 (even if i hate this book x)

stay safe everyone!

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