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He looked exactly the same except for that body. I guess he took going to the gym seriously, his body looked extremely muscular and well tonned.

The way his body moved when he threw the ball into the casket, not trying to be over dramatic but he did look like a Greek god out there.

The sound of the basketball suddenly stopped and those huge eyes stared right back into mine, they looked exactly as they were before, beautiful as always.
It took me some time to realise that I have been staring at him for a while. It felt like it was just yesterday that i stood in the corrider staring at him from afar and finally here we are, eye to eye.

He came closer to me in one swift movement I almost freaked out, damn he's fast.
" Why the hell were u staring, don't tell me you were spying on us, I never thought the falcons would use such a cheap trick on us". His brows crinkling the same way it always did when he got angry.

I just stood there for a moment not clearly knowing what to say cause I'm literally standing infront of my school crush after years of seperation.

I just cluelessly stared into his eyes while he glared right into mine. After a few more minutes of pointless staring, I somehow managed to spurt out the words " No". I never knew that it was this difficult speaking.

The words were there but my mouth just closed shut tight, It was a huge effort trying to open it.

Right after I had replied he growled louder,
"Then who the hell are you ".
I mustered all my strength and stuttered out the words ,"I-- I-- I'm a st--student form this college".
He looked at me suspiciously and said " From this school then, why haven't I seen you yet ".

" I'm new ", I replied regaining some of my lost strength. I showed him my ID cause I really didn't want to get into any trouble on my first day and am really not interested in being called a traitor even though I wasn't a part of this so called falcons anyway.

He stared at me for quite sometime until an awkward smile crept out from his lips. He ran his hands through his hair ones before looking at me and telling ,
"damn I'm really sorry there, I thought you were one of the falcons the opposing team and students usually don't come this early, that must have been the worst first impression huh". He asked kinda sheepishly.

He doesn't recognise me, I guess he forgot me. I should be happy afterall I didn't want any attention but deep inside I felt a bit Sad. He looked at me waiting for my reply I just nodded and told him it didn't matter.

" Well I better go clean off before the others come in , see ya ". With that he left leaving me alone to my thoughts.

~ If these tears were gasoline
                   I'd light a fire make you
Notice me~

-Notice me ( Alli Simpson)


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