5. LOVE PT.1

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Sometimes I wonder what makes me so sad,

There is so much I have,

But I am still empty from within,

It's like my heart is always crying.

It's those yearnings that I crave for,

Some love, just some love.

I hold onto some things, some people,

Because I am scared to let go, I don't want to be alone.

I'm scared to be without those I love,

I hold onto them because I want to, i need to.

Loneliness is not what I fear,

The thought Being alone is what makes me anxious.

It's because I need those who I hold onto.

I won't survive without them.

There are different kinds of love,

And love is both beautiful and exhausting.

I don't even realize that I am exhausted,

I am tired of merely existing and waiting for distant things.

Maybe that's why his songs hurt me so much,

Because they reflect everything I unknowingly feel.

He is right, it is the dread of loss that we fear so much,

And I have already lost so much,

That's why I close my doors and shut myself down.

But again, he says selflessness is also being selfish.

Well, love is selfish.

After all, we only hold on because we are scared to let go.

The warm feeling, the feeling that makes us feel real and complete,

We are scared to let that go.

But truly, we love to feel lively,

Love makes us feel alive.

Yes, it's scary, but it's also beautiful.

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