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ALEX SIGHED AS she walked past the boy's locker room, stopping as she waited for Scott and Stiles.

"It's like he just walked away. Left his car, left his dog." Scott started, Alex frowning as she remembered the text she received from Scott explaining the situation with a dog and his owner the previous night.

"Okay, was he like...did he- could he have been a virgin, maybe? Did he look like a virgin? Was he...virginal?" Stiles asked hurriedly.

Alex rolled her eyes from where she was. Stiles' obsession to the case was getting annoying.

"No. Definitely not. Deaton makes me have sex with all the clients." Scott replied sarcastically. "It's a new policy."

Alex chuckled.

"No, I don't know if he was a virgin." Scott spoke a few seconds later. Alex assumed Stiles hadn't found it funny, as the boy didn't reply. "And why are you talking like he's already dead? He's just missing."

"Missing and presumed dead because he's probably a virgin, Scott." Stiles replied, annoyed. "And you know who else is a virgin? Me. I'm a virgin, okay? And do you know what that means? It means that my lack of sexual experience is now literally a threat to my life, okay?"

Alex's eyes widened in surprise. Stiles is a virgin?

She then shook off the thought. I mean, what was I expecting, it's kind of obvious...

Her mind flashed to the time she lost her virginity to Isaac during the break before Junior year started.

After that time, Alex and Isaac were more comfortable with each other, and their relationship grew deeper.

Stiles' voice interrupted Alex's thoughts. "Okay I need to have sex, like, right now."

"Someone, preferably Alex, needs to have sex with me, like, today!" Stiles exclaimed, which Alex tuned out.

Alex's attention went back to the situation as Stiles' voice spoke once again. "Someone needs to sex me right now!"

"Okay, I'll do it." Danny's voice replied.

Alex laughed at this, covering her mouth so she didn't look weird laughing in front of the boy's locker room, supposedly for no reason.

Scott heard her and chuckled quietly, both him and Alex finding humour in the situation.

"What?" Stiles asked.

"Come to my place at nine. Plan to stay the night. I like to cuddle." Danny replied.

"That was so sweet, are you kidding?" Stiles responded.

"Yes. I'm kidding." Danny spoke, and Alex could hear him walking out of the locker room.

"Okay, you don't toy with a guy's emotions like that, Danny! It's not attractive, alright!" Stiles exclaimed.

Just then, Isaac walked up to the locker room door, smiling at Alex.

"Hey, babe. What are you doing here?" Isaac spoke, planting a chaste kiss on the girl's lips.

"Waiting for Stiles and Scott." Alex replied, the smile still placed on her face at Stiles and Danny's comments. "Stiles is so dumb."

"Right, Stiles...what did he do?" Isaac frowned at the mention of Stiles.

"He's just a doofus. I guess that's why we get along so well." Alex replied, Isaac nodding once.

"Right..." Isaac mumbled, looking away.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Alex frowned.

"No, nothing." Isaac shook his head.

"No, tell me." Alex's frown deepened.

"It's just..." Isaac sighed. "No, never mind..."

"Isaac, tell me. What's wrong?" Alex asked, becoming slightly annoyed.

"It's just that you've been spending a lot of time with Stiles. More than usual." Isaac sighed, finally looking at her.

"What?" Alex raised her eyebrows. "We're best friends, Isaac..."

"See? This is why I didn't want to tell you..." Isaac replied, beginning to walk into the locker room. "I'll talk to you later."

With that, Isaac walked into the locker room, leaving Alex confused and stunned.


Alex frowned as she glanced at the cross country group, beginning to follow them as they all began to run.

She knew Isaac was there, and she wanted to talk to him about whatever happened earlier.

Alex saw Scott, Isaac, Ethan, and Aiden run off track. She frowned and ran up to them.

Ethan and Aiden growled, turning into their werewolf forms, as Isaac and Scott did too. Alex didn't hesitate as she turned as well, getting ready to defend Scott and Isaac and fight the twins.

Before anyone could do anything, an ear piercing scream erupted from nearby, all teens turning back into their human forms as they ran to where the sound came from.

Alex saw Stiles and began to run up to him, stopping once she remembered what Isaac had said to her earlier. Scott ran up to Stiles, standing next to him, while Isaac stood next to Scott. Alex stood next to her boyfriend, not returning the glance Stiles sent her.

There, in front of them, was a dead boy, tied to a tree with a dog collar around his neck, his own blood all over him.

"It's him, isn't it?" Alex asked from where she was. Scott knew she heard the conversation in the locker room.

Scott slightly nodded, too focused on the scene in front of him to answer.

Alex took that as a yes.


Soon, Noah Stilinski, along with a few more police officers, approached the scene after someone called the Sheriff's Department.

"Get these kids outta here!" Noah exclaimed to the other police officers.

"Dad, just come here, look." Stiles ushered his dad over to the body, Alex, Isaac, and Scott glancing at the scene. "It's the same as the others, see?"

"Yeah, I see it." Noah replied. "Do me a favour. Go back to school, okay?"

Stiles frowned.

"Coach, give us a hand here?" Noah turned to Coach Finstock, who nodded.

"You heard the man, nothing to see here. Probably just some homeless kid." Coach exclaimed.

"Coach." Scott sighed.

"Yeah?" Coach turned to face Scott, Alex, and Isaac.

"He was a senior." Alex spoke quietly.

"Oh." Coach sighed, placing his hand over his mouth. "He wasn't on the team, was he?"

A girl screamed, running up to the body, only being stopped by a police officer. "Kyle! Oh god, Kyle!"

"Go on. Go." Noah spoke to Stiles, Scott, Alex, and Isaac, all four teens beginning to walk back.

"See the way the twins looked at him?" Isaac asked.

Stiles noticed that Alex had her sweater around her waist but wasn't wearing it. Wanting to be nice, he shrugged off his jacket, offering it to the girl to wear.

Alex smiled, about to take it, however, she once again remembered what Isaac had said, and remembered that he was right next to her. She shook her head, declining the offer as her smile faded.

Stiles frowned, Alex beginning to put on her sweater as she moved closer to Isaac. Stiles put his jacket back on.

"Yeah, you mean, like, they had no idea what happened?" Stiles spoke, starting the conversation again.

"No. No, they knew." Isaac replied, glancing back at the twins. Alex frowned, holding his hand, Isaac squeezing it gently.

"The kid was strangled with a garrote, alright? Am I the only one recognising the lack of werewolf-itude in these murders?" Stiles asked.

Alex agreed with the boy about the lack of werewolf activity with the murders, however, she didn't want to upset Isaac, so she kept her mouth shut.

"Oh, so you think it's a coincidence they turn up, and then people start dying?" Isaac argued, squeezing Alex's hand tightly.

"Well, no, but I still don't think it's them." Stiles replied, glancing between Scott and Alex and waiting for an answer.

"Scott? Alex?" Isaac asked, glancing at Alex. "How about you guys?"

"I- I don't know yet." Scott answered. Alex nodded, even though she agreed with Stiles.

"You don't know yet?" Stiles crossed his arms, his eyebrows raised.

"Well, he's got a point." Scott spoke, referring to Isaac. "Seriously, human sacrifices?"

"Scott, your eyes turn into yellow glowsticks, okay? Hair literally grows from your cheeks and then will immediately disappear, and if I were to stab you right now, it would just magically heal, but you're telling me you're having trouble grasping human sacrifices?" Stiles blurted in a hurry.

"That's a good point too." Scott sighed, turning to Isaac.

"Alex? Babe?" Isaac questioned, glancing at Alex. Stiles rolled his eyes at the pet name.

"I...have to agree with Stiles on this one..." Alex spoke, sighing. Isaac released her hand.

"Of course you do." Isaac muttered, annoyed. He continued as he glanced between the three. "Look, I don't care. They killed that kid. They killed the girl that saved me. And I'm gonna kill them too."

Before anyone could do anything to stop him, Isaac walked off.

"Great. Just fantastic." Alex muttered under her breath, rolling her eyes.

Stiles and Scott sighed, assuming that was for his little speech, however, the boys didn't know it was because Alex thought she had ruined her relationship with him.


"And no. He wasn't a virgin."

Alex stopped walking, frowning at the words. She glanced in that direction as she noticed the same girl that screamed Kyle's name before being taken by the police, and Stiles, who stood there, dumbfounded.

Alex already knew what Stiles had asked the girl, and she thought the same thing Stiles did.

Why was he killed if he wasn't a virgin?

Then, Stiles' father walked up to him, an angry look in his eyes. Alex's eyes widened as she was about to walk over to them, but stopped herself.

"Have you completely lost your mind? I've got four murders, Stiles! You see those men in there? That's the FBI. They're putting together a task force to help, because it looks like we've got a full blown serial killer on our hands. You get that?!" Noah exclaimed as he scolded his son.

"Yes, dad, I get that." Stiles replied, looking away.

"Then what are you doing?" Noah sighed, exasperated.

"Trying to find a pattern." Stiles spoke with a sigh. He glanced around, stopping once he saw Alex.

Alex turned around, but it was too late, as Stiles already noticed her and began to walk over to her.

"Alex, wait!" Stiles exclaimed as Alex began to walk faster. He reached her, putting his hand on her shoulder as Alex turned around.

"Oh. Stiles, hey." Alex spoke, giving him an unconvincing smile.

"What's going on with you?" Stiles frowned as he noticed the change in her behaviour.

"Nothing. I'm fine." Alex lied.

Stiles' frown deepened as he knew Alex was lying. "You're not fine, Lex."

"Stiles, I'm telling you, I'm fine." Alex replied, still lying, and hoping Stiles would drop the topic.

"Okay...well..." Stiles frowned, moving on. "Do you wanna come with me? I'm gonna stop by Kyle's locker."

"Sure." Alex sighed, ignoring the part of her brain that was telling her to say the opposite.


Stiles and Alex were examining Kyle's locker, until a person slipped a card in.

"Boyd?" Alex frowned as both her and Stiles glanced at Boyd.

"I didn't know you were back at school." Stiles added.

"Yeah, uh, I would've told you, but we're not actually friends." Boyd replied with a frown.

Alex stifled a laugh.

"Oh yeah." Stiles spoke. "Hey, so uh, did you know Kyle?"

"Yeah. We were in Junior R.T.C. together." Boyd replied.

"So, you two were friends then?" Alex asked the bigger werewolf.

"I only had one friend. And she's dead too." Boyd replied. He walked away a few seconds later, Alex and Stiles sighing.


"You know that there's a temple in Calcutta where they sacrifice a child every day, that's every day a dead baby, every day Lydia! Hey, do you know what today is? Dead baby day. Oh wait, every day is dead baby day!" Stiles exclaimed as he and Alex followed Lydia, Alex rolling her eyes at Stiles' over dramatic attitude.

"Alex, how in the world do you put up with him?" Lydia questioned as Alex shook her head.

"No idea, to be honest." Alex sighed as she and Stiles fell into step with Lydia.

"Why did you tell me that, Stiles?" Lydia questioned a few seconds later, referring to the dead baby thing Stiles had just talked about.

"Because Scott's dealing with the alpha twins." Stiles sighed, Lydia stopping, causing the other two to stop as well. "You didn't know about the twins?"

"Alphas?" Lydia frowned.

"Ethan and Aiden. Alphas. Surprise." Alex sarcastically spoke.

"Oh yeah. Yeah, I knew about them..." Lydia spoke with a frown as she continued walking, Alex and Stiles once again, walking beside her.

"Okay, good, so look, I already explained this to Lex, but here's what I'm thinking. I'm thinking the murders maybe come in threes." Stiles started.

"Ancient people love things in threes." Alex added.

Stiles continued. "Maybe first is virgins, and then, maybe, I don't know, people who own little dogs."

"I own a little dog." Lydia responded with a frown. "I am not getting rid of my dog!"

"Would you just think about getting rid of your little dog?!" Stiles exclaimed, Alex sighing. She knew Lydia would never get rid of Prada, no matter how much you'd bribe or try to convince her to.

"No." Lydia replied simply. "And by the way, you cannot discern a pattern by a single data point, so stop trying."

"Wh- okay, so I'm supposed to wait around for someone else to die then, huh? I'm supposed to sit there and watch them die?!" Stiles exclaimed, Alex frowning at him. "Just wait for them to wither up and die right in front of me?"

"Wither?" Alex and Lydia spoke at the same time, frowns placed on both their faces.

"You know what I mean, die in a hideously awful, strangulating, head bashing, throat cutting kind of way!" Stiles exclaimed.

"Maybe it's not your job." Lydia sighed. At this, Alex frowned.

"You said it yourself, they were strangled with a garrote. That's a human thing to do, so maybe just leave the 'figuring it out' part to someone human." Lydia added.

"You mean like my dad?" Stiles questioned quietly.

"No. I mean your dad." Lydia replied as she began to walk away, rolling her eyes as the bell rung for the last class of the day. "The sheriff!"


"Hey, Stiles, wait, before you go to Deaton's-" Alex spoke as her and Stiles were outside the school, about to head off to Dr Deaton's clinic. The two had a free period.

"Wait, 'you?'" Stiles interrupted, frowning at how Alex didn't say 'we.'

"Yeah, I'm gonna head home. Do some extra studying." Alex replied. "Also, tell me what Deaton says."

"Uh, yeah...yeah, sure." Stiles nodded. "Can I at least give you a ride?"

"Yeah, that would be great. Thanks." Alex sent the boy a small smile as the two got in his Jeep, Stiles beginning to drive in the direction of Alex's house.


Alex received a text from Stiles that one, let her know everything he and Lydia found out from Deaton, and two, let her know that he was coming down to see how she was doing.

Suddenly, Alex's phone rang. It was Isaac.

"Isaac?" Alex frowned.

"We need to talk..." Isaac spoke over the phone. "I'm at yours now."

With that, Isaac hung up, Alex frowning at her phone. She walked down to the front door, opening it for Isaac, who walked in without a word and went straight to her bedroom.

Alex closed the door behind Isaac, following the boy into her own room.

"What's going on?" Alex frowned as she crossed her arms, closing her bedroom door. She sat on the edge of her bed.

"I think we need to break up..." Isaac inhaled a breath, releasing it a second later. "I can't do this anymore, Alex."

Alex tried to stop her voice from wavering, however, as her heart dropped in her stomach, she couldn't prevent it from doing so. "What? You- you can' this?"

Isaac shook his head. "I can't just ignore the way you look at him and the way he looks at you...hell, you can't either!"

Tears began to sting Alex's eyes. "Wh-who..."

"Who else?!" Isaac exclaimed, feeling tears sting his own eyes. "Stiles!"

Alex flinched at the outburst, tears beginning to fall from her eyes.

"Look, I just..." Isaac sighed, calming down. "I think we'd be better off as friends. And I really want to stay friends. I do."

Alex didn't respond as she looked away from Isaac, trying to stop more tears from falling, however, she was unsuccessful.

"Alex. Can we please stay friends?" Isaac asked softly, his gaze set on Alex, who was looking down and still trying not to cry.

She wanted nothing more than to crawl under her bed covers and cry out all the tears.

"Alex...please..." Isaac added, his tone hopeful.

Alex let out a shaky breath as she closed her eyes momentarily before opening them again. "Yes...we can...but I'll need time..."

"Okay." Isaac nodded, a few tears slipping down his cheeks. "Sure."

Alex didn't say anything as she didn't look at Isaac. She couldn't.

"I'm sorry." Isaac spoke after a few seconds of silence between the two. "I really, really am. Please know that."

Alex, once again, didn't say anything as she glanced at the ground, avoiding his eye contact.

"I still love you." Isaac added. "I do. I love you. So much."

Alex closed her eyes tightly. "Stop saying that."

This time, Isaac's heart dropped. "What?"

"Do you regret anything that happened between us?" Alex sniffled, finally looking at him again. She felt fresh tears sting her eyes as she glanced at the boy.

Alex's voice broke as she barely got the three words out. "My first time?"

"All the other times?" Alex added as her voice wavered.

Tears began to slip down Isaac's cheeks. "No. Not at all."

"Then why?" Alex asked softly. "Why are you doing this?"

"You love him." Isaac spoke, his own voice wavering.

Alex closed her eyes tightly, clenching her fists at her sides.

After a few seconds, she reopened them, only to find Isaac gone and her bedroom door open.

Alex couldn't hold in the tears anymore as she began to sob. Her head fell in her hands as she continued to cry, ignoring her phone, which began to ring from next to her.

She received a few texts, however, the girl was too distracted with her crying, a million thoughts flurrying around her mind.


Stiles frowned as he stood outside Alex's house. He sent the girl a few texts and called her just to let her know, however, the girl didn't answer.

He knocked on the door. When he didn't get an answer, he twisted the handle, surprised when it was unlocked.

He started to panic, trying to reassure himself. Okay, it's fine. Maybe she's just in her room and she forgot to lock the door. She's fine. Of course she's fine. She's not in danger, not at all. She's fine. I hope...

He immediately walked in, wanting to make sure she was okay. He closed the door behind him, making sure to lock it as he began to walk in the direction of Alex's room.

"Alex?!" Stiles called as he walked up to her room. He heard her muffled voice coming from her room, but couldn't put what was happening together.

"Hey, Lex, I sent you a few texts and called you but you didn't answer, is everything-" Stiles walked into Alex's room, stopping at the sight of her crying. "Alex?"

Alex's head snapped up to look at Stiles in surprise, as she was too distracted to hear him come in. She stood up immediately.

Stiles frowned at the state Alex was in. Her eyes were red and puffy, her cheeks slightly tinted pink and stained with tears.

"What happened?" Stiles spoke softly, walking closer to the girl.

"Nothing- nothing happened, I'm- I'm fine." Alex spoke as she sniffled, looking away from Stiles, embarrassed that he was seeing her cry like this.

"You keep telling me that, but you're clearly not." Stiles frowned as he gestured to the girl. "Lex, what happened?"

Alex stayed quiet, inhaling a shaky breath and exhaling it a second later.

"Lex...?" Stiles asked softly, walking closer to the girl.

As more silent tears escaped her eyes, Stiles reached over and gently wiped the stray tears away with his thumb, Alex glancing up at him as she was a few feet shorter than the boy, to already find him glancing down at her.

"Isaac...he...he broke up with me..." Alex started quietly.

"What?" Stiles frowned. He couldn't think of a single reason why anyone would want to break up with Alex Carter. She's literally perfect.

Alex nodded, looking at the ground. Stiles engulfed the girl in a soft but reassuring hug, wrapping his arms gently around the girl's torso.

Alex relaxed in Stiles' arms, her arms going around his neck and shoulders gently, her head nuzzling in the crook of his neck as she began to softly cry once again.

One of Stiles' hands went to cradle the back of her neck gently as he softly stroked her hair, planting a soft kiss to her head.



just your #1 stalex stan back again with another boring ass chapter 🤪✌🏼

seriously I love alex and stiles so much. I honestly wish zoey was in the show and alex actually existed. if that happened, stalex would be cannon PERIOD.

also I swear to god I love isaac, he's literally baby, but for the sake of this book and stalex, I had to break isaac and alex up because they just don't suit in my opinion :(

if you ship alex and isaac I apologise, but don't worry because they'll stay friends. you'll get your isalex brotp again :) also I broke them up because this is sorta the start of allison and isaac's relationship, so...just to be clear I don't really ship them, I love scallison too much 🥺

anyways, I promised y'all another chapter, so here it is 🥰 I hope you enjoyed it !

—voidelmslie 💌✨

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