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ALEX FOLLOWED STILES into the chemistry room, Scott following after the girl.

"So then she starts talking about phosphors." Stiles started hurriedly, referring to the girl he was kissing at the party. "And the key having chemicals on it, right? So that made me think of the chemistry closet and the fact that someone had to let Barrow in."

Both him and Alex walked up to the board, expecting the numbers and letters to be there, however, they weren't.

"There- there were numbers here." Alex frowned. "They're gone."

"Doesn't matter, though." Stiles replied as he walked over to the closet, Alex following. Scott glanced between the two, confused. "I've still got the key."

He tried unlocking the closet, however, the key was gone.

"What the hell?" Alex frowned. "Stiles, did you take it off or something?"

"No, I swear to god I left it on here." Stiles replied, frowning. "I had it here. I had it here this morning- I swear to god, I had it this morning."

"The key you were talking about last night?" Scott questioned with raised eyebrows.

"Yeah, I showed it to you, right?" Stiles asked. "Didn't I show it to you?"

"No, you just told me about it, I never actually saw it." Scott responded.

"I saw it though, it was on his key chain." Alex added, glancing at Scott.

Stiles made his way to the board, Alex and Scott following. "Alex and I were here a couple hours ago. And the message to Barrow spelling Kira's name was right there on the board in both mine and Alex's handwriting. And I had the key to the chemistry closet."

"So, you two unlocked the chemistry closet so Barrow could hide from the cops, and then you guys wrote him a message to kill Kira?" Scott frowned in confusion.

"We know how it sounds." Alex blew out a breath.

"But look at this." Stiles added, pulling out a piece of paper. "It's a newspaper reporting about Barrow when they caught him about the Shrapnel bomb that he used. See this? See what he did? He put in nuts, bolts, and screws, and then he hid the bomb and the detonator in a box that he wrapped as a birthday present."

"Sound familiar?" Alex raised her eyebrows.

"The joke we played on Coach." Scott realised, glancing at Alex.

"It was our idea." Stiles spoke, gesturing to him and Alex. "That's no coincidence, it can't be."

"I don't want it to sound like I'm trying to tell you you're wrong, but I don't think you guys are trying to kill people either." Scott responded, glancing between Alex and Stiles.

"We don't wanna be cold blooded murderers, that's for sure." Alex blew out a breath.

Stiles rolled up the newspaper, his hands shaking at his sides as he glanced at the board. "It was here, it was all here."

"Are you guys feeling okay?" Scott frowned. "You both look really tired."

"Yeah, as usual, I didn't sleep at all." Alex blew out a breath.

"I'm fine, I just haven't been...sleeping, really..." Stiles added.

"Why don't you both go home?" Scott suggested. "Take a sick day or something."

Alex nodded.


Instead of going to their houses, Alex and Stiles went to the hospital to see Melissa.

"Doctor Gardner's not back until next week, do you wanna try waiting for one of the urgent care doctors?" Melissa spoke to the two, glancing between the teens. Alex and Stiles both frowned as they didn't feel too well. "Alex, Stiles? Are you alright?"

Alex released a shaky breath.

"I don't- I don't know." Stiles breathed as his eyes began to water. "I guess not really."

"Alright, kiddo." Melissa started. "Come with me. You too, sweetheart." She glanced at Alex, who nodded and followed after them.

"Alex, you'll be in this room." Melissa spoke as she gestured to the room opposite the room Stiles was going to go in. "And Stiles, you're in here."

Alex nodded as she walked into the room.

"Stiles, I'm just going to talk to Alex for a second, and then I'll come back and talk to you, okay?" Melissa spoke to Stiles, who nodded. "Just sit on the bed in that room while you wait."


Melissa was sat across from Alex on a chair, while Alex was sat on the bed, her hands trembling as they rested on her knees.

"Uh, lack of concentration, migraines, anxiety...more than usual..." Alex started as she explained her symptoms, Melissa writing them down.

"Panic attacks?" Melissa questioned.

Alex gently nodded. "A few at night...oh, and my werewolf eyes glow randomly, but that might be the result of a magical tree."

Melissa stopped writing and glanced at Alex, letting out a small chuckle. "I recall something vaguely about that, yes." She moved on. "How many hours of sleep are you getting?"

"Eight." Alex responded.

"A night?" Melissa questioned as she continued to write the symptoms down.

"This week." Alex replied as Melissa stopped.

Alex glanced down at her hands, which were still slightly trembling.

"Been feeling irritable?" Melissa questioned as she walked over to get a needle.

"No, not particularly." Alex frowned.

"Impulsive behaviour?" Melissa questioned.

"Not really...except for one occasion..." Alex sighed as she remembered her impulsive actions last night when she kissed James.

"Vivid dreams during the day?" Melissa asked.

"No." Alex responded, shaking her head.

Melissa glanced at Alex as she walked over to her with a needle.

"Do you know what this is?" Alex asked as she glanced at Melissa, referring to her condition.

"Yes, I do." Melissa nodded. "Acute maintenance insomnia."

Alex frowned. "Inability to stay asleep during the night."

Melissa nodded softly.

"Uh, what's that?" Alex gestured to the needle.

"Do you trust me?" Melissa asked.

"Of course." Alex replied, nodding.

Melissa lifted Alex's sleeve up, placing the needle point on her skin and gently injecting the girl's shoulder, Alex glancing at it. "It's Midazolam. A sedative."

"This is to help me sleep." Alex glanced at Melissa.

"Correct." Melissa sent the girl a smile. "Have I ever told you how clever you are?"

"Yes, a few times, actually." Alex let out a weak smile as the sedative began to kick in.

Melissa smiled as she spoke softly. "Lie down."

Alex nodded gently as she lied down, Melissa pulling the blankets over her body.

Alex gripped Melissa's hand tightly before the woman could walk away.

"Get some rest." Melissa whispered as she tucked Alex's hair behind her ears and out of her face. She released Alex's hand.

Alex nodded softly as her eyes fluttered closed. "I love you, mom."

Melissa stopped, glancing at Alex, however, the girl had already fallen asleep.


Stiles woke up, his eyes fluttering open. He got out of his bed slowly and walked over to Alex's room.

He noticed how she was sleeping and carefully opened the door. Usually, he would let her sleep, but this time, he felt different. Impulsive.

He carefully opened the door and walked in quietly. He crouched down next to the bed Alex was sleeping in and gently tapped her shoulder. "Lex. Lex, wake up." He whispered, however, Alex didn't wake up.

Stiles frowned. The sedative was supposed to wear off by now. As if on cue, Alex's eyes fluttered open, the girl frowning at how Stiles was by her bed and not sleeping. "Stiles?"

Stiles nodded, standing up. "Come on."

"Where are we going?" Alex's frown deepened as she got out of her bed. "Where's Melissa?"

"That's who we're going to find." Stiles responded as Alex nodded, the two walking out of the room.

They walked into a room, expecting Melissa to be there, however, there was no sight of her.

Suddenly, two creatures known as the Oni appeared behind the pair, Alex and Stiles turning around in surprise.

The Oni growled, however, not making a move.

"Run." Alex whispered, the two then trying to run the other direction, however, another Oni appeared and stopped them from doing so.

It walked closer to Alex and Stiles, the teenagers stepping back instinctively.

If Alex could control her transformation, it would've given the pair an advantage.

The Oni raised its hand to Stiles' face, its eyes glowing a fluorescent yellow. Not werewolf eyes, that was for sure. More like fireflies.

Before the Oni could mark Stiles, Stiles grabbed its hand. He glared at the Oni as he suddenly plunged his hand into the creatures chest, a yellow glow emitting from its body.

Alex widened her eyes, releasing a shuddering breath as Stiles took his hand out, opening it to reveal a weak, almost dead firefly. The Oni disappeared into thin air.

"Stiles?" Alex asked quietly, her breathing shallowing as Stiles turned around to face her.

Stiles smirked mischievously as he then cupped Alex's face roughly, Alex wincing. She put her hands on Stiles' to try to take them off, however, whatever was possessing Stiles was stronger, his grip tightening.

A black substance passed from Alex's face to Stiles' hands, Alex's mouth falling open at the immense pain. She winced as she released gasps. Whatever possessed Stiles was taking her fear.

Stiles' own mouth hung open as his eyes rolled back slightly, his body trembling with power.

Alex felt her mind slowly be taken over.

She didn't know what by, but she knew she couldn't control her own mind much longer. Suddenly, a jolt of energy passed through Alex, Stiles, or whatever was possessing him, finally letting go in satisfaction.

He didn't take all her fear, as he knew she would be useful. He gave her just enough power to be of service to him and let him control her mind.

Alex slightly stumbled back weakly. Stiles grinned, glancing at Alex.

Alex closed her eyes tightly, her eyes opening abruptly after, her werewolf eyes glowing briefly. The girl wasn't in control of her mind anymore. Whatever was possessing Stiles had taken over her mind too.

Suddenly, the two Oni remaining plunged themselves into Alex and Stiles' bodies, giving the two more power.


Scott opened the doors, finding Alex and Stiles standing in the middle of the room alone.

"Alex, Stiles, you guys okay?" Scott asked.

Alex and Stiles glanced at each other before turning around, putting on an act.

"Yeah. Fine." Stiles responded normally.

"All good, actually." Alex added. "What's been going on?"

The three walked out of the room, leaving the weak firefly to die.



this chapter officially starts alex and stiles' connected possession. whew. buckle up, it's gonna be a rollercoaster.

just a psa, as I said a few chapters ago, these next few chapters might be shorter than usual, so just letting you know :) I'll still try to make them longer by adding in as many scenes as I can though, just don't be surprised if they're shorter haha.

thank you all for reading, commenting, and voting 💜

—voidelmslie 💌✨

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