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motel california

mentions of suicide

* = skip that bit until you see the next *
skip the whole chapter if needed

ALEX SIGHED AS the bus halted to a stop. She stood up, walking out of the vehicle, Stiles, Scott, Lydia, Allison, and the rest of the lacrosse team following.

"I've seen worse." Scott blew out a breath, Alex frowning.

"Where have you seen worse?" Stiles frowned.

Coach suddenly blew the whistle once again, catching the group's attention. "Alright, listen up. The meet's been pushed to tomorrow. This is the closest motel with the most amount of vacancies and least amount of good judgement when it comes to accepting a bunch of degenerates like yourselves. You'll be pairing up, choose wisely."

Scott grabbed Alex's arm immediately, sending her a hopeful look. Alex gave him a grin, not noticing the glare Stiles sent Scott.

Scott glanced at Stiles and shrugged, a cheeky smirk placed on his face.

Alex looped her arm with Scott's, Scott taking the key from Coach as they walked in the direction of the motel entrance, Stiles following the two, an annoyed expression placed on his face as he took a key.

"And I'll have no sexual perversions perpetrated by you deviants." Coach added with a frown. "Got that?! Keep your dirty little hands to your dirty little selves!"

Alex turned her head slightly to face Coach, a mischievous smirk placed on her face. "No promises."

Stiles' head snapped to look between Scott and Alex with wide eyes, Scott stifling a laugh at Stiles' expense.


"Alright, so I have four suspects." Stiles started as he rested his head on Alex's thighs, Alex's legs dangling off the side of the bed.

"Four?" Scott frowned from his position lying on his bed.

"You have four suspects?" Alex added, raising her eyebrows.

"Yeah. It was originally ten." Stiles responded, Alex frowning as she glanced down at the boy. She lightly dragged her fingers through his hair, gently beginning to play with it.

Stiles slightly widened his eyes, blushing slightly at the feeling. He cleared his throat and began to speak again. "Well, nine, technically, I guess, I had Derek on there twice."

"So who's number one, Harris?" Scott questioned, glancing at Stiles.

"Just cause he's missing doesn't mean he's dead." Stiles huffed, trying to ignore the satisfying feeling of Alex playing with his hair.

"So if he's not dead, our chemistry teacher is out secretly committing human sacrifices..." Alex clarified with a confused frown.

"Yeah, I guess that just sounded better in my head." Stiles glanced up at Alex from where he was.

"Well, what if it's somebody else from school?" Scott asked. "Like, do you remember Matt? We didn't know that he was killing people."

"Excuse me?" Stiles raised his head from Alex's thighs, moving to stand up and walk to the window, still facing his two best friends. "I'm sorry, what? I- yes we did, I called that from day one, actually."

Alex glanced from Stiles to Scott, an amused smirk placed on her face.

"But we never seriously thought it was Matt." Scott replied, sitting up.

"I was serious." Stiles spoke. "I was quite serious, actually. Dead serious. No one listened to me."

"I did." Alex frowned. "Sorta..."

"Who were the other three?" Scott questioned, changing the subject back to the main point of the conversation.

"Derek's sister, Cora. No one knows anything about her, and she's Derek's sister." Stiles explained. "Next, your boss."

Alex glanced at Scott with a frown.

"My boss?" Scott frowned.

"Yeah, your boss. I don't like the whole 'Obi-Wan' thing he's got going on, you know? It freaks me out." Stiles sighed.

When Scott didn't answer, Stiles frowned. "Oh my god, have you still not seen Star Wars?"

Alex chuckled, remembering the time Stiles forced her to watch the movie.

"I swear if we make it back alive, I will watch the movie." Scott replied.

"I swear, it just makes me crazy." Stiles breathed.

"Who was the last one?" Alex changed the subject.

Stiles sighed as he sat down next to Alex. "Lydia."

"She was totally controlled by Peter and she had no idea, so..." Stiles explained as he rested his head on Alex's thighs once again, Scott lying back down on his bed.

Alex heard a whisper from outside the door. She stood up, Stiles' head falling onto the bed. A frown took over her features as the whispers were getting louder.

"Alex?" Stiles asked, frowning as he lifted his head.

"Alex?" Scott frowned, mirroring Stiles' actions as Alex walked up to the door.

"I'm just going for a walk. I'll be back soon." Alex mumbled as she left the room.

The whispers were now progressing into audible words, Alex frowning as she followed the direction in which the voice came from.

* The voice became recognisable to the girl. It was her mother's voice. And it was coming from the roof.

Alex walked past Lydia and Allison's room, following her mother's voice.

She stood on the rails on the stairs, and from there, she jumped onto the roof, curious as to what was about to happen.

She looked around, frowning when nothing was there. Before the girl could walk away, her mother appeared behind her. "Hi sweetie."

Alex turned around in surprise at the voice. Her mother was standing on the edge of the roof, beckoning her daughter to come closer.

Alex didn't hesitate to walk closer to her mother. She stopped when she was a few centimetres from the edge.

Her mother sent the girl a warm smile, however, a chill ran up Alex's spine. She shrugged it off and thought it was the wind.

"Mom?" Alex asked, her voice soft.

Her mom nodded, the same smile that used to comfort Alex still placed on her face. "You've grown so much."

Alex huffed a small chuckle. Seconds later, she frowned. ", why are you here?"

"What are you talking about? I'm always with you." Her mom replied, her head slightly tilting to the side.

"What?" Alex frowned. "Mom...seriously...what are you doing here?"

"I wanted to talk to you, sweetie." Alex's mother replied, emphasising the last word. When Alex didn't respond, her mom continued. "That Isaac boy seems nice."

Alex sighed, looking away. "Yeah, well, that didn't last..."

"I wonder why." Alex's mother spoke sarcastically.

Alex knew where she got her sarcasm from.

"Wait what?" Alex frowned, glancing at her mother once again.

"It's obvious, darling." Her mom responded. "Nobody loves you."

Alex was taken aback. "Wh-what?"

"Let me repeat myself. Nobody. Loves. You." Alex's mother replied simply. "This is why Isaac broke up with you. And this is why nobody will ever love you. And do you know what the funny thing is? It's all your own fault."

" is that funny...?" Alex felt tears sting her eyes at the mention of Isaac. "No...that's not's not my fault at all..."

"Oh, but it is. It very much is, Alex." Her mom spoke, smirking.

"You're lying." Alex blinked away more tears.

"Why would I, your own mother, lie to you?" Alex's mother responded.

Alex stayed silent. Her mother tilted her head slightly. "Aw, sweetie, it's okay. You didn't mean to do it. Come here."

Alex glanced at her mother. She took another step forward, stepping onto the ledge.

"Nobody will ever love you, Alex." Alex's mom spoke, her eyes darkening ominously. "Even your so called friends. Stiles, Scott, Lydia, Allison. You think they actually care about you? They only use you for your powers and nothing more. You're just a waste of space to them. No one will ever love you, darling. That's the truth. And it's all because of you. You're worthless. Useless."

More tears began to fall from her eyes. The girl started to slowly believe her mom. After all, why would her own mother lie to her?

"But me? I would never hurt you. Or lie to you. You know that, right?" Her mother added, gradually persuading the fragile girl in front of her. Alex softly nodded.

"I have a way to fix everything." Her mom suggested, Alex sniffling and glancing up at her in question.

"Take your claws out and hold them in front of your stomach." Alex's mother started. "Can you do that for me, sweetie?"

Alex nodded, her claws coming out at her sides. She positioned one of her arms in front of her, her claws inches away from her stomach.

"Move a little closer to the edge." Her mother added, Alex taking a small step forward.


Lydia frowned, hearing a muffled voice coming from the roof. "Stiles wait."

"What, do you hear something?" Stiles frowned.

"A voice coming from the roof." Lydia spoke, glancing up at the roof, only to find Alex standing there, her claws inches away from her stomach, and standing on the edge.

Stiles' eyes widened as he ran up the stairs, Lydia following.


"This is the only way." Alex mumbled to herself as more tears began to fall from her eyes.

"Alex..." Stiles started quietly, Alex turning around to face him and Lydia. "Alex, what are you doing?"

"Nobody loves me. No one will ever love me." Alex sniffled, more tears beginning to fall freely from her eyes.

"What are you taking about? Alex, please come down." Lydia softly spoke, both her and Stiles slowly walking forward, Lydia holding the flare behind her back.

"Don't- don't come closer. I'll- I'll do it. I swear I'll do it." Alex breathed, both Stiles and Lydia stopping immediately.

"Okay...okay we won't." Stiles nodded, his heart beating rapidly as he began to panic. "Lex...please come down. We can- we can talk about it, okay?"

Alex shook her head. "What's there to talk about? You hate me. Everyone hates me. I'm a waste of space and I'm only dragging you all down with me."

"No. No, that's absolutely not true." Lydia shook her head as she and Stiles took another small step forward, Alex not noticing.

"Isaac broke up with me because of me. I can never escape myself...I can't..." Alex breathed, stepping back one step and closer to the edge, both Stiles and Lydia jolting forward.

"No! Alex, don't, please!" Lydia exclaimed.

"Why?" Alex sniffled. "Maybe if I end it, you guys will be free. Free of me."

"No, Alex, I swear to god, life would suck without you. You mean everything to me. I can't- I can't lose you. We need you, I need you." Stiles replied, stepping closer to the girl. "Please, Lex, just get down from the ledge...please..."

Alex slowly shifted her claws back in, her arm slowly removing from its position in front of her stomach. "Promise everything will be okay...?" The girl's voice broke.

Stiles nodded. "I promise."

Alex slowly took a step off the ledge. Lydia took that as her opportunity. She rolled the flare over to Alex's feet, Alex snapping out of the daze she was in.

"What the hell just happened?" Alex frowned, wiping away the stray tears.

Stiles ran up to her, engulfing the girl in a tight hug. "Never do that again, okay? You scared the hell outta me."

Alex hugged him back. "I would never do that. Ever. I don't know what got into me..."

The two pulled away, Stiles staying next to her as Lydia walked over to them.

"It's happening to all the werewolves." Lydia sighed.

"What? How come the flare snapped me out of it?" Alex frowned.

"It's the heat. Heat snaps you out of it." Stiles sighed.

"Who else got affected?" Alex asked, glancing between Lydia and Stiles.

"Ethan, Isaac, Boyd, and you so far." Lydia blew out a breath.

"What about Scott?" Alex frowned.


"I can't find Scott anywhere." Allison sighed, walking alongside Alex, Stiles and Lydia.

"It's happening to him too, isn't it?" Alex frowned.

"It has to be. Didn't you say there was another flare in the bus?" Lydia replied, glancing at Stiles.

"Yeah, I'll get it-" Stiles spoke, but stopped himself at the sight of Scott standing a few metres in front of the group, a flare in his hand and gasoline all over him and the floor.

"Oh my god..." Alex breathed as Stiles wrapped one arm around her waist for reassurance for both him and the girl, keeping Alex close.

"Scott..." Allison spoke slowly, walking up to the boy, Lydia, Alex, and Stiles following her. "Scott?"

Scott glanced between the group sadly. "There's no hope." He rasped.

Alex felt her eyes water slightly, Allison tearing up too.

"What do you mean, Scott? There's always hope." Allison breathed.

"Not for me." Scott paused. "Not for Derek."

Alex felt a tear slide down her cheek at the mention of Derek. She moved closer to Stiles, feeling his grip on her waist slightly tighten.

"Derek wasn't your fault." Allison's voice broke. "You know Derek wasn't your fault."

"Every time I try to fight back it just gets worse." Scott replied quietly. "People keep getting hurt. People keep getting killed."

", Scott, it isn't your fault, okay? It's never your fault." Alex spoke softly, a few more stray tears falling from her eyes.

"People keep getting killed because of me." Scott replied sadly.

"Scott, listen to me, okay?" Stiles started, squeezing Alex's waist for reassurance. "This isn't you, alright? This is someone inside your head telling you to do this."

The poor boy had already had a heart attack when Alex was in a daze, and now Scott was in one too. The only two people in the world he cared about the most were about to die.

"What if it isn't?" Scott breathed, tears beginning to fall from his eyes. "What if it is just me? What if doing this is the best thing that I could do for everyone else?"

"No..." Alex shook her head, trying to hold her tears in.

"It all started that night. The night I got bitten. You guys remember the way it was before that?" Scott glanced between Stiles and Alex. Stiles and Alex gently nodded, tears pricking their eyes. "We were...we were nothing. We weren't popular. Stiles, we weren't good at lacrosse."

Scott paused, releasing a shaky breath. "We weren't important. We were no one."

Stray tears fell from both Stiles and Alex's eyes.

"Maybe I should just be no one again..." Scott breathed. "No one at all." He tightened his grip on the flare.

"Scott, listen to me." Alex inhaled a shaky breath, releasing it seconds later. "I thought about...doing that...for too long when my parents died." The girl started. Scott glanced at her, tears in his own eyes.

"Until I met you. Scott, you helped me forget all of that. Everything. All the pain, all the agony, the grief, the regret. You helped me forget everything. And I can't ever repay you and your friendship. Scott, you mean the absolute world to me." Alex continued, tears staining her cheeks. "Please don't do it...please..."

Stiles broke away from Alex to walk up to Scott slowly, Scott's attention falling onto Stiles.

"Scott just listen to me, okay? You're not no one. You're someone. Scott, you're my best friend. Okay? And I need you. Scott, you're my brother." Stiles breathed, walking closer to Scott. Alex walked closer to the two, following Stiles.

"So, if you're going to do're just going to have to take me with you..." Stiles spoke as he gently took the flare from Scott's hand and threw it away.

Allison and Lydia had tears in their own eyes as they watched the trio.

Allison, Alex, Stiles, and Scott were too distracted to notice the flare rolling into the gasoline, Lydia screaming. "No!"

Lydia covered Alex, Stiles, Allison, and Scott, as she pushed them all away from the explosion. *


"I don't wanna know. I really don't wanna know." Coach sighed as he walked into the bus, only to find Alex, Scott, Stiles, Lydia and Allison sleeping in the vehicle, Alex's head resting on Scott's shoulder, Scott's arms wrapped around the girl, Stiles' head resting on the seat he was sitting in, which was behind Scott and Alex. Lydia and Allison were sleeping in the seats they were sitting in too.

The teens woke up as Coach spoke, the other members of the lacrosse team piling into the bus.

"But in case you missed the announcement, the meet's cancelled. So we're heading home." Coach spoke.

Alex sighed as Ethan approached the seat Scott and the girl were sitting in. Alex stood up, Ethan sending a small smile to the girl, Alex nodding as she sat next to Stiles, who was in the seat behind them.

"I don't know what happened last night, but I'm pretty sure you saved my life." Ethan started, glancing at Scott.

"Actually, I saved your life." Stiles imposed, noticing the looks Scott and Alex sent him. "But, not that it matters that's a minor detail..."

"So I'm gonna give you something." Ethan moved on, glancing at Scott again. "We're pretty sure Derek's still alive."

Scott, Alex, and Stiles shared surprised glances.

"But he killed one of ours. That means one of two things can happen. Either he joins our pack." Ethan added.

"And kills his own..." Scott spoke in realisation.

"Or Kali goes after him, and we kill him. That's the way it works." Ethan finished, standing up.

"You know, your little code of ethics there is sort of barbaric." Stiles spoke as Ethan began to walk away. "Just, FYI..."

Alex went to sit back down next to Scott, moving seats, Stiles leaning over to talk to the two better.

Coach walked past, Lydia frowning at the whistle. "Coach, can I see your whistle for a second?" She didn't wait for an answer as she took the whistle from his neck.

"Hey, I'm gonna need that back." Coach frowned, moving over to talk to Ethan.

Lydia frowned as she blew into the whistle, her hand covering it, however, there was something else blocking it.

She frowned, Alex, Stiles, Scott, and Allison frowning in confusion too.

Lydia revealed her hand to the group. There was a crushed, purple substance. "Wolfsbane."

"So, every time Coach blew the whistle on the bus, Scott, Isaac, Boyd, Ethan, and I..." Alex realised.

"We all inhaled it." Scott finished.

"You were all poisoned by it." Allison added.

"So that's how the Darach got in their heads." Stiles frowned. "That's how he did it." He quickly took the whistle in his hand and threw it out the window, ignoring Coach's calls.

"Hey, hey, hey! Stilinski!" Coach exclaimed as the bus drove off.



I actually love scott and alex's brotp, they're so cute 🥺

I hope you enjoyed the chapter even though it was a bit dark...

as always, thank you for reading, voting, and commenting 💓💓

—voidelmslie 💌✨

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